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_: � .. � . . �RY•'"na':/.!� -!•..-�nYi� .:_� -'^-T� S7f1� — . . .. <br /> . .. - - . .. � -. � .. . , . •.s . � ev: i'.. �Timt'_ --_ � <br /> „ . . . . . . ., " , - ',+u:•—c� -� . <br /> .. . " � .. . �+�� ° <br /> .. c --�.�li►�M�el�ea�i�..�1�cL�w�a■iirc�1d i�r tWll M�rr tlhr�lrllil��R�ti . - <br /> .—-- �i1�f��Of�11 tltlf�ii��w�'al`�- ��'C��..�"-_--:- <br /> , I�dlrti a�Alav ar� 10 NoM�t 1.rrier'S�i�IM ll�aartr iRaooad�a p1r��'►. . , � <br /> A11 Yiwrrra ��b iA�p bi'�po�p�a l�ei�r�nd�ll 1ncMde��hniMrl�e�y�aYrr� l,MMI,N� , <br /> .IrY havr�ei�Mt a d dN pollci�a�d nMw��h.�h �'iwMir�.lknowsr�iull praaquf�r siw�a lwe�dR aM�4a . <br /> at pw p��ad�enaw�l aaioe�, ia eb�evea d 1oM, �U�tve Ptanp Aodo.a Il�r iw.he.a�ni�t w1 , <br /> ° i.ioda.�drr�q►.tm�lt�e p�oof of loM if uot ro�de p�timptly�sa�o�w�r. <br />, 1lnl�a Lsndir a�d Bannw�ah�rwiM ipse in wriHn�,ie�urina elu�ll be�pplMd b wMO�rtia cx irp�t d <br /> � ry���ty drn�d,it tbe r�MOfM1on or np�it is aooewnd�Uy We�nd Lenderti Mcurit�b pot 1�. �li� . <br /> a rop[r L not eco�m�icvly�e ot t.endetk recuritp would he MWened.tbe ir`,en�noe poo�M �41fl w <br /> �pplied a�he awn��eaued by dd:Sa�eicy G�nunan�.whaioer or aue dba due�wid��ny exceu p�d tu SarawW: K <br /> Barrovrar�1�idoro tia doa not waver wlthia 30 day�a notioe fnom L�ender dwt die M�oranoe o�rriK i� � <br /> otllerod a sepb a cldm�tUat Ge�tderm�y rollect the�ce p+noeed�. I.eodnr m�y we Rla prooeed�to rop�ir or tMlom <br /> tho Propetty or ta p�y wnu�acu�ed by thl�Secueity I�.w�dd�r ar wt tban due. The 30�day period anll bKia�Ma <br /> trie notice is givca. <br /> Unlas Ixnder old Bortowa atherwLo�ee in writiqR.�ay iw�ioo at prooeeds w p�iacip�l�11 qot axMed or <br /> postpone�he due due oF die monthlY WY�ietenrod w ia pr�1�nd 2 or ch�nQe the�t of Wepa�ne�M. B <br /> unda p�r�gr�ph 21 the Propert�r is aoquiied by�Lend�r.Bamwer9 d�bt b�ny io�uranco poltCia*nd pt�o�oee-�t ae�ufNi� <br /> lnw�imreac� imro�ed�Lte��F %ithe��dH�on. tioa�bW p�a to Londa to da o�uaae d the awu�ecurod by d�S�cw�b <br /> i. OocnpMC�yPr�rxtvafi��ta�aoe ad Protecilon o� tbe �Ba*+a�erti La� AM�Ik+�Ywi <br /> �Bamwer rh�ll oc�cupy.esqblish.�ad use the P�apaty as Barnwerh r�,si�teooe wllbin�tY d�y�+A�t , <br /> Secu�y i�t md titall cominua bo occopy IhaRop��a Ba�n�rvcr's p�a�,�i�a�i�:e i�•+'Wt <br /> least ono yeu aRer tha date of aceupno�cy� unless Lenda att�er�vise apees iu writin�. wdich caumt �dd1 not be <br /> wu�e�w�ubly wlt6held.or unlesa exta�uWng cincwnstu�oes exiet which ane beyc+�nsi Bormwer4 oa�Ntol. Bamwor sb�U aot ' <br /> destroy.d�►tia�ge or impoir the Property.allow the Property w deteriiorate.or oommit wagte on tba Prnpaty Barmwer th�ll <br /> be in dei�ult if any forfeitw�action ar pmcxedio��whethar civil w atimin�l.h begVa thu la�derSt good f�th jud�nent <br /> could t+eauU in forfeiwro af the Pbpe�ty or otherwise mueriaU�� :�P�+patr Ihe liet�c�eated by thit 5ecurity In�tdumait ar <br /> La�derSa security inte�est. $ormwer may curo sucb a def+wlt u��a�,$tate,ps prov..i�d in p�eph 18.bY c�u��e�eHoa <br /> or proceedtng w 6e dis�aissed with�ruling thu,in Lender�a gao�l fuit�de ut{oh,Piocludes farfeidue of tbe Bamwery <br /> gao <br /> inanest ia the PropeRy c+r cnhet mated�l imp�im�cnt of the licr+�re�(ed by s Secudty Inatru�tient ar I.enderti sxudty <br /> intere.c� Hmrower ahh10 ulao be ia default if Horrower. du�ing the loan appliaulon prooess. gave rtwterfdly fa1ac or <br /> inaccurate infmmuion ot eiaten�ents ta Lender(or fAiied to providq i..ender with eny matedal imfomwion)in cap�ctiat with <br /> the lo�n evidet�ced by the Note. includ�a�.but a6t'limitod w. napresentaHana conceming Borrower� of the <br /> ' Prope�ty as a principal�es7�once, If th{e Security Itisar+i�ent is on a leAaehold.�ormwer shall comply vv�tb�1��vl�ian� <br /> � of the leue. p l3orrower aoquiriet fee tlde W the Pmperry.tho lea�ehold nnd the fe,�atk ahdl not ma�e u�de�s Lznder� <br /> to the mager in writing. <br /> 7. Yratecdoo of I.ender's Righte in the Property If Borrawer fails to perform the covenants aiid ageements <br /> conteined in this Security Instrument, ot there is a kgal proceeding�that may signifcandy affect Lender`s ri$hts;e <br /> Prope►ty(such as a praceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnnaion ar forfeitu�e or w enfu�e lews or reguladons),then <br /> Lender may do and pay for whatever is necxssury to protact the v�lue o;the Property and Lender�s dghts in the Prope�ty. <br /> Lender�s actions may include paying any suma securecl by a lien which has priority over this Securiry Instrumem.appearing <br /> in court,paying reasonoble attorneys'fees and entering on the P�apeny[o make repairs.Although I,ender m�y W�e�ctian <br />� w�der this paragraph 7,Lender daes not have to do so. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lendcr under thls paragraph 7 shall become addidonal debt af Borrower secura! by this <br /> Security Inst�umcnt. Unless Borrower ond Lender agra to othet tcrms of payment.these amounis shall brar intercst ftan tha <br /> date of disbursement at the Note rate and sh�ll be payable,with interest, upon notice from Lender to Boaawer reqtKSting <br /> paymen� <br /> 8. Mortgage Inaurance. If Lender �equi�ed mortgage inaurance as a conditlon of making the loan secured by this <br /> Security Inawmen� Borrower shall pay the premiums rcquic�ed to maintain the mopgage insurence in et�'ect li, for eny <br /> rcason, the mortgege insurance coverage roquired by L,ender lapses or ceasca to be in effect. Bortower shaU pwy thc <br /> p�miurns required to obuin coverage substantially equivalent to the mongage insurance previously in eft' u cost <br /> aubstantielly equivalent to 1he cost to 8orrower of the mortguge insurnnce previously in effect.from nn utternote mortgage <br /> insurcr approved by Lender. If substentially equivalent mortgage insurance caverage ia not available,Bomower shall pay to <br /> Lender each mnnth a sum equal to one-twelfth of 1he yearly mortgage in9urance premium being ps�id by Borrower when the = <br /> insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. L.ender will accept,use and retain these pnyments ns a loss reserve in lieu <br /> of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required,at the option of Lender,if mortgage insumnce <br /> coverage(in the amount and for the period that Lender requiresl provided by nn insurer approved by Lender agaln becomes <br /> uvoileble and is obtained. Bomower shall pay 1he premiums required to muintuin mortgage insumnce in effect,or tu provide a <br /> loss reserve.until the requirement for mortgage inyurance enda in uccordance with ony written egreement belween Bomower <br /> ancl Lender ar applicable law. <br /> 9. Inspecdon. Lender or its agent muy meke rcusonable entries upan und inspections of the Property. Lender shell <br /> give Botrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cuuse for the inspection. <br /> !0. Coademeaflnn. The proceeds oF any award or rinim for damages,direc�or consaquential,in connection with any ' T <br /> Singb Funfly•-F1onk M�dFYrddk Mae UNIF(NtM INS7'ItUME1vT••Udform Covenmtc !!90 f/.'a�e j nf 6 paResl <br /> cra�late.e.we.yaw.Ya■ <br /> To Ihder GI!Ii0Q63DY013 O IA161i111•It�l <br /> �. <br /> - -�.�, ��a ic..._-- . . _7 . .�.� �s ' t'R�f�, .� ��-. <br /> - �`-c�r . . � .4't� n�1 �i �k.i �I'R�. ,�:%I,r��� - <br /> n� µ- �- -�'l _ ' '. � � F:,i� !� .'.'.)'y a..`\. 1L• �11�.- . <br />-- ���irY.+.;l.�cn.1,__ .. ,.� .• .-+. °� . 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