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�....� �__ .� � � _ <br /> � �: ^"�,�'� �n . --. ._,.. nnt�r�#7.�....-i-'.k�rk�•t•w:..._..--.---:-. Y`- - .�.,.� <br />- . . � ^ . � „ . . . , '� . . . �:x ..-y�'�- -=���-- <br /> ' , . . - � - ._ , .T� . . Y.N.�asW Y:-��::�%'S •�V�_ <br />. . . _ . . '�*.' . ��._.__ <br /> _...'��►A�#r1�!I�11M1�1►11r11t ar r1PdIM��!�l01!�41!� 'L!��..t� <br /> _ . _. _ -�' " ..r"^aw�7.i�i"�+`�t ii�i'"''w .,.,^����IFsY�1��-Y�iMI �M���w� - " <br /> �� �p�MM�111��I IO�IN r���IIr�M 1��7►� • � v—� " <br /> iORRO�oov�ll�1'S aw saro+wr►��arlWy�or�:..ple eneEa7'��+�M M•i.�t Io��t '� ..: �_ <br /> �ad oanw�r�r uwl qut d�s Px�p�q►i�o�bered,e�ccapc ta Mqpnbe�noa d reaorA. 1lonewK w�e��d <br /> MU d�d��tNM b the Proparty y*w YI eld�and dearodr.�ea oo aoy aictimb�d t�eaa�. , � � <br /> THIS 88L11RR"Sf 1N97'RUA�+17 po�nbines rnifa�,ovr�r�F fa �atlond we aad nos�Ncna ovrrw� wiM�,,. ' �.;. <br /> � l�nitrd v+rl�aiaar by juriWfictlw�w a�titiu�a ui�dtonaa�ty iatt�uu�tat raver2np cea!wopetty. . . . . <br /> UN�RM C�OVBNANT9. Bamw�et nd l,ader aarvanmt�nd�nee aa fdlorvr: ' �� .�; <br /> 1. lp�t af Pr4dpd s�d IMawti 1ti'rl4�a�W�M CIwr�M. Baeun�er�lul!I��Y P��whan�d�o <br /> �Ihi�in�aa�t oa�he debt evWenced by the Mo�e�nd�nY P�Y��nd i�e cA�due uuda�Ihe . <br /> tlor'h�a�i I�a�os. Subject ro sppUcabla bw or[o�wr�tten waiver by L�euder.Bamwa�11 p�y w <br /> l.eader on tl�e d�9�91�Y�uo due uadar tba Note.unW the Nate i�paW ia tuU.�sum("Ru�ds'7 tar(�)Ye�ly <br /> tuca�nd u�ment�wfiic6 may u�ia pdaity mnx t6i�Sacurity Instnuuant a�lian aa�de P�opertyt(b)y�uly leue�a�d <br /> q! n�aa�s or �and r�enp an the Ptaporty. if any: (inwr�noe�p�cmiumc, If an�(��p�yb jby�to <br /> i��oe pr.�i�a.iE�uy: (e) Ye�iy mo�tga�e <br />�ceoid�ooe vri�Y the po�ri�bs�a�p�ra�ph 8.In liw of tbo pymet�t of moR�e Lwaaiaoe pnaa�um�. 7lx�e <br /> i�am,�e a�llod T�rarr Iwn�." l.eoder myr��t,m�Wne�coUect and bo{d fiu�da in an unowt not w ezoe�d 13e aau�#rw.oi <br /> moitnG a�laider far� tedar�lly reWod m�a�e�ma�t poquine for Aurrowul�aa�nw axaunt w�der d�e fafad Real ' <br /> Fatate Sep{ement P�dura Aat uf 1975 u�fiam rime b mne, 12 U.3.C.�2601 et seq l'RESP14'�.uolet��o/Inv� <br /> Vw d�aPWie+p�tho Ra�sefs�t�sar�mouot. U w.i.aider mn►.,u aay U�me.oollect and hold Ii�ia�a�na�nt a�a►1.±��, <br /> exL�dt ti�iesyci'ei,xriLY. 1x�uterc uwy rsiinwlC li�e �u�Nwwc uT Fwwbc uiu�w d� b�iQ at cw�a�t 3��ad�tonsble <br /> atLo�tes of expa�didues of fuwre Esc�ow Iteras or dhawise in�ccoidr�ce wit6applicabb law. <br /> 'IUe Fund��11 be heW in m fattiwtion wi�o�e deposits uo insurod bp�fidenl agency.imwva�uqllty.a eatiq' <br /> (including L�ender.if Ley�der is auch an instltutian)a in aey Federal Hane L.aan BW�. Lender e�NU�pply the P1mds w pay <br /> tde Fscrow Items. LeMer may �a1 Charge Borrowa fa holding and apply�ng tho Rmds.a�u�wlly�naly�1be acrow <br /> aocou�nt. a ve�ifying the Fscmw Items. w�ks:Lendet paya Bomower intarst on the H�nda md applicable law permiu <br /> l,a�der w maice wcb�chnrge. However.Lender may reqube Bonnwer to pay a one-time ch�uge fa nu�independera�ed <br /> dbte tu rqioning savioc used by lrender in ca�u�ecdao wlth thia loan,unless Applicabk law provides olhervvise. Unlas m <br /> �roeman is m�cb or applicable t�w Rquin�inte�+est to be paid.l.e�xkr siall not be roquirod W pay Banawer any it�,!est or <br /> eanings m the Ra�de. Hamwer md l.ender may agroe in writ�.however.�hnt interest shall be paid on tho I�luids. l.cnder <br /> �ball give to Bormwa. wiUaw chuge,an�nnwl aucaw�dng of the Ru�ds,showing crodits and debits to the Hu�ds apd the <br /> puposo fa which ach debit to the Fluids was made. The Fi�nds�u+a pkd�ed�s sdditlaaa!security for�11 wms saciuo�by <br /> this Secudry Inatrumait. . • <br /> ff iiw An�i�io1 S.� i.�,�r ax�zd itie�rnowits p�rsniucd tu ba hti�:t�3r ap�slicabl� lsw,i.�:sd..-r stsaft �t� <br /> Homuwu for�he eaoe�:.IPo�nds in acca�dance wlth the roqui�+emaus of applac,a�+9e 1aw. If the amount of the Fimds held by <br /> I.aKler at any time ia not�ut�iclent w pay the Escmw Items when due.Lander may so notify Bomnwer In wridng, <br /> such cxse Bmrower ahall pay to[.ender the amount nxess�y to make up�he deficiency. Barrower si�ll mdce up the <br /> deficier�e.y in no mo�e than twelve mon�hly payments,at 1.enderY+saie disc�etion. _ <br /> Upon payment in fa11 of all sums secured by this Security Inswmem, I.endar shall promptly rofund ta Borrower any <br /> Wnds held by L.ender. If.under paragruph 21.I.cnder shall acquine or sell the Psoperty.Lendar.prior to the acqufsido�ar <br /> s�k of the Hvperty.ahall apply any Ftinds held by Lender at the tima of arquisilion or sale as a c�dlt ageinat the awns <br /> secu�ed by this Secudty InstrumenG <br /> 3. Applicatbn ot Pnymenls. Unless Applicable law provides othenvfse,all payments rcceived by Lender iu�der <br /> paragraphs 1 end 2 siiall be applied:first,a any prepayment chuges due under the Note; amounts payAble under <br /> pusgra�sh Z;third,w interest principal due;and las�.to any Itue charges due under the Note. <br /> 1. Charga; I.kus. Borrower shall pay all texes,assessments, cha�ges, CMes and imposilions attribumble ro t6e <br /> Property which may vurin priodty over this Security Instrumen�,end leusehold pAyments or ground rents,if any. Bortower <br /> shall pxy these obliga�i�ns in the m�nncr provided in paragraph if not paid in Uwt man�r.Aarower shall pay them on <br /> tirt�e di�ctly to Ihe persmn uwed pnyment. Borrower shall promptly iumish to L.ender all not+ces of amounts to be paid under <br /> this parugrnQh. lf Horrowet mekes th�se payments directly.Borrower shall promptly fuml.rh to Lender receipts evidrncing <br /> the paytr+ents. <br /> BoROwor sha10 prc�mpUy discharge any lien which has priori�ty over this Securiry Inswment unless Borrower.(a)agrees <br /> in wtitin�;to lhe payment of 1he obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender,(b►contests in gaod falth the <br /> lien by,vr defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal pmceedings which in the L.ender:s opinion operate to prevent the <br /> enfarcemeat of the lien;or(c)secures from�he holder of the lisr�an agreement satisfactory to Lender suboMinat�ng the lien <br /> to this 5ecuriry Inatrumen� If Lender determines that any pan o(ihe Property is subject to a�lien which may attein priority <br /> over thi�Security Insuutnent.L.ender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall sotisfy the lien or take <br /> one or more of the actions set forth above wi�hin 10 days of�he glving of nwice. - <br /> S. Hazard or Pruperty Iosurauce. Borrower shall keep the improvementa now existing or hereafter erected on the <br /> Property insured ugainst loss by fire.hazard.g included within th.tcrm"extended coverage"and any uther ha�ards,including <br /> floods or ltooding.for which Lender�equires insurance. TQ+is insur,�nce shall be muintadned io Ihe amounts and for the <br /> Fqtiq J028 9H10 (pogt 2 oJb pagerl <br /> y_ <br /> __ � �_`i�����yv.+w�:t�� . ' t 1u " <br /> _ ' 1.-Il .Y'f t"r!1{''�'� t�'} �\� _ • 1' . �}�j�v,�:�f �. 'ii�;}'�^r:�,�'4_,.�{"-calpf`nJ�. � 1 ,�r�{ �}J`. <br /> , ,.. v\: <br /> - ��.- ,�� + �' . . , ,•. ; :111(/e%k Y y�;we,�. L 5t,.t.,.. ... � �.x� <br /> 1�rlst`txti� , .- . . i _ , rt�V% r�% � d,�:.rt,' � _ r. 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