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_ __ ,_.� . . <br /> �h�j. z . - . , ..�:-.:'}�h�•����y�r::n� a-;rr. .-N.v 9.�� .�/�t^,- . -. . '-'.... . . . .. .�.- ,.,-- <br /> . _ ._ - . . . � - . .._ _. . . . .. . ... .. . . �����w . '��: <br /> \ <br /> �►�N�,N�iOti re 1r1M�d b j/ Z.Of dlMl�f•�0�I�oY�t d'MIOM�yM�d/• /�JI�Q��� <br /> -—•�--. '���b�i�IlUiii��dDCY ii0�'ii{�iC�:���!�lC1�� � �. _ . _-_ <br /> � �. l.ladllf 1�OO�OCt�Oq�C���by�$OCIiO�• <br /> � Of'�r 1�P AE011lydiM O�I11MR. <br /> ��)D�rM. I.onder may.exoept M lfimitad by re4nl�tiooa i.�by the Secret�ry in the coe a[payWeat defioiW. <br /> . wq�iie�6sn�i�lep in AtU d d1 aums�ecured by tbb�S�cvriry Lrr1r�if <br /> d�;�t►Y f�n�oo pYy ln ttiu wy moal�r Wr��bY�+��Y�P� <br /> W a an die doe dsoe af t6e aext monthlY P�r�+a <br /> (ii)Barowa dehuW by tailina�.fa�peeiod af d�iKy daya�to perfam�ay dbar obli�+daw c�ioed ia ddi <br /> � (b)Si�Crs�it AO/rw�i. Z�tler sl�ll,if pamitoed bq appUcabb lew md widi the prlar�pp�vvd of tbe <br /> �e�etaey.ro9uLe�uned�e p►Ymeot io fbll of all tbe iwna�ecwed by thls Socutity L�eauaoent iL• <br /> (i)�►11 oc pat of tha Pmpeit9.a a beocfictat i�tarst in a unat ownin�vl or p�t ot die Propaty�L mW a <br /> aWerwise tnurd�en�ed(at�ec t(un by devise or deACait)by d�e Bamwer,ntd <br /> (ii)The Prope�ty is not occupicd by tbc purch�ser oa��anta aa his ar her principel t�es�ence.a the purchasp' <br /> or �gmntce doat w oocupy the I�+ope»y 6ut bis or her crodit hu aot ban approved fo �ocadw�oe <br /> with the i'equiiements of thc Secre4cy. � <br /> (c1.No i�lvQts If ri�umstw�s occur thu waWd penait l.ernkr to requi�e imnbdiatc payment in fuU.but La�der <br /> dOCS I1Qt �UChpa y�n�,LCOdCf dOCi IIOt WY�ve�ts dght8 wjth�espoc t t0 6u�11Ept pYCntB. <br /> � (d)',Reg u�of HI.iD�wetary. In mmy cinunuunces rogulaHons i�sued by the Secreury wlll Wnft La�derti <br /> rights in�he Caaa of payment dcfaulta. ronq uiro hamedietc paym�t in fWll And fm�eoWce if notp�d. 'Ifiis <br /> Secur�ty Iasdwt�ent doea not aothoriu acceknuic�a or furecloawia it not permiucd by ncgnlatlans of thc$aMsry. <br /> (¢)Mart��Rlai lostttcd. Batrowtr agnxs dsat should this 4ecurity Lu�4uo4eat end 1ha nde aecurcd d�ereby not <br /> . ba eligible for insurAnce under the Nuiaul Houdag Acf wlthin �� <br /> d�tc heroof.La�der its optlon and aotwitluwnding anyd�ing in P�uxgrapb 9,nquire immediate ps�yment in <br /> full of sU auma r,sceu�d by t6ir 3ecurity Instnuneau. A wrluen statement af aey authbrized agem of the Secretery <br /> dated subsequent to from the date hercof.decUning to inatte dtis Securlty <br /> Inetrument and the note securerl U�ereby.ahall be deemed conclusivo proof of such ineligibility. Notwlthstanding <br /> the fongoing.this option mey not be exe�ised by Lender when Ihe unwvwilobiNty af inauranca is eolely due w <br /> Leader�f�ilure w romit a mortgage inswance premium to�he Sa�retary. <br /> 10. Itelnetatetnenf. Borrower has a right to be reiiutatal if l.ender tws required immediate payment in full because <br /> � of Borrower�s failw�e w pay en emount due undec tl�e•Note or this Secudty Instrument. This right epplias aven after <br /> . fotoclqa�we Proceedings ene instituted. 'Ib rcinstate the Securlty Inswment, Bormwer shall tender in a lump aum all <br /> amounta requited to bring Borrower�a account curnnt including.w the catent they au�e obligadone of Borrower under dds <br /> • 3ecuriq►Instrumen�toreclasure coats and reasonabie and cusromary auomeys'iees wni cx�i�a�p�o{feriy sssa,-faied wiih <br /> tde foreclosure proceeding. Upon�einatetement by Homowcr,this Secur�ty IrwttumeM end thc obligadona tbat it securos <br /> �all t+emeln in eifect es if I.ender had nw�equined immediate payment in full. Hnwever,l.endcr is not requircd to permit <br /> roinetatement if: (i)Lcnder has acceptad reinstatament aftcr tho commencamant of foreclo�ure proceodings wilhin two <br /> foncloc�ure�on ditftcrpen�t gmuods in the futu�or(iii)reinstut�emtentwll adverpsely�eff'dicc�t�thei priori�y ofmthe lien c a�ted bY <br /> dus Securiry Instrument. <br /> 11. Borrower Not Released= Farbearana b l.ender Not n Walver. Fact6nsion of the time of payment ar <br /> modificatlon of amon(zation of the sums secured by th�s Security Instrument grnnted by Lender to any successor in inte�est <br /> of Bormwer sbnll not operoto to release the liability of die original Borrower or Borrower's succcssor in intercs� L.ender <br /> shall not bere�ui�ed to eommenceprocadings aguinst any euccessor in intenst or refusa to extend time for payment or <br /> otherwise modify emortizadon of 1he aums secured by this Securiry InstiumeM by reason of any demend mado by the <br /> origiod Borrower or Botrower's successors in interest. My forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall <br /> not be a waiver of or proclude the eaercise of eny dght or remedy. <br /> 12. Seccessors aad Assigns Bouud;Joint annd Several Liabllity;CaSigners. The covenents and agreements of <br /> this Securiry Instrument shall bind and benefit the successorr and assigns of Lender and Borrower.subject ta the provisions <br /> of Paragrnph 9.b. Bornower's covenanls and agrcements shall be joint and xevernl. Any Borrower who co-signs �his <br /> Security Insaument but dces not execute the Note; (a)is co•signing this Security Instrument only tu mortguge,grant and <br /> convey that Bomower�s interest in the Property under the tertns of this 5ecudty[nswment;(b)is not petsonally oblig�l to <br /> pay the sums securcd by this Security Instrument:w�d(c)agrees that Lender Lnd uny other BaROwer may ngree ro extmd. <br /> madify,forbear or make any accommoda�ions with regurd to the terms of this Securiry Inswment or the Note without thet <br /> Bonowerk wnsent. <br /> 13. NoNces. Any notice to Borrower provided for in�his Sccurity Inswment shnll 6e given by delivering it or by <br /> mailing it by first clnss mail unless ap �cable law requires use of another methad, The notice shall be directed to the <br /> Property Address or uny other oddress �orrower designates by notice tu Lender. Any rtotice to Lender shall be given by <br /> flrs�class mail to Lender's address xtnted herein or any address Lender desi�nutes by notice ro Borrower. Any notice <br /> Qrovidod for in this Security Inswment shell be deemed to have becn given to Bomower or Lender when given ns provided <br /> �n this puagraph. <br /> 14. Governing Lnw;5everablllty. This Securily In�trument �hull be govemed by Federul Inw und the luw of the <br /> junsdiction in which the Property is located. In Ihe event thut uny provision or clause of thiw Security Instrument or the <br /> 1Vote conflicts with applicabk Inw, �uch conflict shAll not uffert other pruvisions of thix Security Instrument or the Note <br /> which cnn be given eff'ect withaut Ihe conflicting provision. 7b this end the provisians of thi�Secudty Instrument and the <br /> Nae ure declared to be severable. <br /> 13. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shull be�eiven one conic►rmed copy of this Security Instrumen�. <br /> 16. As+rignment of Ren��. Bonower unronditionully uxsigns and trunsfer�c to Lender all the rents nnd revenues of the <br /> Prope�ty. Borrower uuthorizeg Lender or Lender�•rgent�lo collect the rents und revenues und hereby dirccts euch tenunt of <br />= the Properry to pay the rents to Lender or Lendcr's agents. Howaver,prior 10 Lender's notice�o Borrower of Borrower's <br /> bre�ch of uny covenant or ugreement in the Securi�y Instrument,Bormwer shall collect:u�d receive all rents nnd revenues of <br /> the Prnperry as uustce for the benefit oi Lender and Borrower. 'Il�is ussignment of rents constilutes un ubsolute assignment <br /> and not an assignment for additionul�ecurity only. <br /> !f Lender gives notice of breach to Borrow�r. (u)all rems received by Borrower�hall be held by Borrower u4 trustee <br /> fOf DG11CIl[Ot LCIIQCf OtllY,to oe appiieti eo tne sums secvred'oy irre�ecumy insirumeni: �uj i.c�nrcr�naii irc cniiiicu i.r <br /> mlkct and receive nll of�he rents of the Property;und(c►esuh ten+�nt of the Properly xhall pay ull rents due und unpaid to <br /> Lendar or Lenderk agent on Lendcr�wriuen demand to thc tenunt. <br /> Bortower has not executcd uny prior nssignment of the rents und ha+not und will not pert'orm any act thot would <br /> prerrnt Lender from ezerclsinp it�rights under this R►rn�rnrh Ifi, <br /> Lender shell na be reqmred to enter upon,tukc control of or muintuin the Pmperty before or•rf�er giving nutice uf <br /> breach to Borrower. However,Lender or a judicinlly uppointed receiver mny do so at any time ihere i.a brcuch. Any <br /> applicatiun of rents shull no!cure or wuive uny defuult or invulidute uny other right or remedy of Lender. 7'his utisignmrnt <br /> of rents of Ihe Properry shnll terminete when the debt secured by the Security Instrument is paid m full. <br /> 1/wR�d.�JI/wgrs► <br /> /� � � .. <br /> � <br />