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-_.�_ � , _. ._ . .. .. ....... . ."__°sir="':�77d�•-i9.en�� <br /> . 8�'��' .. <br /> L �[!MI■dMi.Ni�rrtlr!LMt CWf�. Danvw�i�M pqr wYw diM Ilr�el�drl a�r Ywr�M w, <br /> _ -- - _ - -- ��wt� Iry 11w NoM Mi i�a1��t��t»c t�. , -- <br /> �• M�!'w��'�•1�ra�a�MI dYr SoaowK�II i�el�is e�eb , <br /> eb�o�y <br /> �o�bWx wM��Y pri�ipd�sd i�M�+t�Mt�ia lr NoM� I�M chrMs��Yr�iu��t d�r �f�� <br /> (o)�p'�+�a��«e�ed ���Y,t�?�P�y�wMs ar Oad w�a�Ir�e�q:aai <br /> E�aA qoe�hly� for l�en�(a�(b)�ud(c)�4�SI1�qu�l aaatwdllh d IM�wrwl a�ow��,r wrarMl� <br /> erl�r�d by L�end�r� p� �s amown wf�at b m�isein�o �ddidao�l bd�oe ol'unt a�one 16w a�clk d 1M <br /> �t4prlpd,��nouots. 'J�e fWl ao�wdl aa�ount ta ach iMm�1W1 be aocuaml�lod b�►t.a�det�vid�in�priaf�edie�aM <br /> aioadi�lc ae ieea►MoWd becan deliequaM. iM,dr�hli hnW�e�owM�co11.�Md Is m�e a p�pr ilw�(a?�(b)aNd <br /> (o)��°y�°�0�°l�' w�th�be tunre aonWy <br /> u,c ny rime a�e ww of mQ�a�by l.enea for�oem.N�.ro�•u�c��. ��u�n oea�a�e <br /> pqnnents tor wcb ioaae p�y�ble m w 1be due daa of wch i�erra� <br /> e�tlm�ed ma+aic ot P�Sm�ants�ui�ed apsy iwch ioem�wben due.u�d if�p maw an d�O Na�e�e ca�,d�en Laoder <br /> ibwtl�er mflad tba eacca�ova aae-sixth of tbe e�timuad p�ts a t tbe excm ovar ooe-siutb d die ada�eed <br /> ro�9��P�Y�+bY the aptian af Mnwar. If tNe Wul of IM pryments m�de by Baroaar <br /> Item(a).N),ar(c)u inwf�iciau w p�y the item wtKn duc.lhm Borrowar�hall p�y�n Lmder aay�a�ouK aeca�ry►�o <br /> natce up the doficiwcy on or baf�e tho d�te Ihe item become�due. <br /> ! A�IHOd�II t�SOCUt���1tf4lIAICAf.M$OC(01�1'Y"f11Q�111 tI10 SOCIOtNfy OP HQItSjllg�UI�NII DOVQIapllpl�Or M�i Cf IIG' <br /> desi�ee la a�y yar in w eh the Lenda muap�y�martg�e iawru�ae promium�o die 3e�ea�y.eacfi a�omW9 P�Y� <br /> -; �hali dso include ei�her: (i) aa imt�llment oP tlia annuv mort�ge in�wrmce premium to be paid by L.aid�er w die <br /> Secrapry.or (ii)a monthly ch�rQe inste�d of�matg�ge iawrmce premium if dils Security In�tnmxat fs beld by t6� <br /> Secrcpry►. +L,�ch monthly inarlimem of the mortg�ge�inwr�nce p�emium�11 be in w�t�otiicient w aocumW�qs ihe <br /> — --— fofl amwd 6rn�u'�xe p�amium with Lert oee rtwnth pcior te the dnte U!e t�l!snn���!1 m+►itg�gu inar�noa _ <br /> � pemiwu is du�Saanetap';or lf thia Security Nstrume�t ia held b�r the Sac�etuy.eaah mamhly ch�rQe�b�p be in rn <br /> au�oiuit eqwl to one-twalRh of ona-half pen.�cnt of Uro outstanding prina�pwl Mlanca due w�d�e Nate. . <br /> ; U Bertower tendenq w Lender the fWl{wymonl of�11 sums secw�ed by�his Secudry Incuuma«Barowerg ucount . .; , <br /> ed�U 6e crcditod wlth the b�lance rem�ining for eU installments for items(a). (b)atd (c)aad my �Qiefund <br /> p�emi�pn inctallmBnt thet L�►der ha�not become obligual to pAy w the Sec�etary,and 4ender eball prompUy a�y <br /> exce�s funds w Bortower. Immediately prior to a fineclosune xale of Uro Property or ita wcqul�idan by Lendar.Barowerlt <br /> �ccount siwU bo credited wfth any balernx rcmaining for ull inatallments for items(a).(b)and(c). <br /> 3. A ot paymeate. All p�yments under Parag�aphs 1 and 2 siwll be applied by Lender as follows: <br /> -- - - .to the mo�t�age insuranae premium to be pnid by Lender to tha Samet+vy rn w�ho monthly ch�a by tbe <br /> — _— 3ecnter�inswd af the manthly mottgage insurence premlum; <br /> Std�'4dQ,w any taues�special asseument�.kasehold paymentc or�rot�nd reMF.aad firo.tlaod aad atber dar�ud <br /> ",.mm— ineur�urce premiums.ast�qui�ed: <br /> _— ��to it�ian�t due tuscicr tlta Nole: <br /> �•"�� •���j{,to amorlizrtion of the pdncipwl of the Nou; � - <br /> ;�, �.w late chsrges due under tho Nate. <br />•�� q, Flre,Ftood aad Other HwArd Insu�anca. Barrower shall insure all improvemenls on tha Property,whether now <br /> i in existence or subsequently erected,egainst nny hezazdc.casualtles,and contingencles. ineluding fire,for which l.ender <br /> requirea inaurance. 'lliia fnsurance shall he mainteined in 1he amounts and for the padods that Lender requl�es. Bompwer <br /> '� shnll olco�nsuro all improvements on the Property.whether now in existence or subsequently erected,egainst loss by tloods <br /> to the extent r+equired by the SeCratery. All inswance shall be carried wilh companles approved by Lender. 7Le in:uranoe <br /> policles and nny renewels shall be hold by Lender and shall include loss payable clauces in favor of,atd in a form <br /> accxptoblc ta.Lendcr. <br />_ !n the event of loss,Borrower shall glve Lender Lnmediate notice by mail. Lender mey malce proof of loss if not <br /> ��3� made promptly by Borrower. Each insurana company concemed is hereby authoriud and directed to mrice payment fot <br /> �,•� <br /> �.;, such loas di�cdy to Lender.instead of to Borrower and to Lendcr jointly. All or eny peR of the insurance procoods msy be <br /> appUed by ita option,either(a)to the reduction oP the indebtedness under the Note and this Security Instrumenl, <br /> fi�st to any delint�uent amounts applied in the order in Paragraph 3, and then ta prepayment of principal. or(b)to the <br /> `.;`� rastoradon or repav of the damagcd property. Any app8cation of the proceeds to the principal shall not eatend or postpone <br /> the dua dato of the monthly payments which are refemed to in Parugraph 2.or change the amount of such payments. Any <br /> — eacess insurence proceeds over un amount requlrcd to pay all ou�standing ir�lebtedness under the Note and this Securiry <br /> � � ..,,,, )nstrument shall be paid to the entity leg�lly entitled thereto. <br /> ••^�� In the ovent of foreclosure of Ihis Security Instrument or o�her transfer of title to the Propeny that extinguishes the <br /> ��_4,,�` :' indebtedness.all right,tide nnd interest of Borruwer in and to insurance policks in force shall pass to the purchaser. <br /> r' • S. Occupancy, Preservatlon, M�intenance And Protecdon of the Property; Borrower's Loan Application: <br /> - - ' I.easeholds. Bomower shall accupy. establish,and u5e the Property ns Borrower� princips�l residence within sixty days <br /> �l�t after the execution of this Securiry Inswment and shall condnue to occupy the Property a�Borrower's pdncipal residence <br /> _ , iti�� „ for at least one year afler the date of c�ccupancy,unless the Secretary determines this reyuirement will rnuse undue hardship <br /> {'� for Homower. or unless extenuating circwtislences exist which ure beyond Borrower:s control. Borrower shall notify <br /> �����!�.�,' � l,endera of eny extenuating circumstancee. Borrower ahall not commit wa�te or destroy,dumage or substantially ehange <br /> :� c ��::� the Prope�ty or allaw the Property to deteriorate,reasonable wear und tear excepted. Lender may inspect the Properry if�he <br /> �.;�.._ _: ptoperty is vacant or abandoned or the loan is in defaul�. Lender may take reavunable uction to protect and preserve such <br /> .:.:;:..,,w: <br /> �;;�,:.:�"�6F;' vacant or abandw�ed Properry. Bomower shall also be in default if Borrower,during the loan applicution process,save <br /> �+�c . materiallv false or inaccurate infarmAtiun or statements to Lender (or fniled to provide Lender with �ny material _ <br /> �;�1�1+, informat�on) in connection with the loan evidenced by Ihe Note,including,but not limited to,representations concerning <br /> t� •, ;� �, y Borrower�s occupancy of the Property as a principal residence. It Ihix Security Instrument is on a leaxehold,Borrower shall _. <br /> , v; comply with the provisions of the lease. If BoTrower arquires fee title to the Pmperty,the leasehold and foe title shall not <br /> .�� �, be merged unless Lender agrees to tlie merger in writing. _ <br /> �,�,���,;f 6. Charges to Borrower and Protection of l,ender's Rlghts in the PropeMy. Bornowcr,hall pay all govemmental <br /> ?�h;�a�y,�,: or municlpal charges,fines and impositions that are not included in Prragraph 2. Borrower shall pay these obligations on _ <br /> . ,,a�t tinne direcdy to the entity which is owed the paymenl. If failure to pay would udvers�ly affect Lender's interest in the - <br /> ir.. "-��� .upon Lender�s uest Bottower shall rom tl fumish to Lender recei ts evidencin �hese a ments. <br /> �,,,--__— Property �9 P P Y P ' 8 P Y <br />_�,�� — If Borrower fails to make these payments or the payments required by I�ragraph 2,ur fails to perform any other <br /> covenants and agrcements conteined in this Security Instrument,or there ia a legnl proceeding that ma�y signiflcantly nffect <br /> t_�� _t..a.�:..•t.�"------./.....1.�e a.w..�.+.l:wo :w I.an4n„vrv frv r��nMenn�liM nr tn nnfnrrP AWC flr IrO11I]NIA�IF� <br /> � .___--�Z:-�f'.'�",2;7� u�ryc�o u��..�w.......vp...y �w..........�....���.....e.....�.....�r.'�•._' '_"_'.._....'-"-' '- """" --'-- — •'o-----'--.. <br /> �' then Lender may do and pay whatever is necessnry ro prote�:t the value of thc PropeRy und Lender�rights in the Propeny, - <br /> � including payment of tanes,hazerd insurance and other items mentioned in Pnragroph 2 _ <br /> :j ?t.., My amounts diabursed by Lender under�his Paragrnph shall become An additional debt of Bomower und be secured <br />'.:, 9�a� My thi�Security Instrument. Tt�ese amounts shall beur interest from the date of di�bunement,At the Note rute,ond ut the <br /> �t_ __ aptiono f L e n der,s h a l l b e imm e d iate ly due a n d paya b le. r <br /> �'^"�°"�' R Condemn�tlon. 7he proceeds of su� award or claim for damages,direct or consequentiul,in connection wi�h any <br /> su <br />-.-�_��!?�".�•'�It:�.: condtmnation or other taking of any pv�t of e Property,or for conveycmce in pluce of condemnution,srce hereby�ssignrd <br /> �,�_�;�" � and slul!ba paid to Lender to the extent of the full nmount of the indebtedness thnt remnins unpaid under thc Note nnd this - <br /> __,Q,��,�;,,,� Security lnsvument. l.ender shull apply such proceeds to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Nute und this Security <br /> y�— InsWment, firat to any delinquent amounts applied in the order provided in Pumgraph 3, und thcn to prepuyment of <br /> principal, My applicatlon of the proceeds to the principal shall not extend or postpone the due date of the munthly <br /> - �..,;,�.�. � rpax�2�ya pugas► _ <br /> .3:. ,.r _. <br /> T�Itt'..r..`��3v- <br />