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� - ___ <br /> � ,.� , t..... <br />--a,-,.� , n�a <br /> ---�� � 9�=�0:�.�e , __ <br /> ' pe�riod�a�t l.eaaer reqNyw. The i�cartie�provldit�d�e Lwuraooe a1wU be da.en by Bonower t w I.�adarti <br />- _.�: ap�a�hi�bb ib�U not i�e naearon�biy rvi�id. tf�ar:o�r f�ts to t�cor�ver��e deRCribed�bow. a�ya q _. <br /> � L�d�ti optba.abt�ia lo Rotect[.a�derti r1�1N�in ehe ia�wooal�nce w�1b pr�pl�7. <br /> ' All iarunnoe poiicks�mae�ls tlW16e acx�pt�ble b I�Yiod�II iacbwb�qandard atort�+se clawe. I.ender <br /> �h�U lNVe d�e ri�M w hdd me policia�td ra�ewab.�f t.arda requiras.Borrower�lull pma�ply=Iv�e to I,.ender d!rooeipt� <br /> � �P�P�'�atd ronow�►1 aotica. ln the evau a!lo�.Barowar�luli=ive p�o�apt aotjoe to tbe iaawoae caRle�r�od <br /> Lwad�er. I.ader nNy m�ke proof bf loa itnat m�ds promptlyiry Harower. <br /> m� <br /> Unless La�der aM 8otrower atiro:wi�e ag�ee ia writ�ng.insiumoe poceeds�ull 6e�ppliod to ra+�tantioo a�epair af <br /> d�ep�p�t d�n�ed�if tho t�uxaaoa ar��ep�ir i�aonomicaUy f hb �nd LenderY:ecvrity�aot ks�eibd. if dre <br /> n�oo�atlon yar rep�r b not eomamic8ly ka�i6{e at Laiderti tacwiry would be kisa�ed.the inwranoe p�oaeerb �lall be <br /> applied to tfie swas sa�t+ed 6y tbis Sacwiry losatuoeat.w6ed�a or not then duo.with�ny excas pdd w iianpwrr. If <br /> Etarower�b�lonr the Penpaty.or daa not�uwa wWiia 30 day� a notke fiom l.ender 16at�be inwranoa carriet b�s <br /> ottaod w seple a c1aLq,tha�Ld�det may ootiect d�e ironnrnx pooeed�. l.anda may uso the prooeeds w r�ep�ir cr restae <br /> tAe a to py a�aas recu�ed by d�ia Sectrity I�trua�nt.wbdha�ar aot tUa�due. 'if ie 30�day period wjil bt�ia whea <br /> the is given. <br /> Uakaa Latider aad Bonower oUierwl�e aaree in writin�.aay applkation ot pmoeeds to princlpal�hall�ot e�tead a <br /> pastpone the dur.daoe of the monthlY P�Y�s�efcned to in paragraphs l aad 2 or changc the amount of the pyments. U <br /> uoder paragriQh 2l the Is�cquirod by L,dder.Bormwerlt right W any insuranoe policia and proceeds t+aWd.� <br /> frnm da�nage ro the Pt�opc�or w the xquisition�tWl p�w Leader w tUe extatt of the waaa�ecuned by this Securiry <br /> Imtnuneat imnodiACety prior co d�e uon. <br /> Ooc�cX Pnaervatioo. wd Protectioo of tbe Proputy; Borwwer'�t Lwi� Applkatio�: <br /> I..aee�oldR. Borrower shall acxupy.esqbGah.and uae the Ptoperty as Bomowah prL�cipal residence wlUiin sixry day�afoer <br /> - -� the eaecution of�hi9 Secerity Instne:s�ent�td she!!continue to occupy the Prope�ty es BorrovMer+s princlpa!nsidett�e for at - <br /> least a�e yeu ofter the date of occup�ncy. unless l.ender othuwise agroes 1n wridng, whlch cansent shtll not be <br /> unreasa�ably wid�held or unless extenu�ting circ�es exist which me beyond Bomnwenc�ontrol. Bonower shdl na <br /> destroY,dan�8e ar Imp�ir the Property.allow the Pmperty to deteriorate,or commic waste on the Properiy. Borrower ahall <br /> t+e in default if�ny forfeitw�e action or proceeding,w6ether civil or cdminal,ia begun that in Lender'a gaod feith judgment <br /> could iesult In fafeidue oP tite Pmperty or dhmvise materiWly impeir the lien crcated by this Socurity Instrument or <br /> L.enderh socurity lntercst. Bomnwer mny cwe such a defiwit and reinswu,as provided in pnragraph causin�the action <br /> or pro�xeding to be dismissed wlth a niling that,tn Lender's good f�ith deteRnination,precludes fodeiture of the Bomnwerb <br /> interest in 1hc Praperty or other material impairment of the lien crea[ed by �his Security Inswn�ent or Lender� secwity <br /> - intenes� Bo�rower shWl also be in dePault if Borrower. during the loan appllcatlon pro«ss. gave materially falae or <br /> _ inaccurate infomw�ion w statements to Lender(or faUed to provide Lender with any materiel Worn�aHHon)in connectlan wlt6 <br /> � the laan evidencxd by the Note. i�cluding, but not limited to. iepnesentations eancemfng Borrower�oecupancy of the <br /> - Property as A principal rosidence. If Ws Securiry Insdument Is on a leasehold.Borrower shell comply wlth all the pavisia�s <br /> - of Ihe lease. If Bortower acqui�es fee tide w Ihe PropeRy,thc leasehold and 1he tec tide shall nat merge unte�t I.eoder a�+ees <br /> -- tothe merger►n wtiting. <br /> 7. Prqtec.Hiou ot Lender's Ri¢hts in t6e Property. If Borrowet fails to perform the covenants and agr�eements <br /> contained io this Security Inslrument, or there is a legal proceeding thnt may significandy affect Lender5� righta in the <br /> Pt�operty(such as a proceeding in banlwptcy,probate,for condemnation or forfbiWne or to enforc�Iaws or�egulotions).tl�en <br /> ---=-i Lender may do and pay fur whatever is necessery to protect the vulue uf the Property and L.enderh righfs in the Propetty. <br /> = Lender's actians mey include paying any aums secu�ed by a lien which has priority over this Security[nsaumen�ap�pa�ring <br /> - in coun,paying reasonable uttorneys'fees and entering on the Property to melce repai�s. Although Lerder may W�o aetim <br /> --- under this pa�agraph 7.Lender does not have to do so. <br /> - Any amaunts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additianel debt of Bonower secwed by thic <br /> Security Instroment. Unless Borrowcr and Lender agree to other tcrn�s of payment,thesc amounts sholl bear intemst fmm tho <br /> ______ date of diabursement at the Note rate and shall be payable, wlth inte�st,upon naice from Lender w Barmwer reyuestin� <br /> ----- payment. <br /> --- 8. MortgAge InsurAnce. If Lmder reyuired mongage insurnnce as a condition of malcing ihe loan secured by this <br />—:,� Security Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiume requircd to mainiain the moctgage insurance in effect. If, for any � � <br />—°- �rason. the mortgoge insurance coverage required by l.ender lapses ar ceases to be in effxt. Borrower shaU pay the • <br />-�--� premiums required to obtain coverege substunuully equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effcet,at a cost <br />-''-��� subslantially equivnlent to 1he cost to Borrower of the mortgnge insurance previously in effecb fmm an alternate mortgage <br /> ;•�r; insurer approved by Lender. If substamially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not avnilable.Bo�rower shall pay to <br /> -:t,-���.� Lender each monlh a sum equal to one-twelflh af the yearly mongage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the <br /> ";�`,';�� insurnnce coverage lup.sed or ces+sed to be in effect. Lender will nccept,use und rewin these payments us a loss rcserve in lieu <br /> :{�' of mortgage iasurnnce. Luss reserve payments mey no langer be required,ut the option of Lender,if mortgage insurence <br /> �"'�= coverage(in the sunount and for the period tl�at Lender requires)provided by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes <br /> ��-,� av�ilable And is obtnined.Borrower shaU pay the premiums required to maintc�in mortgage insurnnce in effect,or to pmvide a <br />°: loss reserve.until the neyuirement for mortgage insurance ends in uccordance with uny written agr+eement betwcen Borrower <br /> � �`.� and Lender orupplicable law. <br /> 9. Inepection. Lender or its agent muy mnke reusonuble entries upon nnd inspcctions of the 1'roperty. L.ender shall <br /> give Borrowernotice ut the time of or prior�o an inspectian specifying reaconuble cuuse for the inspection. <br />.:.;��„� 10. Condernnption. The proceeds of uny awurd or cluim for damages,direct or consequcntial,in cunncction with s�ny <br />-:�, _- <br /> �i„'' Single�nlly••Fw�ok Madl+redd�e Moc UNIFORM IN$TRUM�N7'--Unifam Covenm�� 9I9Y 1 paX�3�jn J�aResl <br />'?�il,':, <br /> ,��j cnm We��vam��nc.■ � <br /> -:tS� fiQdeCW:1�00d309CiA1�PAR61<791•1191 � <br /> �d?ff <br />-"�:�/� - <br /> 41�_f ■.. <br />-«`�� h <br />..ti�'�C _ .. , ' �t^, ���� ,� <br /> ��\� ��° �-i ri�,.t � .'4��LN5!�I��`�l¢ ����r���•.��d. , Y Y' 141'�� . ts;.._ .. <br /> �Y�"r['� , . `__'-., , .,C� ,.,��,:''. . �t � -.... • .. . ���� <br /> ..,..�� . <br /> . . . , <br /> .�, , . . ,. �,i j� 1�`!F, r . ._.�:.�;..:.i�i+�.:., . .. , �. , <br /> �, . 1':r � �., � <br /> ,MfE+j �1, . . 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