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'�"._ : ._ �, :.'. .,�Ri�.t. '' AM�.4n!q>a-r n..w�,r.+�.� — <br /> _ • , � ...Y.A....' . . . '�_`.'�=.s."':': .. . . . . . � �..�11.ssL-.: �.�N •',� . .�,� �II1�I'��� F'� . <br /> � .1 • <br /> � ! <br /> 1• s"'� <br /> � .. .. .. . .r1 :... <br /> ' . . . ~1.�': <br /> -- 1�0�1�M�1��.i�i�■�wuwN��qr 4i!Mq�wor�i�i+_�o�e�►�wi;dl«r��rw1�. ,,�.,° <br /> __�ilh�waarw�tiwiu�►.��i�i�s_�yr._i[ - { - �w1:�,�rsx�+r�i�Y��; ---.--:='- <br /> . , �Airrt Ma(iY�br/oi�it�llnea a i�Il�ie�a�rib►Ti�ii�wt�si'll�ty." . . . _v <br /> SORRO'IYBR CO�IAI�f1J d�tt Swro�wr M la�rlr0y MY�d o[dM�M�u bwrb�r aa�vaxpd�ad Iw IIM drY p� � <br /> �ad ooavey dia rnd dwt Iba Pmpetty b rr�acu�nbaed.excep tar auaMabnrioer d reoa�d lWnowrr w�rrw�a�d <br /> wir di�d j��tt�e b 160 PIOpMty�aU cWnt atl dwad�wbjec.t bo apy�qa�M'MOn of noad <br /> 'ifdl SBCURf1Y INS7Rl1NJ�.N'1' combh� rNfarm oore�an far roMiotil u�e �ad so�-nAil�atm ao�orrlt wfl� - <br /> li�ind wri�am by j�ai�oa b oawitwe a uaifaea aea�rity lartrWr�ew cora�ityi ceal pupe+'ty. <br /> [1Ng+ORM COVBNA,M'S. Ror�r�nd l.cnder coren�nt aod apee�s fo1la+Mt: - <br /> 1. P�yrMM�f hl�el/�I�i 1��n�t a�/L.�Cwl� Borro�rei�II pon�p119 P�Y wb�n 4ie is <br /> ptiaeipl af aod�a+e�aa 16e debt evider�cod by tbe Nale md aoY P'eP�Y�����due aeder die Nale. <br /> 2. lYMd�liw'llnas�IMra�ea Subject to applkable law ar to�wflqdi w�iva LR+�d�er.8ortowMr eM�l!pry b <br /> I.ender on the d�Y�Y P�Y�me due under d�Note.uatil t6e Nate b paW ia lull�a wm f"Findt")for.(�)yerfY <br /> tasa�ad wesm�ents whkh ma��in prlaity over tdi�Securi►Y Iaununa�t at a llea oo the Propetty:(b)��feadald <br /> MY�ar�wad raus oa tbe P�nperty. if�ny; (c) Y�Y�� « ProP�Y jmurmoe pranium�: 0( )Y�'+�Y� <br /> ituwancc p�miutru. it aoy� (o)I�y �S+�R� �P���if my;and(4� �P�S'� �Y�to <br /> I.a� accotdanx wlth tMe ptovlsians of pragraph 8.ia Uou�of tbepayyuta�t of a�v�ge 6twriu�ee p+emluma. 'I1kse <br /> itema m ctlled"Eacmw Itams." L�rnder m�y.u any t�aie.colloct ad hold R�Ms in�n amount not w excad the�aa�imu�a <br /> uaouat s lender fix a fedezally alated mongsge Iwa may�ire to�Bonowerk escmw accairst uoder the federal Ral <br /> �LIC$Ett�QIlltiN p1000dY[�3 ACf Of 1 g/4�i airlttldOd`t+0111 bI11C t0 UIIIO.�Z U.$.C.��l!t SLlJ.(�R��ry.W1jESi�IIOdIC! <br /> law Uut applie:w the Pund�aets a lesser s�oowK. lf w.I.a�der any dme,cd{ect aM hold Ei�nds in an orm�att twt to <br /> eaceed th�lessa n�noum. Lendes mey eed�ta�c thc rmamt nf R�n�ls rhb on flKS tMRi� �►f cument d�ta aad n�ooa�Wa <br /> ettimuas of expadiwrea of fuque�scrow Iteu�s or wMxwise in accadwrce witl►+y�pllcable law. <br /> '1�a Ru��all 6e held in an institudon wlwse deposits ar�e inwied by a fodernl �gmcY.imdummWlty.or aNity <br /> (includii�g Lcnder.if I.ei►der is sach an insdtut�an)or in any Federal Home I.oan Bank. Lender sfwll opply the FWnds ro paY <br /> the Escrow Items. L.endor may ne►1 charge Bortower for holding and applying the F�u►da.annually arWyziry�the ascruw <br /> acx�o�m� or verifying Ihe Esc�w[tenls. untess L.enda p�ys Borrower inteast on the Au�ds wW applicabk law pennita <br /> - Lencler to make such a charge. However.l.e�tder mayrequine Borrower to p�y e ane-tirne charge fur an indepaKierot real <br /> � estete tax repo�dag servioe used by L.endc+r in cauiectian wlth thia lotn.unless applicable I�w provWes ott�etwise. Unku�an <br /> agreeme�t is made or appl�c�bla I�w raquires intemst to be paid,t.aider shall not be rcquire�to pay Barnwer any intenest or <br /> earningo on the Pluids. Bwmwer and l.ender may agnx in wtitin�.however.tiwt intenest shrll be paid on the i�unds. La�dar <br /> shnll giva to Barrower.witfwut cAarge,an Annual accounting of the Iimds.showing credits and debits to tLe P�nds and die <br /> pu�pose far which eACh debit to die f�nds was maide. The Fi�ndc ara plodgal a�additlatAl�ecurity for all wms�cwed by <br /> thi�Security InstrumenG <br /> If ti�e Funds i�eid by L.endar exceed dio amounts pem�iiieecl w foC i�viS by appikebta faw. Lender sfitaif x�i to . <br /> Borrower for the eacess Fwids in accadance with the requirements of applicaWe law. If the omount of the Funds held by <br /> Lender at any tima is not sutliclent to pay the Escrow Itema when due.l.ender may so�wt96y Bomower in writing.and,in <br /> such cas�Borrower shall pay to L.ender�he amount neceasary ta make up the deficiency. Borrower ahnll make up the <br /> defiaiency in no mom than twelve manthlY payments,at 1-enderR sole discrctlon. <br /> Upon payment in ful!of all sums secured by this Secudty Insaument.Lender shall promptly refund to Bomnwer eny <br /> Funds held by l.ender. If,under paragraph 2l.Lender shall acqulre or sell the Property. Lender,prior to the acquisition or <br /> sale oP 1he Property,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at�he lime of acyuisidon or sale as a cmdit against the sums <br /> secu�ed by this 3ecutlty Instrument. <br /> 3. AppllcaHaa of Paymentsi. Unless applicable law provides otherwise. all payments received by L.ender under • <br /> psuagraphe 1 and 2 shull be applied: any prepayment charges due under Ihe Note; second,to amounts payablo undet <br /> par9graph 2• interest due; principal due;and any late charges due under the Note. <br /> 4. C6ar�es; I.iens. Borrowet shall pay all ta�ces, assessments, charges. fines a�d imposidons atvi6utable to the <br /> Prope�ty which may attein priodty over this Security Insuumem,and laasehold payments ar ground rent6,if any. Borrower <br /> shall pay Ihese obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on <br /> t�me directly to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all naices of amounts to be paid under <br /> this paragraph. If Borrower makes these payments direcUy.Borrower shall pmmpdy furnish to Lender receipts evidencfng <br /> thc payments. <br /> Banowcr shall promptly discharge any lien whlch has priodty over this Security Instrument unlesg Borrower:(a)agrees <br /> in wri�ing to the payment of the abligation secuned by the lien in u manner acceptable to Lender,(b)contes�s in good t'aith the <br /> lien by.or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal proccedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> enforcement of U�e lien;or(c)secures from the holder of 1he lien an agreement sutisfactory co Lender subordinating the lien <br /> to this Security Inswmen[. If[.ender determines�hat any pan of the Prvperty is subject to a lien which may attain priority <br /> over this Secu�ity Instrument.Lender mny give Rorrower n notice identifying the lien. BoROwer shall satisfy the lien or toke <br /> one or more of the nctions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> S. Npzard or Property losuraace. Borrower shull keep the improvements now eaisting or hereaRer erected on Ihe <br /> PropeAy insured against loss by fire,hnzsirds included within the term"extended covernge"and any other haznrds,including <br /> flaads or flooding,for which I.ender reyuires insurAncc. This insurunce shall be maintained in the nnwunts and for the <br /> Fbrn 30?8 9N0 (PaR�2 M�6YaJKJI <br /> �i � ,�IT ti' �') t;���ryy��5�p� t; A�M;�4•0�,t:....i• �..::i _SC'�_. _.a� _- <br /> ��� ••� � f �\f t i�� •'l�'S�i��'�?�4��t� ;r�, . SiSRRf.��"R <br /> � �� '.7,..1,: t '�Tl: ��.r 4 v). G... "',i..i1a<�'a... ' - 9 <br />-�f�2"�'�1��4re , r - , tiA . . .��:�151.-�:.`.tfr,.`...,•^� . ..�.. : ' . . . <br /> u �. n : ..., � • - . <br /> � „�r � ' ' . . . <br /> . . ----.,.k�..'P c .:-'- . _.-. 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