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_�'T. _ -. ._ . .1. " ___ _" ��.I� ' � � - <br /> . 1 . <br /> . i . . _._ � . . . .. _. . - <br /> .. �j ..__ . -- t . . _. ' ' Y„� __ _ — . __. __. . . _ . -- _ .__. <br /> �..�£xx �� ' " .' . . .._ . �.� �_...r - ' -- �� --`---� <br /> �'t�;�.�:y:�� ` �. . . � ' . . . _ <br /> . .t.; . ; i < . . . . _ ' � .� _ .. ��� :�O�i��. _ . . <br /> 4 .. . . � .- . � � .' . . ' ` ' - ' .. <br /> �- � I�MI,�.tll�lE���•.�IC�IR�CC C'�fi10[�YIdIR�1�lG 11LSIIl90CY'S�I�11C C�l�llt����S11�fJCCi W E.lIIdCYS <br /> '. t�pp�C�ira1 ivlpct�ah�u not t�e uorrasp��abtY withno�a. tf sar:a+�e:faiis w m�i�NSin covcr�ge d�itx�above:t�eaer ma►y,a� <br /> �endest�bptian:cMairtco+reraSC�piulecK I�eodet�ci�hr�ia the Avperiy uf aoc�da�a with par+g�aph 7. . <br /> At�im��4_eolir.`ks�nd seoe+�rats shat�i bC�GGp�t4l.tndu aod shall'u�c(ude a st�ndatd mortg�ge otat�sc.'�.et�det <br /> -- -- - -- ehaU fiave tAe ri�tq Pa b�oid t6e poiicies aoa�s,..�f I�eMec t�iu�s:�s1��P���h'�'to-t�els�uallirce�-- ---.--- -�---- <br /> � . . - -- '-----,---.-_-���}�r�ioes._ia.t�e�tt-er�.�.�ts,&xtpvrer sh�lt gi�re r�omq notire t�thc iasuracics�urier�d _ - - <br /> .,__ <br /> _: I.eade� 1Qdereti��.m�t,cp(�ofloss'ifnatmadepionop�}t ��b} onov�rer:- _. - __ __ __... of --- <br /> Unks.4.Lcnder am Bo�mwer wAetwise�gtee iri vvr�;in�amce Pra�sha1�be�ptic�ta rest�a�ePa� <br /> ti tUa trstaation�vr np�it is eooria�nicalty fr�iDi��nd txader��curi�}r is rot tesseoed. If dx <br /> d�e PtloQerty dm'+�td.� <br /> �totatan ar repa�sx�uot eeo�wmicaiiY feuibk or I.eodes's secunt�r-e�be�essened.the iawraace�Pca,'eeds shal!6� <br /> applied to the�ats secuted tiy ttis 5ecupry inst�e�n.whetl�er or not tdea due:with ang excesc paid w Rarov►�r. If <br /> BuaaMrer ab�ndoita the' da�mt anivvet within 30 days a twtNx fcom lrnder tT�the in.l�u�noe�� <br /> o6eRd w sctde a cb�m.thm Le�da may colkcc the�iranoe p�oceods• Le�idcs may uss�he pcacaeds � <br /> -_ IAe Ppopnty ar to pc►y sums securod by this Securicy lasuurtxnt wtiether or noe lden dae: 7'Ae 34day penod virill begin wheo -_�'— <br /> �- �..�n;���� . . _ . : . <br /> ��°'_- --°'--__ `. ' - eceedy to ' ' staJ!twt extetsd or -- <br /> Unks4 L.ender a�N Barow�ct othavinse agrce iit��vritiog:arty�P� F�'r�P� , <br /> -=�-� postpme the due d�te af tbe nwcuhlY P'�Y�mfeired to in paragtaphs t aad 2 or c6ange tbe amount of the pa . If. •' • ___ <br />--- - uniec puaErapfi 2! the Ptope�ty is atxluit+ed bY itnder.Borrower's right to any insbrsmce P�licics aad t�svliiri�� _ <br /> '�' a�x ui <br /> �,.,� froa�dam�ge to t!K Ptopeaty Pdor to the acquisinaa shall p�cs to Lender ta the extent uf the sums secunQ by tlii.�S�curit� _ __- <br /> � Irtsu�unentimmediately priot to�he aoquisition- �t� <br /> -;r, p��y, Mahtea�oe and�Psdtctio� d tit Propertgi Borrower's I�a�n Applkatioa: -;z,-_-� <br />,"��`, �,p�i� g o r r o v�^e�s��est�blish,and use th�Prape�ty as Bamwer's pnncipat residet�e within siastg days afie� -:;t;�'� <br /> �-`.� the eaecWian of ttis Securiry Inmwnent aad sl�ali ca�tiauc to occupy d�e Pt+opnty as Barovker�principal.l���le�nttce tnrat <br />- ':'�..,��. IIII�CSS �.C[f�l.'� 8$[CCg ID Ns1U11$. Wl1lCll l'QIISCIIL a1wHa OOL.�IG �--�=- <br /> �`�:�-�'.�' yCU aftef t11e date of oCCUpuley. �� ��==-= <br /> ';::{; uuc�:�with�e�d.os.unless exteauatin�e emvmctances exist which�beyand Ramv►er�oont�ol.;6�atnwer.sttalfi not �`.�:.�- <br />- ' destcay.damage or impai�the RvP�Y•auow the Ptup�e�sy to decaiorace.or commit v�zsee an d�e P�o�Y H«towersfiall �� <br />� < .��' � ' wfiethercivilotc�iminal.islxgunikttinLende�r's�.fanh�ud�t �;:c. <br /> .�,:,. 6e in default if any forfeidae actian or proceedmg, <br /> � •'.r; cauld c+esuit in focfeiaue of We Ptopercy or od�eswise materially impair the lien cn�ted by thi�Secvrit�r instcument a ,�?;F��;''-'_ <br /> . --"- • 's intensL Bartowerm��cuae svch adefmtttartd pmvided in p�agraph,�B.By rausing the action ��._•.� _ <br /> lreader s�mg <br /> , oT proceeding to br dismLs.sed with a nding tl� Lertder:s good faifi determinaaon.p�ectt�des forfettuie of the Bar�ou�er� :�� ,,: . <br /> 0d ,.. � <br /> • �ntaest in tbe Rvperty or othec matetial impaitment of the Itett cn�ted by this Security In.strumettt or Lender's securiry __::.._ _ <br /> " •` mtecest. Bonower shall aL�-Fa�e'En default if Bamawc�during the loan application prooess.gave materiatiy falxe.or � s.��, <br /> .�.��v. <br /> � �`��5 inaccutate infonnation ar at�t,�i�to Lender tor fa�it�@ to psavide l.ender with any material infannation)in cormection with _y�,.T <br />="�,';:.;' " tix 1oart eeider�bir qise�:'including.but not limitdd to. representations amceming Borrower's accapartcy of the ���:�;�r:�'•; <br />��•i:,'"��7- ptopeny as a pri�p�I��this Sec�uity instrumem is on a leasehald.Borrawer shall somply with all the pnwisions -.F,.�°, <br /> �If''�•� <br />'•-�.=•�' � • � of the kase. [f Borrower aa�aueS;C�a tiUe to the Property.t6e:teasehoid and tbc fec title sha!!not merge unless L.ertder,agrecs . �,,.�_- <br /> f ta the merger in writing. -,'.�: •"' ' • ��' <br /> . ?, prq���{��;$�gits�e.�e �;,:if Bortuw•er fails to perfortn the cmreaants��,��t4 �,g � :� <br /> .. �.;. `` �'• cuntained in this Secarity InsGra�c:ac�ir i.s� �l:.i�i,uc�eding�hat may Significantty af�ect tertder's ri�?n the :, �.z' •- <br /> � "�. <br /> °::f �' •. Property(such as s►praceedin in fian > >:. . �ks�+�tc�emnatmn ar forfetture or to enfonr lawx u"r�ulatians).then --�'-'�..�=- <br /> ,�;, , S �4►t�r�?c.1�?� -:r;..-.;�_-,.:_ <br /> � ����. {;; ?�� Lender may do and paY for whatever is�aast�ii;;to pn�d,:rlae value af the Property and l.endeE�` "r�-�in the Propeny. . ,,.,.,.- <br /> � "'� L.ender's•xtions may melude paying any�s�.�d i�c:s�liih which tias priority over this Security in'saumenb appeariag �?:':� <br /> ,; <br /> in court,paying reasonable attameys'fees aAU Nn��n�a:r:l�FmpenY tp make i�s..Alihou lxnder ma take action �;�����1i�.`� <br /> ' repa • � 9 ?;:;�i�,;t�'�,.- <br /> •. �,, �, utidet this paragraPb 7.Lender dces nat have ta do w. ' I':• - <br /> . ;,;�� �. Any asnounu disburced by I.eader undec:this paragraph►?+halj 6ec�ncs additianal debt of Barrower secured lry this <br /> .�;;;i <. Secerity InsUvmc�it�Unless Barrower and @.w,�r agree to other tertn.s of�z�yinenG these amounu shall hear interest from�he ; . ,L <br /> • �� date of disbursement at the Note rAte ac�ai::r�3L be payable.with interrw.+�n natica fmm Lender to Borrower requesti�g : r.''��`,':,,-_. <br /> � .;� :; payrnent. ':,. �'': ' �':`•'� ; ` �ng the Ioan securcd,�su this � �t��.,-�.�''`� <br /> ,.:'a.`'• <, � Mo�e lasuraovnr..if����,�c r�;aired mo�,��:in�arance a.s a condiucis rt;mak' �sk :�,::°`. �.,;; �1. .;, : <br /> ',,, '. _ Serurity Tnstrumenc.Borro,v�%��rlT�m.�i�-t-i�+ums n§.��li�:d ta maintain the moc^z,�±:`insnrnnce in effec� !i.�;�r any ; , ',,.;`}�.��S�jr <br /> � ,�k; f, ? 1� reason. the mort��: :nsarance c�sc'r��i�-naaull�?'rj:��=i�er lapses or ceaaes to be In eifect.,�iusrnver shall pay the : ',.' 1 � <br /> .if(,Y �� � � �; premiums rrqui�i t+�',obtain coverurC�q�iyswhl;�.iy equivalcnt to die mortg�ge in.wrance prev�a��.i::e€E'�•�. a� a cast - - . , , <br /> J :: <br />�`.. ';k; : , '.. � subst�ntially equiv;�,s�t to the ro��to B�vp%�kr•'!1=the mortgagr insurancc previously in eifect.fc-.�cr;�r:?�itemate mortgage , . ., <br /> ' • insurcr appraved by l.etider. If,cc�star:t�ll�+a�iivalent mongage in.tiuraace coverage i�not avsalab't�;{3orrower shall pay ta _ _ <br /> ' � l.endor each month u sum ecFu:rl{tr.�.���.'.4!���,'of the yearly moA�ge imurance premium being paid by Borroxer wlxn the ��ti <br />. �'�.�j - insuranee caveFi�gC l:�psed ot+��i�ta''�e^�r.':i�.°,ecl. Lender will aceept.use and rewin these payments a.c a losc rcserve in lieu _ `�:r���,- <br />. ''���,� of mor[gage in4a�ance. Lass r'k�,:�:;�ea�'rrs��rs may nn tanger he thc optian of Lender.if�norlgage insurance ,:.;, �. ' - <br /> ,..�;1, „- - <br /> ,�:�..���� coverage(in the�cti�wnt anc�t`e�;"f!�peacu��-�Lendcr requires)pmvided by�n insurer appruved by C.ender again becamc� • � <br /> avaifa6le and is obtained.Bqii�a�+�sha11 u ihc remiumc re uired ta maintain mortr, urscerancc�ur i:7't'ec�at to provide u � ��.,.,_.;�, � <br /> .j' ob PdY P �, �'`. , : <br /> ' ti � ds�n accordance with a.�is:�v+il�tas,:�naan.ra�c betwcen Bonawer �'''''' J( ;�j;5•f�� ! <br /> � �� tas re�erve.until the requ�r�a�-t6ai mo»�ge m.urance.4a . . ..,... , .;., - ,�..,y,,�t • <br /> ¢•. arat i.enQer or applicable faw':. ;, ,: ., ,•. , *K ` <br /> � � Ti•,� 1: �,I�r'`:'{y�Ja4., <br /> , �9 li�spection. Lendes'��x i��;agenx+»�isi•niakc rraa+nnt�lr cmric�up��n:snd inspc:r.y'+�y�;ut.�1r�f?i?�� L,r.n�i�r'tihall �'�! '`s� <br /> fFt'';f,;�{��• .. <br />- ' - ' bive¢urrawer�vJCice at the ti'm,;;nf,ur Frh�i�;un rn�tipc�tiuii._�ecifying rcuutinablc rau�c tirrtl'seina�a'afia�f..�°� . ,. �• .�.�:, <br /> ; • ;.`:� '��.; .. Y�.�t� �a��,�{�i;�;ed��a•vard ar claim for damagc!�.dircct or cnn�e�}uent�:il:i�t:u?nnection�with any �,'y�". . <br /> :, , ,1{ , _. . Sittgii�l'titr;i;--►annlr Stae/EreQdie 1ix t'�I�UIt�/1XtiT[tl;�iF:tiT--l ndumrC�,��aa»)�•91lM rry�ec�rqb�wrr�� }� , <br /> . , . �uu•I:sn&nlarai'autifne.• �.s ';e � <br />' ' • t;,u�-c:�;��wo:auAr�o c�+.k ste7nta»� . ' S'. <br /> . ��� ;;{,�;h�., <br /> . '� , . • � ., - .�y�•l3Yj`io;�.�,�, . <br /> i.; ,`;: .'. ty�j�y,,i;;i) . <br /> ;.,;, , � '/�t <br /> L .:. ` <br /> �(''ArS`!., �. _ . , J��'f({�ti;,. <br /> lU:l`7 - . ` �r�� ,� �, . <br /> '`��}'`f r�-1r:s� ����»,F,Jr•�;:�•. •i-�� .-,-�� . .. ; f�-- - - - � _ •r --'- . . . � . . - •f{�.:•�,if._.�;�;'i:, - — ........� � . ��� . �):lf. <br />� , Ztf .: !; ... . . ' •)��i'�i - . _ . � . <br /> 1 Tl'�� . �� ' � ' � ' � ; ' _ .i� . <br /> , . '�` .iJ�V'. -' . _� ....!.�� . . . � , . . � ._ .. . . . ' - --._ .. . - - - - .. . <br /> - ,f,. • , . .-, • <br />- . .. . �j`+;�'a��.,. . . . . . . . - �. <br />_ . . .� - . . . . . . <br /> . - . . •?i • .. , ' • . . . ' <br /> .. _:.: <br /> �� . • � . • . • , • <br /> �....� ._ . <br /> ., ... . � <br /> , �.,p�.�� , . , • � <br /> . ,<.. <br /> .. � � • � - <br /> "__' •-• • ' - - - - - - - - - - ,. <br /> ---._ �______._._. .__- •----- - - -- <br /> -- - <br /> -. ..,.. -- - ---- -- --.- _-.----- --_-•--�_.�...�_-- — -______.__._.__._.___...�_______..____�._ ---- -,. -- <br /> •+� T._ .. . • , . . . • �. � <br /> � `yi•-.r•k+ . - . � � � . � • . . • . <br /> ±"�'n' r . . . . . . _ . . '4 . <br /> ' '--. <br /> . :_-.-r� . � . � <br /> ' <br /> _. a� . � .. � . . <br /> , _ � . <br /> . . .�t. X .-.:.-ij� . <br /> - :!R�• '= . <br /> '. , .. <br /> • .. ';.5�' , ,, _ _ —_ _ . _ <br />