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<br /> _- . . : ` �. _ . � �l--ia�3i�� � � .
<br /> � . ` 7�OG�wP[��I1 t�ianprov�ts mw ar t�a+eaRec aated aa�he pcop�ny.ana au�ts.app�uie�ca. � .:
<br /> �i fixtu�es tforr os Aet+af�a a pct of the p�ope�ty. A�t i�and sdditions shall�Iso be coveiod by tDis Sxuriry
<br /> _ ..�------- �-==----I�uaumenE.Alluf the faegvu�g is tefe�ed to in d"us Senuit�!�as the"Prupe�tY•" . . , •
<br /> - ---- -- —�=-� - �imadrri yEtcs�tt=- __. -----
<br /> aExtROWER QOVENANTS that Ho�mwa�s_Taw�ully seu`e�o�t�e�a. te�w�Y�' - _
<br /> _ � -,�a#r3.-twt��CCfls�r�y an¢�t[�pl�e�perty is unenciu�b�ed.t�c fac s�mbcaocYS af tecor� Batiowet�and _ , _
<br /> a�defmctgeoerallY thc titJe w die P�m�r ag�inst all ciaims aad¢emat�ds.subject w�y enc�n6�a�eices�secor� � - - -----
<br /> TEIIS SF�CtJRtiY INSIRUINENT cam6ines anifam covasaats for mtiona!use a�id noa-nnifam covc�anr;vvitb
<br /> limi�ed v�ria�ans bY j�is�xia�ta ooasdaite a unifwm sea�iry mst�umeat ooYaing real pcupets�r. ' _-
<br /> ��-` tFN1pORMCOVENANTS.B�awaatWl.e�dercovemN�ndagt�eeasfdlow� = " �;,___
<br /> �-- - 1. Pal�t,tl�'ic�l aid I�te�P�ep�1�I.ak�-'M�r�es Eo�a�►�s�Sl Dm�aPUY WY�due 16e ��_y.. _
<br /> aod iue c�arges due nader tLe Nate ----
<br /> '_=- priacipalutaodinRasstootbede6ttndeoctdhYtdeNoteandaayp[epaymeut_ -_=
<br />':'� L �1r�dsia�73�us atl tas�ra�oa SuDlect to a�ic�btt iaw oc w a wntten vrai�rer by Lrnd�er.Batuwar sba11 p�Y to - __--
<br /> `-.- tander or�thC dsy mo�tY PiYmdats?n duc under the Nota.aanl the Note is paid in fu0.a sum("Funds)for:ta1 Y�Y -- --
<br /> -- - -- . oves t�s S�nuit�r L�a�a i�ast sh�Q t t t�x s t y t i�2��Y� - �_
<br /> i;:.. t�[es�as�ssar�a[s v�ta�maF umn PciuiccY u�wrance preauutns:(d)Ye�IY�� ----- --
<br /> �-. paym�ms:_oi-graund r�ts m dfe Ptq�a�y,,i�.aa�:,(c)YeulY�d�{�OP�'� � BoRawer to � -��-�-----
<br /> In�u�pe p�emfuuu.if any;(e)Ya�Iy`mu�g�8e fi�mce Pcemiarns.�f auy:aM t�anY sums paY� bY_ ----------
<br /> ����' qF 8,,m Geu oitbe paYmCte of mo�cgrge insurance p�em►ums. 7f�ese �,��---
<br /> �,ea�de�.ia��the Pmvisiaas. :�ph- ,,,:-:-..:�---
<br /> � : ,. ilems ace cslled"Escmw Ite�as." l.ead�er mnY'•ata�t�,r timG!coilerc and Uold Tvads in aa amwwt not to exaeed the mauimum ;,._.�v J_
<br /> l.eader
<br /> " �• unriunt`a kndet far a ftderally ttlated matgage lout taay c�re for Barower's esc�aw axuttnt unda it�e federal Rcal '�--� _
<br /> . p..��� �w�� A��,( A.�! {��♦� t2 U.S.��?b01 et seq,(•'[t£'�E'A")f unless a�
<br /> ��1{��"{��AN�`��7 W��{Yl�Yl�t:. -f,« 4.�'.-:
<br /> �W t�t�It4 tQ f�IG FI111dS SCLS A�CSSCt11110{UIL. �5�.�.C[lt�CTEpA�f.���.COIICCI 3t�(f0�1�.�U171��1IT JlR�Ut�i IIO[i0 4 a -.�:9::..
<br /> �i •j��.
<br /> � exceod the lessa amo� t.a�ler may euim�te me am.c�tu�vf�Fiq�;due on tbe b�sis oF:cni�i.d�ta:'aucL:�abte -�.f;:{�:;�`"
<br /> ` �biuss�af fnmte Escro�v Iua�s or at6erwise�a acc�wft(�ap�licablc lawr. ,':'�'�- .,�;:�;;�.,: •f :�^:
<br /> � : �E�sds�Ge-tieid in an in�titution whose deposits ace�ed by a federal agency.'���t�!:�5or entity ��,�,, -_
<br /> ` �a�Iy:tU�r�ttts.to p�y . ••�':
<br />�?;r�`- �f i.e n d e r i s s u c h a n insatuaon)a in�y Feder,�#��l.oan Baiik. l.ender ,
<br /> . (p n c i}u!�d�n s g.�F�:,�T d�e%.' 1{/�no t h e F v n d s.a r�►1 x�a tr�t y�a t t g`t h e e s e c a v� :'..: , .���. ;
<br /> f T•� ��y171+p,'<��s°l.eader may nat cf�arge Bamwer fa hddin�atKk l�!' D ( �!-� - L.
<br /> '� ' , ' .,accd+a�;:,r�v. .,�in8 the��w Items.un i-ende�p?Ys�� � _
<br /> iess �• interest on tl�e Funds�i�a�pti'rab2a law pennics..
<br /> � ,::..� c1�r _ ,.• ; ; y F -
<br /> �i�n d e}'`to n i a y c�u e h a e h a r g e. H o w e v e r.l.e n i k r m a y s e q u i s e`B�,r�t 7 u e r to pa y a one-fane !'v r mr' c�i�., . -�-= <
<br /> • . .,::i�i e t u npoctin 8.service used by l.endcc in c.onnecRois�ttt this tdan.unless applicable law piuvid`es athe�v���te�s azr� �'i��.
<br /> ' is made or applica6le taw requ¢es intecest ux�'�d. Baraw niierest or� r'���,. �_
<br /> .. `:c:�,�::`� �RIIdCf 5�131�fl01 6C TCQU1fCd t0�13� rPC 3�� , r j+��,r.,
<br /> C
<br /> ::,.'�,.t�, ' � �e�mings am the Funds. Bom�wer a n d�%n�v a�'3�.�u v n n n g.t i o w e v e r.t h a t i n t e c e s t s h a l!b e p a i d a s,t L��"�q r�i��f.e a d e�=, • y'�at?: �: _ _-
<br />�5. .�-i-._a. shall give to Bomuwa.withaut ct�arge�aa�nsa�S�of the Funds.showing cre�i�s and debits w ihe,�iis and tl�:.•,: .'�:-
<br />- _`�` .` ptupose fa which exh debit to tfle Funds wa5�.;'fifri'�Ii�nd.s are ptedged as additional secwity;far a!�sa�;secuned bg .... --
<br /> _ .: ;j;.;'-.,_,::; .,. . , ..!:.-.-::. � -
<br /> � � _ this Securiry Instrument ..
<br /> If the Fimds held by f.ender eaceed tt�e a�t-tu�i3url.;�Rmutted to be held by applicable law. I.ender s�ifl,:�#wnt to •. , ___
<br /> � � Sarower far the axcess Funds in acco�dance with tiie.c�q�uir+ements of applica6le�w. If the amaunt af tt�e'�uit3::iteld by '�.,�:;:�. _-
<br /> °-"'`.• Lender aE�fime is not sufficient tu pay t�ie Fscrayv Items wt�:da�•i.endet may so notify Bonowet in writisg.and,in� = • - - .. -
<br /> �,•�� . , t�r;
<br /> '�'{,� ' such case�SSxr shall paY to Lencie�tisa sunount necessary t�ara�ke up the deficiency. Borrower shall make uP�� ,•• -, .:s,'c
<br /> , rr�� .�r;:�:��,`; deticiency ise:un��idre than�welve momtdy payments.at I.enderl�sofe,�SSCretIon. ` , rt s,:_.
<br /> '��t�', , _ � �� � UP�P�S��in Fult ei�''all sums secured by this Security Insuiunent.Lender shall prampQy refund to Bmto`virer a�iy '.. . ' � ' �`„
<br /> { -
<br /> '� _v .. F�mds held by Lender• �f:'cuider P�ST�Ph 21.Lcnder sball acquire or sell the Ptoperty.Len'der.pnor to the acquisitian w'�'� ; • =
<br /> . ' ` ;,�_;,• sale of the Ptopetty.shatl apply any Punds held by Lender at the time of acquisition os sale as a czedit against ihe sums . + 3
<br /> � �-,�:. . secuned by this Secunry Inswmen� ved b y[.ender vnder T � ., �,�'`,
<br /> �,�`
<br /> `<��,- 3. Applkatioa o t P aynKnts. Un tess app lica b t e l a w p ro v i d e s o t h e r w i s e.a t i p a y m a t t s,{�i
<br /> '=y�;� parngraphs 1 and 2 sha116e appiied:fir.st.to any prepaymem cl�arges due under tl�e 1�tae:secoid�.in,j�snounts payable unde{� � ``�°t '
<br /> . .xr�_
<br /> p u a g r a p h 2:third.to interest due:fourtL.to principal due:and las�to any laee charges due u�der 1�ttiote. . � '-
<br /> ��.�! - � 4. Chat�es; Liees. Batrower shall pay all taaes.assessments.charges,f ines a n d imposi tioas a t h t�v r�fi�g t o d�e �. .
<br /> �', I'`�I Ptopetty afiiCh may attain priority avet this Security Instrument.and leasehold paymenu or ground tcnts,ii�,: t3r?mower ti�. .�. :`
<br /> ,: �+';,'�;��e �,.
<br /> �,� �` ' s�„; shall pay�m b li ations in t h e manner p r a v i d e d i n p a r a g r a p h 2.o r.i P n o t p a i d i n t h a t m a n n e r.B o r r o w e r s h a►'��p i4;'���.-�;�•, �,};},t . . ,�:. :
<br /> g owed n� Barrower shall m tt fwrrsnh to Lender aq notices af amounts to be p�id�dz •� ' 't+�.,• ,,.,�f�t?,;
<br /> ,',,�,���y' :�k�t��+ time direffl`!-�n�e person PaYme P� P Y, . � . .
<br />'��;���,"s�f't t`'�. this�:4. I i 8atmwer m a kes t h e s e p a y m e n t s d i r e c t t y.8 a r r o w:-�s t 5 a 1 1 p r o m p�l y f u mish to i.ender recei p u evideasir� ��- �j�.;
<br /> .��1�'t�- .t^ � � .. � •� . `` �'�'1�,�`��"y',
<br />:..4,E - ' ��. . • �'t�9e
<br />" . er shall t discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Barra�,�u:(a)aSrees .'��f.`q�.
<br /> � . HoROw P►�P�Y °'�
<br /> �� '.,in writing to the payrt�ent of the obligation secured 6y t'h�tten in a manner acceptable to L.ender.lb)cantesu;in-�'t�d faith the . .�:���Y;:
<br /> ,. � iien by.a dp.�'ends against enfacement of the lien i�.U�t proceedings which in the Lender c oputioaa����s prevcnt the . • �.,piti�;_�F�
<br />:F, �': . • � , -
<br /> , � � enforcea�ait�.vf the lien:ar(e)secures fram the haldes�sz 1he lien an agrcerttent salisfactory ta f�niiec sxba�i.l�aNng the lien `t F -
<br />;;�' ' .. ;;��, � ?�.� � ta thls SeairitY Instrument. Ii Lender detem�ines U�;�ty part af the Property is aubject�o a�i.aa,Y�aw'�Y�rt;r attain priarity " �.
<br /> '"`3F• +� • ' aver this Secufity Inst�m�rt.L e n d er may give B omi�v��a mtice idenrif yin g the�i.�:. �anow�,lird'�s�,ti5iy�ifi�lien ortaice ,'
<br /> s
<br /> .-� �. .:,}1F .. ., . , : . ,
<br /> � � t'�' �.�,;',�;l�:� ' ane or moc�of the aaioiis��forth above within i0�;��j����9 the giving of notice. .... . . :
<br /> 1;�5�<<. .r��9';�1�F , 5. f��'d�orPro�eHYInsur�ece. �or��i��l�a�Ikceptheimpravcmeeu���t�Kex�at;ing'ar.hereali�ra�tedanthe ', :
<br /> ,/��`.
<br />�:,�� • �ti:;��r Property ars�t�`against toss by�re.tr�iiaf:l�ix��i'���[hin the aeos�"e�ctendeb w7���-�r� "�vf a'�y ottter hazw�'d`s.inciuding �
<br /> ��.;.; ` '�',' . �
<br />-'� ��..:d�'`.. .��'. Roods ar fi:andi+ig for which Lertder�quii�s iti�ur�e. This i�sj�nce shall bt'rt�uii'���i�;�e amounts and far the
<br /> � ,', • ,, . �, , � , . �
<br /> � • , ' , � ' .. ' ' l9utim�� !1� ,��?�C1,•1o/bDatl'ts► � • ; .
<br /> _. -; - . . S;, ; , i ,
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