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e.�. � _ . . . . �.�ty -_ __ <br /> — - � . u . •ItAi� . pi _. _ . ..�.�.`"�"''_ . <br /> --��. — - , _. . _ . _ � , „_... '- '_..a. ;w:ir,.W�:_-Sia '.'a,;rtiya�+i*�..� .. .;�et�ts -:'�s.,:::�uo�, _ - -- <br /> • .� . ' ' • _ -.�`•ild� <br /> —� • . � ��. •�~`' . <br /> --- -- _ , - ., la'r�rq'�Me1 mt_�,�i�Mis��fF��..�,�Iw�aR,�����.���, a__��-�, <br /> � ��' } y� � t L'v . <br /> ,. ��wii'M i�itlr�i �d�/i1 1Koie M�Iq'.iow !IR, - <br /> � ooe�w��!►y a��r rbrl��d�a�r ao�NrliM�er� )M/���l��+r Mar�lud h w�� • . <br /> �.rr:..�. i�ciwNM.b�r►.a�um�ae w�a..errY. •�r t��Mes �aM.odoa a I.�nd�r yrq � <br /> „nq�Ms lo a��a�d tlrt iM liea of thb�SMbtiwwt,L�t'1 1�1�lyop���y�d sarohra'�abM/rM��lol � . . <br /> � rsc+wd �r dis S�ity In�rwt�Y11 ocM/Aiis:' ,�� L tils'r� bp M�rewr.d�Y � <br /> ' ln;qua4pK aad i5e abq�atiou��eaw4eA hreby irf�a�ia f�d�►e1lreMw t�K n��ioael�tia�Md eoo�lnwl. Tlowsnl'. <br /> ryt�:;le t�e�le MMY�ot�iy i�tIM�o�d aeoil�p�1�V�17. <br /> . . 1!. �M a�NMq CM��t��i � Xii 71e Na1e a•p�d iiM�wt ie tMe No1e(1o�1�wAh d�S�a4it�r <br /> M�)maY be sdd ae a aione dNei�iia�t pdor ndbe p Bara rer. A aM mry nwtt i��ehNye in dM aMk�r <br /> � �ionaMn a We"1.a�n Sarvlody�t eoreef�'�ooWy P�Yme�N�dw ondrr d�e I�Iala and q��ea�ty l�wpo�t. 71aro dso <br /> may be aoe ar mac�o�tbe I.o�u Sr,rvloe�amelied W�Wd�d�e Nu�n. If d�ae is a�lunye o!the i.oir►Savloer, . <br /> Bo�roMrer wlp bc givea wiipea aotfee d the diaye in aocaKdmoe whh p�pepd 14�bove�nd�plkabb 4M. 71�e notbe <br /> �vW state d�e niame a�d�ddna�af the ae�v l.o�a Se�vkc aod tha�ddnea to whkh pay�naiM��hauld be m�ds. 7Ue aotia will <br /> alw oo�q�in imy ad�er iafa�a�atioa�oquinxl t►Y�PP�4w. <br /> 3A. ll�t�+doWS 3�brl�e�. Bannwer�ull oot c�we or pamit Ibe pne�e+�oa.u�e�� �edinj Ihe <br /> tl�z�do�u Sub:t+u�as on or ia t6e Prop�aty. Ba�ra�rrr�tull nat do.aor+dbw�nyone else w do,anydiin� <br /> Pt�o�paty da�t i�in vloiation ot any Fmicame�al La�r. 7Le preceding tw�n�entences dWl not appiy 10 ihe pro� <br /> sto�a aa tf�c Pmperty of andl quwitks d Hu�rdnu�Srb�woca�hu a��e�Uy neco�nined�u be�irle b ronosl <br /> maidendd usea suad to malate�w�oe af We PropQtX. <br /> Barrowpr s�aiU promptlY Blve L�endet rAka notice of any iaves��d.lawsuit ar oRher act�ioa by�oY <br /> _ _ _-_ �•�veYr�n�tal or�guWor7■8�7'�*!'""y�"Ii••q'iwwavi.�H.e thn�rxty awd ary ilvndors Subrra.oe ar Ra�riiu�a�W � <br /> Law of which �pmwer das actusl i�u�wlo4ge. If Banvwer k,ams.or ia aolii"�d bl'�Y 6'�a�y <br /> authodtY.Wit�ny renwvAl ar other remedistioi�of aoy Na�Mdous Sub4noe�ffffatioa Ihe Ptopeity is noc,aaq►.Bono�r�er <br /> �p�P�Y C�ad neoes.a�ry�emedial�tims in aocardu�AOC with Favimmnaual Lxw. •. <br /> At used'ta 2b�s pangnpb 20."��"Su6epu�o�x" aro tMse substanoes def'u�rifl�w�c or hwz�udous su6slwtoa bY <br /> FnvLonmrnW Law�nd tbe foUowing sutr�w�nces: gaaoli�s,kaosene.o�ha f4narWbie ior toxic,p�nl�mn Palucts,w�ic , <br /> pesticldes and he�bicides.volatilc solventa.m�teriats coataining�sbestu�at fonnal . ad sa�'�acdve ma47ials. As <br /> used in dds puagraaph 20."F�vironmental Law"means fode��l lsvv��nd laws of thq yarc+�,5. ' an w�e,die Piopaty is bcMed . <br /> d�t nelate to or environmenutl protxtion. � :. ' ,� • ... � .; <br /> NON-UMFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and l.end�er fur�her ooven�►t pnd a�rc�s u followe: . !�:� <br /> 21. Ac�odex�lion: Raaedka I.e�der sbdl giva lwtioe to Barrow�er prlor to sooderatio�,�ailowi�Norn�w�a'�e . <br /> - brrx�d�qr wweaant or a�eemait Ip tY�l3ecnMty im�u�eo4(b�t not prbr to�o�derMia�,n�der p�ra�rapr t7 <br /> -- �1!!B�CI��4YY�IMY�dl�Wh!lW�Fl�. �'M!AOf1C!'8hi1116�!!t�►; lIt)�IE dl�ildl�(`)t�l!��YQ f�Eq�lt+d1�D�OI�E f�E <br /> .,. _. �ie)�� i�i�a 38 tis��s�;�a i��a��satica Es�isra ro Sarr�sr; rrlei�6!�r�ak�s�s <br /> '.�v� crir+ed:a�d(d)tQat iqq�tp�re.t1ie aYeTa�9�on or 6ei'v�e t4e date specifkd Is ttie mati�e mny resalt ia aocderstio�o� <br /> „o�;;,:;� U�e snms seca�+ed Dy this St�urd�r L�trawirdt aad sale ot the Property. The notke shnll furtba�iafurm Barrower d <br />-" - - IUe rl�ht to reiwslah�Ita�aca�►s�liaw s�dl t4e�ight to bring a court action to�sert W e aon-exbtenoe d a dctanit or <br /> '_" �y olie�defe��r a�Borrower to acceYermtion and sple. If t1rc defaWt is not cured on or befanr t6e date specjfled iw <br /> ��; - tGe Wotia,l.ez�at Its optbn mry require immedixte paymeat in full of nll snmisecured bq tbie Securit'Imtrupent <br />-- Withoat fur�b�r demand Aad mAy Invoke the power o�s�le smd any other remedks permilted by applkaDk law <br /> ,, m <br /> = LcNder sh�ll be endded to collect all expeoses iacurred In pursutng tbe remedie�provWed Ia thb para�sph 21, <br /> `� iacludiag,bW aat limited to�re�sonsble attorneys'r�a.�a�a�rau�e�a�. <br /> If U�e.power of sale ts invoked,7lrustee shall record a notice of default fn each couaty in whkh aoy put of tbe <br /> �.� Pruperty ig IacA�ed nnd sl�ll maN rnpies ot such noNce in the manner prescribed by applkable law to BaTOwer aad to <br />�' !he other persor�prescribed by wpplicAble Ww At1er tNe Ume required by opplk�ble Iaw.lYustee shall�ive{wblk <br /> •� Notice ot sale to ihe pensons and in the manaer rescribed by oppliceble Iow 'Ilrustee.�ritdout demaad on Borro�rer, <br />`� s3�aq seU the Property at publk auctbn to the h�ghest bidder at the time and place and under t6e tern�v de9i�ted in <br />-'�s lhe notke of sale ia oae or more parcels and in any order 71•ustee determines. 'Ilrustee may postpone sole�f s�pr pny. . <br />""';� parcel of t6e Property by public announcement at the tirne aad plece of any prev(ously scbeduled sale. LetN?e�o�1ts <br /> desiQaee ms�y purehase the Property at any sale. . <br /> Upon receipt ot payment of the prke bid.7lrustee skall deliver to the purchaser 7bustee's deed rnaveying We • <br /> ''��•� � Property. The recitals io the Trustee's deed shAll l►e prima fwcie evidence ot the trulb of the statements mnde Iherefa. <br /> �`�':�•'�' 7lrustee sball apply Ihe proceeds o�Ihe sale in Ihe following order: lal to Atl cost.R nnd expeases of exercisia�Ihe.power <br /> ..r? y y.,��' <br /> _ ' � <br /> =y.� _,.," � ..�.� <br /> :�` , <br />` ,... �c,,• , <br /> ��..h�.-.. , � - <br /> , ..� ..:- . . - Form i0lN 9190 rpuKe;nJA pug�s/ - <br /> ��; <br /> t:- �� �'+'t <br /> �•� ;� . �y. <br /> .;::` ;r'• � •.�;�° <br /> ;.' ��. ;,r.�ows.,.�ne--�-.��.�. . .._....�.,- -- -- --- � _ <br /> •� �iyu`A...{;�'LSfq:�.�.� .... . 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