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_ _ <br /> :�.q�«.W+7r�.` .. .. .. .. . . . . . . -=1�r,;:„ya........���: -a...`� -- <br /> , - . . . . . , , , . -- a.�.��t-' _ii:..ur.r�•.-�-r�-..-� — �1xu�. <br /> .. . ' ' i�'�S' ��c �,. -_ <br /> ���-. <br /> .?�. �. <br /> f��jtar�drqt�Il�f w 7hnpMf/�O�1i0�'I��IM�ir Il�u� _ _ ___ _ __�w.�r�.r�,_-._;�,.��=_- - <br /> '_ - - - —. ... �.7'7Cl,lp{R'�.f'r."r:-w <br /> 1R� of i��s�-71�r. �R f .b� * r�� ���,� . <br /> � M�1��R MI��,'M��i�OM� 1i/�'..I�,bM�MI�� �,��� �--- <br /> wiioM IM hir aMrt�t wAr�d�ho�y b�o�liw Pii���1 b�iw dr M�+wl Mllw • •�';'-�:- <br /> �rd try ddr�:rly►iMwnMat 6efat�,t�kY�,�Mr�Hu�to�rer Lwir arl�nrYi►� �� <br /> �M w�Mow�d!�►Iwe�6�a�riRy rrlh�M�ll b�tiro�Mq NM�p�l a�'1Mt��/� �I1�i M ,- <br /> fbetia�: (�)d»lol�d Maornl o/1A�ww��e(wrM ��i t�kM�.dlvid�d 1ry(b>�e�it��r1i1� <br /> iiopWfr M a M d i�w i y l w f o�w�p r i�. M q r b�i M a�j N i i d Iv �r o�e r. i��rrwt a f s p N+t i d i f l�i . <br /> lrop�tp i�wMicM 1!M fY�ir a�1cM wiMe d 11M Pro�b iw�N�Mlr.Mb�liM trtiry M M�da�IM rno�1��i�11 � <br /> Wo�nd i�a n e�d i�y i Y�I�e I M�w�I M t B a r o�r�a d L�r �pa�i n w e l t i e�or w d��p p l i o i l t l�n i r <br /> ahe�whe paowd�itlt �pi�d a dM wws aow�d by�Seouriqr�eiM MwIMr ar�iie w+w�w <br /> tlw�d�e. <br /> U Ihe Ribperty it ahndooed b�r Batw�er.or if.dler nolios b�r I.MMIet ta Barorwr dw N�o�d�ar a11Yts la m� <br /> a�aw�rd or te�tk�cNbM fOr d�aM�es,Qaf�Ower fifh b ra�folld b I�eldbr trithin 30 dqs dMt dle dM0 d14 uolios ft si�. <br /> l�der is wdiori�ed a aoliea�ad�ppty d�e pepoeed�,M ka aptio�.ei�er a�eM�ntio�s a hp�k d i�P�opwt�r a�s iM , <br /> w�iecnrod by d�is Seanity 1a�ent.wl�elUer or aot t6aa dre. "' <br /> udes LaMeer rad 8aeowet abawi�e�rae ia��..ny ot procaed�a pic,ipd sMll�a et�'or <br /> po�l�one iYt dne dre d tre aaNMl p�ymax�rerared b in 1�nd 2 ar cb�e tbe�m�wot af�4 p�rw�rea. <br /> lt. Mera�wr Nat � li�Merawoe dy t,wi�r • N�Wti+er. Bu�ion of IYe da�e fa py�at a " <br /> modit�doo d aoohiratfoa of d�e asa��ec�,irod bY Wt See+�My wpwneat R�wMed bl►Ladr a ap�r aooeNOr i�iM�n�t <br /> d Bae�nw�i0a11 aw apenre to relea�o die IW�dty d d�e mi�a! 8a�o�ret or Aatower�wroae�t ie i�eM.[�dw <br /> a�q�ot he 10 00�p�os+eed�aaian rY s�ocv�or Iw i�M�I�r�li�r�w e�crwd liwa��e.�.n er - <br /> ad�rwite mod a�rao�ntion d tLe wms secved by thEs I�apat by rearoe af auy deaw�d m�de by die e�i�Wl <br /> Bonower a Hono�ww��aiooetson in imermW. Aay fab�eaanM�i.a�lv i�e�d�inL a�y�Y ar�aipo�dy�lall�ot be• <br /> w�iver of a poclude 1he exaclso d�ny d�d1 orr�edy� <br /> lZ. Srooenocs wd A�yM so�ii.loi�t�ud�evtfsl LhliBqi Co��. 7Ue oovdoras�od�neanaru o�thh <br /> SeCeity lOp1Y1t10At/bW b6d�11d bdlelit d1e f110CESf01s i1d�fii�n Of L.dMiEf�Id Bolt�OWCf.f11b�EC1 b d�e prvY�O1M Ot <br /> p �7.$d10WCl�COYOi1Q1[s��IOpllplli b��bC�IIN iAd ECY�fN�.�BOIiO�WQt W�lO CO-i��t�1�f��► <br /> In�aa does noc exa�to the Nae: (.1 u oasi�nS this saviiry Insawoait auy�o mortp�e,pant.�a co.vey u�u <br /> Bar�ow�arl�int�at in tt�e Praperty wider the tams ot ti�b Securiry 1�nme� (b)is oot P��Y��i+��P�Y tAe wms <br /> seciued by thi�Security lnsnuma��nd(c)�groes dw l.eader md�ny otber Bomower may�vc to e�rnd,moaify�falxu <br /> a m�loe�ny�000aaaod�iom wi�h re�d to the tenpt of thb Serurity Insbunrent ar d�e No�e wY6at d�t Baaowerlt <br /> ��anau. <br /> !3. I.oq� It the lan zecwed by thls Securiry Uwnrnan is subjec�t�a law which�ts rt�cLn�m lo�n <br /> clnrgrs,�sd d�t lar�. !�allY�apr�d so t!�dx i�e�i ar at�la�s clr�g�cti!lECxd�io�a cail�3�� <br /> wlth the lo�n ezaeed the permitted Ilmib.then: (�)�ny such loan chargo sFudl be�oduced by the amowq aoaetwy to redua <br /> the chuge to the pe�aitted ifmft;aad(b)wy wms dre�dy collocted fiom Barower whlch exceadM pem�itted lio�wiU be <br /> refiuded to Barrower.L.rnder m�y choose to m�ke Ihls�efwd by roducing the principd owed undet the Note ar by m�kiag a <br /> diroct payment to Barower. 6 a mfund�educes principal.the mduction will be tiratad as a p�tid p�epayme�M widioW swy <br /> p�+epaiymeat charge ander the Note. _ <br /> 11. Nodce� My notice to Borrower provlded for in this Securiry Inswment shall 6e given by dalivaing it ar by <br /> mwiling it by first clzss miil unless applicable law requircs use of rmother method.71ie notioe slwll be dirocted W tl�e P�opaty <br /> Add�ess or eny other ddiess Bamwer designate.c by notice to L.ender. My notice to Lender shrll be given by fuu clas <br /> mail to i.endert�eddrrss swted heroin or any dher addrcss Lender designates by notkc to Bonower. Any nodce prnvWed for <br /> in�hi:Securiry lnsnument ahall be deemed�o Fwve been given lo Bormwer or L.ender whrn�iven aa provided in this <br /> P�Pn• <br /> 15. Coverdag Law; Severabf8ty. 'Ihis Security Inswment slwll bc govemod by federal law and t6e law of the <br /> juriadiction in which�he Propetty is locnted. In the event that any provlsion or clausa of thiR Secu�iry Inspument or the Note <br /> conflicts with epplicable luw,such conflict sh�ll na uffec[other provisions of this Security losuument or the Note which can <br /> be given effect wi�houl the conflicting provision. 7b�his end�he provisions of this Security Insuument and�he Nota aro <br /> doclared to be severable. <br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shull be given om:confamed capy of Ihe Note and oi'this Soceuiry Inswment. <br /> N. 7lranster of lhe property ar A Bene0cial Inferest in Borrower. If ai�or any pan of the Property�r any inter+est in <br /> it is sold or transfernd (ur ii a beneficiul inter�est in Borrnwer is sold ar haasferned und Bomower is aal s:matural person) <br /> without Lcnder?s prior written conscnt,Lender mny,at i�s option.rcyuirc immediutc payment in full of a@ svms secured by <br /> this Socurity Inswment. However,lhis option shull not be eaereised by Lender if exercisc is prohibited by federal l�w�of ' <br /> tlrc date of this Security InswmeM. <br /> If Lender exercises�his option,Lender shull give Borrower no�ice of accelern�ion. The notice shall provide a period of <br /> not less than 30 days irom the date the notice is delivened a mailed w ithin whi�lh Borrower must puy all suo�s secured by this <br /> Socudty Inst�ument. If 6a�rower fails to pay these sum,priar �o the ex�irution of this period,Lender vn�y invoke any <br /> remedies permitted by this Security Instrument without funher notice ordemand on Bomnwer. <br /> 18. 8orrower's Right Io Reipst�le. If Borrower mce�s cenain conditions, Borrower+hull have the right to have <br /> enforcement of this Security Instra�Prient diticantinueci ai any tirne prior�o �he eArlier oE �o)S duys(or such other period as <br /> 5ingle Cvmdy--Fnnwk MaNFred�k Naa U�IIF(IRM INK'fRUMFNT-•Unifam Covemnts fA0 (po�e J nJ6 pagts) ` <br /> --aYs...n_w._ �Y t��yq],�� {�,t p yy +li;aHFa�.n;�.��•��._�•�air�rc�tC,�fi�CcC. - - - `•.. <br /> - j,.. : - . � .��...., K�1`�S"'r"'I�TRJi : ^`lti 1 .7�•': 'j^wi7liaM1F�°�'°'o°'*- '�. <br /> -_�.> >Fj f . „ ft.. 1�� .f ��� r ' ; , 1 -�--"'"""R�� J it�l�;P?1 i1➢�119u as--! -r . <br /> .- �`�-c� ,�� '.. i<- ' � �.• rF � :�,..i �,� . .�: .__... .: ���c ., "}l�sl��, i i� f'�1��i?�'��''R�.�f�'�`'_r'.-. <br /> ��� i�D,y��v�3 - - ��; ( i- .� � ' ' •' •.,.�� � .?3 ����SA��°��1�� l.alf�.''4..C�.`"-�z.-vr+.:�r_^. <br /> � . � . ./ i ) � t���� f� 11 1 A � M'.{ ..ni_�_ <br /> . .�-;:a[i .:W9b.'.:�C)_L_._.•�f '� ' !_flli�fl��•��_K5. f �.f.. �y.L�1VGrY� �} — � <br /> . -=--— ,� , e�T , '- �. �. ,:� *�.,—�: .�-,, ,.,�� _ � <br /> ; � i�� � ' ' �� - �. ! `� 7 . -.� e 1 ���v 'S- �1 " �r7}�,'r�y.�`t1e� _ . .. <br /> 1� - � � . � . 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