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�.�:. a. . <br /> -a . .h++h . <br /> :��:1,. , 't' • ., .,. - . . , . T _ ,_ _ <br /> '.��— — - — , . � . - . � ` : .. ' � . . . ., - '�.��'���^ � w r <br /> . �aa.wbicb�w w��d a i�IMe��2.a aAry��M�w�d weY ph►��. J1iq►Nar�o�i owr+M •.:. <br /> ___ --- . " ��nt�l���iia�dy� iMU.�wir�iaii� .. . ill�,�lii�►_.:r._�_��_ <br /> �11�M. L�wMr aRY oolYct fae� �ad ch�a�ods�d b�►11M�c�hry: ,� , <br /> !.(i�w�/r!rr�af D�6f. <br /> (�)OMMIt. I.a�d�rwht.wcoaP►�s li�nilad b'�IMians Wwd by d�o Seaotary�ln tb a�e o�P�Y�d�lM�Its, <br /> rery�Ye� ia 11�U ot W�s�d M'd�Sec�ritY In�e�t 1. <br /> �by Wllag m p�y ia t�idl anY�Y P�y��bY� �Y�p�' <br /> w a ot�die due dMe ddie aeut a�oiqhty <br /> ii� )Barm�var��bY faili�!ar a paiod d dii�ty d�ys,ro perfann�ny od�ar d►li{Miau ooap�ined in dd� <br /> Secta� <br /> � Cttiih Approral. I.aider tball.if Pertniped!►Y applkabb uw�nd wW��he priar app�ov�l of t4e <br /> .���0 P�Y�ia fWl of aU the anu�ecurod 6y thia Secuniry ineuunaent U <br /> (i) a put ot tbe Arope�ty.a a ba�eflcW intaa�i in R pust ownin�dl a pat of 1be Ptopwty.i��oW o� <br /> otherwi�e priuufurod(aher than by devlse ar de�ceat)by the <br /> �U)'ILe pmp,aty is not occupiod b�r�ho p�er ar grimuee as hi�or her princlp�l re�idenca�or the purclu� <br /> or �a�uee does so oocupy tLe Phope+�X bu� id� ar he► crod�t ha� aot h�ow spptoved L� �ooadr�oe <br /> wttb tbe�api�ranents ot the Sec�ry. <br /> (c)IVo Wait� it�un�o�oa.w�tMt waald panuR L�ender�require immodLto pwymait in full.6ut l.o�der <br /> daa not requ[re wcbp�ymars.L�nder does na«aivo Gs r�Ns withrcapec to�evadts. <br /> (d) d WD S�� !a m�ny circ�as r�e�ala�o��iRSUed by tGe Secrowy wNl liaoit I�eoderl� <br /> dght��case d paymau r�e h�nedi�Le PRyroraot.����af t6e SOaeduyThis <br /> Security In�traroau does not�u�liorize accele or farocloauia i�aort <br /> _ (e)114�.-7�l�Ic�i i�rad. ltorrower�graes dwt shou{d ihic SccwitY��!t�e aote sc�d�t�os - <br /> be eligibie for imunooe uodcr the Natlonat Housa�g Act rvlthin �A fman the <br /> date haoof,Leivler its option utd notwith.�tanding anything in Puagr�ph 9. raNite immediate p�ymau i� <br /> full of all swns secu�ed b��his�S u�ity Insuumm�. A wtitten stataaent of any wthotiud agent of the Socrelary <br /> datad subaequait to from the date hereof.declining to i�uura this Secutity <br /> �t aad the�ate sec�aod 1he�eby.ahsll be deema!oa�clusive prnof of such iaeUgibility. Natwithstonding <br /> tbe foregaing.thiQ aption may not be exercised by l.a�der when ihe unavailability of iruuraece is wkty due W <br /> Lenderk failure to rcmit a mortgage insw�nce premium to the Secretuy. <br /> 10. Rdwtatetnea� Bormwa tws w right w be reinstated if Lender haa�equi�od i�rrned3�te pay�r�ent in full bxause <br /> of Bamwerl� failw�e to pay an amount due under tha•Notc or this Sacurity Inadumen� 7bis right applks cven after <br /> - fo�eclaawe p�oceedings are instituted. '[b rclnsuue tha Socurity Instrumeat. 9ormwer sh�Q tender in a lump su��U <br /> - amounts�equined to bring Borrowerk account cwnnt includi�g,to the extent they we obllgado�u of Bomower under�ui: <br /> -`� Secu�lnj➢aaqument.foaeclowre costs rand rcasa�able and cu�tmin�uy attomeys'fces and eapensesprope riy associate�Ri�a <br />=�� :•��,�rt the fwr,ctasure pro�ing. Upon ninswtement by Bortewer,ttnds Socurity Inswment and the ubligations tha�ll3ecanes' <br /> ,I I;�I.• shnll remain in eftect as if Lcnder had not reyuired immediute pxyment In full. However,Lender ia aot re�uired ta�n�it <br />-- reinstatement if: (i)Lender has acce�ted remswtement after the commencement of fonctosw�e proceed'mgs wlthin two <br /> _- years immediately praxding the commencement ot a cument foroclosuro proceeding� (ii) minstatemen� wi➢I proclude <br /> = fore�tosure on differcnt grounds in�he future.or qii)reinstatement will adversely affect the pdorlty of 1he•llen Created by <br /> ;:?��? this Security Inswment. <br /> 11. fbrrower Not Itelea.5ed; Fbrbcarance by Lender Not a Walver. Eatenaion of the time of payment or <br /> " modification of amortizution of�he sums secured by this Securiry Insaument grcurted by L.ender to any successor in inte�est <br /> ° of Botrower shall not opera�e to the liability of the original Borrower or Barrower�successor in Intercst. Lcnder <br /> shell not be required w carnmence proceedings agninsc anX successor in inlerest or rcfuse eo extend time for payment or <br /> � othcrwise madify amonizeuon of the sums�secured by Uus Sccurity Instrument by reason of any demand madc by the <br /> �`� �, original Borrower or Borrower x successors in interexi. Any forbeamnce by Lender In exercising any r�ght or�medy shall <br /> ,�;� �, not 6e a waiver of or preclude th� exercise of nny right or remedy. <br /> t Q3. Successors aad Ass�g�s Baand;Joint ond Several I.iability; Co-Signers. The covenan�s nnd agrccmenwa of <br />•� ihis Secudty Inswmen�Shnll hind and henefit the vuccesson suid agsi�ns of Lender and Borrower,subject to ihe provisions <br /> y .. � � of Paragraph 9.b. Borrowert corenan�s un� �greemenls shall he joint und several. Any Borrower wha co-signs Ihis <br /> �°' • ;"°'�`��' Securiry lnswment but do�s not execute the Note: (u)is co-wigning thix Security Inwrument only to n�urtgage,gn+nt und <br /> _,. .. t�,,,.,.. ,: <br /> '1a�:.� ;�1�?'Si�� canvey�hat Borrowerk interesc i�ihc Propeny under the tcrms of this Securiry Instrument;eho is�d personally obligated to <br /> "' '' ` "''"+ pay the suma secured by this Securitv Ins�rument:und(c)agn�ex thnt Lender und uny other'Ban�wer may ugree to extend, <br /> ., r,,n,. 'c <br /> � '?`' A'""' modif forbesu or make nny nccommodations with rc ard�o the tcrtns of this 5ecurit Ins�rument or the Note without�ha� <br /> �.'r7ri•.: :� Y� R' Y <br /> Bormwer's consent. <br /> '� �.i�r. „ 13. Notic�es. Any notice to Bormwer pn�viJed for in �hiti Security Instrument xhall lx given by delivering it or 5y <br /> � .. :.� ' mailing it by tirst class mail unless applicable law rcyuireti use �if un�Hher method. The notice shull be directed to the <br />- �.�� .�; Praperty Address or any ott�er ucldre�+ Bormwrr drsiFnutes hy nolicc to Lcndcr. Any notice lo Lender shall be given by <br /> t' . clas� mail to l.ender'.s addrrsc xts�ted hcrcin i�r uny ud�lrc+ti Lender de+ign•rte,by notice to Borrowcr. Any notice <br /> '1►' 4'•'':;g;l,.•�: �rovided For in this Security Inxtri�ment shull hr deemed to ha�.ixen tiiven to Bomiwcr or l.ender when given us proviclsd <br /> -� - m th�s parngraph. <br />- , • • � � 14. Governiag;SeveroWlity. 'fhis Sc�urity Imtrumcm ,hall {x guvrrncJ by Frdcral IaH unul the law of the <br /> ; ti, �• ' ''-.� )urisdietion in whic�the I'ropeny is laxu�ed. In the evcnt that uny pru�•i,ion ur rluuse of thix Securisc lnstrument or the <br /> �;+i.' Nute conflicts with upplicable luw.+uch rontlict tihull not af(�ct cHhcr provi�iom af thi�SecunOy Instcument or the Note <br /> ` ��`,� '- ,r�;'';:i(.:�, - <br /> .,�,., . . , ,, ,.�,.�.q which cun be given et'fert without�h� conflirting provi.ion. 'to this rnd the pmvisianti�f thiS Securiry lmtrument and�he <br /> ;,{i;,Si,�?.'�.•r Nate ure declumd u,be sev�mblr. <br /> : . �„'•:s�•+''{:'f� � � �. <br /> . . . �r'�:�,�t;�' IS. Borrower c Copy. Bnrrower�hull Ik�.rvcn one conformed ropy uf thix Serurity Inxtrument. <br /> ' ::,,�P.S..;���r <br /> e'.i`'.,";,,1};,• � i{� 16. Asslgnmeal oP Renty. Borrc�wer unronditioncdly u�.igna und tra�.frrti lo Lender ull Ihe rcntti and revenues of the <br /> . .'J. „ {��):-t{.,,A _. <br /> -��.: ,� ;f;,,_;i;..jr� I'ropeny. Borrower authorize+ Lemkr or LrnJer'.ugent�tu collrcl th�rcnt�a�id rcvenucx and tkreby direrts cuch tenvnt of <br /> ;�..�1...,;:+t',?:�•: - <br /> ..�,;t��, .., the Raperty to puy Ihe ren�.to LenJer or l.ender: �geN�. H��wcvcr,prior tn Lrnder: ixuirc to Borruaer oi'Borcower's <br />_�'' ' ' ��•',t,' . .�;�,���..� bres�h of nny covenont or agreemenl in Ihe Sccuri�y Inxtrumrnt.B.imiwcr.hall rallect and r��rive ull rents und revenues r►i <br /> �" _� ,^,�••,,,•,•.-,. the Property ns trustee for Ihe benefil c�f Lrnder imd Borrowrr. 'd'k�ix u��ignment of'rent�ccx�stitutes an at►ti.lute u�czignment <br />_M� .�-�'•••'�{'• � and not an assignment for udditional wcurity onty. <br /> If Lender Rives notice of breach to Hormwer: lul ull rents r�ceivcd by s��rrowcr shall he held bv 8arrower us uustee <br />_ a �; for benefit of Lender only, to be appl ied to�he wms �crured hy the Sccunry Instrumcne (bl L endrr �t�aOl be cnhlled to - <br /> � collec�and receive ull uf thc reneti of�he Pruperty;unJ 1r1 cach�enunt c►t tth Roperty.hall pay ull rcms duc and unpaiJ to . <br /> i�� w� �r:°� Lender or Lendert ugem�x�Lenderz vvrinrn Jemand to the tenant. <br /> , - Botrower has not eaccuted uny prior as.ignmcnt i�f thc rents und 8:�+not and wdl not pertom� uny uct thm wnuld -. <br /> _��_�„�,,:,:,•r, •. pteeeai Ler:der from exereining it�righls under this F'�ar:��r;�ph 16. <br />— <br />