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_L -' �.,. •,rL}1��4;1�10. •. � ., ' , �������ay'�'r';ri�i�'.-,.�...� � <br /> • ._'�����..�� __ . .. __ • ., n. . _t�4.J+M��i . -�. � . ...� .. - � .-. .•�__l��� �� __— _ <br />--___. , . , �aU�J� ""`` ' :� <br /> . . � . .. <br /> �. �t,���t M I.�M�1r/� �O■o�rrr�i�►�ie�ilr�Mw pM�11�1��YMiwtwlr � ,�_.� <br /> ..iil�t�til� w�iiMaoir�wiw�iLZil..-__�. . . �a�. , <br /> - Z 1NsMYf 14�W��t71�r�,Lw��ww�i diM�'./�r�r�ii��wi�i ---- _ " �rM <br /> ��r wiW qw p�Mrolp�l�YrlwMt r Ml la�b r Mn Iielw 11M ol�e�� �� <br /> �id iwwiwr�favLd or a 6�kvid ipMat thr lra�ahy.n)�M��w�uur/'wr wwt�i� .iwd <br /> (a�P�pi�a�r Iot ir�taio�e rp�'ed ap P�e��pM 4. <br /> QaoD i�IM�t f�a�lMar(��(b) aid (aD�Mp�qwl a�rsewdlW ef IM�� wowr��t�wo�iy <br /> � <br /> �nl b�r . au �mo�rn ca�fdent �o s�faain a �dditio�ml bdmo�ot aat wo�n 11� d dM <br /> eoa1M 6tloee�ine�6eoome deli�ne�l�eodar�Il�hold dN nmoa�a aol�f�oled i�pwt b p�y����sd <br /> (a)Mfaro 16e�beoare deliaquent. pba die�MMte mo�lhly <br /> if�t a�tiwe d�e wW d We held by Lader tor Iteaa(a)�(b)�nd(c). <br /> p�na Pa such ir.�a pay�ble ap�prior a We due da�a d we6 i�aru. 6y mans dum��be <br /> �naed�rnouat d P�Ymao�a Meqwiced w wch iWru wbai dua��ad if a�dra Nala as c�nent,tl�ai lraide�r <br /> �II aither�dbad the exooa ova�an�ya��lie e�tod p�y�n u ar it the exaa�over ara�ai�Y of ths aHadMed <br /> p�y ��,t,q�e�!P��1►Y Baia�wer.�i 1Ye ap�on a/Mt�p� if the taal d�be pymaeu m�de by Hanow�er <br /> (ar i�aa�i(�I�.lb�,a(c)�3�m�t'icirout b pq�Rbe ikm�due.tben Ilafower�II pry tn l�ptdar Ny amouM neoa�ry w <br /> �e ap tb deficia�y m at bdae tAe dde tl�e i�em b000mea dne. <br /> M wed ie mit Saaaity Ia�aaaM,'SaerwcY'a�dns dMe Sec�ehry of How&�awl Ur'ban Davt!up�or bis a bex <br /> � Ia my yar fo w6icb�he l.aidet a�tpry�a�a�Ay�n iawr+NOOe pemtum w tde Sxmt�ry�eac6 n�oad►ly l�Y� <br /> auo:aluee ama: (i) �u �ra�►oi We.mwl niat�qR �oe pnanium w be p�id by l.ader m m� <br /> Secnta�y,or(ii)a maa�WY cha�a� at a martg�e h�sw�noe Pemium if d�Secwity Iamuma�t i�beld by We <br /> Secietary. �+cb oian6lY inpalM�an d Rl�o�oo�t�inwaa�oe p�r,mium shdl be ia�n uaount a�ki�w aawmaLle tha <br /> � —� l�assaue! e �oe pnembm with f�aoe anmthp�q tba d�1e�ha tu11�nawl mort�te � <br /> — praaium is�Sec�fary:ar if dus Secwtty lnstrw�ai►.u held b�r t6e Sec�etaty.c�eb manttdy clu�e�haU 6e ia aa <br /> amoynt equal w one-twelftb of oae-tulf pemeut of the ouuwnding princ�pal b�l�noc due m tha Nota <br /> If Barnwer ta�dws to l.ender�he fidl pa of tll�ums se�wed by this Security Irntrwneat,Barmwerl�axauat ", <br /> ::_.-� P�aiun►iasu�l4ia�t dwt l.erder Mas not to psy w a crctary• , <br /> ="' e:ceas fi�nda w Bomower. Lnn�edfacely pda�r to a fatecbw�e s�le of 1he Property m i1s�oquiaition by�der.Bano�r <br /> - �ocoWat�WI be cadlted wlth�ny 6al�uicx ranuWng for�II installmea�far itena(�).(b)md(c). . <br /> �;�;� �.__Ap�li�tlo�dP�9�eNs. AU paymenu under P�mgraplts 1 md 2�Inll be applied by Lenda�u foUowa: <br /> ;;::� E7B�T,w ti�ematgaga inw�ance pnmium to be pud by La�der w the Secrdary or ro tha maMhly ch�rQe bY tbe <br /> .._.. instwd of the monthly malg�ge insuranoe piemium; <br /> _— $�to�ny wca.specid�sses�naw,leasehold psymenta or ground rents.�nd f ine.Raod�nd o�her haz�d <br /> -- - �;1� � P�aaiwns.�► . <br /> '�,io i�st due -r tlic Nou: <br />-� �• •R�,. ��w�nartiz�on of the princlpAl of the Note; <br /> �:K�r� ;�:t to late chages due under tht!�.ate. ' <br />�: _a,� 4. F(r�e,rlaod�wd Ot6er 61a�8 O�a�e. Bomower aha0 insure all improvements on the Propecty.whethernow <br /> in exlste�cc or su6seq U y erocted.a g a mce an y ha�ards.cosualdes.and cant�ngencies.inele�ding fire,for whi¢h I.�i�der <br /> --- �equhes insuranuz. T h i�insurance shal! be maintained in the amounts and far t h e pe d o d a t h at[.e n d er requires. �o r r o W e� . � <br /> -- ;s�;, shaU plso insune all lmprovemems an the Property.whether now in eaistence or subsequenqy e�ected,ageinst loss h��li�ids <br /> w t h e e a t e n t t e q u i rc d b y t h e S e c r e w ry. A l l i n s u r a n c e s t�a l l b e curied with com p a nies a p proved b y l.ender. 'IUe ies�rance <br /> : polkies and any Rnewols ahAll be held by Lender and shall include losa payabk clauses in fivor of. w! iu a fwm <br /> �table to,Letider. <br /> In tMe event of loss. Bortower shall give l.ender immediate notice by mail. L.ender may make proof of loss if nd <br /> 3 mAde promptly by Bonower. Each insuwnce company wncerned is hereby auUwriud and di�ected tro�make payment for <br />�;�` ' '�'����� ,. such loss directly w I.ender,instead of to B�rrower and to Lender jointly. All or any part of the insurance proce�s may be <br /> r:.;r. t •�, �'Y�ky„••, �pp Iled by Lender,at its opdon,either(n)to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note and this Sx�rity ln.mumrn� <br /> - .Y•r� =. fust to any delinquent a�nounts applied in the order in Pamgraph 3,und thcn to prepayment of principal.or(b) to the <br /> ;- ' =-�:�rsHk�-w�;' ' rcsWration or rcpair of�he damaged property. Any application af'the praceeds to the pnncipal shall not extend or postpone <br /> ' �� �� ' the due date of the monthly payments whkh are refemed to in Parngrnph 2,ar change the umount of such payments. My <br /> - ��}���"� -�=-•,,: excess iosurnnce proceeds over an umount required to pay all outswnding indebtedness under the I�ate and this Security <br /> ,; „?r:; :` "•• ' <br /> - "''� �� Insdument shall be paid to Ihe entily legally entiUed�hereto. <br /> 'l''�� ` '=�'�' ' • In the event af foreclosure of this Security Instrumem or other transfer of title to ilie Property that extinguishes[he <br /> ��'�;:�:.�•;�(tirt„�' ` indebtedness,all right.tide nnd inlerest of Borrower in:uid�o insurunce policies in forre shall pass to the purchaser. <br />• ' �s,��;y��,�. 1.� S. Occupancy. PreservAtion. Malntenance ond Protection ot the Property; Borrower's I.o�n Application: <br /> � .' .�r l,easeholds. Borrower shall occupy,eswblish,und utie Ihe Propeny as Borrower� principal reaidence.within sixty d�tys <br /> $;:"'' + f' �'' '' aFter the execu�ion of�his Security Inswment ond shall cominue to occupy the Property ux BortaK�er i principat residence <br /> '`° �`"" �1 4` for ot Icast one year ufar the dute of occupancy,unleas the Serretary determines this requirement will� undue hardship <br /> ��' � a� �' ,. for Bomower, or unless extenuuting circumstnnceti exis� whirh urc beyond Borrowerk control. Bonower shall nd'+fy <br /> � ." �_ Lenders of uny ezrenuating circumstnnces. Borrower shnll not commit wuste or destmy. damage or subc[nntiaidc c�ange <br /> ; the Property or allow the Property to deteriorate,musonnble wear und tes�r excepted. Lender muy inspect 1he Proper•ty i5 the <br /> �� Property is vacant or abnrnloned or the loan is in defauh. l.ender muy tuke rrusonable ac�ion�o protect and preserve wch <br /> vacunt or abanduned Propeny. Borrower xhall ultio be in default if Bormwer,during the luan uppliwtion pracess,gave <br /> >� , ; ' materially false or inaccurnte informution or rtatements to Lender (or f'uiled to providc Lender with any muterial <br /> _- �'�-:� �•{.��'� information)in connectinn wirh the loan e�idenced hy �he Nnte. including,but rwt limiled lo,represenlations conceming <br /> � �; � ��`.��.;-. Borrowerk occupancy of the Propeny uti u principul residence. If thi,Srcuri�y In�trumcnt is on u leacehold.Borrower shall <br /> : �: � "'�;i�::�i;,� comply witb Ihe provisiom of the leak. If Bomuwer ucyuire.ter tide to thr F'r�x:rty.the leatiehcild und fee title shall not <br />-- ' ►�• ' be merged unlexs Lender agrees tn the merg�r in writing. <br /> � u � • F. Ch�es w Horrower and 1'rotect ion of Lender's Rights in the Pruperty. Bormwer xhall p�y ull Fovemmental <br /> _ '- • � or rtwnicipal chasges,fines nnd impositions Ihut are nut included in Pnragruph �. Burtawer shull pa� �he�e obligutions on <br /> _ . �'; � ' ;;4+;;,;/�-� time directly tv the endtv which is owed the puymeut. If failure to puy would udvenely uffect I.ender z interest in the <br /> � •�•��•• Pr��ai Lendc�'s request�iorrox•er shall prnmptly t'umish ta Lender receipls evidcncing these puymentx. <br /> �• " ;' ;�'i,,f<<Y�'��: Tf Borrower faiJ,to make these u ments or�he r ment� re uired b Purn ru h 2, or fuils to rt'orm nn other <br /> ;_�kti P Y p'Y 9 Y R P Pe Y , <br /> �•w covenants and agreements conwined in this Security In,uumern,or there is u legul prnceeJing that may significuntly uffect <br /> - • --�--� --�.. ._.�_ ti_�_�..�......1... ��....r.�:.... :..I.....L�....�.... C..r...,..Is.nnwirv� or 1�.�nfivro �aWC ��r Mo1llwfimcl <br /> �.� , <br />._.,, --_�, . .--�---r--- t+c�wc��utyn.�v�on: �w�n� ���......5 :�.......w..�t. .....w......r.��...._ ,..._..�....._.._.. _. ... _..._.._ ....._ _. ._e�'^•"'--•' <br /> � � then Lender may do smd puy whutever�s ne��essury�o protec� the valur��ilxr Property and Lcnder's rightx in�he Property. ' <br /> � ''�`��`" �'~''-`�s'` including payment of tnxes,hazard insurance ond other icem�mentioned in Prrugrnph 2. <br />`'` ' ` " Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this Prrag�aph �hall Necome an udditional dtM oi Borrowcr and be secur+ed , <br /> �- �=A;. by Uus Security Instrument. These omowts shall bear interest from the dute of disbur��he Note rate,und ut thc <br />' �. �:� "�. -- - - opUOn ot Lender,shall be�mmediately�ue and payabie. <br /> �.;, •...,:... 7. Coodemnation. The proceeds o(�ny awsud or clnim for damages,direct ar consequential,in connection with uny <br /> ,� , . wndemnr�:m or other taking of any part of the Property,or f�r conveynnre in place of crmdemnation,ure herehy a..signed <br /> ,, _; � � and shall be paid w Lender to the extent of�he iull amount of the indebtcdnesx�hat remains unpaid under the Note und this <br /> ,� Securiry Inswment. L.ender shall upply sucl�prnceedti to the r+eduction of the indebtednes�under the Note su�d thir Se�urity <br /> •`• ^.�"� ,� '` Inswmen� f rst to c+ny delinyuent umoun�s applied in the cxder provided in Pangraph 3, ;md ihen to prePaymem af' <br /> .!� prir�cip�l. My npplication of the praceods to the principal shall not extend or postpone the due dute of the monthly � <br /> . "'�r, .. <br /> [!✓ ,�W':rl..'•�(�F�t i. . <br /> 1 <br /> /R+.Qi 2.'j�Pa.Y�sl <br /> „a� <br /> P.a _ � <br />