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. �. <br /> gg_sasaso <br /> tT. Transfer of the Property er rt B� eiAl Inte�eest in Borrower. lf ail or y part�f rhe Prope�ry rn�any interest in it <br /> i9�Id or trsnsferred (or iC a bcnefiCial inte;rest in E3orrower is sold or vansferred an Borrqwer is not a nawra� person) without <br /> Lender's pripr wriuen consene, Lender may, ae ic� opdon, require immedia,te pa ment in full of atl sums seeurecl by tt�is <br /> Sec;uriry lnscrument. Hawever, �iis option shal nor be exercisecl by Lender if exercis is prohibiteA by federal l;�w as of the date <br /> of this Securiry Insvument. <br /> If Lender e�cercise� chis opuon, [.enttCr � all g�ve Bvrrvwer noace of acceierad n. The nouce shatl pr���dc: a pe�iocl�f not <br /> less than 30 days fmm the date the nouec is delivered or ma�led within which B rrower muse pay all SumS S�CUred by ihis <br /> Security Cnstrument. lf Borrowcr faits t0 psy cs�sums prioc tn the expiration of period, Lcndcs may invokc any remedies <br /> (►crmiued by this SCc;urity lnstrument without fi er r►ouce or demand on Borrower. <br /> 18. Bo*��ower's Right to Rei�state. Borrower meets certain c�ndiuons Borruwcr shali have e!►z right co hxve <br /> enforcement of this Security Instrument disco linued at any time prior to the earli c�f: (a) 5 days (pr such ptt�er periocl as <br /> applicable law may spec;ify for reinst�itement before sale of the Propecty pursu �o any pc�wer c�f s;ile contained in this <br /> Security Instrument; ar (b)envy oE a judgmcn enforci� this S�cFU�ity 1nstr�tment. ose conditions are[hat Borrower: (a)pays <br /> Lender all sums which dien would be due un cr this Security [ns�ument and the ote as if no acccleraiion had occunecl; (b) <br /> cures any defaulc oE any other eoYCnan�s or a eement�; (c) pays all expenses incu red in en[orcing th;s Security Instrument, <br /> including, but not limiteci to, re;►sonablc atun eys' fees; and (d) taices such ac�ion s Lender may reasonably requ�re to acsure <br /> that the lien of this Sec:urtty Insvument, �,�n r's rightt in the Property and Bufrv er's obligation to pay the sums secured by <br /> Ihis Sccurity )nstrumcnt sha�t cUnGnue un � ged. Upan reinstatement by Bo ower, chis Secuniry Inswmenr :u�d the <br /> obligations secured hereby shall remain fully fecuve as if no acceleraaon had occ ed. t-�owevec, this right w reinsta[� shall <br /> not apply in the case uf:u;s:eler�uion under par h]1. <br /> 19. Snle of Note; Change of Loan icer. Thc Nole or a partiai i,nteres in the Note (together with this Sccurity <br /> insvumertt) may be soM one or more umes wi out prinr notice to Borrower. A sale ay result irt a change in�he endey (known <br /> as the "I.oan Servicer") that colteccs monthly yments due under the Nole and this uriry Ins�ument. TF�ere fllso may be�nc <br /> or more ch�u�ges of tt►e Loan Servicer unrelat to a sale of the Note, [x there is a ch� ge of the Loan Servicer, $orrower wi11 bC <br /> given written notice wF the ch�nge in aecordsne with p�agraph 14 above and applie le law. The notice w�}� suite the name snd <br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and [he ad ess co which payments should be m• e. The nodce wi(1 silsn ccmtain any other <br /> information required by appiicable law. <br /> 20. Ha:ardous Substances. Boz�rower s .dl not c;ause �r permic the pre.�ence use, disposal, s�oragc, or reat:ase of <u�y <br /> Ha2ardous Subsiar►ccs on or in the .Properry. Borrower sh�ll not do, nor silow yone clsc to J�, anything a�f.eccing the <br /> Pmperty that is in vio}ation oF arty �nvimnnm t�+l The pc+eceding two senten 9 shatJ noe appty co the preseoc:e, use, or <br /> storage on �hc Property of small qutmntities �f �z�urdous SuDstances rhat are gencr ly recogniced t0 bc epprOpriatt; W nortnal <br /> residential use9 and to maintenance of the_Pc y. <br /> Bormwu shall prompQy gi�c Lcnder w tten notice of any invesugadon, clai� , demand, lawsuit or o�her action by any <br /> governmcnral or regalstpry agcncy or private arty inwlving rhe propercy and any dous Substancc or Environmentai Law <br /> �f whicfi Bcxrower fias aCtoal knowledgc. Tf rrower Ietuns, c�r is notified by any governmental or regulatory authority, thac <br /> any removal or o�her rF;mecfiation �t'eny Ii:uar ous Subs��nce affecting the Properry 's nccessary, Berr�wer shall prom�dy take <br /> all necessary remedi�,l a�;p�ns in:acc;ordance wi Environtnentai Law. <br /> As useci in this p:uabraph 2U, "Hazardo � Substances" are those substances d Cined as toxie or har.ardous substances by <br /> Bnvironmentai Law and thc following subs� ces: gasoline, kerc�.cene, other flam able or toxic peaole�m prcxiuc�s, wxic <br /> pesticides and herbicides, volatile golvents, ma 'als containing asbestos or form�ld yde, :u�d redioacuve matu�iels. As used;n <br /> this pacagreph 20, °Envircximental Law" mca s t'ederai laws ;u�d I��ws of the j�tris iction where the Pmperty is located tha� <br /> relate to heald�,safety or�irc>nmert�al prot�ti R. <br /> NON-UIVTFORM COVENANTS. Borro er;ind I_.ender furcher covenant and ree as foltows: <br /> 21. Atceleratiae;Remeaies. L.ender s gire notice to Borrower.prior to leratton folbwing Borrower'y breach <br /> of any co�enant or agreement in t1�is Sec ity lnstrument (but not prior to cceleration under paragraph 17 unle6s <br /> applicable law pmvfdes atherwise). The n�t e shatl specify: (aJ fhe defautt; (b the actlon required to cure the default; <br /> (c)a �te, not less than 30 days from the d e tl�e notiee is given to Borrower, y which the default musfi be cured;and <br /> (d) ihat failure to cure the default oir oe orc the date spetfAed in the noti ma� result in accekration of th� sums <br /> 9Cfare+� b� Ehis Se�urity IneErumtnt arid sn of the PFOperty. The netice shaN urther infornr Bvrrower of the right to <br /> reinstate afta accele�atio� a�nd the right to_briag a sourt acttou to assert the non-existence of a default or any other <br /> defente of Botrower to Acceleration and sal . If the default is nM cured on o before the date specificd in lhe notice, <br /> Lender, at its optton, may reqoire➢mmedi e psymerK in fuU of al! sums secu ed by this Security Instrumer�t withoat <br /> furthcr derna�rd and may invoke the power f saie xnd arry ott�er remedies itted by applicabfe Iaw. Lender si�all be <br /> entltletl to collecE aH expenses incurred in p�u uing fhe cemedies Qrovided in this aragraph 21, including, but not Gmited <br /> co,reasonable attorneys'fces an�l costs o,f tit evidencce. <br /> if the powr,r of sate is invoked,Tr shall recorda-notice of default each couaty in which any part of the <br /> Prvperty is located and shall mail copies of uch notice!n the manner prescri d by applicable !aw to Borrower and to <br /> the other persons pnscribed by appCcabie la . After the t[me req�ulred by appli ble law,TrusEee shatl give public notke <br /> of sale to the persons and in the manner ribed by applicable law. Trustee, without demnnd on Borrower, shell sell <br /> the Property Rt public auction to ihe highest bidder at the ttme and place and u r the terms designeted in the notice of <br /> sale in one or more pareels and in an� or 'Fruytee determirns. xru�tce may tpone sale of all ar any parcel of the <br /> Property by publiC announCement at t�be ti aad place of any previously uled s�le. [.ender or it!+ designee mipy <br /> purck►ase the Property at any sate. <br /> Form 3028 9/90 <br /> ��6R�NEl�e7t i�.ot n�ge s oi a lnhieh: <br /> MPNE3111-02/9� , 102887t9 <br />