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gg-1c�saso <br /> paymcat� may no tonger be reynired, ac [he tion of Lender, if moz[g.�e insuranc toverage (in the amouot.uid for d�e}x:riod <br /> [ha[ Lender requires) pr�vi�ied by an insurer pproveti by Len�ier again becomes a ailable and �s obwmecl, Bexrower shall pay <br /> �he premium� required w maintain mongage i surance in efiect, or u�prvvide a loss resecve, unul the requuement for mottgage <br /> insurance ends in accordsnce witi�any wrietea eement fietween Borrower and i,end r or applicable law. <br /> 9. ln�pection. I,ender nr its agenc may make r��nable entries upon and in. tions c�f the Property. l.ender shalt give <br /> Burrower notice at the time of or prior to an in ection specifying reasonabtc cause fo the inspecuon. <br /> 19. Cone�emrrotion. Thc prcx;eeds of y awa�r�3 pr claim �or dvna�es, d' a con5equen��a1, in wnnec;cion wich any <br /> condemnat,on c�r ocher rakmg of any pare of e Property, or fox conveyance in !ie of cottdca�nauUn, ,ue hereby assigned and <br /> shali be p2id to Lender. <br /> Tn t!►e event of a total taking of che Pro , the praceeds shall be�ipplied to cums securect by this Sec;urity Insvument, <br /> whether or not theu due, with any cxEess pui w Barrower. In the event of a part al tHlcing of the Property in which the fair <br /> market �alue uf the Prc�perry immediacely be re the u�king is equal to or greeter an the amount of the sums secured by this <br /> Securiry Insrrument immecii�tely bef�re the ing, unlcss Borrower t+n�I Lender oth i9e agre� in writ�ng, �he sums sccured by <br /> this Sc;curity Ins�sment shalt he reduced by �e amounc of che pmceed.c muttipli d by thr. tollowing fraction: (8) the t,utal <br /> a�nount of t1�e sum.c accured immediw►tcly bef re the tsking, diviAcA by {h) �r f� matket vaine of [he Propc,'rty immedi•rteiy <br /> before the raking. Any baHancc shali be pai� c6 Barmwer. In the event ot' a p� '• taking of the Froperry in which the feir <br /> market v;�ue of the Properry unmediatcly bet e the wlcing is les.a than che smount f the sums secured 'unmedia�ely bef4re the <br /> raking, unless Barrc�wer aAd Lcnder vthcxwi agret in writing or unl�ss apptic;�ble l�iw otherwise provedes, d►e pra:eeds shall <br /> be applied to the sums sec;ured by ihis Secu»ty st�ument whether ar not che sum9 are then���. <br /> If the Fro�erEy is xErandcxiai by Bflrrowe, or if, aftcr notice by Lender-co Bor ower that �hc cortdertrnor offers ca make an <br /> award or se�de •r clniin for damages, Borrow fails w raspond to Lender wiit►in 0 days atter che date t!u ncxice is given, <br /> Lender is authorized to colkx;t ancl app}y the eeds, at its option, either u�res[ora'cm or repair of chc Pra�erty �r to the sums <br /> secured by this Security lnstrument,whether nr not�he�due. <br /> Uoless Lcncler anEi $onower otherwise agree in writinb, �ny applic�ction o proceeds to princip�al shali not extend or <br /> postpone the due da�of the monthly payment� efEnecl w in paragcnphs 1 and 2 or ch ge the ame�unt of such poyments. <br /> Z1. Borrower Not.Reteased;FoFbeuF By I,epder Ne�a Waiver. Exicns of the time for payment c�r mcxiification <br /> of amoruzau�n of thc sum��eeureti by rhis S urity Instrument granlect by Lendrr any succe�.sc�r in interest oI'.Borruwer shall <br /> ' not Operate w relwse tbe-liability of the arig' SDrrow�r�r Bonrowec's successor in interest. Lencler shall not be required w <br /> commence proc;eedings against any successor � interest or refuse to excend ume for payment or mexiify amortization <br /> of the sums sccurcct by this Secunty Ins nt hy reason of any demand ma hy the ofiginsl Borr�wer or BoFrower's <br /> sucCessors in tnte�est. Any fotbearancc by L d�r in exercising any right or reme y shail nut bc: a waiver of or prectude U�e <br /> ex�cise of any right or remeAy. <br /> 12. Succesu�ors and Assigns Bound; J int and Several Liability; Co-sign . The co�enants ,u�d agreements of this <br /> Sec:uriry Instrument shsll bind and benefit th successexs and assigns 0� Lencler • d Borrowec, subjcu to tl�e_provisions of <br /> pazagraph 17. Borrower's covenants and �r ents shatt b� joint and severel. ny Borrower who cc�-signs ch�s Security <br /> inslrument but does noc execuce the Nq�e: (a) is co-signin� chis Security Tnstrume t only to murtg�e. grant and cemvey that <br /> $orrower's in[erest in [he Praperty under the ms of�his Security lnsorument; (b) �s ovt perscmally obligated tq pay the Sums <br /> secured hy ihu Sccurity insaument; and(c) ees thae Lendcx and Any other Bono er mey�ree�o extend, mOdify, fcxbear or <br /> make any accommaladons with regard to the t s of U�is Securiry Insrorument or the ote without thut Borrower's consent. <br /> 13. C.oan Ctwrges. If the losn secured this Secucity Ins�ttment is suhject t whiCh sets maximam loan charges. <br /> and chac law is finalty iatcrpreteti s� [hac the terest or othtr loan cbar�es collec:te or to tse c�llected in connecpon with the <br /> l0an eacc;e�c! the permitoed limits, then: (a) any sucb lvan charge shalt be rrduced by Ihe emount nec;ess�uy to ccduce ctte chargc <br /> to �he pumitleA limik und{b) �u►y sums alr y collected [rom Bonrower which ex eeded permitted limits will be refunded tn <br /> Borrower. L,ender may choose to make thu fund by redncing dre princip�l ow under the Nnte or by making a dicect <br /> paymcnt W Borrower. If a xefund reduces inc►pal, the reciucti�n will be cr as a parual prepayment withouc �ny <br /> prepayment charge enda che Notc. <br /> 14. Notices. Any nouce to Borrower pro uleci for in this Security Ins�rument s a11 be given by delivering it �r by mailing <br /> ic by Crs( Clegs mail unless �tpplic;�ble iaw req ires use of an+other medabct. 'I'he rtoti shal! be direcLCd to the Rvperty Addcess <br /> or any other address norrower designa�es by notiee to Lender. Any notice co dex shall be given by first clags mai! to <br /> Lender's address slatcci hecein or any ather a ss Lender designates by epEit;e to oirower. Any notice provided fur �n this <br /> Security Insvumenrshatl be deemcd to havc given to Borrower or Lender when g ven as pr�vided in this pacagraph. <br /> 1S. Covern�ng �,ew; Severability. T'hi Securiry tnstrument sh.ill be g�v ed by federai law ��d the lxw of the <br /> jurisdicuon in which the Propezty is loc:atecl. �n the event rhat any provision or cla se ot this Security Tnstrun►ern or the 1�1ote <br /> c�ntlices with a�licaWe law, sueh contl�ic:t sh• nc�t affect c�ther provisions of this S urity Inseument or the Ne>ce which can bc <br /> given effect without d�e confiicting provisicu�. To tf�is cnd the provisions of this S urity Instrument nnd the Note .�re declAred <br /> to be severable. <br /> 16. Borrower's Co�. Borrower sttatl b�given o�ccmfrumed copy o(`the N� and of this Security Tnstrumen� <br /> Pwm 3028 9/90 <br /> �-8i11NE1 t�z�ii.o� <br /> � ape�ol e �n;�i•lat <br /> MFNE911! •02197 <br /> 102AA714 . <br />