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..�:,,,,�;�;- . „� �� _ _� . . �. _ .. � <br /> . ----i,.��vi'urc-�•a�n��--- '�h�tAs�.r.- <br /> . '`- ,. . , .. ..ti_,> _ . ', .._ . H _.. . .,.�..,�...�' .., ..���! M L ve;+��;� �,„r_ <br /> . . . _ �- -- <br /> ., � • � -- <br /> . � ���' �_.: <br /> ��IA�It I�IM. T�rMl�p d1l�[��0 L��11�1��M C�OiM�� r'� ,r .•.._: <br /> �o�l�1M�L�t M�wi�I�1�A. �!o*�r 61y o�i�W�ooM, :���d��111�.�._ _ -- <br /> -- - i!r!!�+�!�wTid�.b►w��at��oclMiss��►�1�aoea rin�a�i _-_ --- --_ <br /> A�i�rw�o�/�ie�+��wv�4�U b�ano�p�M�o awd ahW irohd�a���o1"�ai�. �Irr�llr . <br /> i�d�ave�Y r�t�o I�oY tY pdkiN ad�e�w►�h. U L�nq�ra.6anyw�r.�YM pa�Ipiy�ive 10���dar ii w+� <br /> d p�id p�Y�wd rlMw�l qodoe�. In tbe awent of'lo�r.�qrowai Null yiva pno�pt ao�do�b d�e i�u�Ma cMl�r�1 <br /> Lwir. L��aNb pouf'dto�itnot�de po�pely b�►�cr�ow�t. <br /> tJNMrs I�adx�rrd�orrowar athawi�e�ree i�wrkin,�,� rall6b nppied a:eMOr�a ar r�ir d <br /> �yre d�sye4 if tbe[e�tarrtian ar ropir b eooaaeiodly ble and Lendatti searity b uol la�a�. ff.tiN <br /> a tap�k is net aaiaamic�Uy ta�ibb or iRadert�e�&y �auld be IeMa�ed,dr is�wwoe p�ooeeda i�ll 6r <br /> �ppBed q tbe suaas� ty tbi�Seauiry in�uamaw. whaha ar not then dae,wkh�r i+�oa�pdd to Bano�r. N <br /> �onorret ab�ndom tbe doea not mrwer withi�t 30 drys a eotioo fnam Londierr d�i�t d�e iwur�noe p�rtier Iw <br /> dfaoA to�e1tb�cl�im�dipi l.aider m�y oollect tbe L�oa paeedw La�dar mwy u�e tbt poo�ed�to ot ro�ooro <br /> tLe or to p�y sumc securod by this Security�n�rmnan.whdl�a not than dua. 7bR 30�d�Y P�� �w� <br /> dM��iven. <br /> Upkss La�der�nd Batowu olhRwl�e a�oo b writin�aay q�plkuian of qncad�to p�iacipd:baQ aol cslea�ar ' <br /> po�pooe the due dab of the moruhly WYtnents�farod ro in p�sg�phs 1�nd 2 ar clunje We ainount of the p�y�uerlu..,lf <br /> uader p�rc.�►�pn 21 the rnopat�r i�noqa;�ea b�r I.ra�der,r�a�towerl��igUc to any inwnnoe policie.,uta penooea� .ardeue <br /> fiora dra�e to dre Pn�ty pnoc q�tse acq�ia��Y p�s�o Lender�o the e�at d d�e�ra aoc�otl bp q�it S�cwily <br /> IoM�urr�nl imrnedimlyprio�r a�tAeaoqu�tion. <br /> � �aW�. •1Nd�a d PnMeeliNt ef tMe Prapertyi �arem�rlt I.r A�ikalio�i <br /> die eua�ution of tE�S+ernritp�aa�d at�!!oon�mme eu�oece�py� Propaty as�Bamo�►+ex principRl��tar�t <br /> � o� y�r � ad� a� a��. � � � � � ��, � �c � � � �' <br /> w+�o.ay�a.a��u�w����a�W�e.K e�yom so�ro�«ti�woi. e�� �� <br /> danoY.dan�e or impa'v We Propaty.allow the PiopeAy a oonoaout wastC on the Property. Bonuwer shaU -' ` <br /> be in defwll Ef any fafeitum action ar prnoeeding.wbaher civil ar crirnimb is beguu dnt in Larletl good faith judgme�t <br /> oouW rault ia forfeiwre of the RopMy ar aherwise ns�erially impair the lien cnywed by this Saurity Inqnm�ait er • ; <br /> l.enderl�secutiry inktest. Bonower may cwe sueh a defwlt aM Rinsuite,os pmvided in pirag�pt�I8.b!'causin�the ixtion . <br /> or prooeedin9 to be dismis�ed with a�uliny th� Lender'�good faith detamin�tiao.P�cludes farf'eidn�e ot Wo Bo�mwerti . . <br /> interat ia the Property ar other msterial impoim�rnt of the lien cr�eued by this Socunity Inwuroent a Letdah �ecw�ity , <br /> i�rteRSt. Bortower shall also be In default if Barower. during the lorn applicatim proass. gave mauriaUy f�lae a <br /> in�ocurue intormadon a shtements to l.ender(ar fiiled to provide Lader with any nwerW infamwbn)in ca�neetion writ6 <br /> the loan evlda�ced by the Note�including. but not limited to.�wis ca�cerning Bonowu�axupuicy of tbe ' <br /> P�ope�ty as a princjp�l msidence. If this Securiry Insuument is on a Icasehold.Borrower shall comply wid�all the provlsiam ' <br /> ot�i�e. if Sw,o�se�yui�ieo+iUo�o�Rnperiy.+i,a ir�w�uri�iee�;ue�3ni1 n�mer�o w�i.eoaa�,oa� ,� <br /> W the merger in writing. <br /> 7. Protecfion of I.endee��s Rigbts io the Property. If Bomower fuils ro perfam the covenan�s aai�Fuo�mr•�qa <br /> conwined in this Securiry Ins�rument,or there is a kgal pmceeding that may significanQy affect l.ender�s righ�s un �he <br /> Property(such as a pnocceding in b�nkruptcy.prob�e.for condemnwion or forfeiw�e or to enforce Iaws or rcgula�ns).QKm <br /> L.ender may do arni pay for whatever is necessary ro protect�he value oF the Prapeny wid Lender�s rights in the Propeity. <br /> L.etNlrr�octia�d may include paying nny aums�urcd by a lien which iias priority uver tF:�s Security Instrument,nppearing � - <br /> in couA,payfng reawnable anomays'fees nnd entering on thc Propeny to malce repairs.Although L.ender may�1ce�ctian <br /> unde�this paragraph 7.Lender dces not have to do so. <br /> My umounts disbursed by Lender under this puragrnph 7 sholl become udditionul dsbt of Borrower secwed by this <br /> Secucity Inswment. Unless Borrowcr and Lender agree to ather terms of puyment,�hesc amounts shall 6eur intenst from the <br /> date of disbursement ut the Note mte and shail be payAble,with inte�t,upon notice from I.endcr to Bortower roquesting <br /> payment. <br /> 8. Mortgage Insuronce, li Lender required morlgage insunuue ati a condition oi mWang the loan secured by this <br /> Sec��iry Inswment,Borrower �fiall puy Ihe premiums reqi�ired ta muintain the mortgoge insurw�ce in effeet. If for any <br /> reoson, tF�e mortgAge insuraice coverage reyuired by Lender lapse� or ceu.�es �o be in eifect, Borrower �halC pau the <br /> premiums nequimd to abwin coverage substanliaUy equivnlent to the mortgage insumnce previously in effect,at a cost <br /> subswmially equivai�nt�o the cost�o Borm��•er uf�he mortgage in+urance previously in effect,from un altemsue rnartgage <br /> insurer approved by Lender. If substuntiully equivalent mongoge insurrnce coverage is not avuilable,Borrower shall pay to <br /> Lender each month a sum equal ro one-twelfth of the yearly mortguge insurrnce premium being paid by Borrower when the <br /> insuronce coverage lupsed or ceased ta be in el'fect. Lende�will accept,ux and retain the�e payments os a loss reserve in lieu <br /> of morigage insuranc�. Losa reservc payments may no longer be reyuirtd,s►t the option of Lender,if mortgage insurnnce <br /> coverage(in the amounl and for 1he perial thai Lender reyuires)provided by un in�urer upproved by Lender ugain becomes <br /> availnble And ia obtained.Borrower shull pay the premiums reyuired to maintain murtgage insurunce in effect,or to provide n <br /> loas reserve.until the requirement for murtgnge insumnre end�in acmrdwrce wi�h ony wrilten agreement between Bomower <br /> and 1.ender or applicablc law. <br /> 9. Inspectlon. Lendv�ar ii.ugcnt may mukc rcav��nable cmric� upon and ins�ction�uf the Pmperty. Le�mler shall <br /> give Borrower notice at the time af or prior to an impection xperifying reasonable causr for the impec�ir+n. <br /> 10. Coa�3em�adon. Tlie praceed.of any nw�nl or claim for duma,�c�,direct��r conx�yuentia9,in cnnnection wi�h any <br /> SinFle Fynfly Fbnnk 5fuel�Yeddk�tac l'VIFOR�I!\8?Rl'Mti'�T--l'nif�rm Cnvcnnn�+ 9�0 Iputr+r�'e pugerl - <br /> rieat�.ra ewaq.ras uce,■ <br /> to lkda Catl:I�BOObJDA'�YO d IM 61678t•1191 <br /> — �4'?'iP ya1rA ':r� ���'.•� I l�'��t�'; �.�5���. <br /> Jn � t - -� �, �� �f�iti�� u_ �� � ���. ' .... . . . S. � -t�,� � t' �,sp . � ���s��'Y"'�ii`I• <br /> u._ r a�..��x:,T d_ <br />� ,�, � }f'ir yn,�lbtqUv�elx.�,+ _I:i :�� 't" . i` . - �;� 1 :r 4� j+'� T..... �:,t . :l- :°. <br /> . - ... d.?`�r�}tA§I4Sils+1.4+�,{�%fL�th'�,�Sa! �� ;'�. 'c.:iy: _�_•:�:1�=ai�1Aft�iS.�v�l�t���K:'vott�t�eti3�tt�a!n�t�s c=f- <br /> T _ ,�"� � fz1E�7�lr .. . - — _ - _— _ �1��<<�741 fi ��W��:,.._� r, ' kt <br /> --� s� r t rJ ��i;,,. �• � .a. i- . <br /> , , y4; �� ��� ,� , ��� . , <br /> � - �. ��1��r f1 ,ti.� - - t 1�.:[.,�_1o'.i. S.. •�r a 1t .. .- <br /> i. ;1//� ����,OV � - . ' •i i t' - . . <br /> 1�'�ihY�f;^r7'. .,`�`t�v •� :F�l • i � " _ '' . . , '. 'i`� .f. ���1�!'V�r'. . . _. � � ...,. . . • -� <br /> � i� .�-�. <br /> `•T� � r�{1rn • �'. . . ' . <br /> .v'S��, !jg'�li��".--•—...-.:.. . ..' ' _ _ . _ ._ _ � . . . - . � .. . . i .. . " _ _ <br /> t'�(. - •. .° . ,r . .. . .-.. - " _ ' . . „ ,. <br /> ��.:i�3. i-, .i� � . �, . � „ . . . - . �. <br /> . .. ' . �. ., , . �}ti� „ , „ � <br /> . Is �, . � V � .V J .' . �. � .. ' . . u '> ` . <br /> �ti]". . - -- . 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