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. <br /> . : . . -� y - <br /> . . ... .. .,.: . <br /> .... . .':�;,'�-'t^,.R�. - <br /> . .. ,� - . . . . .�� , .. ., - . - :t:Ct;, ;, ' � '•�n R� . - — ., ---. .. <br /> — _l . . ,�� � �- - <br /> '�'[��J����WIw/Mlr MOIM Of(MIW�MrQMd OA�f�r MI�1�'� •' <br /> . .. . -���W'Qt�'i Ct'!bC�lOp1!!�. A����M�M IIMII i1r�001l�����L:'<=_- -�'• ' <br /> ���. ���1N��I��I01��D11I111��'�fytNiG�Y'wiiili'il�ii,'�'�. — .--- -- �-- - ---"- <br /> ���1���lA�IVl BOfTiDM�OC,�{dW1�l�ly/0�0�Ib0 iMw Il�ly OO�M��11��11�1 w�1�,� <br /> Md CpiYty!MO iA�11�t 1�10�y��00��axQ�fOf OrfC�1bIM�00{U��q00fd. �OflOM�R N��Ma , <br /> .rilt dd0aa M�`N:t1�M�o�e wroperer.�t.0 d�,Ma a�..nd�..�e�d w.ey ana�oe�n[nooe�d. . . . <br /> 71�D9 SBCl1[ttiY INS7RUMBNI'oambines aaifcrm oova��Ma kr diand we�nd noo-uoilnna oo�M�M M!� <br /> Ii�Md v�riado�s by jiai�didion to eauddNe��wilartn�ecwity i�mmeat cara�iry nd pmpayr• ' � <br /> UMPORM G�bVBNANT3. Banr►�a a�d I.a�det ooMaa�nt�ad yxae�s follow�: � <br /> L lyp�at a�lei�d�l aw/1Ma'eMi�pl��i LaM(-'wep. Barowar Y�U paapl9 P�I'*'hea dr i0ie <br /> �of�nd i�qaeu an die debt evlda�ood by the Nota aad aaY i�P*Y�+���due aoder�e NoM►. <br /> ��'I�wl i�a�nu�a. SW�ct w�pplic�bb I�w ar m�virtiumn w�iva l�ende�.Bat+owor thdl py o0 <br /> I.onder an the day montWY P�Y�are due upder d�e Noto.until die i�aos u p�id in PoII.a wm l"��dC'��ar:Q�)y�lY <br /> duce��ad saaunaus whlch nqy�tnia p�iaity over t�i�Sxurity Iroonaaent a�Uan aa Ihe Pt�o�aity:(D)ywiy k+�e6o1d <br /> pyn,�enu or Snowid renta an �he Pnq�aty. if mY tc) Yar1Y hsz�d a ProP�Y iinu�noe proo�an� tdl ye�ryr flaod <br /> ip�noo p�eoi�m.. if any: (e)realy mate�e inwr.nce�aniwiw. if any;ana(n m!► �PRr+�blc bp 9anorra a <br /> I.mder.b�000alroo.r1�tYa p+ovlsioa�of pva�npM 8.ia lien of U�ep�yma�t of aro�qa�e ioaa�noe pia�e. TYtae <br /> i�oo�Mo calkd"6�cmw I�.' l.a�der m�y.�t aay time,coUoct and hold Eiads s rw�wo�wt aat q e:oeai dic m�cimir�e <br /> �rnou�t a leodv far a fodaapp�eWed ma�t�a�e Io�n m*y requi�for Bonowe�Z escxo+r a000�a wda�t4e fede�al Rd <br /> F.�te Sqtkment PlocaduRS Act of 1974 as aona�ded 6romo uana b ttm�12 U.S.C.�2601 tt seq•t"��").�u��� <br /> l�w IMt�pplia�o We�mds a lesser amoau. U so.l�mder maar.�t�r tuae.cdlect aid Uoid�iq aa amomt oat 10 <br /> � ezceed the ku�er�oant. t�der may estjaa�te �be�aauat oi Wnds duo aa tbe ba� af cur�eat d�ta�sd►ea+oa�bie <br /> ada�[�ea of expa�taa of'1'umpe N.aa�ow Item�ar a�wi�e in�coo�uwa willi+.NpiicAbic iww. <br /> 'I'6e E1mds ah�U be R�el�t�n�w imtidxlon whae depaits ae i�ued by� federal�onuaeoWilY.dr ealltl► <br /> (lhcluding I.eader.if l�er�der�ia�uch�n institwiun)or in s►e�y Foderal Home i.a�n Bmk. Lender s1�aU�pply the fiaRUlls to P�Y <br /> tho Fic�ow Itans. Lande�t may not chuRe Ba�owa far�laWing md �pplyiag tbe f�Ma. a�muaUy wly�g dba dconw <br /> �ocount,oc verifying the F.scmw Itetns.wlest Lrendet pays Bamwer InWeat on tbe Wr�ds uid ap�li�able law penniq <br /> La�det to m�lce wch a chuge. How�'.�ndar may roqut�e Bonowa to pay a ane-time cha�g��r Aa indepmdeat�ed <br /> , aate tu reporting servia used by I.eadr�'im connecUaa with thi�lan.unless applicable Itw povldts ot6erwise. Unkts�n <br /> �greanpu is made or�ppltcxWlc 9aw roqui�intenest m br p�id.I.a�der sddl not bc roqui�w pay Botrower aay intaest ar <br /> e�nings oe thc Funds. Bprtav��er and Lendet mty agroe ln w�idag,lnweva.thu inarest sdall b��on the Fhads. l.ender <br /> th�U�ive to Borrower.without chuge.aa�anual aarounting of the fvnd4.showing cnedits aM ts to tUe Amda�nd the <br /> qnpae for whkh wch debit W.tbe Rmda was made. The�are pled�ed�s sddi8anl cecwiry for+1U wo��saured by <br /> �his Securlty In:dument. <br /> If the Wnds held by Leadar excad the amounts pamittM w de heid by�ppiic�bia iaw� i..a�dcr siwil �c�oo�ad tn <br /> Bortowa for the excess P�nds in accordance with the rcqui�emrnts of qipGc�ble I�w. If Ihe m�ount of the F�mds held by <br /> I.eader u aay time is not suf�cient to pey ttie Escrow Items when due.Lender rnpy so notify Sotrower in writia�,w�d,in <br /> eucb case Borrower shall pay to Lender the artwunt noce:sary to mWce up the deficiaKy. Hat�ower�lull maAe up the <br /> deficierK.y in rro mone than twelve nwnthly L.ender�s sole discrction. <br />- Upon payment in full of all sums secuTed by this Security Inswmenti Lender shall prompdy�efund w Borrnwer any <br /> Ei�nds fneld by Lender. If.under puagrnph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell tirc Plropaty,l.ender.pior to ttie acquisftion or <br /> sale of the Prope�ty. shell apply any Wnds held by Lender at the dme of acquisi�m or sale ae a credit a�inst Ihe wms <br /> tecured by thia Security[nsdumen� <br /> 3. Applieation o�Paymenfs. Unless applicable law provides dherwise,all payments teceived by Lender utder <br /> pW agr.q,iw 1 wid 2 ahall be applied:first,to any ptepaymeat chuges due under the Note:second,to amountr p�ysble unda • <br /> paragraph 2;lhird,to interest due;fourtb,w principal due;and las�to eny late charges due under tlw Note. <br /> 4. CharQes� Liens. Bomower shall pay all uuces.essasments,charges. fines and impositions Aaributable to the • . <br /> Pn►perty which may attain priority over this Security Instrument,and leasehold paymmts or ground�ents,if nny. Bortower � _ <br /> shell pay these obligetions in the manner provided in pa�graph 2,a if not paid in that menner.Borrower slwll pay them on <br /> dme dirocdy to the person owed paymtot. Botrower 9ha19 promply fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under <br /> Ihis puagraph. If Aortower malces these pAyments direcdy.Borrower slwll promplly fumish to Len�ler receipts evldencing <br /> the payments. <br />- Bomower shall prompdy discharge uny lien which has priority over Uus Security Inswmene unVess 8vrrower.(a)agtees <br /> in writing to the payment af the obligation securcd by Ihe lien in a manneracceptable to I.ender,(b)contests in gaod feith the <br /> lien by.or defends against enforeement of the lien in,Iegsil proceedings which in ttie Lender's opinion opewte to pTevent the <br /> enforeement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agrcemenl satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien <br /> ro this Securiry Instrument. if I.ender determines thnt any pnrt of the Property is eubJect to a lien which may atwin priority . <br /> over this Security lnswment.I.ender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Bomower shall satlsfy the lien or take <br /> one or more of the actions set faNt above within 10 days of the giving of notice, <br /> S. Ha�rd or Property Insurance. Borrower shull keep the improvements now exisling or heneaRer erccted on the <br />- •PropeRy insured against loss by fire,hazards included within the term"eatended coverage"and any other hazercls,including <br /> floods or flaoding, for which Lender requires insurance. This insurcince shnll be maintained in the anwunts and for the <br /> Fanw 303Y 9190 fpaR�2 oJ e <br /> • ,� •► <br /> � <br /> wn.� �,l+- ��s �rS��t�� . �,� . ,�tSi�rl���IlY1.,k --����. 7y 1, � . .. _ _ <br /> ;.} P�� �{� �-��)'1,'�.,.fi � r.� . , n: i �:: � 't��4.. ir _n ..{1,,,:����11{ t� ��y,,. �� n <br /> � l?t.S,{� . � .. ;��. � N �. r G1*4'�/« .�� ���tt �L.T2G�.tiyil�f+�.. <br /> ru_r�'�4�� �� ��-tV�n. _ ., i t :_{ - . - � � ' .�;i� i r: 1� �W"�ftq�-�'�,'�'.Y-.i�i) ��}l�� r! �..+.-�.KG'�l5{f�' <br /> t.ii��l.tiA/1:.� r 1!•i�i� i}-it:_NS ,2f_�!l_li�.�ty':s._��.�_� .'i. '� _3':Y3lt�fi�l"' �Y�l�- �.ati.,, .4ti�.�����x�:�; <br /> � �,_ ` y 1�` - -' tl� P �� 'i�P�l�'` . :- o, � " 7�}�, '� i:�`� ��ti«� �..��T <br /> ��e.t�r� ��S�i��l��t�� � . � �; � �{' t' ��F+7+ �� � , �^� f,���;�+'.ti`�. <br /> - ,�J'� s! ,YY�k � �y .. i _ • '- r l.! �y i1 a 1 -k� t+ d .: i ��x,r r,�7� - <br /> `�'�.i-+—�� �±�. Y ,�J��SI��- t} . 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