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I.eaider�hll�it pamiqed 6y�pplic�ble law�ed wW�dr �p�p�oval at 1M ' <br /> �y.���P�Y�in l�U d�ll dia�unu�ecurod by d�ia Secudty� . <br /> (i)1U1 or p�t of Hie�pry. at a bawlici�l�intamat ia R hu�t o�ninj dl ar p�n a�t6a Prope��o�W ar <br /> at6avvi�o tdwtert�ed(adiet Ibaa by devf�e or de�oant)bY d�e Ba�r��nd <br /> (ii)'Iito P�operty i�nat aoa�pied bY tbo Pw'duuer a�fttalee�his a fier prinaipN iaidmtos,ar�e p�M�tr�er <br /> or g�nteo doe� sa oocupy tho E�ope�4y bW h!t ar her crod'u h4 �WI 6ea� Mprovod ir aooadMOe <br /> avitb tho��'d��Y• <br /> (c)No Waim If ci�anspupa ocaa tlut wouW pe�mit I.oider to�equine immediue p+►ymoo�is fi�U.bWt 4rid�r <br /> das nol sucb I.ender does iat w�ive ita d�hts wlth w wb�equaM eva�ts. <br /> (d) d N�Sea�etrx In�o�ny chcum�uu�ora R�ul�do�� �swi by tbe Seadaty wilt I�rTit A.e�ie�1� <br /> rfg6ts.�c�e of pymait det'auMs. wn�quiro immedlMe P�yn�p�t ia full ad taeclae�� '1'bis <br /> Secu�ity Ta�a�nneot doa oot nbhori�e�oaierMtlan or foroelowro If not�enniped bY�e�uWiau e�cs�ry <br /> �e���wat rmnroa. s«n►.�er.�es du�t�a this s�c�yr�i ana tlSe�oEe aa�d�►�s <br /> be Por inwnnce under d�e N�tton�l HauieQ Act wlthin 8 ��� trom die <br /> d�o�rcof,l.ender its option�rd notwithqandin��nyrhing in Para�ap�9';��ire immedl�te pRyaxnt in <br /> full of�Il aums secwe.d by Ibis Security ln�tnm�art. A wnrbta�witement of any�u0wrized a�eut of 1he Saret�ry <br /> t to from the d�te hcreof,declinin�to inwie lhis Seaurity <br /> �dated subse9uen � �p�t <br /> �t and the note�ecurod tfi�eroby.ehw�l be deemed ca�clwive pro�f of such 1neU�fbility. Notwlthsqrrdin� <br /> � the�or�going,rhis optian may not bo exerciced by Lander when ihe w►�vdW�Wry of inwraaoe is wkly due w <br /> Lenclerb Failwis to remit a matgage ineurance p�emium to tbe Secretary. <br /> 1Q Rei�istaten�enf. Bamwer has a�ight w be roinswtad if l.ender has roquired immodi�te p�ymrnt in fWl be� <br /> of Bonowa�f�iLm�s w pny an ertwunt due under the•Note or t61�Securiry lnstrumen� 71�is right applia evea dter <br /> faroclosure p�tiooedings aro institutad. 1b ainspue �he Security Instrumm� Barower sludl tender in� lump wm dl <br /> �r�tt►ts sec�a�:o brissg Sosm�mS accsn�r:m�r�t i�!!ciwling,to rhe extent they one obligatiau of Bortower m►der thls <br /> Socurity Instsumen�foroclau�casts wd�r�u►bb and customary etwmeys'fees end oapansos properly a�saciued wlth <br /> the forccloaure proceeding. Upon reuuutemens by Bort+nwer.this Security Inctrument and the obligadons that it secwes <br /> shall remwin in effect as if Lender lud na reyuired immediate payment in full. However,Lander is not roquimd wp��t <br /> � reinstntement if: (i)l.ender has accepted remsmtement after tha commencement of fonclosuro procadings within two <br /> yc�rs immediwely precxdin� �he eammetscemeni of A cument fo�closure proceeding. (ii) roinstatement wlll prarlude <br /> farecloswe on dlffercnt growtcJs ia th�f+u��statement wfq udversely affect the priority of 1he lien crc,ated hy <br /> ihis Secudty Instrumen� <br /> 11. Borrawer Not Rele�.Red; IFarbearance by Lender Not A Waiver. Estension of the dme of payment or <br /> moditication af amwtltation of the sums secured by this Security Inswment granted by I.ender to eny successor in interest <br /> �of 9arrower shwll not operate to nlease 1he Ifability of t0+e originul Borrower or Bomowers successor in inte�est. Lender <br /> •siw11 not ber+�uircd to commence procxdings aga�nst an�successor in inter�est or refuse�o extend time for pa ment or <br /> otherwise madify amortiza�ion of the sums securcd by this Securlty Instrument by rcason of any demand�e by�he <br /> adginai Hotrower or Borrower�successors in intercst. Any forbearance by L.ender in exerclsing eny�lght or�y shel� <br /> not be a waivet of or preclude the ¢xercise mf�ny right or remedy. <br /> 12. Sua�essoes Aod Assigns Bound;Joint and Several I.iAbNity;Co-Stgners. The covenants and agreements of <br /> this Securiry Inswment shall bind and benefit�he successors and assigns of Lender and Bortower,subject to the provisions <br /> of Paragreph 9.b. Bomower's covenanu und Agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-s�gna this <br /> Seeurity Inswment but dces not execute the Not�: (u)i,ca-signing U�is Security Instrument only to mortgage.grunt and <br /> convey thet Bormwer's interest in thc Property under the terms of this Security Instrument;(b)is nw personelly obligated to <br /> pay the sums secured by this Securi�y lnstr��ment:nnd(c)agrees tha�Lender und c+ny other Bortnwer may agrce to eatend. <br /> maiify.forbear or make any accommodati�ns with regard to t�e�em�s of this Security Instrument or the Note without that <br /> Borrowerk consent. <br /> 13. Notias. Any nwice to Borrower pravided for in this Security Instrument shall be �iven by dalivedng it or by <br /> meiling it by first class mnil unless applicable law requires use of another methnd. 71�e nouce shull be directed!o Ihe <br /> Property AddrPSS or any other address Borrower designute�by notice to Lender. Any notice�o Lender shull be given by <br /> tirst alass mail to Lendcr's uddres.c stuted herein or uny uddress I.ender designutes by naice to Borrower. Any naice <br /> �rovidcd for in�his Security Instrument xh�ll be deemed to hnve bcen given to Borrower or Lender when given us pmvided <br /> �n thfs paragraph. <br /> 14. Governiog Law;Severability. This Seru�ity Instru�nent shall be giwemed by Federnl law and the Inw of�he <br /> �urisdiction in which the Property fs focuted. In the event thnt uny provision or rlau,�af this Security Inslrument or�he <br /> ote conflicts with applicable law,r+uett conflict ahal�noi atTcci ather provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note � <br /> which can 6e given effect without 1he cunflicting pmvi.ion. To this end the provixions of this Security Instrument nnd Ihe <br /> Note are declured to 6e severnble. <br /> 1S. Burrower's Copy. Borrower.r•hnJl h�given une conformed copy of thi�Security Instrument. <br /> 16. Assignment of Ren�v. Borrower unconditiunully u.�sign+unJ trun�fen to LenJer all the rents and revenues af the <br /> �tvperty. Borrower uuthorixes Lender or Len�ler's agents to coUect the rcntti and revenues und hereby directs each tenaM of <br /> the Property to pny the ren�s to Lender or Lender's ngentn. However, prior to Lcnder's notice to Borrowe�of Dorrawer� <br /> breach of any cnvenant or ogreement in the Security Instrument.Borrowcr shall collecl nnd rereive ull rcnts and revenues af <br /> the Propetty us trustee for the benetit of Lender uncl Bomower. This ossignment of rents ccxixtimtes�nr�absolute assignment _ <br /> and not an assignment for additionul security only. — <br /> S�i�,.�..;o;yN.r.;:.. �g►�.a�h*.,g�,.,��....� ru►ull rPnr�r.�rniv�•d hv Rnrmwcr�chall he held b�Borrower aa lrustee <br /> for benetit of Lender only,to be applied to�he sums secured by the Serurity Instrument:(bl Lender xhall be enti�led to <br /> collect and receive all of the rents of the Property:and(c1 each tenont ot'the Property sholl pny ull rents due und unpaid to - <br /> Lender or Lender's agent on Lender�wrinen demund ro the tennnt. ° <br /> Bortower has not executed any prior assi nment of�he rents ond has not and will not perform ony nct �hat would � <br />. prevenc L.ender from eaerciainy i����gi�t,u��dci t�ii,�nrag�ayl�lb. � <br /> Lender shall not be requ�md to emer upon,tukc control af or muimnin �he Pmperty befnre or after giving notice of �- <br /> breach to Barrower. However,Lender or a judiciully upPointed receiver may do xo at uny time there ix v breuch. Any � <br /> uppficntion ot rents shall not cure or waive uny dcfault or mvalidu�e any othcr right ur remed�of Lender. This usxignment � <br /> of rents otthr Prnperty shWl terminale when Ihe Jebt secured by the Security Instrumcnt is pu�d in full. <br /> Ipn�pr!nJ4 puges7 � <br /> .; , <br />