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— `" _ . .. • ��.+.. . . .:1 T.-u� .{.,W.. .:p.Nr�t�vFltlant u�.r�ru�lt �. . .. <br /> . .___-�..__..�.� - • � - . . . ` ..`iY: ,--- _ — <br /> . . ' .:,� ' . _ = - <br /> � •, _ _ ._ „ - . , . ... . _. .. .. .. '---- ,. --_ <br />.. ._._. ..�—._._..,---'_'-----� - - � - ._ . .. ' - - . .. _ . _ <br /> _ — - . . . . �� , <br /> L. d rri�eMl.Yw�r wN.4� M,.ro�.M.�pq�.�Y.�..IMe r�L�}r.��r il�w.a.�. <br /> .—�----- �-���� --- +�.�te�lr�r-Mr�MiM�ae�LraMe�s�wi�Ml�ul�. ' - - �_ <br /> �. MMN�y �7Y�►b�rra�dU�� D�no�er�I inelu0t r wd�M�DiwM• <br /> " �o�l�wIi ie�Ipa��ad i�IMnt�s�at Ea�W is�b 1WMe �r�r Irl�e6�e�.���I a�,(� Mr�M�dl <br /> �pecW�wo�ee�n lavled ar M�Ee lsvlyd�pio�t�he Pi�ap�rty.(b)M�iold P�7���M��a�tbt il�o�Mey.�d <br /> � (o)lwa�fo�il�r+�oe�e�ed bp Pl�rapk'�. <br /> B�aY e�o�Yr i� 1br i�(��(b) rd (e) ai�U aqwi aue'twYV d 16b a�w�l a�o� tw�o�b�Y <br /> esdmatp!t�y L�de�. m �t m� an�ddkional bd�noe ot nat rnore ti�e a�i�Y d tMe <br /> srlirled�m�, �A��+�pauat tar a�eh il��bdl be�oaeaWred b�►l.tioder s�bb •p�iodp�aee <br /> oai 6etae�s i�eno wo�u{d beca�e delE�ueat. l�rder�WI IaW die�aoaeMr oolbded M tnat b pry i�r(��(M)�a�d <br /> -: (c)�U ���tbe�d�a�a haW by i.a�det far ileast(�).(b)aod(o�1o�t wfth ihe Wpre montbly <br /> pRymaah far a�d�ifeas py�ble oa det priar b t6e due d�ms of iuch itam�.exoeedt b�y ano�+e d�a one�tlh tr <br /> �atod aaw�t d p�y�n roqutrod top�y a�ch it�wha�due.+�nd ifpy�n q ao tbe No1e a�e cu�rrait,then I.e�der <br /> duU eiWor rdlund the excea ov�a one•�cth of tho�ted p� ar caedit the excw ov�er aae-ad�ah A�tbe atimMed <br /> ymenn er <br /> p�y�a��iab�ent P�Ymenu by�o�mw�r��t Ua opiaa of Bamnw�u U�ho wuil of d�e paymenu msde by Boeoa�er <br /> � ibr ilnn(a).(b).a(c)b iawfficknt ta pay the item whon due.tha�Boaowa�II p�y to I.eoder aiy�naet neoe�ury ro <br /> m�to�p the de on or beforo tho d�te the item becanes due. <br /> As�od b�db�pn��insdutnen�"Sec�et�ry"mans the SecrowY of Ho�uiag aM U�b�n Dave)po nrent ot his a her <br /> d�, ia aoy year in w Ihe l.eeder mustpry�matg�e iasu�ooe pamium W the Seaetary.each a�andd7 P�7� <br /> a�also L�clu�de eitha: (i) ae ioaplbn�nt aF the amwal mo�tgago iruur+�ao��tu ba��beW by tbo <br /> -- <br />�a�aathly ctw�c imtead of�matgtQe inwanoa paniu�a�, Sea�iq► <br /> _.�. Soe�eury. B�ch mond�ly inpdbaa�t d the inamnx pemiwn�ll be�n ao roouiM wfficient to�ocumWate <br />_ - -- -_ � lidl sumwl c ia�r+nce.� wi�mte a�eml6pnos ro!!se �!c thc ft�l1 �+nnen�t �xtg#�+inR+r+noe <br /> p�apiwn is�Sx�uy:ar ii this Security fastrumeat ia held 1he Socntary.each a�onthly clur�e�haY be ia aa <br /> amount equwl to me-tweltih of one-h�lP peioau of�he out�ding p�bal�e duc aa the 1Vote. <br /> U Bocrower kr�das to Lender tbe fuQ pa►y�r�t ot�ll aums secured by t6ia Securiry InsWmeni.Bonowerl��t <br /> -�-==;� sh�ll be aralioed wit6 tl�e Ml�x rr�naining fcrr �II insnpmmtc for items(a). (b)�nd(e)ud AuY�o ins�ua�oe <br /> :�`°:— premiwn inaWl�aeat tlut Lender hss not become x�bli.�ted a P�Y����Y•and l.a�der slWi Pro'u�P'dY tefund�ny <br /> ":�,.� .b�s�fuads b Bamnwer. Immediately prfor to a fuda:bsu�o sak of tbe Propniy ar Itc aoquicition by Le�qd�r,lla�rowerlt _�- <br /> �r- aocouai shell be c�editad wlth any Mlance renwining for dl inualiments for ltema(n).N)+�d(c)• <br /> •�;;;� 3. �f d Pa�eat�. All payments wider Puagrapha 1�nd 2 ahall ba applied by La�der a�folbws: <br /> °"-'°'•,� ro tha matgege insu�nce premium to be p�id by L.ender w tfie Secnewy or w 1he monthlY char�e bY the <br /> _�v in�esd of the monthly mortgage insu�rnce pnmium: <br /> - _.��__.� �.ro�ny taxes.epecia!ascessments.leueiald p�yments or grouad rEnis.and fu��tlaod and otder d�zard <br /> --_ - insu�arwe p�en�iuma.astequired: . .- <br />_ _�_=-°�" ��to intenest due wder Ihe iVote; <br /> ...� l�.w unortiz�don of the pdncipal of the Note; <br /> to lue charges due under�he Note. <br /> _��-- 4.�ire,F'iood ond OWer Hazard Insurnnce.Borrower aha01 insurc all improvements on the Pn�erty.whether qaw <br /> � ,�{> ia existence or sub�quenUy ecected.against a►v Ruzards, cesualtks,and con�ngencies,including fire,for which Leixlcr <br /> '�=��r', <br /> , ,-, requires inswana. 'I�iia inswance shell be main�aer�d in the amounts and for the periods tiwt Lender req uires. Borrower <br /> ahqll aiso msw�e�II improvemenl�un Ihe Piuperty. whCtl►er�ww in existence or subsequently�tnst loss by flax9� <br /> to 1he extent requbed by the Secretary. All insurance shall be carried with companies approved by Leider. 71ie insurance <br /> policies and nny Rnawals shall be held by Lrnder smd shall i�lude Mss payable clauses in favar of.and in a form <br /> �y .y axepteble to,Lender. - <br />- �a�' In the evem of loss,Borrower�thaU give Lender immediate notice by mail. Lender may make proof of loss if not a._ <br /> ��`1�� made promptly by Barrower. Each insurance company concemed is hereby authoriud and directed to make payment for ,� <br /> -_ �,„ such loss directly w l.ender,instead of to Borrower and to Lcnder joinqy. All or uny part of the inaurance proceeds may be <br /> 'w, �pp lied by Lender,at i�s option.either(u)to the reduction of ihe indebtedness under the No[e and this Secunty Inurumen� <br /> 8rst ta any del�' quent amounts appfied in the order in Paregraph 3,and then to prepayment of principal.or(b) to the <br /> ratoration or repair of�hc damaged property. Any application of the procceda to the principal shall not extend or postpone <br /> the due date of the monthly payments which are referred to in Poragraph 2.or change the amount of such payments. My <br /> excess insurence proceeds over an amount require.d�o pay all outstanding indebtedness under the Note arKl this Security <br /> Instrument shall be pald to the entity legally entitled ihereto. - <br /> rt !n the event of faeclosure of this Security Insicument or other transfer of tide to the Property ttiat ez�inguishes the <br /> p;�:'• � j � indebtedness,all right.title end interest of Bartower in smd to insurance policies in force shail pass to the purcheser. <br />_ ' �{';��' S. Occupaacy. Preservetion, Maintenonce and Protectlon ot !he Property; Borrower's Loaa Applicadon; _ <br />° � ���• I.easehoW.�. Bortower shall occupy,eswblish,und use ihe Propeny a� Borrower�principal residena within sixty days <br /> ,���f~ aRer the execution of�his Security Inst�ument und squll con�inue to occupy�he Properiy us Bortower�principal residence <br /> � ,,,,�;E�� .for at least one year afier the date of accupancy,unless the Secretery detem�ines this requirernent will cause undue ha�dship <br /> _, ,�, �,;4�;'�.!'� for Borrower, or unless eatenuating circurtistnnces exis� which are beyond Borrowers control. Bomower shall notify <br /> '� . ��-��a�.•: i�.. I.enders of any extenuating circumstances. Borrower shnll not commit waste or deuroy,damage or substantiAlly chan�e <br /> � :s��'�ki},;�`� the Property or allow the Property to deteriorate,reasonable wear nnd lear excepted. l.ender may inspec�the Property ff�he <br /> .�,:z,;���•;;:�-'? Property is vecenl or abandaied or the loan is in default. Lender may take reascxiable nction to protect and preserve such <br /> ��+;x�r,�`�r�,: vecant or abandoned Property. Borrower shall ulso be in defuult if Bnrrower, during the lotin npplication process,gave <br /> ,..�:,»;aS'�' ' meterially false a inaccurate informution or sts�tements �o Lender (or fuiled to provide Lender with any muterial <br /> •` '�L.-.•.� informnt�on)m cannection wi�h�he low�evidcoccJ by Ihc hute,i��eluding,Iwi �wt liw�►eJ to.iepre�ntations concemiaR - <br /> �`:`��i''•'�,���'�"•�'��+ Borrower's oxuputay of the Propeny as u principul res�dence. If this Security Instrument is on a IeaseFrold.Borrower shulf 4 <br /> ` .h=,..!�^'��; <br /> �„ ,�_,,G;,:.,;,,• comply with the provisions of thc lense. If Borrower ucquires fee tiNe to the Property,the leasehold wid fec tide shaH not - <br /> �'�j7{'�?'�:t� be merged unless Lender agreea to the merger in wri�ing. -- <br /> `�''���`��� 6. Clwrpt�es to Berrmwer and Protection uf Lender's!tl hts in the Pro ert Borrower shull a all ovemmental - <br /> �+��,st�.<< 8 P Y• p Y s - <br /> � j,ti'��{� or municipel ci�arges.fines and impositions that are not included in Paragrnph 3. Borrower shall pay�hese obligations on !:'" <br />� "�` dme direcdy to the enUry which is owed�he payment. If fuilure to pay would udvencly nffect Lender's interest in the = <br /> __��•?ti.4 �p�ny.upon LenderS request Bonower shnll prompdy furnish to Lender receipts evidencing these pnyments. <br />�-:� - If Borrower fails to meke these payments or�he payments required by Paragrnph 2,or fuils to periotm nny other = <br /> covenants and agrcementa cantalned in this Security lnswrnent,or therc is u legal proceeding that maY significuntly uffect <br />-��`�_l.� � LenAetg nghls m tne Nrope�ry (sucn ns n proceeding in oanKruptcy,tor condemnation or io eniun.r iaw�ur�cguiaiiiniai. __ <br /> :� ,�� then Lender may do and pay whatever is necessury lo pro�ect�he value oi the Property und Lender'.s righa�in Ihe Property, Y. <br /> ;� including paymentof tanes,hazard insurance nnd c�ther items mentioned in Parngraph 2 �.. <br /> " My amounts disbursed by Lender under this Para�ruph shall becorne an additionnl debt of Borrower s�nd be secured �� <br /> -- by this Security Instrument. These amounts shall becir mterest from the date of disbursement,at the Note rate.and at the � <br /> —�---- ^• aption of Lender,ahs►II be immediately due end payable. � <br /> �-�-" ^`_"°'��`�'� 7. Coodemootion. The proceeds of any award or claim for or consequentiul,in connection with�ny � <br /> .�.a,�lma� s�l}��',t+.- <br /> �vF��,'t�, condemnsufon or other taking of any part uf the Property,or for conveynnce in pluce of condemnution,are hereby u.YSigned <br /> _:,� and shall be paid lo Lender to the extent of the full emount of the indebtedness thnt remains unpaid under the Nde und this � <br /> ��;-:�;�;';�s?�.,� Security Instrurnent. Lender shall apply such proceeds to the reduction of the indebtcdness under the Note and this Security � <br /> --"�"�"*1.�• Inshumen� firat to uny delinquent amounts applied in the order pravided in Puragraph 3, wid then to prepayment of Y <br />:y ss principal. My epplicntion of the proceeds to the princiEwl shall not eztend or postpone the due date of the monthly I: <br /> ._�,__. V=� -- fl�aRt 2 nf 4 pugtal � <br />-�:!�6q.:31•ck:c-�''yi � <br /> a'1�XrKt4i <br /> ��� _ .. _ ._ _. . _ . _. . . _..__ . . _ . .__ . : <br />