..�t':""^Sq.'_�'SF ") l• _��.G ����-'— _. _ _ " . _ . •f`'��'
<br /> -��- �i '. .L�� '.t� K. , '2tiy :.' . ' . . — . . �.
<br /> � � :.#;'�at.F--
<br /> �T' ----•�-"-`�c»-� - - � '-- -- _—_— -- — — _ ._ _ - _ ' �
<br /> ..' -_: . _ _
<br /> �i i3 -�---..`��--- , 1_ --- � —
<br /> ����� - _ � . �� �a�oes
<br /> � _ . - : , , . - . ..�- - � ���_ .
<br /> _ £ - .
<br /> appL'cabie taw msy specit�►far r�staremax�beia�e s�le ot the R�npatY P��ro�Y P�r of sab cawaiaed in @ds
<br /> $eceicy Iawua�eo�ar(b)eu�Y of a 3udEment enfo�ing tbis Secu�ity i� 71�os�co�tiana ate Wat Haaower: (U
<br /> pays L�ender aII surt►s�rhicd Wm wwid be du�aoder dus SeacicY Ie�ama�t and the Note as if no aoaktatian h�d
<br /> - — oaimo�tb)aa�s aaY dGfault otany atrar ouvemuia ar ag�enoea�tc)Pays ail expenses iecum�A in enfa�ina this Security
<br /> _;_ _ �_.-. _
<br /> - — • tnytnnmmt;includ'in8.6�eat t�nntea Z�" [ees: a�x!-{d3 i�cs-sc�h acteea as t�er_a�y. _ — __
<br /> :-_ __ _ —-:._.. - �o ass��,be��,bis�vrinr�avmen�,l.ecider?s,ngdts�tUe Fropeaty and Bo��owa�s obligat�an w paY t6e
<br /> �� t slmII continue �icTi�nge�-Upon t��1ry-����--- �--__'—
<br /> __ su�s s�bX this Sec�ritY 1as�unai
<br /> � inmvmna�t aod tt�oblig,�tioas se�i�ted 1�eLY sl�ll�in fcdtY ef�ect�Ye as if no ac,tet�ion hsd ooeunrd. Howtwet.iltis
<br /> = ri�pt to ninuate shill not sppiy m thc ase of�oalenuion under paagraPh 17.
<br /> - 1!S�le af NoEe:Cl�a�e at i.w Sec�ce� Tbe Nae or a p�ttial int�ccst ia t6e Note(to8et�er with this Savriry
<br /> instru�nent)m�Y be sold aae or mo[e tirt�es without piior mtix w 8onow�r. A sak may Ksult in a change in tbe eotity
<br /> ���_` {kanwn u the'Lo�n Savi�e�')th�t colkcts monthly payments du��ader tbe Note and this SeauitY�ns.'"'�s, 7Leie aLw
<br />���%= miy 6e a�e ar mae cRwSes of t6n Lvffi Saviser'urmeiated w a sote of the Nota If H�is a chango of the Laan Senica
<br /> �.;'.;� Bonowa vrll be givet�.writfca�aEtbe cl�nge iA.�oca�nce with�ag�iZ�i4�ttnve�nc!aPP1ic�Dte tav�.. '[be ootioe
<br /> `' - - --- - ry�U state tAe axne�a�oEt6c ncw E.oan Secv_fcez aad the address to wticitpa�sifnufd.bc�n�0e �tCnotic�w3tt.' - - - �.
<br /> - — -- --- aLw ooqhli�t au9+othet infotmatiaa xoqu�bY aPP-ffcahTcTaw. - - - --
<br /> � ZR..�1sz�cdoas� Barmrwer�all.nat cwse or pennit th�presetxa��se.disl�asai+_�orag�.oc ce�se oE any
<br />-__ - }y�p�g�an nr ia sB�Ptvpecty.�-.B�ower sball not do roc a}taw aayone eetsse to cb.anYffiutg a��� -
<br />_-. - p►vpe�ty�aE is nt vfo�atiott ofaay:Fmi�anmental taw. 'ti�pneeading t�tvo setttettces s6all not apply to tire qtes�rc�tt�.oc _
<br /> � sto�age ac tbe Pt�c�pa�of small qaantitiss of Huardocis Substanoe.s tbat are ge�eraltY�eoo�ized�°i�aPP�D���� _
<br /> ��; oesid�tfai usesa�tdtiamautteiiancearft�Piropen7►. . -- _-_
<br /> i'ucepr�.r:Jaa`�pe+�ai�rip give[�ier writtett�ce of any invesdgatiup.claaim..dem�tKi.lawsvit ar dher actiop by atry , _
<br /> � �
<br /> :� � • • ac tmotving the P[opetty atld any fTazudnus Su6stanCe or F.nvirou�ueN�1 ��=_
<br /> &��`���'�`�` �`'�� -
<br /> .:�eE a� � - Tras acmr�t-£�owt�. f£-$amnwer leuns.or�s aatifced by aay govenuoentat ac regul�ocy �:_�.a_-.__.
<br /> ,:�. �'��' • as Bo�ruwer �'A"�"-
<br /> ' •_aa�Oatg;.t��aaY�fat or a�n e r r c m e�a�o r r.o f a n y�t a�u a o u s substance�i`e c a n s the Pioperty' aecessny � _
<br /> ' ,��.���p����y��.�°°�m a°°ordanoe with Eavirauneatal l.aw. �,� .
<br /> , ,�,,* � • , . ;,,'.. �� Subs[an�eS°ate tUose subsqnces defit�d as to�aC ar ha�rdnus substaixes by f.}f,?- .
<br /> >.iq;�' paragraph�ZO«"l�z^�s.
<br /> - �.;�. .� tu�e.kemsene.other ila�nmaMe or toxic pedoleum products,to�cse ' �ti�
<br /> ;�� ��:. . ;;..:.}:'�ui��Zaw and the follownig�stanoes:.Saso� '.,�.,�::-_
<br />_-_ -- -� , :;�y��.(setbicides►_votatife:s�C�tsi:tnatelials.containing asbestos ar facmaldebycte.and radioaetivs matenals. As ..,, �. .+,�.
<br /> , . F:: •_, 1fl "Envimna�iital Law"means fedeial laws and�tws of the jurisiGctibii vviiere the Pbpaty is fo�ated ,
<br /> _ '-o�uttiij?r�r'a8tapht. > . . . " -
<br /> ;� ar envtronmental 4n-
<br /> , s' t:,;;�ss „. fisealt�. M�CUVENANTS. Bomu�Lender fufll�er cavenant and agtee as foliows• . .�::
<br /> � y'`�t.: . ;���;':;_'�?deratlo�:Remedies. I.e�der siaU�ive notloe to Harrower prioc to aooe�e�tio�faibwie�Boeruwer`s � . °' .4.�
<br /> �-;:�,._,;:.:. , �:,. . -
<br /> ; . . ,.: _�, :�" ,urg.coPnwot os agreemeot�n ibis Secarlty Iastrumeat(bat aot priar to�oee�a a�der p�ungraPb 17 '� ,, ;__
<br /> ti•; ,:; ,,,,:�;I.u��ri�iiis�bje ls�pru�ides otl�erwise?. '�'be aottoe shsll specit9s (a)t1�e defaaih(b1 tfie i�ctton�irtd to carc ttie =.
<br /> <. ' ;:�r(�i�"r;�,�s ds�t�iMbt.tess ti�30 da's from t4e dat�tUe aottce is girea to H orro�'cr.b��r�i c h I h e t k f a u l t m n s t 6t _�y, �..'_-
<br /> � `;;�,�� � ,rpl�&;��,�t tlist fi�re to aure t6e default on'ar before tbe date specitied ta t,rie norti�e nu�r re�It�acedcrnHon ot .�s .,. ' F
<br /> . , '-`• � ,4y�s�s�ed b9 t�Secorit!Ips4raaaent ae�ss�le ot the Property. The�or sh�Q fairthcr��'a�Basrower ot ,;���,'
<br /> �., � ,�'
<br /> _ _ .,�y:• ;�: 16e ri�ttoa�ein.st�te sftee s�o c e k r a t i o n an d t h e r i g h t to b r i o g A o o urt adion ta sasrirt tD��aorii-eidsttai�ra�s dd�uit or �;^-
<br /> Sf� `
<br /> . _ �`' sn ati�ir detense o�Borravrer to aooeleration aad swle �f tbe deG�Wl t�not�d an as 6efure the date�e�fitd ia •�;r�.: ,- ..
<br /> ��.;,::� rl�` t6e F.eader at its tion rtwf�+equire immediate paymenl ln tull ota11 sums secari+dbr 1hls Secu�tY Instrut�teat .. ';�. ,}";:..
<br /> :;�:` (� .♦ .r='.'
<br />- �=.�!(yJ F„'1� � �'!
<br /> �:`,'�, , �rltboat turther demaad and msy iavoke the povrer of sale and xny other remedies pecmiKed by apptkabk t�R: t:� � �����•;-
<br /> . •.�,i:..;...
<br /> , .., . ,.
<br /> . "':.��:.- VWA819P • . , ,.a
<br /> � ,,.;r.��;,�. ��`;• ' l,ender sbaU be eatitkd to cdkct all expe�es incarred i� pu�auiaS the remediss provwted in this h 2t . . -
<br /> •�.,,,: inciading,6ut nW limttcd to.rtA.wnA6k attorneys'fces and cosRc o�titk e�ideace. , "�
<br /> :.�,�_y.,.,•�'- ,
<br /> . y,: ,.. ; U ttie P�er at sale Lg involcet1.79ructee slwll recard a noti�e ot defapit io encb coaaty in which any part af t�e o-:Y:�
<br /> te
<br /> �•��:ksfE�� propert;r.is k�ted and s1�a11 awil wpies a�sucb notia in the mAnner presc�ibed by appik�ble iaw to Barower s��• _
<br /> rt 1lrastte shsdi give�p�r@�e -�
<br /> " '.��,w-.,�Lr�- ; , ��a�persons prescr i b e d by a p p U c a b k l a w A f t e r t h e H m e s e q a i r e d b y a p p l i c a b l e l a w, � .
<br /> . :��:`� .. natia ot sak to the pte�ons and ia the mAOneo rescribM by applicahk I�w. 'ikust�e,withtwt demAad.on Bort���c . . --- . =_
<br /> ' ~'" �hall se11 the Ptoptrty xt publk aucN o n b i de h�4 e s t b l d d er a t t h e ti m e aad ptace aad under the terms�dest�at�1�n . ,"��=
<br /> ir'`_,.. r :.. . . _.
<br />` ,-��-:--, 1he notice ot sak in o�e mr more p�cds and in anv aQd�r 7Yustce determLores. 7lruster rrw!P�P��m�a74 m�c�ny .
<br /> 'q -. . �,.,:��., -
<br /> ��.-�`.`'_° ''��� pproei dthe PropeAy by publk au�iamcement a!the tlme�ad pt�ce Qtu�y'�seviously schedutedsaY,e.,:�Fes,.��?s . ",�,.: , :
<br /> -���.�:�� dal�nee msY purchase the ih�apes;t�'�aay snk. �. �: , .. , � � .. .•� .. :`,�a:-�.,•.
<br /> -°t���.
<br /> ,.t- � Upoe rcceipt ot payreent c�f'.�e:prke bid,Trustee sha13 dt�ve�tr�;�tre�urchaser"�hustee's deed canve��� ,-,.;.
<br /> r�
<br /> � +�«:'° Propert9. T6e recitaUr in the 7lrusti�e•s dced shall be priu�t tsicie�'[tl�nse o'f'd�trWb ot fhe stsitements made tliemp�.. ., f;�<_.y.
<br /> � �}ustee shall ADpty t6e ptaceeds ot ihe sak in the fdlowing ardtr:;{a�tin�ul��and expenses oi eztrc�t�e�1�: �,�_�.,�.
<br /> ;
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