,.���`' ::�, _ , — - . .:. ' __
<br /> °��b r-j( ���.•r.,.{ ��-� . � . .. - - .-.,...�_-.�.--..-� -_ ... . - �
<br /> �4Srada�i� � � _. . _ . ... , .. .... . _ . .�-- ;__ . _, • . . ' " . ..
<br /> � � � - - = . � � . _ - , , - ,�1�. �.o3os� �
<br /> . � .. : - .�r��•afa�n;►�����.��►�a�'� , `
<br /> ` ccpden.;,t;on a a1��S��►Y P� . _ ,, , . <
<br /> - sM11 be pud to Irender. � siull be apptied ta the sums securod by this 5ecucity .
<br /> • In�eved`ot�totsd tatcieg ef the PtapenY• po�s ,
<br /> LcW�tt�ntei.-wt�oE eot tben due,w�th�1�cxcess _'pad w Bormwer.. irt tdt event of a p�lial taicieg of the PtopettY ia.- _
<br /> - -- D1i ��ias�y�eiv,se tt�t�kin ic to ot �n the arnouru�the swns -
<br /> ----- .. •whicb s�uue�tn�fr�tt vataaofii�P:a�ert}� S • aluat gtea¢er--
<br /> _ c...��hv_thiF_SesWnY Lnsuutnent unmediately�a�e t1K takin8•unkss B�xtower�d�ender at-t�envise a�ee i�s writ�. ' ------
<br /> _ �__,.. . _. --------�- mulriplied by�tho�Tawnn_�_— -� - - - _
<br /> _ th�suoas se�ued bY t-hu uri, Tc��the taiciag.dirnde�t�!tbe fav muicet v-Ta ue�tGe _.
<br /> {��; (a)the�opl amoune of t6e sums se�ued� d to Barowrcr.. In thr event of a paEtial t�king of the
<br /> pm,paty pmmedi�ly befae the takiag. My balu�oe s1u11�e p�
<br /> Prope�ty in which the f�t rt�ket valoe of the Pwpe�tY inunodi�teiy beforc thc t�icin�is tess thazi thc amount oi the svms
<br /> secucCd umno�i�teiY bdnrt tbe t�ting.untess Bocmwer and Lender otherwisc agce ur�siting ar untess�pti�bk taw
<br /> �,;�p�id�.the pro�eeds shati be applteA w t6e swas sc�cured bY chis Securisy lnswmenc whetlMer.r�iiot the ss,mA:arr
<br /> d�m d�e. is a6sitdcr�od bY Bor�uw�er,or if.after aotice bY t.eid�s tu Bomc►w�er that the co�tdemnoc-eflra�m�milt¢� '� , .
<br /> _-
<br /> if tha Prvpe�ty. .:
<br /> _ an.�waN.ac setUe a cta�m for dam�e�s.��YOer Wi�s w[espond to Lenda aitbin�U days after the d�le the rx�tiae��g ve� '::-
<br /> -_ -- at itc,aption�_eidxi.tg tl:cto[atiot!ai tep3ir qflti��-€xrta_!1�e'�
<br /> x .i�bes�is authormod to colkct and�PP�Y 4��� , . . .
<br /> � : � sut�s�ured-6]'.ttris S e c n r n 5!T n s�u n e°�w h e t h e r o r a a elkn due. to ` �li nac ezLe a d or
<br /> .--- Elntess L�end�er�Sortawer othenvise agree in writing.aay 'aa of pcoceeda.� P�P�-
<br />`.`,k,; po�pnp�tt�e duedate oEtbe�Iy PaYmenu�fert+ed to in��ag��and 2 or ct�nge'the�mout��-of�udt:�a�r�neats
<br /> �:';,;y�t Il.Batt4wec No! �: Fos6a�rana By I.ender hot� Wa�ver. Ex[eosiott of ttt�-[itne-fot paYme�ti.or ,
<br /> =--- modiffemiaa of aaaoet�tiA�of t�sums secund by this Secw�ty Insuwnent gr�ut;ced 6y Lender to any ss�ccessor in irdeiest
<br /> -_- of Borio�va slvll�no4 ioper�e o�rekase the tiability aF"tfie.aRgihal Botraw'erer ar Boccow�'s successas in inurest-l.ender .
<br />--- i s an successa+c in interesr aF�Cuse to extend pme for pay�nent or
<br /> - sh�tt rwt be requic�to cammence P�!�8 � 7� � : ,
<br />__.���, ahe�wise modfY amo�tizuian of tfrc sums�by th��CUnt�IASt�i�ent by�san of any demand�y�1�be a
<br /> - Bamwer ar Horrowes's su�xessas in inteoest.`Any facbe�x.'e BY I�er in eaercising anY rigA
<br /> - vraive�of aprectude the eaenise of any righ�or�tnedY• �covcnu��s and agreements af this -
<br /> • t2. SNece�ors aa�A�Bauud;Jdnt aad Several[Sabi�tS+CQ's�e�' ��___
<br /> Security(nstrument sl�all biad and benefit the xuccessas an��ssigns af Le�der and Borrower.subject[o the provisions of
<br /> - _ ��h 1?_BoE[oweis covenants.aad ag�etnSnts�-hall be joint and several.Arty BaROwer who co-sign�sdtfli�YSecuri� _—
<br /> i�s�cymeat but does nd execut�the Note: (al t's�8n�€���rity'Instmment anty to moRgage Sean y --
<br /> � Barower's intercst in ihe PropenY under the'n�muof d�is Secutity�nstn�menr (�)is not persona1ly obtigated to pay the sam.c Y_
<br /> ' - , secured by this SecurrtY lnsttutr�en��nd tciagre�s rttat Lender and any other Borrower may agree tu e�teztd.modify.focixar =� -
<br /> " ar mRalce any accommodations with regacd to the temu of thi�Security Instrument ar the Nase Ai�c�tbat Batrower:s. �r�. _
<br /> k If the loan secured 6y this,Security Instrument is subject to a!aw which se� a�.��►+ loan =— _
<br /> ,; : . .� ��C��' e�coltected or to be collectld iA oc�ectiat = --
<br /> .�,�;,.. charge,s.and that law�s finally intetpreted so that the interest or other toan char8 --
<br /> `� witb the to�a e�ceed the itted fimits.then: la)�►y such loan c�arge�be reduced by the amoun��d����
<br />� -'�'��� ." �'� the clsarge to the permi�imir and(b)any sums atready collecteci 6�va�wer which exceeded pe --
<br /> ' teFunded to Bamwer. Lender may choase to make tbis refund b��ed�'.'�t��he princiPal owed wnder the Nate or by.�king•a s„��-_
<br /> dinect paYmen . ,. �r a�r<<:
<br /> t to Borrower. If a refund reduces princigai.the ceduca�m R's31 be treated a.c a partiat prepaymem wit3s�a any fr
<br /> p�epayment charge utxlet the Nate. . m ` ' .
<br /> ����
<br /> .�'. - 14. Notiees. Any notice to Bom�wer provided far in¢En��S�i.'�v;��ment shall be given Isy deliverin�ir ar by ,���r , x.. _
<br /> � ` , mailing ii by firsi cls���mail unless applicable luw requires u�s�f�eat`���•T�e notice shall be directed to the Propecty ,,_;„ t, .
<br /> pddress or�K�iher addt+ess�+����ans�o he addre pt������a e nby natice ta Borre�wer�AnY n�vt ce provideA for �° � , :=.
<br /> m,�¢aLu�i3�rti:�ddrescsusted Y ` �` `�'`_-
<br /> { � .."�.��.�;'�v.v, Instrument shall be deemed ta have bees���� tn Bnaa�ver or Lerx�eL�Yhen giveo as pravr�cni this .; 4�';y,. _
<br /> '�.�,:.a�,', <,�., ,.
<br /> ,`t',�r, j f3. r,rncr�minR Law: Severability. Thi�Security Im�n:cnen t .h a l l b�g o v e t a-�i:.i��!-f�d e��l �a v� a n d t he i s j�c:�:��the -
<br /> �vs`f,���,•;<rt _..r js, ' .' jurisdiction ui�itich the Propeity iti located. In ihe event that any prU�i�v.�.i ur clause of itz�.c Secc�ta Lrs+�cumerR ar,�.e Nate .' .. L
<br /> -'-'7.n��rw<, r . _.
<br /> ;.,1,�:•-� "`� �t y' ..':..;,,'. �tonflicts wic�c�ticable law,tiuch canflic[sha11 nat aifect other pravi�;i:n�:+.�shis Security tnst��'the Note which can
<br /> � ,.. • be�iven effett'.�itiwut the c!3�hicting provisiun. 'ti►this end the ptartti,:e���ns of thi�S�x.uritY Ms�rcir.ent and ttce�ate are
<br /> � t- declaredtobe��erable. ': .. � .,, . .
<br /> + ;•� 16. Boreva�q►'s Copy.��13+-!(?Y�'er�haQ be given one w�irl+�r�ted c�py of thc N��ansi,ut thi�Security In�tntcttir�;�.'
<br /> ar an interest in �
<br /> ,'.� 17. Trs�es of the P+'uVt�'�Y a��l�iq,�ia!lntei�4>i��ort�¢,•� lf all or any`p��of the Propedy Y A
<br /> .. it is sotd orp�:urr��:sY"ed(crr if a henefc�ra�:ii;4i�y:st in BQsr��<:r i�u�bt•���.imnsferted and 8ono�tier iS,�Rt a nat�ral personl `' . :
<br /> - _ �•���� withaut I,c�.+3��'k{�flr written con.rcn��cr,��y.as rl�+��ion.recy:�sz immediatc payment in 1uf1�sti ail sums secured by , , .y
<br /> '�'• � �;;. e c'�cnt��,fr,Y�'in�mem. Howeve�.thls 0��`i�i��ita71 nut�i.ie���!;,:,reitied by Lender if exerci�e i�prp�'i3`ut�3:6y federsD law;a oF �_- .•_-�;
<br /> : �.., • •. • . .� . .
<br /> .' ' ..;�isi:iSr,��vi�aits�,�s!�rity In�t[ument. , , �r.
<br /> � 4�. • �B I.���::u:g:ises this opti�n.l.ender�hall�ive$+�m?�srer noticc of acceleration. The notice�hall prnvi«��u:p��raod of :�.'.;,��:•. �"
<br /> "'.i�f�.; . . nat tesv thaii','i�dsiys from the date the notice is deliveredar cneiled u i�1is�which H��rroa�er mu�t pay all�ums securi�3'�y�his '' ;:�ta%•`;,�
<br /> .,%f.�'��;�%?; Security In,s�urina�€. If Horrower failti to pay the�e sums prior to�3rw`eYpirrtic�n af thi�perioci. Lender may invake uny � _ .r�,;t;;J,,;. •
<br />���"►i�`;a remedieti perrt:c+.t�by thiy Sc�urity In�trument withom furlher notice i�r+i-..'inand��n Bvrrotivcr. ' :.. ; t;';�tr:
<br /> �' ��:° lg. $orrowee's Right to Reinstate. lf Bnrr�uer,mect�cenvin canditian�. 8nrro�ver�hall havc the right ta havc �,� �.'��;.�.•,�;,, �
<br /> ;,: .:
<br /> .�,,, , .�l S da �los�uch athcr ial as :;,' $Yt�:i.,..`t ..
<br /> •„f.. , enforcement of this Security lnsirument di�rontinucd�t a�c�y timc pric�r to the cartic�e���': ,(; Y� � �:� '���,`���a:;J�;�,
<br /> �"•f�,�'t,��'* -r SinglcFamit 1f 1 nAdk�lxC�ti/1it111�ti'fRlti1E`}T--I:nd,rm('nvmanc� 9,9(1 �pu.crJnf/,1�uc�v ,; tyy};�s��'`� ..
<br /> �� y--Fc�m9e ae t • '!,•'� :1!1��S� ,
<br /> `;t�t;�;lf `�'��:;;,� . ,� , : � . . . , ,:r� ��,:, .�;, �,,
<br /> � ,�Yl, `�' fl .t ";`7 �. 9y,``,'�:F •;;
<br /> l� � ,�f� , ' • i,�,• . , '�' '�,.. . , , ��i;tr{��t;'
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<br /> 't: 1i�F�r•a° '�, p'�Gf�cr+S:_ - .�; ;} ; . �'r', . . .
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