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_""�""'�_ � � ,- : . w. , .7;..�.k�i+K��yt��.�'p*�"��; R: — - <br /> � . ' . ...._ -- _ <br /> ' , .• '. ' _' ' � ; ' . ' . . . .:�N��' ' ' _ ��= Ir _c.���j--_, <br /> . ��. <br /> .7.. <br /> ' ,i ' _ <br /> �Yo+bh qr�+ �qr y�cify►tor�) bdaer�M a�dM �w�et a�q�r poww a�s�is ooiM�irA!s iir^ T <br /> aoauitp�ar{�mfey d�Jrdpnnbt�d�s�arrify�. 7'ha�:aaedfdao�aw tlr[�ryr ti�J <br /> . �Lrwd�r,�U�w�s M�iob dMa waWd M dw winir �Ms �oo���d tLt Naro M if no��t �:. .. <br /> ooc�rr�edt N)a�nl1 any d�hiah at ary adMr covancs a qteea�M��o)P�Yi+��P���au�ed in enforcins diYcn�� . <br /> In�uon�ei.faelwtlns. but not limibd w.r�arble Mteeney�'faa;and(dI u�lca weh �cdon at I.e�det m�y . <br /> t�equin�b�wne�t the Ika af tbtR Seci�ry 1n�ur�at.I.a�derti d�{hta b the Propaty ii�d�a�o�wer�,obltptioa b�p►y tl�re <br /> wn� �e�.wrd b�r tuit Sectairy lnqrmnait �h�N ooadnue undw�ed. Upou � by Bon�nw�a� d� saaMitY <br /> lnpnape�nt aud�6e ubiiptiau�ocurod hanby shll rannin fWly ettective�u if no�ocelaatian had occu�rod. How�e+rer,thi� <br /> ri�At eo t�eiqipMe t�b�U aot�ply ia tbe c�ue of�cala�tlon nnder p�rapaph 17. <br /> II!. 8de d N��bei Cl�e of I.aa SrrviaG 'IUa Nooe ar ap�W i�ue�sat in the Nae(to�ther with d� Seauity <br /> Inpnanan)rtu�y be eold one ar more dmes Mi�hoot piiar ratloo w ob irowet A We auy mwlt W a ctunte In the aidty <br /> (known�s tbe°i.a�n 3avkxr")dut coUecta moaM�►PRyn�uu due uodcr 16e[So�e md d�is Sxur�ry I�uqumen� 7'Iiene�Iw <br /> may be aw ur mone chwnga of die I�o�e�8antcei�reWed to a aJe'of thc Note. U t6ene is a chmge of the L.on Savioer. <br /> Borrower wiU be�iven written natice of die chw�o i�cc.rord�noe wi�h pa�p�R�14 atave wid appliabk Itw. Tl�e natioe <br /> vv�ll wqe the name and addmss of Ih�aw l.oan Sa�riar wd We�ddro�s w wbicb pqnawts should be m�do.Tbe aolloe wW <br /> #Vo o�onp�ia�uy aAe�iwfornatio�a naqtured bY a�ppticable law. <br /> �. ll�s��SrMfa�ee�. 8arower sM0 ha ratuse or pannit tUo pnesenoc.use.dispoa*1.ata'+I�e•a�+e1a�e oi�ny <br /> I���ndouo Sr6�t�nras oo ar in We Pyopeny. 8ar+ower shall aot do,nor allovr �oyooe elae`o do.anytlwg a�coiq8�e <br />, Plope�ty tmt is in rlot�tian of�aapr Fm�m� 1'he pre�edi�two��oea s4d1 not apply w the ptesenc�e,�sc.a�r <br />, �ge oa drc Hopaty d srtyll qum�titiea of Hauaao Sub��ance�du�t�re�a�araUy�r0008nized w be approp9ato W uonod <br /> re:idGtNiAI Mses�ud to m�intenat�a ot'the Ptope-rq. <br /> Hat�owet ap�ll P�PaY Sive Lrnder writun nt�ice of any inveatigation.daim.daaand.l�wauit or otlKr action by my <br /> �ova�mnM�d«r�8uaa�a�Y agencY or privete pa�qr •iawlving Ihe PYOpe�ty and�uny Haurdoua Su�or Envinaanaud <br /> law of which Narower has actual knowtedge. �%Mcxrowrer leams. ar ia�otified by any gover�anentMi ar�ul�tury - <br /> authoriry.Uut any removal or whar rcmed�wian of �ay Y�dou�s Substance,affec�ing the Pmperty la neccawry.Bamower <br /> �P��Y take all necessary remcdfal actiossie in uccaYdance�iQh Environn�ental <br /> As uaed in this paragnwpb 20,"Haziudous S�bsianees"ana those substattces defined as toaic or hazaniouc substnnees by <br /> EnvironmenW Law and the following substanca: gesoline.kerosene,aher flsunmable or toxic petr�nleum praducu, toaic <br /> pesticides and he�bicides,volat�ta solvems.materia la containing asbestos or farmaldehyde,and rpdioaetive rnatarlde. As <br /> used in lhis�wragiaPh 20,"Env[ronmental Law"me�na federal laws and lawa of the jurisdlction wha�e the Praperly is localed ' <br /> th�t rel�te ro or environmental protccdon. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COV8NAN7'5. Botrawennd I.ender further covenant and agree a.g fallowa: <br /> 21. Acaele�Na�;Remedka. l.ender slwN �{ive aoNce to Borrowee prior to acoeleradou �dbwtog Borrovrer's <br /> brac6 ot a�q coveasmf or agreemenl in this Sec�rlty Iastrument(but not prior to aceelerAtion uader�pa�nph 17 <br /> uokas�ppltcabk 4�Y provides olberwtse). TUenatke s6W1 specitys (a)tUee default;(b)the acdon requked W cnre tbe <br /> det��r1�(c)a�te,ai�i iess ttuin 30�ays iro�t ih�daie ib2 tsaike tc gh�es io Sarra���hlcls the�e?a�t m�st� <br /> cured;pad(d)Ihpt�ailrre to cure INe defoelt w or betare the date speciAed in the aodce awy result in accekr�tbn ot <br /> tde sums secured by thts Securily Iaslrument ad awle o�tbe Property. The aotice sl��III turther intorm Bar�+ewer ot <br /> the rigdt to reiastate alte��ccele�ation aad therig�t to b�ing A court Action to�ssert the non�existeuce otA defwlt or <br /> Any MWer detense of Borrower to�coeleration ar�d sale. if the default is not cu�ed on or betore the date apecllled in <br /> tbe aoNoe,Lende�At ite optbn mpy requke i mnediate pwymeot in full ot�ll sums secured by this Security Iastrument <br /> without flurther demaad And mpy iavoke tlxpo�rer of sAle and nny olher remcdies permilted by appNcable Inw <br /> I.ender slwll be entitled to collect sUl expensa incurred in pursuing t6e remedias provided in this parng�ph 21. <br /> includlag,bnt not Itmited to�reasonable altorn�ys'tees and costs oi tttle evldence. <br /> If the power of sale is invoked.7lrustee sYn�1 record a notice ot defaull in each caunty in whkh any part ot the <br /> Property is located aad shpll maN copies nf such ndlce in the manner prescribed by applic�ble law to Borrowerund to - <br /> the otber persons presc�ibed by appNcable�ae� Atler Ihe time required by appllcable law.'IYustee shall give public <br /> nodce ot snle!o lhe persons and in Ihe manner p rescribed by appllcable luw. 'llruatee.without dems�nd on Borrowe�, <br /> shpll sell tbe Property at publie aucdon to the Eipqhest btdder at the time and place and under the terms designoted In <br /> the notke oi sale in one or morc parcels and in�ny order 7Yustee determiaes. 7Yuslee may postpone sale of all or any <br /> pareel ot the i'roperty by public+�nnouncemept�t the Ihne and place of aay previously scheduled snle. lxnder nr its <br /> designee mwy purchase the Property al any sak. <br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid,7Fustee shall deliver to Ihe purciwser'IYustee's deed conveying the <br /> Properly. The rectlols in the 7lrustee's deed 91u11 be prima fACie evidence of t he truth oP the statemenfs made thereln. <br /> 7lrustee shwll�pply the proceeds uF the sale in the tallowing order: fa1 to�II costs And expenses ot exercising the powe� <br /> FormJ�2N 9MIB 1/wR�S.�/nragrsl _ <br /> s <br /> _ �7� �•�..,t•t 7rp!�r�-- - --- - �- <br /> f� l� . _ . y}� <br /> _� �� %t{7'��.��y�'4'>>��tt�( . 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