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___ <br />.. . .i1,�.. .._._"_ ._.... ___ . � .. v.4rJ"•L�i'�.a,.,,�c...1iN`c1�ACW:.tir�nFt�� �J�^.,y4' .... .... • .��'7+���'. �y-R_ « <br /> _ _ . .- ._ . - . . _ ._ _,�_._._.�_ _.. _ . ... . __ �� � " _ '• ,-- _. <br /> l�I�I�OII Af 9�t(��O��00/!0�MM�l�O�Ifl;y Ur��I�IMIO��11�{�110�ad11�I1r1�OM.M�M/1�M�M�� <br /> �58�ia1�s'� . . <br /> U i�swrN d�taal t�Mt�y af tM prap�rty.t�t �A�it br��ppWd to dro swas �b�r tld�see�uih► ------ <br /> t�wu+�eiM.wMd�ar not IMe�n d u,wNh wy e�ow p�i�6ortower. In Ibe ev�t Of�p�Alal aiciM d dM Pwpwty fw <br /> wNch 11�fiir aiwtN valw ad die Phap�ty inun�di�ely b�fa�d�n aici�W oqud w ar v�eler d�n the�mawn ot the wnK <br /> �ecund by dd�3�aniry Irop�n�Mnmed1�1e1y Mfone da l a k i u j.uin i e u 8 a r o w e r�a d l.a W e t a�h e r w i r e�tee i a w r i t N y. <br /> tl�e wa��cwrd iry d�9ecwiiy Mrt�uaiarM�IWI bs na�ced by Ibe�mount ot die muMtplkdby tha tdlo+� <br /> f+nrtiae: (�)tha IoW rnasr d the�unr wcursd Nr�dlMely betoro dN ultin�.div ed cby 1b)the hk mtiket v�tue d t6e <br /> propwq imn�ely betao t.he Wdna. My bal�ro�fwil bo p�ld W Bormuu. In tne evmt ot a pnddq��ot thc <br /> �in wblch the tdr a�rket�nM�e of 1he Propaty immodie�ely 6eforo Ibe utin�i�le�s d�an the rnou��t ot ti�a�mdr <br /> i�t�di�tely bd'ae dw hd�ng.unlen Bonower and l.eader adbnvi�e�roe in wriUn,or unlar�pplk�ble VM <br /> odMetwi�pavida.Uie puoeedt sMll be�pplbd to ths wnu�ea�rod by 1hi�Security InsaunaiM whai�a aot the anm are <br /> tha dne. <br /> U the Pmpaty b�bwidoned br Barowcr�or iF.iiRer notke by l.ender to Bamae�1h�t tbe caidemnor oH'a�a m�ke <br /> an�w�M a:epb�cWm tar c4n�ya. Bonower fiiW to napond to L,ender within 30 d�yr aRcr tUo d�lo the noticc is�iven. <br /> I.ender b wthodaed a col{xt Ind 4P�Y tho pocroods.�t ils aptbn.eUher w ralomtbn or ropdr of da Praparty or w d�0 <br /> aMns�ecwed bp�Yia Security Ia�ewna�t.wd�clher or not Ii�rn due. <br /> Ual�w I.c+ndcr atl Bonvwer al�cn+ia�e�fn vrriting.�ny ic�tiao of prooeeds to principal shall not extend ur <br /> �w <br /> po�one�be duo d�10 d tAe miwlal�P*ymenta tef+c��in I ud 2 or ch�n,�o the at�ount of wcp p�rmenu. <br /> 11. � NM Re�e�l�rtiarrMrce R� A.e�der 1Vo! a WYdrea Eu�e�uion of t8r tiroe for phrr�a�t or <br /> mvdiiicalioo o��ad�tian oE sGa mms moarod by t�1is Socurity Instnunad�antod by I.ender ao r�+wco�ssor i�i�e+e�c <br /> d Bat�rer shdl aot opetak w rela►se thc ti�iUty of the aiRin�l Narowu ar Barowerl�w�ce�on iA i�Mctcst.E�der <br /> �Il Aot De�equited b aommence pa�roedings a��inst anY�ucc�x.w+'in intetost ar rofusa w exteid ume fa�r pay�eal or <br />_ olYxwise�ooaisg�of u�e sums secwea by thi�securicy�nsaumem by rcuon ut'�ny aem�na ey�he on�in�i - <br /> Bon�awer or Bonowah s�aessors In intaest. My ior6annoe by Le�der in exercitin�any rleht or ranedy tluN eot be a <br /> w�iver of ar procludle the c:ercise oi�ny dght or remody. <br /> 12 Sroceao�s�1 At�as Bouadi.iolot asd Several WWlityi C� The covenanta w�d sgroemrnts of thls <br /> Sec�rity IArquumomt shdi eind u�d bene8t the sucoes�aa and assigns of Lender a�d Borrower,subJoat w the pmvlsians of <br /> p�17. Banva��i cove�anu and agroementa shall be joint und aeveral. My Eiarrowcr who co-signa thla Socurity <br /> �I but does not esecute tho Noto: (a)ie casigning lhis Savrity I�stnunent only to mortgago.gnutt�nd cawey that <br /> Bonow�erb interest in the Po�openy uader the tem�s af'thia Securiry Instrumen� (b)is not persawlly oblig�tod to p�y the swns <br /> so«wed by thia Security ineuumen�;u�d(c)agaes that Lcnder axt+u�y other Borrower rtwy a�ree to ex�md,modiiy,farbar <br /> a owlce�ny Acconunod�tlons wilh�eg�rd ta the temis oi�hi4 Security Instrument or the Note wfthout th�t Barrowa�s <br /> cancent. <br /> 13. Laa�n Cdarges. If the lo�n secured by this Secu�ity Insaument is subject �o a low which sets maximum loan <br /> ch�sgcs,srti that laty is t3nallY 6sit�eled sn thet tht lnttml or MhPr M�n cha►g�collec�ed or to bc colkcted in cauKCt�an <br /> with the loan excoed 1he permitted limjts,then: (a)nny such loan charge shall be reduced by�he amount necessriy to roduce <br /> the charge to the permittod IImiG aad(6)any sums�Irrady collected from Barrower which exceededpem�iltod limils will be <br /> nefunded to Borrowec Lender mny choose to make ihis refund by reducing the principal o�.•ed under�F�e Note or by m�king A <br /> di�ct p�yment to Bortower. !f a rctund�cduces principal.thc reduction will be ncated us a paAial prcpryment wi�ha�t any <br /> p�epaymCtt chu�ge wider the Note. <br /> L0. NMiees. My nollce to Borrower provided for in �his Securily Inslnunent shall be given by delivedng it or by <br /> mailing It by tir�t class mall unless applicnble law require�ui:e of unother method.71�notfce sholl be diRCted to�he Property <br /> Addness or any other oddress Bornnwer designates by notice�o l.ender. Any naice to l.ender sh�ll be glven by first class <br /> mail to Lender�addrcss stoted hereln or ony dher address�ender designatcs by notice to Botrowe�. Any noticc pmvided for <br /> in this Secur�ty Instrument sholl 6e deemed to have been siven to Bomower or L.ender whrn givcn ns provlded in thfe <br /> �1�Governing LAw; Severabflity. '(liis Security Insuument 4hell be govemed by federnl IAw und the law of the <br /> �uriadicdon in which Ihe PropeAy is locakd. In the event thut ony provision or cluuse of this Securily Instrumenl or the Note <br /> canflicts with applicable law,such contlict xhAll na+�ffect other provitiions of this Secu�ity Instrument or the Nwe wNich cun <br /> be given effect without�he conflinhg provision. 7b this er�d�he provisions of this Security Instrument ond the Nae are <br /> doclared to be severable. <br /> l6. Borrower•s Copy. Borrower shull be given one confonned copy of the Note und of Ihis Securiiy Instrument. <br /> 17. 'IFanafer ot lhe P�o perty or a BeneOcial Interest in Borrower. If all or nny pan of the Property or any intcrest in — <br /> it is sold or Iransferred(or if n beneficial inlerest in Borrowcr is xold ar tmnsferred nnd Borrower ia not a nnlural person) <br /> without Lender�prior wrilten conxnt.Lender muy,ut i�s op�ion,reyuire immediute puyment in full of ull sums secured by <br /> Uds Security Inslrument. Nowever,�his option shall not be eaercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of <br /> the dete of�his Security Inatn�ment. <br /> tf Lender exercises this option,Lender ehull give BoROwer notice af uccelerution. The notice xhull provide u periad of <br /> noi less then 30 days from tlie date d�e naice is dclivered or mailed within which Borrower mus�pay ull sum�secured by this — <br /> Security (nslrument. If Honower fails lo pny these sums prior to the expirution of Ihix period,Lender mey invoke any <br /> remedies pertnitted by this Security Instrumenl withoul funher notice or Jemund on Borrower. <br /> . l�i. Borrower's Righl to Rdnstale. If Bonawer mre�s cenuin conJitions, Borrower xhall have Ihe right to huve <br /> enfo�ement of this Securiry Instrument discominued ut nny time priur to the rurlicr��f: (ul S duys(ur such other perial u� <br /> Single�allr--Ftinnk MpelF1'eddk M11rc UNIF(11t�11NSTRUMt NT•-Unlform CovcanGr 9IY0 f/wgt 4 nf A/iuRes) ` <br />"_ —_—'__�..w '-fJ.�'tiT..�._e�__y","`tl�]1R. � :��0%�R'T�Y17�„""iY'u' `�;� �I" ��.��l4'� ,.��!��4r1��'. <br /> ^_ — _ �v�tr.'1'fail ���i�rS��r.1� ' . f't� 1 _ <br /> :cr"_;. � �� v.' . F�IF`%� . , t51��,�;�� � l�;;j��'•�t,,t� !'��M����lf��:;'�t�M1f^ � � `j�� � <br /> _ - . �- i 5j. , ` _ ` frt"���"+1 +a,t ti} ��. � � }���• - <br /> .�,.. _ _ V , ,�7 1 SSI_, ` _ i r i.` ,' ' �'� y %:� ':,r;i.� I F _'- 4 r <br /> '" 3...;.i.. . . . . a ( . „�, .. . . . -- p.��i•�►�1 -_ ., �.�.a�. jly� 4 jl��.�i� � r <br /> . � y, � <br /> . � . .i f <br /> -�f.,.,�•.at�_�i. .,��+1i.•:�. • . •• . � ,S�_' ii.�h,a� r--•— �--�---R„ti-1S:��.i .'.j��t`4,'�° <br /> �� �f — -- .`' 4S �,� - - ��___ , '.'•. .I-i+ '- .. . � �r° _ <br /> � d '� _f - r � `j. ',s i. . .. 'Jl1�;•� . -• �� . ' - � �t (�� ' <br /> �°� �1 �- » !r, �����{�� ,- r151 " " �r�t . 't`- fi+,/ r , <br /> .Y•\ _.1 �,,�5 1�.� � 1,E .�. ' - .. �{ _ `_ �' r5 (1 ( 1 <br /> __.�u_ .-��AYI�tSt]'l:�'%:��'r��-,t�$i�.x�:�',-�� t y,:: _' - - `t.� - . - . �yt 4 > ..: ' i� � `�'.. <br /> .. _ �,Jq ��tC . .� -. . --' -l;". . .. ..�' � -F' tyc' T�� _l,;c sn - - <br /> 'Cs �����5�,t�'1"�,,�'�s'7,�f"�'.��.i',',/4}`tiJl'�S 1� ' . 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