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<br /> , appiic�bie b�r ma�r spxify fa�reiattauemecct)6efooe ssk flt tbe PYOpettg Wrswnt m aaY Pow��t ssk cw�ined ir�_tl�is�
<br /> � : "��mx�a tb)�trY of i judgment e�t'a+cin8 t��Insaroma►t. 7'bse caadivans ue t!!at Ba�mw�: {a}
<br /> �ays Isn3es ail sums v�Dich t�n woold be dne und�es ttiis S�ecuritY �as�u�n�aod d�e Note as if no acceleruian had
<br /> _ -- - __ . accuna��2-cu�a.ny defaultofpny,cx�coven�ncc a_��at�tc)PaYs ali rxpEases incu�ed ia enfoeicina tl�s�ity -- -- � -_
<br /> .� ' �includ'mg,but aot timitcd to.tea�wn�bie utaneYs`�ces:ati�1 t�11 taices sucfi�xio� as t�endcr t�y���Y --
<br /> -- ! --_- - .= _._�t�sssrir�i�tti�-Ziasafs�Stc�ssit�r��-������!��Y�pdBamwer�obligaaontopaytAe - —
<br /> _� - - -
<br /> _ sums ssciued bY tl�is Sec�tY inctrument sbal!caoriaue unctnn8ed Upaa r�einstaumeni-by Ba�rower,fInsSa.-��i� -�--- :��..
<br /> _`- -- - ' �asaummt aM thc obliganons secureQ lsecebY stnit�fu1hE�ff�ive as tf no acceleracion had ocsucned- Hc»evCr.this �;,:.�_�--
<br /> rig�dt w reiastatt sbsU not appiy ia ti�e csseo�accetaatiat ut�der Pu�Sr+Ph t�nte�est in the Note(t et6er Writh this Stc�uitg � �---
<br /> 1!.Ssl�ot Nd�Cl�e o�l.ow Serrjca: 'fbe Note or a par��l' °S , �..�-_
<br /> Insuum�t)may Ee sold one ar mae tums without prior notice to Bo�mwer. A sale ma�rrsutt i�a changc in thc entity �°-
<br /> � � (Imown�s We'1 oan Seivker"y tint cal�cis nwmblY P�Y��due�mder the Note aad Wis Security instrume�u_ Thece also ���.__,��:
<br /> °:<��j: may b�aae oc m+at+e changes of the Low Serviar u�melated to a sale af thc Not� U thae is a ctw�ge of the Laan Savicer. ,,,�,�,�
<br /> ` Boaowei w�F.b¢gj.vqi wrineu nodae of th�c�ange in aocordaaoe witb garagraph 14 above and agplicabk law. 'Ibc c�atice' ,'::�.��
<br /> � �vv�s1a�tbe�,?r�.�ddt�essof the u�w Loan Savicer and the add[�ess to which paymeats shoutd 6e madc. The aotice w�71 '�=s-� :�_ �_
<br /> __ =r-•:�:�=--�=:° _
<br /> - . aLw rnnr�a af�er�='Q9�bY�PPiicabie iaa. .-:���_. �"�:;
<br /> �,,�$�poes Ba�mwer skalt aot c�ise ar pecmit the pnsence.use,disposal.storage.or��� .. ;.� . ti :-.
<br /> Bo[iower Shall aoE do nor allow auyolle else Io Sb� ,3 r;`,'';
<br /> �: }�,�'S�an w in ti�Pcop�':' • ��F '<t�?=�s-,"r.���:-
<br /> p�+npaty that i�-in,,�io7atim of aay Fav�Eal.Favr. T6e p c�e o o d i n g tarQ senteaces s h a l l n o t a p p i�w t h e p t t�e a c��..at - �-�*-�. .;
<br /> p eoodi sh
<br /> �. ,!_ t�^ «
<br /> `.'''''�� �ora�cx�tbte ptiv�uty of smaii qttatm'tiesof I�uand�ous Su6�n�s drat ace geaerally r+e��be�fla ancmaE ._.; •
<br /> �' xt �� ;,,: �i� ��:=.
<br /> :�:�=:,��-•
<br />. r�.�_ r�tue,s aud to maintenu�e of f6e Ft�pe�, ' ''�:�►
<br /> •�...
<br /> B�swer s�pt+aanPttY 8n'e Ixnder w�a acriice of a�imresii�tfoa.claim.demand.lawstia ac c�5�'a�ioti-�Y�Y ►`�r� . �`
<br /> :�,- or waLe iuvvt ' � aad auy Naracdous Su6sta�acFavicvnme�aat '�;`�r.,',. ..:-_
<br /> - < . . gav�e�l 4s.�7'�Y P�waL p�-. �rm8 PmP�Y _ � � ---
<br /> Lf H�an�ec�nts,.or Es t�otifie� 6Y anY SpY��.��
<br /> ,,, - tavr'vf�vt�ietr-B�xia�er t+as actual imo�;'� . -
<br /> • �y.thu ang..�moval ot dtrer�;s�'any Hai.�i�ts 5ui�c�.��ORg t6e PtopatX°S�Y'.�QROwet
<br /> '' ��vit6 E,�!i�npa�al[aw►• � .'' �' - -
<br /> . shap p�omptty�at�neeessazg'�ae�i.�Y� � � .. . .:,_, --
<br />- � As used in this patagrapbE.�i±�-"�ar�.da'��.�staa�ccs"�e thosc ssc�.�defi�d as ooxic or�is b!' ' _� __-
<br />, . �unental L:tw and the fvt�uig a'tibst�tres: gasolia�e.��tosenF.odis-fia�ab�.as,ta�xic pe�'v�eum pca�r�G�,.u?�r;cC y, '
<br /> .._.. ;:�fy ' . . .. ...��aad herbicides vota�2 ssF�ents,ar�teri a l s containi�g as b e s t v a.d r s f o r m a E d r��:a n d c a d i c z a e[i v e m a c�£s. �#s r��ti� � r _-_
<br />� _-�. fi '`'`-� �3inthisparagraphZO."Faviroiimentaf,i:aa?'ineans'federallawsand��;Ciftdej�:ct�.�trv�iiancefeeEl+opect}��� , '� �j���r tc.
<br /> ,• •.,,, , ..1�
<br /> . � s`�r..
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<br /> v• �':;,
<br /> _��}if� .'i.'�-'=i''.• ' ,. . . +�Q��'�1U�7 .��c1�tU�l.S. Bu�s'�s!?�'sitdi.endeafurthercovenantand��,:�{M,M�tU�N� 'C , � „r.,,}•?� ' C . ..--�
<br /> f 1P:•7f��.
<br /> ���, a 4 . � ��'l. Ac�eil1911011;Remedies I.tnder stiall give w�ce b Barrorru priior Gri 11�BU�¢�itR S .i;,.�,�i;�r,. .�r ��.
<br /> ; `'t;:��'; � hizacly d aoy wveunat or�t in t6ts Sa�rity tt�trameat ibut aM pripe'�t:+sn�lerat1oe ander paragrapb 1T ��T��s,;;, : �-.
<br /> -- �-., • a)tha��3f�!�U'�'tbe action regaired ta.��u!t�ne � :_ <-
<br /> � �•-�':�• ?��' . o�Tess Mpliabk b�r providesotber�v�se).Tbe notice s�lwli specity. �w th �, wbicb the d e�u tt s�s t be ����
<br /> �':%ru;;� ;�:��::�'� defaMlti(c)�datet uot°kss diso 30 ds�ys tFom!he dAte tUe notiee is.�d�r B�!`�!¢�. � by , �; i
<br /> `�r C r,�� ice ma result in�cak�ttos a� • '�
<br /> Y ,��, ' , c a r a d:�1(d�1 8 i�l f a i f ure t o,c w r e t h e d e t A U i t o a o r b e t o rc tde date,. °���11 fahha Wona Bor�vwp�nt `' `�
<br /> ,� ' +�? �'�"'�'�',� .�bi� Instrument aad sak at tl�e Prol���"�e.-�r►'�;, � ' -
<br /> 11�.�1u!�sa�a��_ .,Sa�'°r�. ��� , : .� �
<br /> �.fr�,,. .�r�._ . cs��vi�'tbi�attbenon-e�dsteece
<br /> ,;f� `' f ,t�.;ti„- • tl�c��o,i�ei"�qs�aeattlt�vAdl��alldtillrlghttOOa�i�6A ofadefad�dt�s,; ,s Ft
<br /> ti r ��{�; ,. �sf �
<br /> :i � ai����4F��'t�`;iccekratba And ssiiG� ,,ff's L�e det�sdt is aol cu�dna or 6efore the d�te��iec €��1��y'o',: 's
<br /> { >1 '`' '` tii����r��t its opHaw�ay reqnire immediAte pAyment in.W11 ot�11 sams securcd by this S e c a rity I�i�tadt 1 _ t y�� ,
<br /> ii � ..� �� i:. . -
<br /> ,�.
<br />�:'t"��;;�s�,'•�y ,.*-r•'` .�,, wifhbfn�urf�`+A�nd aad may invol�e ffiee Puwer ot ssde aua�y otber remedks permitted by applic�►�z�4YV..; •,' , . • ,.�
<br /> r;;.,;{.rf:,:;,:1^ � .. ,r:. • Lender sbaD��aititkd to coltkt aQ t�es incurr e d in pursa��g t h r r e m e d i e s p r o v i d e d i n t 6 i s p A t a�Z�-� ,.�.
<br /> � . ,.� 1ncladln�,but not limited tu,�easanabk a3tt�ir�ys'fees An d c a s t s o��i t r e ev i d e a c a �_� , � Y;
<br /> � � . '-� �: = I t t h e p o w e r o t s a k i s inr o k e A.'�t u s t e e s d a l l r e c a+d a f�n o t l c e a f d e t A U l t i n t a c h c o u n t y i n whkh an y p�� � „_�,
<br /> ,��� -.-� property is located And s6A11 mail eapies Msacb nMice in��mannet prescr i b e d by a p p p c a b k W w t o B a�r a�a r�n r i l f a b, , �;
<br /> EJ t�,�,';11. _� • the ot6er persans Prrsc�'ibed by Applicablc Oaw At1er(be ttrt�e re�pind by applicabk Is►w.Trosta sh�Q grs� �14�8�',_,..: , ' _
<br /> `;��``.••:::,:,�' - • notice�f swk ta!Ue persons aa d i n t he m�iancr presc r i b e�l 6 y a p p l i r�t i b t e I a w 7 1�u s t c w�i t U o a t d e m a n d o e�ia��,,;.
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<br /> ...i.1%�L.�,r:::� _y.�% , . ' ' .
<br /> '•.:(,:{,:�, i�. .; -- s�0 sel l t h e Prope rt y a t pu b Uc pu c t b n t o t i i e h i g h e s t 6 l d d e r a t f I}e t i i a e And p l�c�e and under the ternns desl8nattd iai,';` �; �� .
<br />' the notice at s�k ia one ar moiae pp�cet9 and in anp order 7bastee determin�.w. 1lrastee maY P�D�snk ot a!1 or any ,. ..
<br />`�� `-' • paral d the Property by publie announcement al the time and plact of any prevlousty sc6edakd w/a Lender oe its . .
<br /> • �'�' �.� .. . designee may parchase the i'ra�erts'at any sak. _ ,
<br /> • •� Upon recei ot p�ymtat of t6e prke 6id,7lrusta shall deliver to t6e purchaser 7irusta's deed conveying tbe .
<br /> ��.��": ' � pr�y '�'�r��N�s ia ti6e 7lrustce's Aeed shalf be p�1nw tack evideace ot the truth of the stateme�ts made therein. ,
<br /> ���,- " ' 7Y�ta sha��aPD�Y��Pr�-��the wk in the fdlowla�order. ta)to s�lf casis�nd expeases ot exercWng tfie povre� . �°_�;;;
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