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<br /> __ __ ;__ ._ ;_. _ _
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<br /> ':� - - - - - - _ - _
<br /> •Y�� `i : -..��. .. _ _ _ — iY`..�-
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<br /> —.- ��. J.._ � _
<br /> " _• T~— �^ __ — — —_ _ . _. _ __—
<br /> — "'
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<br /> �
<br /> �� "_� ��..��_ __- __ ... . ��.._ _ __
<br /> - l�(. .' _—' ' .. ._ .— _ _..— ._—'__ �. __'.. . � .�_ ' - .. '
<br /> .. -�`�-�': :_ __,2 .` . � . . .. � . � . a ;`t ( � . ... " `..— � �,�0�����:�+' ' � .r .
<br /> . . . , . 91= .
<br /> cartdemn�tion or othcr wkin�af any p�rt ot the Huperty.ar for ca►v�Y�ncr in lieu of amdem�tian.an:hec�by:�.cisned und ' _
<br /> � ch�Tl bc paid to Lcn,k'r,.. . ° . �.= .
<br /> (n the evcat�of s tata!laicing oC the P#aperty:the proeeed-,shai�be apptied to thr sumY u.�cuird by this 5ecurity � --
<br /> °- in�tnuncN._w6ctber oraol then due:�+i�h an},eaccss paid to Burrc�u�er_`!n the e�cnt uf a pania!taking af thr Prope�'tY�a
<br /> - wt�ieh Ute fa'u matkct value oi thc Ptopzn�imii►�di-��cix betore the i�fcin�i,ryu:�i Eu or�scat�-�t�aa�h�amwint+�£the.'i'm� ---- __ - -- -
<br /> ; ---— st��ly�thEC Securitx.tnstbument�mmediatetk-b�[Qrc the_tai�ia untrss Borrow�cr and iwndcr othen�isc a rcc in wreting. _--- _--- - --
<br /> ��._ �. s
<br /> f-° the sum.secured 6}r this Securit�(nsavnieat sh�il lx reduced by thc amouni�i1 tfie pinccecis.muitipi'rcd"tag fiir ia1[iswtt;g .� «—_
<br /> Frdction: ta1 the totaf amtwnt af the snms secureJ imn�diatety bcfa�e thr t�king.dividw!hy(ti�thr faic market value uf the ,. � ���� _ _ _._
<br /> ��:�.,�.�..��_�
<br /> • Ptape�t?ir�unedi�tel�t+efarc the taking. Any 6al�rtcc shall6c p;tid ta @orrowrt. In thc e�•et►t of a partiaC utking�f thc 6,�,;�=-- _
<br /> Prc�pert}ia which the fai�market vatue of ihe!fi►petc}immedi�tely t+efarc the ra3,iric iti[e�ti th:u�the amouni of'the+um+. j'-__:_.---______-
<br />_�.L,>' secumd immediatelg befare tt�e takin�.un�ss Borm��e�:►nd Lender�therwiu agrcc in w�iang or unte,ti applicablc t�w 4.,'=v•,•_�Y�v ti.;
<br />= , , otherw•ise pravides.the pn�ceects sh�11 b¢appGed eo the sums xecured by t6i�Sexurity instnunent w�hether�r not the sarn+are. Y�: � • .:�;��-.�_
<br /> � thendue. ;�"-- -- �=�-
<br />�;. � �x �.
<br /> t If the Praperty is a6andoned by Barraw•er.or if,after noticr b�Lender to�oira«�er that tha rnndemaar offc[�to make : ��:`
<br /> s�` an aw�ard ar settte a ciaim fardamages.Buerower faiLs.co-irspancl.ta Lernier Kithin 2Q d�y�ati�r the due 1he nuti��r i�given. - �`'r _.
<br /> � I.ender is authorized tucoliect and appTy trie pir►cr�ds�.:i6;.i�oplion.ei[�r�t�sr�stnr.itiun rmt�qraic.Uf ei�C.Pm�ty cirto-tfs_=____ � ';=;,.�ra,�,:`f.: �,
<br /> . r�
<br /> „ ,.: sum.5 secured by this Security Innrumen�whet�oc uott�tea due. . . t =� ~�
<br />. .�.�.�:'fi i- . ;_ r • ����'
<br /> lFnl�s I.�nder and Ba'rower ahet�a��.�:�in vvritin�.any applicatian��f pracer�L�.t�pcicui�al.slrrti-cait rxt�nd ur � . ,,4�,;__`�.,�'��:_: .;
<br /> .J:: iF -postpone tt�e due date of the aiontlily�avt�e�t��refecm�l.t,ii ifl paragrsphy t arx12 ue chan*�>tirc:,maus�crf 3ae,fi a•ments. . . -+�-._.
<br /> � P � '�=i.•-
<br /> F` !i. BotTatices Not Bdes�sed: �bearauce Hy'i�nder 1Vot a �Y�ier:. Exumii�it.oE. tfte timc Car pa}ment or 'i: •�`F.-,:�';.�,`:,,
<br />� �'"' ''`' modiHcatiari of amoR'v.�iari uf the sums�,�ure�!by tlus5ecurity I�st�ument gr.mte�!hy E.endert+nany,wcretisor in interest '��%�,;_t�I'_—
<br />��-'�;-,- ' . ..
<br /> of BocraK�r st�i{noi npecate ta retease che teability vs";he or"sginal8arrower ur Bo�wer's s�ccescan in inteeetit.Lender Y�'�...
<br /> be 'n�l fo c-ommence ' �s:►gain�t any sucres.uK in iatenetii or refu,e t��tend time for payment ur `'�"�'�-+�w.-�:"�
<br /> :�• shall not xequ► P►vc'eed�t� , � : ----
<br /> '�F�- '%`'' ott�erwise m�dify amoctization af the Srttms secured by this Security�(nstrumet�t by�rtaf m�y d�nand made by the original `J• ---
<br /> ' ::�;,�.,.:_-�
<br /> �.;:��-;'`'. �i Horrower ar Bormwer's sua�essax in inte�est Any far6earance by[.eoder in ex��.ising:uiy rigI�it ar reme�iy.hall not Ix a `�;{,:_ _
<br />:�Ct�::�:,%,:: � waiver of ar preclude the exercis,e uf:uiy rig6t ar remedy. � _ , � ;:���y.�.,;..
<br /> ��{���'•,' •,N:-� ° .+ Ac�Satnd:doint wd Se��eral4iabiiity:�•o-sl�ners. The eoveitantv and aarrenicntc r.f thi+ : �- . .- •; ,;`;,—
<br />..•t���cF: " ;S .�r3, �G. ���'b"� I �'t. ,
<br /> ' `.•`; k; �:T','s' . Sec�uity[nsbument shali 6i�ui a�td 6enefit the succes�on and a►signs of l.endrr and BanruKer.+ubject ro the pravi�ian+�f � -%��,..;.�
<br />� - .. ''= , p�ap�17_Bortowers cwenants and agceement4�[tall be joim and�eraE.My Boc�oner who co-,ip.n,thix Security• ` �.._ __ `� t
<br /> -• i`Secunt insY�urttent ont ta murtgage.gant�d cimvcJ;that � ��''Y'~':--
<br /> '' � •' iit�trument buc daes not ex��cute the Note: tal i�rn-signing th y. 3�. '
<br /> ' �i,'� �'` -'. �a:eis i�•est in the Pcaperty urtderthe tem►s of this Security lnsfrumen� Ib►is rtuc Penanalty obligated ta pay tFf�+umc .,�'� .>
<br /> �";�'�:1i�;_-
<br /> • . _ . - �ci b,�.:tqn�„�5ecuri►y Iostrumen�aei�(cb��hat Lender and any other Bvrruwrc may a�to extead.modify,fi�rhrar , �-
<br /> -� • • oc-z�1►e ari}.accommodatioac with.�*aad to the certns af thiti Security insnunieir,�•"vr thr Nute aitflout that Bumuaer'a ` ' ` _�:"��
<br /> � - wrnsent• . �. . :• ..
<br /> �. ;� � � 1� 1.qao Chusges [f tf�e toaa�czirai by this Security In,trument is yuhjccr ta a law whicfi +ets maximum lu•rn
<br /> �.`
<br /> :`„�;; . chxrges.ai��eat.taw is fueatt}��intetpc�i�ad�that th�intenert ar ather toan chargex collected or ta be callected in conmectic►n , � r ;
<br /> -�'��` with the!an¢u�.�!caeed ihe pertnitted tireaar�¢E�n: la)any.ruch loan charge xhall be reduced by the amaunt nec�w`:►ry to redure ,
<br /> , •�., . �.: • , • ;
<br /> �:�>' • ' • ,-!�e ebarge to the permitteci tictiiG and(b�any�+um.slready callected fram Barm�+:er which cxceeded permined limitti wiQ be _ `
<br /> . '-��"'"''''�7 A� '��• �_,xeJitnded to Borrower. L+�--�'tnaY chouse to make thi+refund by rcJucin�the priacipal owed under�he Note ur 5y making a , .��''
<br /> ' ''�` � iiin�ct payment to Hor�c�.�'�a rc:fund�educes principal.the reductian will br cct�tcrl t+s a pa�ial preQayment tivithnut any �': �"'_�=
<br /> ; ?:p �";t�.<< ,:,,�,`.� iarepaytnent charge unde.+�t::'�cite. . ;�� � ,.,-: .,
<br /> . "' �!,';., :, •.`
<br /> ., ,,,,:.: .• .':'`
<br /> :;•,s uk=-�-''::':��'�� � 14. Notteeg. Any'rr�:t,r to Bprrower pmvidecl far in thiy Sccurity Instncr;ww�t:hall 6e given by deG�cripg it or by _ tf�r.
<br /> :,r�•_:. :�-t�'�Nd't.:� . � ' -y •;fj.;`:-;,-.�;
<br /> -f4 `'; :`���*�t mailing it by fir+t eltisz mai��atess applicable law requirc+use uf another method.t3ze nutice sh•.dl be direc[ed[o the Praperty �,:f;;�,; �-�
<br /> � ':i•,.. �„ .� • :��:i;..,
<br /> -,��tt,;�, . • Address or any ather ad,4is`^:ss�Bnrrawer designateti by natirc to l.cndrr. Any nasa,i�i�*Lender shall be given by�rst ct��s � , �� �{ti'•� .,�:
<br />� �°�;� �f����:���: ' , ;_; : r.tiail to l.ender's addretis;a�'�:�hcrcin or any o[hcr uddre�s Lcndcr de.ignates b}Qr,s��i�.to Harroa�er. Any natire pravidcd for '
<br /> : 3,��• I`J� 3
<br /> >;" ?�t. - •7a'this Sccurity Inwtru;ih;�ni.hall bc dccmcd to h.�ve 6aaee� givcn ta Borrrncrr +�r L�rt�#�r when given ati pravided in thiti t,.,;.• ••
<br /> � �" � .• �� ��Ah• ,,. • ...: '. , _�<
<br /> ���r ; pt+3 . 13. ���rning l.aw:.5everab� ."Tif,i�S�.c�.ru;, fr�titra:ce�x.�zal1 be gc��•med by federal law and the law of the ( . .
<br /> � . ���'.. �",�� .: jusisdict's,^,��`�hicb the I'raperty is 1a.1�a�.;r.n.4��+t�fa?c���s aui;�4�F�i�>�.�oc�t�.r;e oi tbi�5ecurity Intitrument or the Natc � .
<br /> `�:'.-���, •'�'_ '�•�t ' �:a.^,flicG4�+�t applic�able law.wcb rnntFi��s;i°y�r�.*�r:31i:v:�ther pr�s;�+a-:�of t�c::S�carity Imtrument or ifie Nute Khich ran ! .
<br /> ..�..,.. . ,� , . ,
<br /> �• , �=- , . . `" .• .�bs'��is rts effcct without Ihe canilicting prn�i4ion.�`:���1;�i�end thc provi`ions ri ihi�Security Imtn�ment and the Nute arc E
<br />, , - . .• � �lee°a�e�lt�be sevcrablc. ,:, ; . :'�. ;. � .
<br /> .41s`�i.. . . �. !�,"�tJ�rower'�Cupy. Boaower.haU tx:giveri ohe cnnf��rmed cupy uf the'ti`ace.ind nf thit S��curity Intitrument. I
<br />��';;,.?�.;' � :` ��E; � � . :'� l�:tfo�ltifer ot the Praperty ar a Aeneiiciallnterc�l in Borrow�er. li aU ar'any pan ui Ihc!'coperty or any inccres�in �
<br /> .:;ro:'-" :u , � F � . :: ,... ��r �� . �• - .
<br />;.�;,r:.;_ , s��� . , •. ia is suil���ramferred(or if a hcneficial intere.rt in�arcocver iti�oW��r tranrferred und Ham�wer iti nnt a nutural persanl �
<br /> , +� �= " '''f`�S� :.�a��thout�Z�rdery nor w�tten can.cnt.Lcndcr mav,at i����ptinn.require immcd�a:�:payment in full af t�ll yum�,ccured by �
<br /> .: ..- � °�1,E-: • P� .
<br /> . � , '�� ����'y,,5 � �" '.'�r� ' � `` :r.:w Security lnslrument. Huwevet.Ibi�aption shaCt r���;'x cxerci�ed hy Lcnder._;e c�cerci�e is praflibited by fedCr.�l law a.r af :
<br /> ';'� '`�; ��•, ��.`�f� ; �•�5�;:,da:e af this Security lnytrument. .. ; ' i '
<br /> ' *`�;', ! �„�f1'}% ` , .: ,`, I£i�^_der ezereises thiy opti�m.Lenet��r�huil•�c�.�-�y.�•er nnticc of.+cce;��ca::on. Thc nutice�hall pro�iw a perivll nf. ,
<br /> � .�I��i.;Ja • . . > . ��„�,,,., •
<br /> , � � ,,,° , . ;,t:•r•. ,. .-not IeLS;G>n��t)days from the dute the n�.�iv:i�dcQ:�tva��r r� «f�+�r,aItin�vhich 8urroucr mu.�pay all+ums v�..r.r:��r;��,�.: i ��ut;��r;,
<br /> � .. . . _ ��:,���. , ;r
<br /> -�F Scccr3t►• �a�namament. lf•Borrawcr fai:�?���pay the,r 4 ,� t`a'�T�c��1�,��xpir,uion uf thi� Fxrind. Lcnder mar,ir��.Ul.a•,ta�r k � �
<br /> �r' . . f; mmeefics�.rnittrel hy thiti 5ecurity Inst�ucaent withe�ar . ��_ �ry.i�c;�-.�te,ia^:,',n�Hurrnwer. ''-��.` , � I � .'�-
<br /> „• F ' :y;,s::,'ti:�ca�v�:,,:..H��rr�wrr �halt havc tt��: i�,;rai '�.y�' ;�
<br /> '' � ' ' 1i� Ba�rower'w It,�t tu itclnstate. If Kibrn u-.ti��:ate:y� � � i{� '
<br /> , . ,��,' . � , .
<br /> < • . enfarcemcnt uf thi�5c�:u�1��in.rtrunum dhc�mtinu�•! "�:ri:C'�t:.lt;.�'v'�'�+:+i1 i73i:����i�."(r(: lil►;I�AS'�II�F�th:.'11i.�L}�p3i��€tCy3J'.:t�' ���l,
<br /> ��,t , • �. �, ; , I". !'.• • � ' , i' • . , , " , ' ��,r. . .
<br /> •"'� : r;" ' �:.;;IcFam�h -Ei�nnie�tue�tieddk�l�l�f.l�:�4k�rTi��LTi4,'P,mE�T• t'uiform(':r�cr!:vt• 9'�/Y .r.�,,';+•y�y+i�,�,s �1'. �
<br /> � � . �>tl'1'� . I1 . ' ". ' � , • " • ' . • ,,{
<br /> ; [ ,'� ,
<br /> i • ;A'-., . :f+ ;� `L�� ,. . . . , . '.t,r�, }1f
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