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_ [,L � �--- . . <br /> � . l. . •�-.1�. . .. .�rr..aMly�.���_ <br /> _._.._ . . ���.'��.�i4-r . ' <br /> • <br /> -.`�' .� . •1 .. • � Y':Tl��, __ <br /> _..—_... _.--__-�—.T-� - . ... . _ . ..��`"".._._., .. • _..r..."�.�'.�. ,r.�r.a'a� .....�(. .� � . �r..l�_ <br /> - - _ . ^1 .0 ^ 1 � ' . . _- — .. ... - — . . "—_ __--- .T;--. . <br /> .� - . � •. � � .. •r41` <br /> - _. -. " �IIMII�,�I��1�/Ip r 2.Ot���M�0�lM d M{���+.-� .��M�dIR� �.�_ <br /> - MiM 11MM�10. ����OM tl�IP�1�IOM Md�!��—b r�...-ii�ir��w�Wc_=,=_._-- <br /> •t''-Srrv_. <br /> !i,0��1�1 A►�aa11r�M itlr�I1NM.���bY#M�Y. " � . � <br /> W����� i��1bp a�tap��i�aw�iW S�oa�Y M���tif:i�tlM aw a�pbiiw iirM. �� <br /> �(i"�°"°w�°'�b��b p�Ir Y�•a•�W►po►�.�t nq�+by 11�+.a.ada►�••�P� , <br /> a ar aa ttie dre dMe utda ae�t a10A� . <br /> _ �I)�bY t�UWy.�ar�period o�WAy dbn w periorw wy alw'pbiiptiar oa�1�liMd ii ib � '. <br /> pi)&��Cndit App�a��l. I�ndor�11�if pamiped by�pplic�bie la�w aad wWi d�e p�ior app�w�l d die , <br /> .tequi�e inunedi�pe paymait la tWl of�il tlie aam�e�curod by dds Se�curit�r�auae�M N: ; . <br /> (1)J►JI ar p�nt of the�ba�eficl�l intaest in a dmt avnia�W ac p�et d�Proprey�b Mold a <br /> abawi�o tnnd'anad(aQicr�n lry devl�e ar deioait)bY tba Banow�ar.�od <br /> (ii)Tha Pimpaty i�not oocupied by tho pwrba�ar ar�ntae a Id�ar ber P�4���a�d�P� <br /> or � doe� �o aoctg�y tia Ptopetty but b� ar ber credit 6�t oot bNO �pproMed W «oomdMlos <br /> with tLe� of tho 5ectet�ryr. <br /> (c111b N►dwr.-tf ci�nut�nai oa oocur duu wouW pa�nit La�der to�qni�e ia�aiediaro p�ymat jo fiW.but[�and�r <br /> does not acb l.a�der doa oot waiva its djlw wid� w ab�eque�evant�. <br /> (d)��d�Sea+etM'� In m�ay�n�s�ooa neyut�tios�wed by We Secrwry�rW limit Laidery <br /> d�. t6e ca�e of p���art dafwNs,w Lamedi�e pyment in fuU and taeclae if not d 7tiis <br /> S�ewrity Ia�onunau does not�wnlioitiae��ar Eaeclos�ue itnctlamit�d 6'!�re�l�o�otd�e�am�►. <br /> � l�1�Ma ra.�.�ed�. rsaro.�r��hu�honta�so�y u�..�.���o�..,��,w�sr..� _ <br /> be eligibla far imuraaoe wid�r t4e N�tioml Houdn�Act within � fiarn d�e <br /> ,.:� dm he�eof.l.ende�mry.M its aqion�od no�wi�uadNg mylhing in Puagraph 9.taquire immedi�oe P�Y�� <br /> -- fud vf aM waw sxur�ed 6��his S�uriry IowuaKnt. A w�iqen aatement of any a�d�a�izad a�eat d the Sec�ebn'y <br /> _�- d�ted subcequent to � f'rom�be d�oc k�oP.declinie�w i�r�nre d�Seau'1ty <br /> -- .� Imwma�t and the note socwed thaeby.�hall be deemod 000clusive p�oof of ach inep�ibiWy. Natwllf�tt�ndinj <br /> the fae�oing,thi�option may not 6e exencised by I.eaider when the unavdt�6ility of iaau�aue L toldy due to <br /> -� L.anderk failw�e to�nit a ma�tgage Insuranoc p�nium w the Sati+etuy. <br /> .. , 1�. �� Barmwer has a rigiu w be nein:t�tod if L,ender has toquircd itruaediate piy�q�t in fWl 6acause <br /> - - of Bonowerh fiilwe w pay �n amount due under the•Note or 16is Saurlty Inwumat� Thi�dglu appUes evm afler <br /> -= fococlaawe �ooeedings ae inst�aqed. 'Ib reinsnte the Sxurity Insduma��Barower sh�ll teader in a lump am dl <br /> J.,� arnow�nqut�ed to bring Bomowerk aocaunt current including.a�he estrnc d�ey a+e obliguia�of Bm�nwer uader d�is <br /> -� _ Securiry Inswmen�for�eclosure��nsts and�rasonabb and custamary attomeys'feea�nd expaisap�p��y azsocia�ed with <br /> �' tbe faedosure procxaling. Upun r�einsutementby Borrower.thia Security Inttrument and�he o61i-a�tiana thM it�ecWrcs <br />'"'• shall rom�in in effect as if L.e�der had notrequi�ed immodiate psyment in full. However.Lender is oot rc�ufred wpam it <br />— — �elastaoement if: (i)L.ender hes aoxpted reinstatement after the comme�ti�ment of fancloswe p�ooeedjnp witbla two <br /> �.^�'i. ye�u�s immedietely pr�eexding the commencement of a cument farxloswk proeeeding. (ii) �einstatemrnt wiU proclude <br />�.: fo�eclosun on differcnt grounds in the future.oT(iii)minstuement wjll adversely effcct�he priaity of the liai cnated by <br /> this Securiry Inslrument. <br /> 11. Ibrrower Not Relea.Redi Flw'bearnoce by Lender Nat a Waivw Factcosian of the time of payment or <br />- madification of amortization of the sums securcd by this Securit�Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in inteiest <br /> � of Bmrower shell not operute to rclease the liability of the orig��wl Borrower or BorrowerS�successor in intercst. Lender <br />_ shWl not 6e requi�ed to commence proceedin�s against an�successor in intercst or rcfuse w extend ame fa�or <br /> othervvlse m�ify amortiuttion of the sums secured by Ihia Security Instntment by reason of any dertund by the <br /> originW Borrower or Borrower's successors in imerest. Any forl�rance by Lender in eaercising any�ight or remedy ahall <br /> t ;�,,,,, not be e waiver of or pre�clude the exercise of eny right or remedy. <br /> prcc <br /> '�it�• 12. Successors and Assiq�s Bound;Joint and SeverAl Liability;CaSigners. The covrnants and agreementa of <br />- �{'i�4+!� this Securiry Instrument shall bind end benefit the successors and nssigns oi l.ender and Bortower,subjoct to the provisions <br /> - • of Paragraph 9.b. Borrower's cavenants and agreements shall be joint and several. My Bormwer who co-signs this <br /> �'�` * � ••t,,, Security Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing �his Security Instrument only w mortgage.g�t and <br /> _r , ,�{�� .'•, , convey that Bortawer�s interest in the Property under�he tertns of�Mis Security Instrument(b)is not personally obligated to <br /> �11��� ' t a the sums secured b thi,Securi Instrumen4 and(c)agr.ees ihal Lender und an other Borrower may agrce to eKtmd. <br /> . �z�:t��:,,:�.�`�;'_^. P Y Y �Y �' <br /> ��,:,, modify,forbenr or meke ony accommodations wilh regard to the lerms of lhis Secunty Instrument or the Note without that <br /> 'f����"�' Hartnwerk consent. <br /> ,:�:� .,,.�,r�;„.y�;., <br /> � ��< 13. Notlaea. Any notice w Borrower provided for in this Security Inswment shall be given by delivering it or by <br /> •�"��•'� meiling it by finst clsss mail unless applicable luw requires use of another methad. The notice shell be dinxted to the <br /> � - �s�°'"r Property Address or any other nddress Bomnwer designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by <br /> �`'t�� � �'irs! closs mail to L.ender's adclress swted herein or any address Lender designates by naice to Borrower. Any notice <br /> '"�� '"k�" ' ' prov ided for in this Security Instrument shull be decmed to have bcen given to Borrower or Lender whrn given as p�ovided <br />_ - :`".'"'. . in thas ara h <br /> +,�'�,� ,x•', . . P �P • <br /> 14. Governiag;Severability. 'il�is Security Instrumcnt Khall tx:govcmed by Federul luw and the law of the <br /> � �•�:R �F���� jurisdiction in which the Property is lacated. In the event thn�cu�y provision or clause of this Security Insuument or the <br /> -""""�.''.;-°�-=.'� IVotc contlicts wiih applicabtc law,such conflict shall not affv�:t other pTOVisions uf thi� Securily inslrumenl ur the Alote - <br /> ':�''���;��'•K±' >,r' W�I1CI1 C8t1 IIC iven effect without Ihe canflictin rovision. To this end the rovisians of this Securi Insuument w�d the <br /> ' A';. ,,k� �t+•�•,�j,� .. 1e 8 B P P �Y <br /> ,;�•;.;,�F��,�,;.'}:i;:`; Not�we declared to be severable. <br /> ~• ����,?'<<<;y 1S. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of this Securiry lnswment. <br /> .Y;� ;�,,�, �., .. 16. Assignment of Rents. Borrower unconditionully agsigns and tran��'ers to Lender all the rems and r�evenues of the <br /> :•,,-:�; �?�!,,� • Pmpe�ty. Bortnwer authorixes Lender or Lender s agents to rollect th�r�nts and revenues and hereby directs each tenant of <br /> ;s,,; �, s,;�;tY�,��• :"� � the Propeny to puy�he ren�v to Lender or Lencler's agents. However,prior ro Lender's nodce tu Bartower of Borrower§ _ <br /> �,*.r;,;;;��. Imach of eny covenant or agreement in the Securiry Instrument,Borrowrr shall cuUect rnd rcceive all rents and revenues af _ <br /> � •c.;r.x- the�roperty es watee for the benetit of Lender und Borrower. 'I'his asaignmen�of rcnis con+titutes an absolute assig�ment = <br />��°'�� ancl not on assignment for additional security anly. <br />- =`- If Lender gives nolice of breach to Borrower. (a)ull rents received by Boaower shall be held by Borrnwer ac wstee <br /> ';+• �• .�. for benetit of Lender be oppUed to the sums secured by the �ecunty Inslrument:(o)l.ender shall be entiuea[o = <br /> •� collect and receive aU of the rcnts of the Property;and lc)eurh tenane of the Ropeny shull pay all rents due and unpaid to <br /> � � �,. 4rnder or l.ender's agent on l..enderh written demnnd to the tenant. <br />�� . • ' Borrower hes not executed any prior assignment of�fie rents nnd has not end will not perform any act�ha�would — <br /> •�,���... <br /> _ ��'),�.�.., p�eve,ii��i�u�u c�u�ini�tig its ugi�ts ut�ier ttiin Parugrnph 1G. — <br /> _.�.a.r , t .. <br /> — ,.,,,;�'��j�;-•':����, Lender shell not be re yuired to enter u p on,take coniro!of or maintain�he Pro p en y before or after g(vin g noGce of <br /> ;�.����`'"�""`r�,, bnach to Borrower. However,Lender or a judiaally appointed receiver mAy do sc+ �t any time there is a brearh. Any = <br /> �j�,i;;����. application of�ents shell not cure or waive any default or invalidAte any other right or remed�of Leixler. 'i'his assignment t <br /> .. ,��--- of rcnta of the Property shall terminate when�he debt secured by the 5ecurity Instrument is pwd in full. =� <br /> ,- _e _ <br /> M, <br /> q�ag�3 nj1 pagt.rl � <br /> '�:i.Qt� . _ <br /> - �• — <br />.__, .��r5.�•t<. ����. <br /> ..__ <br /> .. .. �. <br /> �� � <br /> . [ <br /> " ' <br /> ,x_ . . <br />