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����i"-d�.�-.� . . . ':ir .:1. .. . . __ .,�....._---:—=— - °-- -_- - - --- - � <br />_ _.. -_- --- ---� � . � , . . . . . . . . .--:j7:: - - <br /> i . <br /> ��'9- ��'� <br /> �. �,,,,r.w„�,�r�,r.�..ii.r. �.u�►.�a�.a�.��r,�wr�.��------- <br /> . . M•a i M��d����u�r�"o�w�` Bn�oNrer.b.a i�luae ia ad�a�oMbl p.�nnnt. - —,� <br /> • io�el6er�die pddeipd rnd inlerat at set t�or�b ia die I�iale adf an We clw�ea,�e�af�ta�t�xet�sd <br /> �OIC�w1�0i��OY�C�t0 b0{OY��IM f11Q plf�O�Lyr���Q�y1b011{L Q prllMld IE�1�OA 1�11�yr� <br /> (C�p1�0A�llplf�0!�f11�100 t0�Y�101���1�1�4' �,,,,`� , <br /> �1 IO�y�O�MOQI�Of�bf1{�(a�. (b�� (�)s� �•OIIQ-1N�0�1 bt 1}IO alYMli�b110Y1kt.� (�1Y011�f� <br /> c�timst+od By Lcadir. ua ata�nsount sul�dtat to mai�dn ta wdditionn)balm�cc M'nat �ona th.n ane-si� d�e <br /> atin�Med�mouab. � 1WI1 mawl�ataunt far a�itan �11 be �a�unul�ted bY l�nder wuWu a period �ane <br /> maMh before�n ilan w�kl bo0ome delitw�ue�M. L.eoder dMll hoW Ihe+�n'�ouMs oollectod ia tnat�o p�y ilaia�(��(b iad <br /> (o)bafa�e d�ey beooab delinq�eat <br /> If�t any dwe We taW ot tbe p� heW 6y Ladet tar aartu(�).(b)�od(c). wii�h the funma mo�Nbly <br /> p�ymenu fa�uch itaps P�Yabb a�priar ro tbe due d�ta of wch itemc. ex�mora tl�o oae�i�Ctb tde <br /> es�timued�uaunt uf P�Y�m�9�tap�y u�fi ilertw whn dne�wnd if p� ta an 1ha Nae are cwraM�tbea L�awler <br /> � ahdl eitlbr rctund the excas over aie•si�th af the eqi�a�tod p�y�au a�e:ocu over ane-tistb of d�e esNm�tcd <br /> • �ymcna co wbse9�P�Y�bY Bo�Ow�er..��be opdaa of Bamwer. If�he�oud of�ha pymaus made by B�mo.�er <br /> ar item(+�).lb).ar(a)is intutYkieat lo p�y the itan when duo.�hon Borrower sh�ll pay to L.a�der�ay�unownt�eoe�sa�y w <br /> � tnRita up tbe detickn.y a�or t�et'ae Ida d�te tha itpn beoanes due. � <br />- � Ac used in this Sacu�ity itiqtuma��"SecrolarY"mean�the Soct�etruy of Nou�ing and Utban DavelapmaK a Yi�a her <br /> desig�. In my ye�r in which Ihe l.a�do�muctp�y�mmtgi+ge insun�nco pnmium a the+Secrctary.each raaathiy p�ysmt <br /> shdl also include eather: Q) �n inqallment of the annwl mortg�ga lnsuance p�emium w 6e p�id by Laoder to die <br /> 3ac�eqry.a�(ii)a mamhly chuge iastad of a matgage insur�noe pnmium if this Securiry Insdumeau U hdd by�he : <br /> — — Sawtmy, Rach m�+n�blY in�llmran nf the gsge Innaence premtum shaU bo In iu1 tunau�q eut�ick�nt to a�cunN�l+�te d�e� _ <br /> full mnud mortgag� iasur�nce premium wi�tx�der ane manth prior to tha date d�a full aanual matgago inswae�e . <br /> _-- pemium ia dua w�iie Secrenry:ar if tbls Security Inurument i:trcld�b the Sev�etary.e�ch maathly char�o rbaH bv io aa <br /> i amount equal w ane-twelph of ane-IWf pemnt of the outswnding bf�lance due on the Note. <br /> I if Bortower tenders m L.enrler�he full payment of all sums secured by�his Security Instrumen�Borrowerti Acxaun <br /> _ ' shdl be crcdita! wlth the balmce ranaining for all installtaaits for itarw(a).(b)and(c)and any mcMg+ige insur+nco <br />,_;� � prcmium fnsWlment that Lender has:wt become obligated to pay to the Secrctary.and Lender shaU P�P�Y refund my <br /> cxcxss funds w Borrower. Immediaoely prior to a foroclosue�e sale of the PropMty ar i�a xquisitiao by L.ender.Hawarcr4 <br /> -= l accouat sha116e c�edited wlth any b�lu�ce remaining far all insWlmrnts for items lA�.(b)and(c). <br /> I 3. Applicatbo d P�yuada. AII payments uadcr IParag�phs I and 2 stwli be applied by Lender as follows: <br /> �' the age insurance p�emium w be pw�od by l.ender to Ihe Sxrd�uy ar w the monddy chiugo by the <br /> �g "d <br /> , Sa�instead of the rnontldy matgage insura ice premium; <br /> I .w any taaes.spxial�scesa+nents.leasehold p�ymeAt�ar gtound rents.and fire.flaod and otkr ha�ard <br /> - insurar�oe prcmiums�as rcqwred: <br />_ --`'� - --- �,w interest due under tAe I�Paie; <br /> t.�$+ �j$(�,to�unanizatian of the principa!of thc Nde: , . <br /> � 'ti t,a .a:w;�':. F��i+W late chruges due under tf�e Note. ' '. <br /> , .� ,�y�.,,.., 4. Firs,F7ood aad Other Hsmrd lasvranee. Borrower shall insure all i�pravements an lhe PropcAy,whether now . <br /> • ••����;:=i � in existd�ce or su uendy erected,a ain,t any haza�ds,casualda. and condngcac�es.including fir�e. for which I.eader <br /> ,G��1i , <br /> '�'� �R• '' ` Rqui�es inswmce. is insurance shal�be maintained in the amouncs and for the periods that Lender requires. Bornower <br /> ',{ ";f9'+,�• ��;.:��:�.•• I sfw1�also insurc+d�improvements on the Property.whether now in existence or subsequendy erected.against loss by floods <br /> - �,��4� � to the extrnt requircd by the Secretary. All insurunce shall tx carried with companies approved by Lender. 'Ihe insurance <br /> policies and rny rcnewala Shull be held by L.ender and shall ioclude loss payable clauses in favor of,and � a fam <br /> ~ "`:;�'� ' aaxxptable to.Lender. <br /> : � ' a <br /> � ,,. !n the event of loss,Borrower shall give Lender immediute notice by mnil. Lender may meke proof of loss if not <br /> .{��� �,;;:�t;.�;, made pramptly by Borrower. Euch insurance company concemed is he�eby authorized and di�cted to make payment Por <br /> t � � - such loss directly to Lender,insteud of ta Borrower nnd to Lender janely. All or uny part of the insurance proceeds may be <br /> ;•h!!�:'�.>- <br />_' ',^r• `-' ••��.�•�:°' app liod by Lender,ut its aption,aither(a)to the reduction of the indebtedness under the Note and this Security Insuument, <br /> ' '"'��'r%�,t'c'''• '° ` fiist to en delin uent amounu u �ed in the order in Paro m h 3, and then ta re u ent of rinci or Ib) to 1he <br /> .� Y pp�' B P P P Y!� P P�� <br /> � �.41�'?t' ' rcstoration or re a�ir of U�a dama ed rt . An a lication of the roceeds to Ihe nc� al shnll not extrnd or s <br /> '�.�i,;�... � P � P�'oPe � Y pP P P� P P� � <br /> • ,.��;;_�:''� �•• the due date of the monthly paymen4a whic ure refemed to in Paragrnph change the umount of such payments. My <br />:,� "'4• ''`� • eacess insurance proceeds over an amaunt reyuired to pay all au�standing indebtedness under the Note and this Security <br /> Instnunent shell be paid to the entity legully entitled there�o. <br /> ''. ,?��i •'- In Ihe event of foreclosure of this Security Instrument or other tranzfer of tiUe to thc PropeRy thut extinguishes Uu <br /> '��-fi��°`���- indcbtedness,all ri ht,title und intercst of Borrower in ond Ic�imuran�:e liciex in force slwll �ss to the urchaser. <br /> ;. , z,,: � s <br /> �ik. . S. Occupancy, Prese�vation� Po P <br /> MAintenance and Protectlan of the Property: Borrowe�'s l.opn Applkallon; <br /> ' "' l,ease6olds. Horrower shall accuy establish,nnd use the Pro n as Borrower's rinci ul residence wfUtin six da a <br /> Y,�' .«.'.. .a. _'- P . Pe Y P P �Y Y <br /> � ` after the execution of this Security Instrument und zhall continue to occupy�he Propeny u.�Borrower's principal residence <br /> _"� - 1 • for at least one year a8er the dnte of accupancy,unless the Secretary determines this reywrement will cause undue hardship <br /> =�r,_ � ;,h�,y �;i;... ' _� <br /> ,�,..�,.,_.;;,f tor Borrower,or unless extenuoting circu�sts�ncex czis� which ,u�e t►eycind Bormwer: control. Borrower shall noufy _ <br /> �•.r•- �;..�;,kf�..sA.•��.. Lenders of any extenuuiing cinumslances. Borrower shall nc►t commit wu�te o�destroy,damage or subs�antiAlly chunge <br /> • t .. • the Pmperty or s�llow the Property to deteriorute,reaxonable weur and tcar rxcepted. L.ender moy inspect the Property if the <br /> •�+ Property is vacant or abandoned or Ihe loan is in default. L�nder muy tuke musonuble uction to protect und preserve such <br /> ''�� vacant or abandoned F'ro n Bormwer shull al.o t� in defnult if Bnrrower, during the luan upplication pracess,gave <br /> ��'. `,_ ��:.__::;�;;,: !x Y• , �- <br />- °�r---,.- -.--:-..���5�•�, muteriall� fuls� ui inu�iuiate informatian or statcmcn:s to Lcmlcr lor fail�d to providc Lendcr with any matena! - <br />' ,. a.,;t.�•�. �+?'v inPormanon)in connectir►n with the lonn evidencrd bv the Notc, including,but nut limited to,representations wnceming �; <br /> ,b ' 'J; •.: ;, '�:1<':�Y�J• Horrower�s occupancy of 1he P�vpeAy as a principul resi�lence. If this Secun�y In�trumem i.on u leacehold,Bn�rower sh�ll T_ <br /> �U`'��'t�,'��(����"•�:'�t•Y comply with the provisions of�he lea+e. If Bormwer ucyuires fee title ro thr Pn�ny,the lea�ehdd and fee t6�da shall na � <br />— ,�j�P��i.'!'(" a��•,l�r r:,.,.� — <br /> ti�: ;,.,1�y�;1�; �^ ..i;:..,,,r be merged unkss Lender ngrecs tu the mergcr in writing. _ <br /> -�t..�,� .•�;{,?� :s,:?:.;;i.=°;'°�, 6. Charges to Borrower and Protectlon oP[.ender's Rightx in Ihe Property. Borrower shall puy all govemmental __ <br /> �r��` '�• � '�'nj or munici�aE charges,finex und impositions thnt ure not included in Yaragn+ph... Borrower,ha�l}+ay these obligations on <br /> t�s�`�#� � time directly�o the entity which is owed the pnyment. If fuilure�o pay would udvenely uffec� Lender's interest in the <br /> :.:::�:�1� "�r,.r�: � , — <br />..y.i5-: . �t'A..i..::�: w <br /> :;,•;••;; r�,�;:',:, ,'�i.s�xaa►.4•: Property,upon Lenderk request Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing these payments. � <br />�`� •{ '':i�:;�.:��`' ��:�.�.�:. � If Borrower fnils to make these payments or the pnymentti reyuired by Parngrnph 2, or fails�o pedortn any ather °• <br /> ''-u �t'�� �' �" � • � covenon�s and agreements conU►ined in this Security Inx�rument,orthere i+u legul praceeding that ma�+�gnificpntly affect � <br /> T,.•� �„ ;,,.,s _ .. Lenders Hghts fn the f'roperty(such as u proreeding in oanKrupuy. lar condemnancm or io enione�uwt or r�guiuii�niai, o- <br /> ����.,_ � �• then Lender mgy do and pay whucever is neceswry to proter�t6e �alae of the Property und Lender's rights in the Property, _ <br />_ ,�;t nt�sr��+°"'''•^�•� in�luding puyment of taxes,hazard insurance and nlher items mentioned in Puragmph 2. <br /> ` � �'"' � ^:�- My amounts disbursed by Lender under this Yuragraph shall become an additionul debt of Borrower und be secured , <br /> ��i;°.�.. <br /> - 4�-''����r��`� b this Securi InstrumenL These amounts shnl) bear interest trom the date of disbursemeM,nt thc Notc rote,und ut 1he � <br /> - `';t r_ _.. . - <br /> ' '�'"'�r�+-=;�.w�: oYption of Lender.shu11 be immediately due und payable. = <br /> � � • ,,�`���f.; � , � 7. Candemtwdon. 7'he proceeds of nny awurd or cluim for demage,�,dirce�or conseyuential,in connection with uny = <br /> � �'����t � �;�'.'�,:� condemnatian or other taking of'uny part of the Property,or for conveyancc in pluce of condemnution,ure hereby nssigned ` <br /> � . ��l.�t�•` `'.'��. ���:;; and shall be paid to Lender to the extent of the full umoum of�he indebtedness thut remuins unpaid under the Noie und�his <br /> "°�'°' . `'s•,��i'14�'�' l�v'+�' ),. Secutity Inswment. Lender shall upply surh proceeds to the reduction af the indebtedness under the Note and this Security <br /> �:�'�`� �1 s' "'' ' lnswment, Prst to un delin uent amounts n lied in the order rovided in I'ara ra h 3, and then ta re a ment of <br /> ' i,;,:',...+;�� ���� , Y 9 Pp� P 8 P P P Y : <br /> • $�i.,�y�,t,�• .�: r,, ptincipel. Any application of the pro�.�eeds to the principal shall not eztend or postpone �he due date of the monlhly - <br /> ,y,;,ti.�;�?:.;�s��t, , <br /> - i:j:;t}�,,{:q,��;+�,s'•`�,I,,;;. _ <br /> 'Y•',;�4�}r', ' �''`1F?�'h�� IP�R��n14RdRtt� - <br /> - i�;t"t/''S, � <br /> (J• ei. <br /> 'p . � <br /> R!�'.. . .. , .. ._.. .. . __ __._ -.. <br />