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. <br /> ,�,�..t..� .. �., ,, , – <br /> -� , --- --- --— <br /> .._.L� _:;r.6.l�`LJa ' �. <br /> �a1.-ia..,Y.. <br /> 93�: 10�3lC4 <br /> pe�lad�dw l.eeaer requine.. 7�0+,uurance c�rti.r provkiUy Ih.Inw�aoe.h�l�b.cha�an by eoi,ow�.ueJ�a w l.e�tda�r <br /> q�prov�l which�h�il not be uare�aru�Wy wUhl�eld. IP Baeaw�i�fb��Ia�wve�a describod�bav�.lwnd�r rtuiy�at <br /> . l.eedtry apia�a6ain cove�e w prole�l L�wlx�d�hu In dN Ptopaty in�ccadanoa wilh p�n�raph 7. <br /> AII Luuran�e policia aid r�e�vds�lwll be aoo�Wo to t.ende u�d duH include��W�nduA ma�tN�o clw�e. l.ander <br /> �hall lµva the ripht w hold the policks�nd renawals. I[I.o�wler�quircs,Aormwer�11 pnomptlY�ive w L.ender dl roceipu <br /> . of paid premivau u�d neaewd notioei. ln the evem of lou,Ban�ower�h�U �ive prompt noUoe w Ihe ins�u�uice carrier�nd <br /> L,ender. Lender nuy mate pouf of 10�it nat m�de prompNy by Bamwer. <br /> Unkss Leider�nd Borrnwa otberwi�o��oe in wdting,insu�nce proceed�aludl be appliod to�toraUon or�ep�ir of <br /> °�"� tt►e Ptopaty�ed, if the�ettarplan or rcp�ir i�a�onotnlcally fwlble ad l.enderk recutity ie �wt leacene�l. Tf�he <br /> �esw�tion or rep�ir ia nat ecmanic�lly fe�ci6b a Lenderl�security wauld be leatened.tho incw�neo procoods aiu�ll be <br /> �liod to tho aums sa�-wed by tlua Security Inurument.whether or not then due�with any excesr paid W Barawer. If <br /> Borrower�baindone the PropeRy.a doee not�nswer wUhin 30 daya a notice from L.endcr th�t the iasu�nec ciurier h�s <br /> oYt'cred to.scttle a cl�im.�hen l.e�der may coqect the jnsuru�oe p�oceals, t.ea�der r:�ay ase the prooxds w tepair or restonc <br /> the Prbprrty or to p�y sums secu� by tha Security Inswa�cnt,whetF�er ar na then duo.Tho 30d�y period will be�in wha� <br /> -� 1he nadee is given. <br /> Un�ess Lander und Barrawer dherwlse �groe in writing,any applic�tlon of proceeds w pri�tcipai shall�wt extcnd ar <br /> po,s(pone•t�e duc�ate of the monthly payments�ferred w in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change�he amount of the payments. If <br /> under.pAtag�aph 21 the Ptoperty is ecquLr.d by Lender.Barrowcr�s right to any insurance palicies and proceeds r�sulti�og <br /> fiom danage to the Prope�ty prlor to the�equisition�hall pass t�Q.ender to the extent of the sums cecurcd by this Securdty <br /> In�uument immediatelyprior w theacqulsi�tion. <br /> 6, pocoponcy, Prsservntion, Mdnteaance and Protection oP tbe Property; Borrower's l.oan ApppcAdon; <br />--—r:'�` I.ea+�ehold�. Hormwer shall accupy,eata6lish.utd use the Praperty as Bonow•er� principa]residence wllhin aixry days a£ter <br /> - -= tlte execation of ttli�Security In�tngment er�d�he!!continue to occupy the Property as Bonrnwerb principal meidence far at . <br />- least one yeu atter the date of oxupancy. unless Lender otherwise Ajphtl6 in wrlli�ag, which consenl shall na be <br /> - un�ea.sonably wlthheld.or unless extenuadng ci�umstancea exist wMch fue bey�ond Eorrower�s control. Borrower shall not <br />-,�,�;�;� destroy.damage or laipair the Property. allow the Property to detedorate,or commlt+vaste an the P�ropersy. Borrower shall _ <br /> —�Ws;-� be in default if any for.t�eitu�+e action or proceedin�,whether clvil or crlm�ma7,is begun �hat in l.ender�gc*od iai�h judgment <br />���r' could rcault in forfeiture of 1he Prope�ty or dherwlse materially impau tihe lien creuted by this Securiay Uuwmant or <br />-�? Lender�s security interest. Borrower may cum such a default and provided in ps►rngraph IS,by cAUSing the action <br /> - or,proceei�ing W be dismissed wi�h �ruGing that,i�I.ender�s g�ood fa��h detcrrnuwtian,ptecludes forfeiture af thc Borrower's <br /> - ._ interest in �he Properry or other ms+tedal impsum�ent of the licn created by tlds Security Instnunent or Lender�s secudty <br />=�;�;: interest. aa�mwer shnil alsa be in defeult ii Sarrower, during the la�n application pracess, $ave r+r�aterially false or <br /> •;�'►+ inaccurnte informapon ar statements to L.encicr(or failed to provide Lender with eny material infixmadon)+n connectian with <br /> �—' ;,�� the lonn evidenced by the Note, i r�cluding, but not limlted to, representations a;oncemino Borrower+s accupancy of zfi�e <br />-'��.-�i;;,y�;;;� prvpe�Y us a principal nsidence. IF�his Securiry insimment ls on a leasehold,Borrower shal]comply with aU the provisiuns <br />-- - .�-- uT tfie iea�e. ii 8u�o�er acquires fcr titla ta i!x PraF;.riy,il�e lr,aschotd arsd thc fcc titk shall not m..:gs s�nl..'as l.atd�r a�ees <br /> . ___ _ . ,-- <br /> ,,�� 'I ta ihe mergcr in writing. <br /> �- `'"� 7. ProtecNon of I.ender'e Rlghte in the PropeMy. If Bortower fails to perfotm the covenants �nd egroements <br /> � contalned in this Security Instrumenl. or the�is a legal prceeeding thet rnay significantly affcct Lender`s �ights in the <br /> Property(such as a procading in bankniptcy,probate,for condemnation or fort'elwne or w enforce laws or regula�ions),then <br /> I.emler may do and pay for whatever is necesaary to protect the vulua of the Property and Lender`s�ights in the Property. <br />= Lender!�nctions may include paying any sums aecurcd by n lien which has pdodty over this Socurfty Instrumenb appew'ing <br /> in court.paying rcasonable attorncys'fees ond ente�iny on the Properry to make rcpairs.Although Lender may talce action <br /> ' under this pnragraph 7,Lender das not have to do r,o. <br /> ',, Any amounts disbu�ed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additionol debt of Bomower secured by this <br /> � Security Instrumcnt. Unlcss Borrower and Lender agrce 10 other terms of p�yment, these amounts shall bear inteast from the <br /> � dntc of disbursement at the Nae rate and shall be payable,with intercst.rpon notice from Lender�o Horrower rcquesting <br />- �y�M. <br />__ j 8. Mortgage Insurance. If Lcnder required morigagc insuronce us u candi�fon oP muking �he loan securcd by this <br /> �� � j Securiry Insdument, Borrower siul l pay the p�miums reyuircd to maintain the matgage insurnnce in effect. If. for any <br /> repxon, the monguge insurnnce coveruge required by Lender Inpses or ceaus to be in effect, Borrower shell pay the <br /> - �" I premiums required to obtain coveroge subgtantislly equivulent to the mortgnge insurance prevlously in effect, at a cost <br /> �" ` substan�inlly equivalent to the cost to Botrower of the mortgege insurance previously in effect,from nn altemate mortgage <br /> . � ..��;�, insuner upproved by Lender. If subs�antially equivalent mortguge insurnnce coverage is not avuilable,Borrower shall pay to <br /> '�'"'"'•} Lender each month u sum equul to one•[welfth of the yearly morigage insurance premium being pnid by Borrower when the <br /> - r...r. ,� <br /> ;��;`1� insurunce coverage lapsed or ceatsed to be in effect. Lender will necept,use ond rctuin�hese paymen�s as a loss reserve in lieu <br /> '`-` •• '� of mortgage insurance. LosR reserve puyments mey no longer be rcquired, nt the option af Lender,if maegage insurance <br /> �.-P;,. coverage(in the amount and for the period that Lender requires)provided by an in,ure�approved by Lender ag�in becomes <br /> � ��r.��� avallable and is obtained.Bomower shul l pay tlie premiums required to maialain mongage in�urance in effect,or to provide a <br /> -- �=:` loss reserve,until the rcquirement for mo„gage insurance ends in accordance wi�h any written agreemeM l�etwcen Borrawer = <br />�,� •�' .��,' and Lender or upplicable law. _ <br />_� ;;,,,. � 9. lnspection. Lcnder or ius agent may muke reasonable entries upon and inspections of thc Prope�ty. Lender shall -- <br /> ��: • Eive Borrower notice at the time of or prior to un inr:pection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection. <br /> l0. Condemnption. 71ie proceeds of any awnrd or cluim for damc+ges, direct or canseyuential,in connection with Any <br /> ��,��.; ' �� SingkFanily•-Fa�pkM�dF1'eddkM�cUNIFORMI\STRI�ME�T--UmformCovenanu 9PJ0 IpuRe3njApagesl ` <br /> . f,:1 , <br /> - ',�.h, ' ; - r.rx trn Yaims va,.�ec ■ <br /> �z�^w,.;�_:.`"" Tp Ofdet Clr�1�BOD8,9DY7Y�7 O PAfI 61&7Ytd131 <br /> , ( j <br /> `� " - —• - <br /> _}1 yr{qcY`.,1 , . . h��,ly�(r��K.•..H`���....�'.�Ir..;4' .4:J,•IYA�4XrIv�-t.....`NT!..�Y�r. • •u�T.t!• <br /> �''.S " `/4:,,�ta`i:_,�:,��;. " � - . 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