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. :nri�t'n __ . . . .-�`.�.�.r .—.-�>..�. . .�."'1 i.'...IY'i' •�Yi....t.4''..i's.. - <br /> '— ' ' •.' . � _ <br /> .. . . � . . ' A — _ . .-. . <br /> -- ---- . � -.. . . . .. . , ... . . . .�i.rt- .'��`I)'�an'�, ...s;i..f+.4':,�M�=u� . �r�C f�.a . ,'1.�,.:J�:�-��'-- .__- <br /> . <br /> . �� , _. . i•. • � . � x_��:.�._ <br /> .� . . .. . . . :�'• r . -r�1�. <br /> ��.' Y._t�l. <br /> �f�1�� n� � ,S St��.'n'-. <br /> irrw+��w�;����1A� ��'� �� ,,.r.rr .. <br /> � _ ..��::':�_� <br /> -_ _> >_ .. �Id 1E�R�M7�1►�MI�i�t d�1�. �+'fi� �N�i P-, <br /> � . �w. Ar dtM�A�/oMI�1�iNMr�1 io b d�fi �M � � � ��H�=�:-- ._ <br /> eORR�ON/rR dDVM1AN'1'�dMll DOIIOIY�r b I�wlblly aellOQ dMM EMO�111101M1r OOf1Y0y�d Md i�IM ri�it b Slti n�-�'_;. <br /> �nd cooye�►dr nnd ii��l d�e Propaty h w�ooumi�ned,utap fOr w�opmb�wios�d�econl. �onowNt.w.+m�t Md <br /> wIp MIM�e��du.a tbe Pra�ty�t'.0 cWm.,oad d�mne�,�a�ect a�y a�e�.at r�eooid. � - <br /> THIS a�CtAtITY lN�7RUM�1T nanhioa w�itta�a� cove�urM� tar�tiawil use and aon�+witar� oav�at� wflk � <br /> Wadlyd vui�don�by Jutlbictlo1110 oonwlro0e���ecwity Mitttument oovaAn�.�l p�opaty. <br /> UIriPORM OdNBNAMI'S. Barower aid L�Mr oo�onaq�ad�ree�u Tollowr, <br /> !. tti��t dl�Ycipd�ud I�tN+�M;�r�M7w�t wd L�h CM�ri.���yths Nate. dtie d�p � <br /> pr��of+�od LMe�t an the de6t evklenced by tbe Nole�nd�nq pep�ytae�nt�nd late c due ��. <br /> I+YNds tor 7Yxea and iiuun�a. Sabject to piplicaWe I�w or to�wril�w�iver I.awb���orto�wer ttuill pry to <br /> [.ader on die day maMhly p�ymcnu iu�e due under the Noto�until the Nole L p�id in tWl.a aua("P�md�")far.(��yea�fy . �� <br /> taxa and aseasma�q which nt�y#tt�in prioth5�over thi�Secudty 1t�dnmait a��Ikn on�he P�nperty;(b) euly katehold . <br /> r <br /> �aymena or p�nund nats ao t6e Pbpctty. if any: (c)Y�Y�� a ProP�Y i�uut�nce pnmiumt� d� yeuly tiqod <br /> w�nco pnmiums, if�ny: (e)Yeulq mat�ge inwrmoa premiunu, iP�ny:a�d(fl my cuau pay�bb by Hormwar w <br /> aaadu�co whh d�e�ovhiau of pva�raph 8,in lia�of thep�ynkat of monQage ipwnu�ce praniumt. 7l�e. <br /> it�ems�uo c�lled"Es�mw lkms. l.eader aauy.u any tla�e�collat and hold P1md�!n m a�r�ota�t not w cxooed the n�pn � <br /> arnamt�lender ta�fedct�lly rcWod mort�e loen may�equine for Borrnwerh e�e�mv acoouM ut�dcr We federal Rdl <br /> EstMe Sdtleniau'Prooedwa Act ot'1974 a amended fMm dmo to tie�.12 U.S.C.�2601 er seq.("RE3PA").unla�another <br /> law dut tpplies to the Fw�dt uts a ks�er anouac. U w.L,aidtr mwy.�t any time.cdbct a�d hdd Eiuids in an m�ourit not to . <br /> .- — eACeod the iecser Anww►t. I.endtr may esiim�a tQe aawune d'Wt�ts ciue oa Wo�sir ot'cunent d�q�aW re�a�blo ` <br /> �tea of ea�pend'puea of fMhue�F.�crow Itenu or atbenvise in�ccadu�ce wltb�plicable 4w. . <br /> . •: '�7ie PWnds slu�l�be bqld'i�ah inst�wtiuo whoae depo�its�n+e insuned�by�,fedeial��epcy� insd� mdly,,:�f.;:'_.,'�'.�'� <br /> . ' .���(3nclty�in8 i.end�,i�F 1�dg{'is such.��n insGaRion)or in any Rederal Home,LoAh�at�lc- i.e.tultlr abidli�piy�dte F�q�}W p�y :: .•• "� <br /> � ih�e�s�uw It�ms. �r maY.nat•ehat�ge 8�rower fa holding and.ap�l . .tpe:�nda:.anqupV7y•n�xly�i�di�"�;somw ' . :�. <br /> accou.nt,or verifyl�ig the 8acraw!lt�ms.unless l.eader{u►ys 8arower int��o�the #�unds J+nd app�ieRb]d•l�w jpctdtila . <br /> �.I.en�er to make such a cha�e. HIaWever�C.ender may re.quin+e Boirower tP pay s��e-�t�me chzuge idr��adopC�d6nt 1ra1 • <br /> _ ' � •;�,ea¢ate,cwc repattng service u�d`by 1.�►der in connecdon WitA thi�loan�tinlese appllcab9e�aw prqVida��.qq�iwlse.��'.1m�s au .. <br /> ,� 'ASrcerri�m i�made or�ppltcable law requires imenc�t to 6e•ppid.l.ender shaU not be ra�uital to p�y•�orrowes any inieteat or <br /> {+�ninga.on the Puads. Brnmwer and Lender may agree ia wntiag,howevcr,that intercst ph�d it�p�d on�he Ppnds:L.ender <br /> ehal!g��e to 9orrower.withaut cM,uge�an annual accounHng of the Funds,al�owing credits�nd debits to the FUndx.And H�p " <br /> }-;:{ ' �Purpose for whieb c�ACh debk to the Wnds wu made. 7�he�Un�b an pledged as rd�Wionti saurity for aU wmc ccciu�l•bY .:�;' , <br /> -.� '• tFwisSecuritylt�,ltrutqen�, •, • � • ; , . <br /> �°��;�� ' ll.�tbe lipW.c heJd tey l,ende� oxcced the amounta perm3ued w be held by applicable law. L,ender shall accaunt to ,, _ <br /> Bortoaer fo�the excess Fl�nds in acoordance with the requirements of applicable law. (f the amount of the F�nds held by <br /> Lender et any time is not�ufficient to pay the Escrnw Items when due. Lender may so notlfy Borrower in writing, � <br /> such case Bomower shall pay to Lender the amount necessery to meke up the detkiency. Borrower shaU nwke up tha <br /> deficiency fn no mor�e than nvelve monthly payments,at I.ender�s sole discretion. <br /> Upon peyment in full of all sums ser.ured by this Security Inshurttent,Lender she[I promptly nefund w Borrower eny <br /> Fund�held by L.ender. Tf,under pamgrnph 21,Lendcr shall ecquine or sell the Property.Lender.prior W the acquisidon ar <br /> sale of the PropeAy.shall apply any ELndc held by I.ender at the time af acqul�ition or sak aa a credit�intt Ihe sw►u <br /> �cured by this Security Insdument. <br /> 3. Appiicafba of Poymeots. Unless appliceble law Eiruvides otherwlse, all payments roxived by Lender under <br /> paragrapha 1 end 2 shell be applied:fi►st,to any p�payment charges due under Ihe Nae; anaunts payable under <br /> pa�ragraph 2;third,to interest due;fouAh.w principal due;and les�,to any late charges due under the Note. <br /> 4. C6�esi Liens. Borrowcr shull pay all taxcs, assessments. cherge,r, fines artd imposidona attributable to the <br /> — Praperty which may attein priority over this Security Instniment,and leasehold peyments or ground rcnts,if any. Borrower <br /> -._.:��� shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Bomower shell pay them on <br /> W_,,.�,�„ time directly to the person owed payment. Bomower shall pmmptly furnish to Lender ull notices of emounts to be paid under <br /> - -��.--; thia paregraph. IF Borrower makes these payments direcqy,Borrowcr shell prompNy furnish to L.ender�+eceipts cvidcncing <br /> �-- --n`�=-`= �he payments. <br /> ---=:°��;'�i Bomower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Insfrument unless Borrower.(a)agt�ees <br /> --��'"`-"?:�� in wri[ing to the puyment of the obligadon secured by the lien in a manner arceptable to Lender,(b)contests in good faith the <br /> -�'-`•�-�� lien by,or defends against enforcemcnt of the lien in,l6gal proceedings which in the l.ender's opinion operate to prevent the <br /> —��-.�; <br /> —�_.a�� <br /> -----;_-. ,:. enfacement af the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of thc lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordjnating tha lien <br /> -' '�=� to this Securiry Instrument. If Lenderdetermines thut any pun of the Propeny is subject to u lien which may attain prioriry <br /> ' S ' � over this 5ecudty Insaument,l.ender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take <br /> __^� "�,�;r; one or more of the actions set forlh above within 10 days of the giving of notice. <br /> --� � S. Haiard or Properly Insurance. Borrower shall keep�he improvemeMs now existing or hereaRer erected on the <br /> '='`'�>;�-,�' ��• Property insurcd agafnst loss by fire.hazards included within the ierm"extendcd covemge"And uny other hozards,including <br />'�i��'�';'•:.:'•:".' �, flaods or flooding, for which Lender requires insurance. 7'hiK insuronce shnll bc muintained in the amounts and for the <br /> �}�s't r '!'4r°" _ <br /> —r�r_J_.—__' . <br />._-,��ry��y��:'.�:�. <br />"`t,; ;�., , Porm JB28 9/90 fPaRe 2 aj4 paRerl <br /> -,,1._ .��: <br /> :3�. , <br />— �.� <br />.:�'t.i..,.•� — <br /> "y.•;-��k�Z..��h�, . , ,. --- .. y . �" <br /> � �➢�4'G:..�'�.. . . . . . �, . . �,, . . _ ..-c, .. . , . . ;• _ �. ti„ _ .�a^,r►�. <br /> -- :�t3.�,t:b'r�':—.i. .. . 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