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hqy-13-➢! 11:26�n Fraa-COUNTRYNIDE NOME LOAMS LINCOLM NE, +40232/9115 T-53S P.06/13 F-42T <br /> LOAN �: 2189284 <br /> 7.Pro�ec�uon nt Lender'a S�c�rity.If Borrower Fails w perform the covenanu aQd n�roemeou c�annioai�,�his Deect ot' g91�j S01`Z, <br /> 7�,or d any acrion or y�ocaoding is coduae�ced wDicb�lly affects Ixnder's intc�cst�rhe Ptopeny thm l.aeder,at � <br /> Jxnda's oprion,upon nodce to Ha�rowrr,mqy maice suCh�peataoces,duburse s�xh sums," <br /> mch�diaB�on•able a�acuneYs'fas. <br /> �d take such acdou as is necc�ay po pe�otioct ltndrr's mtexes�.ti I.�required maatYage losu�rce as a�tioa of�g <br /> �he loau sec�u+ed by th�Deed of 21vst,8omnaer shaU NY�P+��9�d to maintsin�rh fasurenCe in effect unW such <br /> mr►e as �1e roquuemvu for such insvzaqce termiaates w accotdivwt vnds Bonowa's and l.�ndcr's wti�xn apreemeat oc <br /> ePPticabk law. <br /> My amouDis disbursed by l.eades yursuani to this p�a$raph �, wiih iaoezes[tAerean,a�d�e 1Vore rare. shall beCw�x <br /> �ddia�on�l irtclebted�resa of Bo�rower actmed �Y [bis Ikod of 1Yus[. U�.v Bormwes�d I.aiQes agiroe �o olha tams of <br /> WY�.such aRmunts sAail be ptYable apon noP�t irom L�endet to Bo�mwa m4u�►g PsY►neac�aeoF.Nqhb►B ooa�tained in <br /> tdls pqrr�t,7 shaU requ;re Lcndcr oo itn::ur any exprnse or tai�say ac�tiw,hcreuo4er. <br /> d,.Imipeetloe.uuAar msy maka a�csusc w bc made�ble ma�es upon And mspocsmns ot rhe Pmpec[y p�ovide�d►u <br /> ��give Bo�ro�ret t►otiee Pcku m pnY such iropection spacdying re�onebk awse d�etafOs rel�wed a i.enda's iu�erest in <br /> d�e <br /> 9. C�aatfoe.TTt pmcerds ot any awsrd a clum tor dart�A�rs,dmecc a consoq�� �yh a,ry <br /> ao�elemnaoon ar atha takiny of rhe Psoperty�or p�diarAf,ot[o�ronveyaoce in lieu ai'co�annatioai,are�ereby assiguod and <br /> shsil be p�id w Lrndc.wbjecC w ibe rccmx of any morrgage.deed of aus[a orAa 3ocnrity�a�ocrr�x wi�b a liai whirn bas a <br /> p��oruy ova Wis Ikod ot'lYnsi. <br /> io.sorrow�r rra;�6e�ce ar teuder Na a waiver.�c�,smn or d�e wne roz psym«,�or moaificauwi <br /> of sma�uzadan of�be swns�rocuned by�dis Aoad of TroR pranted bY L�Cndrr m�y succassor in interes�of Barower 31nll na <br /> aperax ro rckase,iu my mmuet.tde li�i6h of�e ariginal8arrower and Barrnwa's suaxs�9a[s in intetes[.l.tnder shall na be <br /> reqaired�c�u�►eace p�ooeodinrs a�mns[s�h succ�sso�oz refase o�exand wrK for psymenc or othawi�c madify� <br /> of d�e soms secwed by d�is Deed�1Yust by sa�son of aoy de�ru�nd marle by�be a�i�u►al Batmwer and Barrowc's suco�ssoss in <br /> io�.wuy forbearanoe by 1.wWtr iA Cauciain6 a�+Y ri�hc ot remedy Fu�eunder.or oN�ecvaise t�oaded by appli�cabk ktw,shall <br /> noe ec a waiva of or precluae dK exa�se ot any sacn rigtit or rai,ody. <br /> 11.Socceaeoes aad Aseir�s 8aupd:.{of11t aaa Stvenl LiabOity: Co-si�pers.1be aovenuiu and agreemaus haeui <br /> cauairiod shaU bmd,mul dk righu ha�ainQa shall inure w,dre tespecGve succe�saes amd assigas af i.tnder and Bormwer, <br /> wbl�w�e ptnvisione of p�a�wph 16�All cova�an[s and ageem�aa of Bortawa a�haU be pinc aod�resal.wny <br /> Baio�ves wlw co-sigas qus AoeO of Tnu�,bnc doa noc acecure the Noce,{a�is co-signing dus Daed af'lYns�oniy oa gran[mid <br /> convey dwt Sonowa'Y inoaes�in ihe Proputy to Trnstoe nader dx uerws of iAis Dend of Tn�s�.(b)is no[persaiapy liable rn drc <br /> No�ar na8er dtis Deed of�ea i!�Lmder aud any 01her BOaowa ha�ept�da msY agi'or+o ex�eod.n►odily. <br /> fa6ea�,�nwke any od�er accommodadon�w�►ttg�f 6o tAe tams Cf thu Deod of 11NSt a Ne Nooe.vndrout rha[Barower's <br /> consatt aod wi�Aout rek�aY Wat Borma�er a modityiug�pis Dred of 1Yus[ss Lo 1RU 8azrowa's uttaes�m d1e Pmpet�y- <br /> 12.NotiCe•E�cc�pt los�aay nooce nquirod upda applic�ble!aw m be given in saodur mmuri.(�any noucc w Aortower <br /> Paovidod for ia tdis Dad of TNSt sAeU be QiveA bY delivaing ic a by ma�ing such nodoe by ceaitmd�1 ad�essed w <br /> Botrower ac du Properq wddras or st avch o�a add[ess as Boirowrr msY desi�are bY oocice m i.end�u <br /> and(b)any aouce to l.trlda�halt be riven by eaecat�od miii m L.endc's address stakA berem ar�A wch o�her��Lenda <br /> �Y d�+8�����oo Baamwa as providod turem.wny�lce pmvideA fat in tfis De�d of TYns�shW be deemed oo have <br /> beeo Rive�w Barmwu orl.a�drs when�ven m d�e m�a designaad herein. <br /> 13.GO.�Ain�1a1�;SererAb�lity. The staoc snd lOCal leavs applicalfk w dus Doed of'Itusc sball bt tbt]ews of rhe <br /> junsd�cmn m which the P�npeY[y is ioc�Wed.Thr fa�e�oing sene�na shaU not Imut the;�pp}icabiliry of Fedr�al law w tbis Aeed of <br /> ltusr.Ia d►e eveot d�at any p�ovixi�a c1�of lAis AeeII oE'IYusc a�fie Note coufbc�s wi�h ypplin6le law.such contlx�shstl <br /> noT affect odror provi�ons of dus DeeO of 7tus[or�he Note ahkh can be given effoct airhou�d�e coatlicting provuion,and to <br /> diis end dx provisio�u of d�is Dee4 of TYu9t anQ�Nae are daclarod m be aYvcrabk.As t►so4 bereia,"c�,w""expaues'�d <br /> "a�orneYS'toes"uidude alt sutns 10�wuent noi Pnnh►bued hY applicable lsw or timi[ed hettit►_ <br /> 10.8orrower's Copy. 8cxrower�twll bc fumished a contocmnd copy of d�e Note aod d�u Deed of 7rus[�t the pme of <br /> e:ecutan ar afur reooeda►ion daeof. <br /> 15.RelWO!lRINiO�i.Ofa A,greemetlt. ShaII fUlfill all ef BotlOwer'S 066�anms unddc 8nY hoerte:e�habili�ioA. <br /> III/PT�VCpICOT,[C{181T.Ot Oi11G 10�1 1�IOtl1lCtll whlCh 8o�ioWet eatets inlo wllt�IdAd�T.1-e[1dK,8[Lrndet'�Op0011•IDBy Tl.�ilYRp <br /> Samwa w rr,caore mid dcliva w Lendec,m a fam accepmbk m L.ender,an a�stgnmau of aay n�hrs,clsims a d�ier,ses wdich <br /> Bamwa may havt ageinst p�Les wlro st�plY 1�bor, nuaen�ls or s�xvices in cronnec,�Wn wi[h improoemeats ma4e w rhe <br /> �Y• <br /> 16.n�aa9fer at ae P,openy or q�esef(tf�l Iaee�est�surrower. u au or any pacc of a�e Prc�or�y o��nr�ia u is <br /> sold oc aansfared(�if a berxf'�clal;nurcsc m Ba�oavrr is sold or uansfarod�nd Bouower is na a r�aau�l pason)wid�out <br /> l.eadet's p�wriwm ca�veut,f.endrt may.��opuon,requite imnDed"nte paymea[in fuII of 8113wns sacocai by 111is D�d of <br /> 'Aiisr.Howeva,@ris opuon sdall na bc c�cesczsed by Lendet if euac�se u prohibiced by feda�l law u4 ot d►e dat�ot d►is Dad of <br /> 7t�►st. <br /> If Leader exa�ei�es tbis option.Lmder sh�U givt aoaower iwdce of acceiaaaon.7t�e nodce sdaA psovide a peiiod of apt <br /> kss tFnn 30 days fmm 1he da�e the noda ts delivesed or mnlai nvj�se wlaclt Bo:rower musc pay all swas s�und 6y�ltis Den4 <br /> of'I7u�u. If Baemwet fAils W gsY duse smns ptior m the exp�rddwl of thir perad,Iaidet msp invWce snY ranadies Pa�ed bY <br /> Ihis Uead of This[wi�Dou[fuithct twua oz da0�►W an Sa�ower. <br /> NOIV-UMFORM COYENANTS_9ocrowtr and I.eader f�her covenanc ynd a�ee as foUnw,: <br /> 17.wcaek�tioo;8anadks.Fsoep��piovlded ia p�tA�ph 1'�iaf,apa�8arrower•e bracA ot aay coveaaat or <br /> �IRtel►e11t Of 8ornnrer in qus Oa�d d'Trnst,iucMdioa BW�rowcr's ta�ure W pay,by tbe md ot 10 que�ar days+Iher <br /> thty�us dae,rul sua�s secwsd by tL'ec Deed of Trust,Lemler prior w aoxlrr�dat�hsq�ire noaoe to Bo�ro�wer as <br /> prm'i�le1!iu par�`rAph 121kYeo/�ySos:(1)t6r b�ralchi(2)the�requ�ed So CYt+e Nich 6�ch;(3)a d�te,oot <br /> le�c tl�w 20 daya Anm d�r drer d�e nalioe ic Aa�7cd 10 Hatro�`.by wbich sach bre�cA wuat be c+u�evl:aad(�)tiat ffiiMre <br /> to aw wcll brdcb a�ar Detore t6e date apodded ia tpt�wtia wy res�lt m aa�demtiw�af tAe susr xa�r�ed py tAis <br /> naa o�rr�c ana �sis a n�e rroperty. ra �;ce ib.a � itdona au�ro.n► or ehe ri�l►c tu r�te afkr <br /> aeoekrottion Mad the rl�ht m DriA�s coivt actioo m a�rt rbe aonexMena uf a ddauk ar aey other deMw a/Doreower <br /> to acoekr�tion sisd sak.U tht bralt�is Dot cwrd ap or betore the dau spex�ied io tbr oo[ Leaaler'e optiun> <br /> ��,�,.a� <br /> ��BINEj cs�m� GiL{09/YO) ►ag.a a 6 � <br /> � <br />