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Moy-13-i9 11:25am Pra-LOUNTRYNIDE N01E lOANS IINCOIN NE, +4023289t15 ?-835 P.05/13 F-427 <br /> . ' <br /> LOAN �: 2189284 ���,`0�� <br /> 'PO SECURE oo l,ender tf�e npsyment of d�e indebmdness evicknood by 8o�ower's m�e daoad Q Q� a,) <br /> May 13. 1999 and exoensiona �nd ra�wais �aeof (Mrpn -Nae">, ;A the �uux,;pffi sum of U.S. �J�J <br /> S 37,000.QO ,widt inuremc theraon,pmviding for mon�ly insral4ncob of princiyml a�d mrere�,wiih the b�nce of <br /> � +ndebo�. iP na soones pa�d. dpe aad puyabir cm June 1, 2014 ;drc pnymencpf yA aha sums.with <br /> inte�es[thereon.advmc¢d m acoo�dance hercwith w prooac[the sa:qnry of this Deed af 1`tus�aad d�e perfonnancc of dx <br /> covensa[s and ay�eertun�s of Bnnowa hercm cau�inad. <br /> Bo�ower covenaa[s mac Ba�owu u lawfuuy seiud of ihe es�e nercby c�nveyett and has die ri�lu ro grrnt and ooavey the <br /> Propari,and thac ttu Propaty u uaeacumbaed cxcept fac encumDraaces of rorord.8onowcs wvesianrs tAat Bonowc wats�u <br /> and w�714cfend Ycnerllly rhe ii[le w t��Pinpeny a�ns�aU claim3 aad demaAds.subjoci w mcumbaaocc�of record. <br /> tJNIPORM COVFNANTS.BOao�vet�d l.ender COveaant and sgtee as!'olbws: <br /> 1. Payment of PriuCipa!md Interest.Bo�sowrr sdall Pi+�P�Y PsY �hen due tne prurcipal and iaruc�s inde6�dness <br /> ev�dencea oy tGe ivoa m�a lau cnazges as prov�aea in rhe x«e. <br /> 2.Fuab Tor Twus aad lnsar�na.Snbject ro appiicabk taw a a wriuen aaiver by l.enQec,Sa�rpwa s1u11 pay io Lc�dsr <br /> oa ihr d+Y�►�Y P�Yt►u�tts of Pn�Pql�l infrsest are p�yabk under d►t Noie�m►dl d�e NOx�s pyd in f1d1,a Sum(herefn <br /> "Funds") eqw►ro au-cweltW of d►e yearly taxe.s mid asvessmeats (irxlad�na condaaiaium smd pd�um�ed uad developmenc <br /> acsessiaatis.�f 8ny1 which maY aAain p�try ovet�ts Dood of Tn�xst,ynd ground taus on the PtopeRy,if anY,phuc oao-twclhh <br /> of Yar1Y PceIDiwn 1�n11111dfu4 tOr haxard insvTaoce,plus One-twelfrh of Yearly P�emium i�a11fr1d1ii t4t ma[�ye ins�uatxe.if <br /> anY.�ll as rreasooablY esumared midat(y and fraa mae ro rime by l�enda on d�e basis o�acstssmenp and bills and sadonable <br /> csqmmu�cnoo[.Hotrower sh�lt na be obugateC oo mate sucn PaYmt+us or Funds rn I.ender a dx exoene rlta[Ba�ower raates <br /> such paywrncs to rbe holda of a pnoc mqttga�e a dead of uust if suCh bokkr ts an iuniawonel lesula. <br /> If Borrower pays Funds w Leru)a.the Flmds shtU be beld��ia,vn,non du deposus or�ccouna d wh�cb�re utmued nr <br /> g�atoed by a foderal a Aue sgex�cy(iacluding La�da if Iendet is such an uuauldon).L¢uda shheII a�ly drc F�nds m pay <br /> mid raxes.�[s,inavrAnct yremunns a�d Qrnuod rd1[s.I.ender may not charge for so iwlding and applyiag tht Faada, <br /> analyzing said accowtt a vrrifyio��nd wmpiling SBid asuessmmts u►d Dills,unless I.ender pays Botsower iotaest on ihe Funds <br /> end applica6k law pesmiu La�der w make such$charge.Bo�mwet aad I.a►da may agree ia wriCng at tht wae of a�ac+idon of <br /> $LLs AeeA of 7rus[diat mtert9t an the Fm�ds slWt De peid to 8on'owu,m�d mtless such agredddtt is made a applicabk law <br /> seqwres sucb m�rres[ro be paf�d,t�u s1W1 a0t bt requued oo pay Botrower any iawess or ea�wngs on d�e FLnds.i.enda shaa <br /> give tn Barower.wirhou� aamml accwm�fr+g of the Flu►Qs�owmY credirs aud Qebi�s w du Funds and d�e piupose for <br /> whiCh each debu W dx Flmds wu m8cte-The Fhod3 err pladArd as addimnal 9ecuti[y for tfte sutns s�ectu'ed by dus Aeed ot <br /> Tht�t, <br /> If�e amounc of rhe FLnds he.ld by L,ender.toged�er wuh rhe fuwre mon[Aly in�lLnents of FuMs pdyebk p�ior to the due <br /> da�es of [axes> aRSessdlents, u�uance psemlWns end B�d r�NS, �all excad rlte artwnn[ roquired W Pr�Y smd wces, <br /> a�s�nnii�,i�u�amce praniums a�d grout►d talu�Ihey fall due,svch excess shaU b�,at Barower's opdon,eidta protnp[tY <br /> rep�d oo Barower or credioed w Bonowa on�ihly mstallmenu oi flu►4s.if dte amount of du Fuads h�ki by Ltadcr shall <br /> noc be�,�rieot m pey tazes,ss�u,insucance p:eminms ene gsa,tw ren[s as d�rr w1 aue.Borrower srwu pay w 1.aide� <br /> any eaaunt aeotssa�y to make up tt�deficiarcy m a�e ot mor�paymatu as LeMkr may reqqire_ <br /> upcm paymrnt m tuU of all wms seaued Dy diis Docd of Tn,st,Lcnder shall Praa►Pt1Y rePund to Barower ury Fuads tuW <br /> by lendtt.If under pa�a�pt1 1?hereo�Ihe Pioperiy ig s01d a dK 8tnper�y i,otf►etaise acquiied bY I.endR,I.eada sl�all apply, <br /> 00 laoes ��mmodiar�ty pdac m d►e sak of d�e Propeny a ia acqWsirion by i.enda,any Funds deld by Lender ac�he wne of <br /> apphcatitm as a credii eg�ias[dte sums�a7ued by this Dead of Trusc <br /> 3.Applksaioa d Psymmts.Un1ess�pt�bk law prov�des o�envlse,all�ymat[s rGCCived by I.a�da unde7 tlte Nom <br /> aad p�u�aphs 1 aad 2 heieof snall be appbed bY Lender fIISt in poymdu of em0unts psyabie ro Lendet by Bossowu under <br /> �r�ph 2 hetr�f,tbal io iatdest�syabk an d�e Nore,and dwt w ihc{m��ipal of rhe Nore. <br /> 4.Prior Mor�aad Aeeds atTnut3 Cb�rs;Liem.Bonnwer shall Datortt aU of Barower's obligaria�s uMer any <br /> meargage.deed of uusc or od�er sacu:ity�reemwc a�h a lien whicA das p�ioruy over dus Aad of Trusc,mcludu►g Boirowa's <br /> covens�[c m mokt paymentx wdm dne.Borrowar sAal!pay or cauye w he psW att ia�es,as�unena aad otder cliarga,tx�s m+d <br /> uoposaioais aanbuteWc ro d�e Pmpacq which aasy aclsun a p�sry ova mis D�ed of Trust.�nd leaseFwld paymea�s a graund <br /> rena,if any. <br /> S.Hs�rd Ias�rsoa.Bartowa slall ketp the improvanain now�cisnng or hawt�e+�ecrod on t)re Fropeiry instmo�l <br /> agunst bss by fue,hazards included wlttun rhe rexm"exrenQat covpxge,..x�d such wher haz�rds as Lmder may require a�M m <br /> wcA au�oona and f�such pa�ods as Lxuda may zequioce- <br /> The insu:ance ca�icr pauv�ag rhe iasu�ana shaA be chosen by Bottowa sub�ece w aPPanval by Lender;peovided.dw� <br /> such approval shall no[be nnreasoaably wiUtheld.All inmrance pobcies 8nd renewais rhet+eof shall bt ia s fam acoep�able tn <br /> Ixada aad sdall it�6uie a s�rd mat�ast clause iA favoz of�1d'm a fo�m secepwbk io l.toder.Laader sdal!Lave dw tigNt to <br /> liold die pWicies aad raKwais d�aeof,wDjec[ro�ht tams�any mcttrgage.dood of��c cx orher securiiy agreemene xuh a lten <br /> whiCh ha4 pruuiry ova idfs Deecl of Ttust <br /> In fie evau of loss,Barowa shall grn�omP[notice w du�nsiaana c�tiet aad l.cnder.i.ender may make pcnof of bss if <br /> not fis�k pi0anpqY bY Bo[mwei. <br /> if ttk PrOpaty u shvndoned Dy Socrower,a�Borrowet faiis to respopd W I.tnder wuhm 30 days ftoan tht d�tc iaore is <br /> mailod by Len4er to Borro�va Na[rhr iusuraiux ca�ria offas oo seAle A cuufi tot mxtuanct be�its,Lender is aud�Orized w <br /> rnnoc[aad apply d►e insurance ptacee4s at I-endrr's apripn eiC�a to resto�ion or repaII of rhe Propeny a io fie sums serwrod <br /> bY this Dad of'Ihtsc <br /> 6.Reaavatio�and Maietenaoa of Rnperh'c Larse6oWc;Coadominiuens;M+�AnM Uah Ikrebpments.Boerowet <br /> studl kaD��D�Y m Cood repair and 3ha1!�t coauni[waste a pe:qii[ut►pwument or dartioraooa►oi tbc Properry and shell <br /> comply wud the pmvtsions of miy 3ea9e it thu DoeO of'lYus[is oe a�et�okl Tf dris Deed of Tiust u on a unit ia $ <br /> coadomiaium a a plaruud nnit developeneac,8o�mwer sAall petPora►aU OC Sorrowa's okligan�s w�der ihe decl�ion oz <br /> covenaata cs�inQ oc Yoyemipg tde tondominwm a plannod uai[devrlopmenG rhe by-laws aad reyalations of U�condommnun <br /> or planned unit development,and consiUueac docun►ent,. <br /> ma,.� 1 <br /> �7ifNE)l9ew1 CNL(03/48) Payo 2 W 5 � <br />