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� . -. ^ , . .. -ir'^�[-L•lR�.T.R�^..*...�.,r.++++"'t•.'�}•�r+��r'...�.�; _.. . .. _ <br /> � � . a ....� • • '. . . . . —: -. - .ry .... ,-..vY.e�'.F',.�.:' '� _..`iL�.- . <br />�� .. ' � � . ' . - n �� �� . <br /> �, .. ����������.�� b�^Y������ .,a..:.'!�._�. <br /> �ar ro��ry.t+� +� �.Ia.i��W.e.oda�.�M. 'fUa�.a.arw.n.K�w��...� a�l.. <br /> '�Ua� <br /> �+pi4,id.ilr ri«.. .rMoM iwi. �a.Mli y ir..idir.ii.l�e�eM�► Y�p�nwM.M Mn wol.a. rMO�-�:ri <br /> +MO�1�A�)aw��01 dMM�M o�sipr rMr ve�rM�at y�w��(a)Mys+��1�1�M 1��d�w�l��MY Mo�b. : <br /> IMUw��t.INairdY�.but ra11�M��a�+�M M�+��W��1� � �r���0�' <br /> �Ns b�is��M 1�o�ddtt S�arity i�wtr�eN.[.�rAtlKy ri�b�ir die�r�optlity md 9wro�rl���o dN <br /> •wn� a�ew�db� I�N �ortity 1nMrw�M �11 oa�Yw wcM�d.., !)po� r�i�nMC by da�vw�� ii� � <br /> l�trwn�q aad tia obii�alios��'�d�arebl►th�l)re�in fWly�fbc�ive a it�o aoc+eMalio�lid c�ccuned. �la�rrrwr� <br /> ,, rirM 10 t�W�u�I!not�+ �1�i�IMe c�N af�e�a�daa w�er p�r�p�p�17. <br /> -�ll.8�1��NM�i���!�I lwr��loea 71M Nae or•�ti�i��e�t f�tha Nde(lo�ab�c'wfl�Iris Seaw'ity <br /> Imhw�nent)nyy ba aYd a�e or nwme dmer withdN pior tbtioe to ab mawer. A s�b msy rowlt ia��ci�e i��Ye aotity <br /> (b►n*ra�the"I.o�a S�tvio�')dW oapec�tNOMhly p1ma��due un�krd�e lW�M and d�Secwity itq4w�e�: '�hian dio <br /> mry be aa ar maoe cfwap�at�he Lo�n Savk�or wud�eed w•,u�k of d�e Naa If�ha�e�•c6r,�e ot U�e e�.e��srvtar. <br /> Barower wlU be yiven wriuen notioe of Ibe chNtue in�ooa�d�noe wilh 1�1 abave�nd�pIic�ble Lrr. 741 eotioe , <br /> will�ute d�e naiae�u4d addreu of tbe new i.o�a Servba�td Ibe add�e��p�psyma�t��hoNM be�nwde.'I'�c�t wlll <br /> alw oo�M�in�ny other inf�ion ioqutreA by�ppiica6le law. <br /> 20. Na�rdow SrbM��a�. Bormwer sh+►�1 not cawe or pamit the p�e:erioe.we.di�poyl.+ea+�e.a relaue wl aay <br /> tLaandoiu Sub�puic�s on or in tUe Prapaty Ba�o�we�tludl nat do�tar d1Qw myate el�e w do.�aY�hE� �cm�t6e <br /> propd�yr du�t u io v1oUWon ot�ny Rnvbo�nndnal l.�v. The pocadin�Iwo xntenoes Wull not apply w tNe p��e.�e.or <br /> s�or�a an I�e Roparty of mWl qwndNe�of Hw�dou�SuMst�t�oa�luu ae�ena�Uy revo�niaed to be�ppoprire w mrrl <br /> �idnMld 1�es�r1d b m�intdunoe oi'the PnOpetty. <br /> Barowct�11 P�PUY tive Le�da writla�natke of�ny invesN�adon,clalm.dem�nd,lawa�it or olha �ction b7+�uY <br /> �as•�1 as�a�ary.C�1i�i��P�Y imolvin�,the Propeny aad�ny ilaxardous Substanca as Envha�! <br /> 4w of r�hicd Narower hn ai,�twal knowkd�a If Bon�ow�er learna. or Is nadfied by my govenunenql a e�e�ui�tay <br /> autMa�itY,tl�t aay�tmavatl ar al��ertiedhdon of�ny 1lax�rdous 5ubst�ca affatin�Ihe P�apaty it nxa�avy.Hanower <br /> �bW promptly W�e all nxeasary ranedi�i�ctions in scxa�duioe ari�4 6nvi�oemcnul L,�w. <br /> As used in Ihis parAgraph Z0."Haz�rrlow Su6�puxes"are�Mse substanoes cki'u�ed as bxic ar h�xa�dow subsances by <br /> Envin�uoa�W l.�w�nd�he toUowing substances: g�wlin�.kerosera.otM�B�ble a loxic pedolaim products.ooxic <br /> pestictdes and herbicidec.valwtile solventa.nwtedals ca�tainimg acbestos or formaldehyde,and redio�etiva rnaeri�ia. As <br /> usad iu this paragry�h 20."EnvironmrnW"mains tedenl laws and bws of tbe jurisdlctian whae�he Propeny is lac+ired <br /> tbu�We to health.aafety a envimnmeeW paectio�. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVBNAN7'S. Bomowcr�nd Lender funlKr covmant and a�ec As followa: <br /> 21. Aecsk�tioni Reo�edier. l.e�der sla�p�ive aofke to BoROwer pria' to�cederatlos fdlowl�Ba�rno�eoy <br /> W+eacb d a�y oove�aot ot s�t+ament h tWs 3earity bstraarcnt lbut not p�lor to�caleratio��ier p�rapspY 17 <br /> w�lass spplkabk 4w�providea atl�nvbe). Tbe�oRke sYau specify: (�)tMe Aefiutt:(b)the actla�neqMirN to rnra tUe <br /> � dei�wi�Icl a due.iot ias tbao 36 dqs from ihe drir ii�e.uti�.-�is givea ta Bosro�r�.l�3r abk�i�:a��as!!� <br /> cured;s�d(d)11W tailure to core the detwlt ae or before the date specilkd i�t6e notke auy resalt ta�ecdenNos of <br /> t6e eums secored Ay tl�b Securlty Ieatrummt aad sde of the Praperty. 7Ue notice sh�Y fnrther intora Ba�rowa�of <br /> tbe�ig6t to reinslate aRer aaeld�aNaa and the�lght to bring a caurt+�ion to assert tb�ao��exWence o*a adaWt ar <br /> a�y otl�ddcose d Barrower to sccekratbn and sale. !f tde default is not cur+ed on ar before tbe d�t��CilIM ia <br /> t6e�otia,l.a�der at its opdon auy require immedhtr paya�t in fuU of sll sMms secured by t6is 3ewdty[�slr�u�at <br /> witMout fnrther demand and may iavoke the power of�Ie and any ather remedtes permitted 6y �ppllable la�r. <br /> I.ender�hWl be endtkd to collect all cxpen4es incurred ia pursaing the nmedks provided i�this Pa�npM 21• <br /> i�cl�din�but oot fimited to,reaso�wbk attorneys'tees nnd casts ot title evidencG <br /> It t6e power d sWe is invoked,7lrusta slwM record a nottce o�default in each county In whkb�'part ot tUe <br /> properly is lacnted and shall mail copies ot such aotke in the manne�prcscribed by appltcabk law to Borrowe�su�d to <br /> tUe other persoqs preseribed by applicabk Inw ARer the time required by wpplicaY�le Is�w,7ti'ustee shall glve publk <br /> aotice otanle to tde persoas And In Ihe msmner prescribed by appItcable low 7lrustee.witdout demAnd ai�or.rotiver, <br /> shall sdl the P�operty At publk auctbn to Ihe ht�hest bidder at the time aad pl�ce and under the ternn designt�ted ln <br /> t6e notice of�a1e!p ope or more parcels and in aay order 7Yustee deter�mines. 71ru.stee mwy postpo�e sale otpll or anq <br /> parcel of the Pro�erty by publk nnnouncement at the time and place o�'�ny previously scheduled sale. l.eader or its <br /> dwi�nee moy pqrehase the Property at Any sale. <br /> Upoa recelpt o�payment nt the price bid,7�ustee+Iw�ll deliver to the purchASer 1�ustee's deed coaveying the <br /> Property. The�ecitals in the 71�u9tee's deed shall be prima Pacie evidence ot tbe lruth of the stAtements rnade thercin. <br /> 71ru�tee�hAll Apply ihe proceeds of the sale ip she foqowing order. (a)to�11 costs and expeases of e�Cerc[siog t6e power <br /> Fwm�o2x 9�0 ��x,R�c��fn�oK�a� <br /> ,��, �'^ ����;;� �Y - <br /> ---^ i:;i�t •:P,,�.,�,��,�'�/l c��(/r�;y,iL�'' a���':�,,`t P Y�w{�.��+, ti' otY ��f� ;`.:�..�,��.�."�'�..z.q{i�T <br /> .i.��.,�� �..�"''�Py,��I.. � ....�ai. �, '� -�1/i,t� ;��'�.IS��i�.y -'1 �yy'1� ..:+�V1�.5 .. i? t"'�. .. <br /> � �.. . 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