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--.� ...... ....,n..-�-:-.�T.��.,.,:. ._ <br /> � __-� __ — <br /> _ . .---- . ,. .. :�,..,;�: �-- - <br /> .. . <br /> _ _ _ _ <br /> . . _ - — <br /> _ --- . .._ <br /> .. . .. - - --- . - <br /> ,. . . . <br /> .� _.—_—.—_—.-....----_—.� _ . . . . - ..�_ �. •'' •M j <br /> .. . � . , ., n F.: 'r'�. . _ . __ <br /> . . . �. �''�!tl�s --� � .. -. <br /> ��o�,��r.�►ra.rr.w�.�er.��r«�.�en�t«��.��+ac�.r�.�i.�r . <br /> —� . �e*'�.i�b!!�► - _ _ _ _�_� . __ . _.. _ . _ _ _ <br /> fa d�e wwit d• roail akY�d die P�pw�y. IYe pooNd� �Miil be�pplid w d�s,+�r�rwd bp� l�Yy <br /> y�q�Mqaq,�at uot tk�n dw.wld►asr exowr pid�o�ataw�er. W dre ewmt d a p�etLl Ukin��rt Mr � <br /> � . <br /> whkh the tdr ao�rbet vvae d d�e Abpaty i�wa�elY befae tbe t�k4�i�equal a a�ler tlMO tbs�d srs <br /> . �ecur�ed hy thL S�aniqr In�anent iaamedi�ely 16efae d1e td�lnj.�ud(bt Hanowet�d I.etider ad�e�ri�e yiee ia w�iti�li� <br /> tl�e sumt�ecut�ed by lhis Socwily lmenrneat i�a1 be�eduoed by Ihe�aa�nt d�Aep muWplLd Iry d�a�oiloMrir�' <br /> fraciion: U)the wul amatnt of the aums secnrtd faumdIetely betere�he tnkM�,�ivtd�d by(�b)tha fdr n�it�t v�s e�Iha <br /> A+opp�ty hn�riedi�ely betae tho hl�ia�. My balr�ae thdl be pdd ro Barower. In the avaat d�{wdd,p�4t die <br /> H�operty in v�h�Ch tla fiir mw�ir�t v�lue d tha Plroperty i�nmodWely bofae the t�kin�i�ku d�an tbe�d tiie wans <br /> �ewrod iraaiedWaly betaoe the tticin�.unla�Barower �nd I,ender at6eiwl�e�ee in writin�ar unkn�ppl�abie I�a <br /> a�hativi�e�e po�e�d+�II be�pplied W d�s�w�u�ocwed by d�9ecudly Inwuma�t wbelher or nal dn sum��ro <br /> tliea duo. <br /> lf tMe�Inopaty ta�b�od000d by ii�ntowa�a if.after notice by L�ender to Barower tlut tho 000detnnor oKa�to m�ke � <br /> �r awYid or sot�k�cl�o far d+ana�es.,Hanvwer f�ila to rapand to Lender vrith[a 30 d�ys Nlcr tl�e dMa Ihe t�aNce i�giveo. <br /> t�a�►da is a�ho�od w cdbct,a�f�ty d�e pooeod��.�t iu opdao,eWrcr a r�a�tioa ar�ir of 1�e Ft�aperty or w dM <br /> a�ws se�w�ed by d�is 5ecwrity Instrumen�wt�edier or not t6en due. <br /> 1laieu La�der a�!Bor�ower otherwi�e�gr�oe 6�rrcita�,�ny ication of prooeeds to pr�ip�l th�q dot extad ar . <br /> ' pp�tpoee da Aya date af�Ye mamhly paymenp nefarod to in pat�r�s�l aod 2 ar dwu�e die�l of weh qX�aaM�. <br /> 1!. �vhroAta' t�ut Rele�adi Fbrbeu�ce �� i.euder Nd s WWra: Exw�siaa o•sf��1�t t�me fa pya�ait ur <br /> mo�itx�lan��+1 nno�it+atioa af ihe wms aecured by tWs Security L,mu,nent�uwed by L.�ndix ro�aoy wooeawr in i�t <br /> d Bprow,r�s�p not apaate w ieka�o tlre Ii�biWy ot�he ori�!Barower ar BorMwery�uooaso�s fn intaa�t.[�der <br /> e�ll noi�!IEQII�I�YI(0 CL1P6iS11G110Q prnoeadings a6�t cmy suec�b�Ude.s�t w� Tatusc:to cxtcr�d timc far pay�as ' <br /> m�arwhse,�oafify amarfiu�aian of the awns seciood by t�is 5ecurity L�swmerrt by rea:�al of any aem�nd m�de fry tbe ori�iaal <br /> �➢ortowet d�IBarowa� wa�essors in intercst. Any fotbea�ance by Lender in exaeising any�h1 or te�nedy ttWl not be s <br /> 'qn�iver of ar p�eclude�he eaercisc of any right ar nemody. <br /> 12 SYOOwon wd Asd�a�Youad;Jofo[�d 9everal Li�WlitYi Co-s� The covet�.a�nd a�roaneats of diis <br /> Securiry I�vme�t ahall bind and benefit the eucceaacsrs and assigas of Lender and Borrower,au�jact to the pmvisjoru of <br />-- �ragr�ph 17. Bonowenc�ovenanp and�greeinaits shuQ be joint and several. My 8orrowsr whp co-signs�uhis Security <br />-�� lmd�unent but does not exxute tho Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Inswment only to matgagq,grant 6nll,cmvcy that <br /> pon+nwerh intetest in tt�e Propeny unda��he terms of tNia Security lnsttumen� (b)i�not persau�GE>>��bfigstod w pay the swns . <br /> axwed by this Security Inu�umen�aad(c)agroes thal Lender end�ny other Botrower may egt�ee to eatmd,modify.forixar <br /> a mal�e wy aaannwdubas with negard to the tertns of this 9ecurliy In�trumatt or the�Iyozc without tiut Borrowery�. . <br /> cansatG . , <br /> 13. t.o�nC1�r�ea If the lan securrd by this Security Insuument is su6ject to a law which seta miucimum lo�n <br /> clwga,and that law is finplly interpreted so that the interest or othet loen charges cc�7�ected or to be w11xtM in cannectlon <br /> d wkh the loan exoxd the permiaed limits,�hen: (a)any such loan charge shull be raluced by the amour+t necas.uuy tv rcduce , <br /> ;�•:,.5 <br /> _ _�x;:;t�� the chuge to the permitted lirnit;ard(b)any sums alrcady coliected from Bomower which excecded permiq�tO,Nmits wlll ba , <br /> — = nfunded to Borrower. L.ender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principnl owed unckr�he Note a bry making a <br /> dlrcct payment to Bomower. If a rofund rcduces principal�the rcduction will be uaKed as a partial p�paytt�eat wid�out�ny <br /> prcpayment chnrge w�der the Note. <br /> 1�. NoNces. My notice t� Bnrrower provided for in this Secudty Instrument shall 6e given by delive�dng it or by <br /> m�ling it by first closs nwfl unless applicable luw rcquires use of another method.The ndice shall be di�+ected to the Property <br /> Add�ess or any otixr adikes.s Borrower designates by notice to Le�drr. Any notice to Lender sh�ll be given by fi►st cless <br />- mvil to l.ender's address xtated herefn or any wher eddress Lender drsignates by nake to Bomower. My notice provided for <br /> �C in this Security Instmment �+hull be deemed to have been given to Bomower�x Lender whcn given tu� provided in Ihis <br /> �1S�Governing Law;Severnbillty. This Security Insuument shull be gocerr�ed by federnl law end �he law of the <br /> jurisdict�on in which the Propeny is locuted. In ef�e event that any provision or clause of this Security Insnument or 1he Note <br /> • �:;;t; conflicts with applicable lew, such conflict shall not uffect other provisions of this Security Ins�rument or tha Note which cu� <br /> �it1�, be given effect without the conflicting provision. 7b this end the provfRions of this Security ]nsuument and the Nota ae <br /> declared to be severnble. <br /> ''` 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower ahull be given one confomied copy uf�h�iVote and of this Security Inatrurnent. <br /> �• '�,,;;,;;.:,, 17. 7Fansfer ot the Property or n Beneficial Interest in Borrower. If ul l or ony pnrt of the Propeny or eny inte�est in <br /> ,�...„�"�� it is sold or�ransferred (or if a beneficinl interest in Bormwer is xa�ld or transferned nnd Borrower is not a natural person) <br /> '�gk;;�, ,� without L.ender�s prior wriuen consent.Lender may,u�its option,require immedinte puyment in full of all suma secured bp <br /> this Secudty Inswment. However,this option sholl nat be exereired by l.ender if ezercise is prohibited by federol law as of <br /> ^�^�'���- the date of this Securi�y Instrument. <br /> -; =•,'�.;�„ If Lender exereise+this option.Lender slu►11 give Borrower notice of uccelern�fon. The notice shall provide e period of <br /> ?a"•`~ � noc less than 30 duys from the dnte�he notice is delivered ar mailed wi�hin which Borrower must puy all+ums secuied by this <br /> .��___; ,.:;; ;��'`';�:r;a.. Security Instniment. If Borrower fail�to puy �hexe sums prior to the rxpirution af this period. Lender may invoke any <br /> s"��'�'°""" '�S�ti�:i remaNes permided by this Security In�trument w iihoul further noticc or demunJ on Bamower. <br /> �,i'=� � � !'�'{,^i�p� 18. Borrower's Rtght to Reinslate. If Bomower meets cenain conditions, Burrower shall have the right to have <br /> .,�' �'ti��a,�a�+`sA � enforcement of U�is Securiry Instrumem discoMinued a�uny time priur to the curlier oE (u)S dnys(or such other period ns <br /> •yj�'f'[,�.��( ^'ty`7�i�'�� Singk Famlly--F�nMe MadFlzdtlk Mac UNIFORM INtiTRUMEKf-•Uniform CovenuNS 9190 IpoKt�nje pa�es� <br /> � �}'d#:'�e_�•�• •'��?�?i <br /> . :f�f.� I�t��•�5� <br /> �.f� ��:i�� <br />. r['S}�, P��Zf�C,;'r . '. <br /> . 'q��t t�':ii � � - -'-- �- 1 - - - ._.. � - . <br /> � � r_�.; - �c:- ' -tj rr. �t�'i .. c�.a� <br /> , q� � �t:l,�y��l�{y+\ '�+�i7(�IVlf.<KNy�pt'k�r"'.4,v C�� ei'%�51��, �� � .4�'�irrnw��w���v � _.�..___ —._ <br /> „P" t5 � •+�f � :r. ��•:; fi �'W, ` i.;. __ <br /> -_� i A 9 � •.v'/'hFN�4��,;' `., *�;ti Z�K1F,,.s��m�° . .. ._. <br /> .l� � .2- - '' �.l L .� - .)t',.� . " .�' ' , r 1 ti��.�``'�•�' ! i � ����;``r - �F-����. +'JQ��{�?. <br /> `SL���?'n's�..:nr�.tf�'��.. ' - L i �.1� '';.`::::�L:i:i'1.i�s3i1]1F+i�,•�f^ri. '�StYt�ZSS*}.2i7W��l � a y�i�llv�'i,J--,_'_,� .�+�sL..,.. <br /> a.�i�— ._ —„A`r.— y -_ __ �7, � _.._ . f.jt �� �. - ��l,- ' _ Qjj'T'.Ts rr i. r- _ .�fi � �r � �.sa�c�. <br /> :�j ��' +�C�w `Yi'S`# ,i4r1 � ' tt ��..� � ';�1r . , r � �e, r {y�� ' .i l��Ct 1•'�S .y� �. r _- <br /> f�5 -•.0�' .. t . //� 1 ' / �•�\1 � �f 1 .4.��--��� '_ <br /> � . ii ��,' 1 A i¢. �- � . i 1 - �! . , L l M !.f .n . �. <br /> `�� .�vY'� *. �'r �1� _!l � '.n .�l,t . l. � f(jA�'/ _ ' ' ;:�'S).'��tl .j��1 r � rJ'"' . _ .�:t d.f..1��� rdP1 - <br /> lo4F -�5.,.ir,�,h�y i.,�l=! _ . .. ,. �- .�I.}�t'1��.1.f��I�rl1__4 1••4• .. ..[.�O�n .�l _ .f{.II.��� <br /> — 3'+i i1i�r •w' _,;�, . . . "' �r,s . � <br /> _ ,1�' _ , , p. o . �rt.,}l. q .. .. vor• .� ee. <br /> ,_��IWfs4_•�c ti'fs_�(, �- � _ .1•' . .. � � - r - � ��Jlf.�tr.�t... � . �' t'I 1 <br /> , a�.i S�0•1'l . 'f~. � . . . - - . . .i�.� a. . . 1! _ . - , <br /> . ,• � , �� � ,�yl i `r <br /> ' .... �«„ .. . . . <br /> �u. Nr�� .n �.:o u,� -- `"i : � � • .. 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