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_�- �,. . __ _ ____ <br /> . _ . . ... . r.... -- -........ .. �....:i:..���,zv�: -- - - . <br /> �--- � . . . .» .. ...+..-.. .. .. _ -- .-:C�°-'__-- .:,P . <br /> _�. —� -_-- -> .. . 'i17, <br /> ��� <br /> � �.W��Cb i!d t0�7ff�Ed!Q$1 Z.4e Clf�Ir�1�0�INOh RM�IIIOIM�• AI��xaM��'Y�� . <br /> �OM���pQ��!�YI�(M4 H�IE iE�t�.gOCll�tY 1tlfifi111MfK��1t�NI dM�y ,. <br /> �' �M+ �rM1�1�Ip�y G01MA�M Md C��M MM��dM.�CI�' <br /> �I. �i�1�11�1�ACE�fM�N���.��Y��bY� �q l�f0 QW C��I1110lM�W�, <br /> h)iNt1�M. Lsd�r aap.exoept <br /> �p�Y�M�ed(r� i�NO af W waM NaN+d h►thl�Seariq't�t : <br /> --- (il Bonowx�bY�1uB top�y ip A�II�ny maNhly P�l��9�+'b h'���p'� <br /> w ar oa dia due dMe of the next monthty p�yment.a <br /> (ii)Bonower defiula by tdlhy.tar a perbd d ddAy d�y�,w per[oes��a�r aq�ar abU�Minn�oo�wimd in li� <br /> (b)S�M rYMI�Cnik�App�ov#1. Londor�Il,if parmipod by�pplic�bie law ad wilh the pdor�pproval af the <br /> S�q�y�t�N���P�Y�t in fYdl at�11�6e wmt oecurod by tMs Sxudty In�uumd�t if: <br /> (i)AU or part of tbep�np�ty.or a beneticlrl intaou In a truw ownin�all or p�rt of the Propeey.b�Wd ar <br /> ' otl�ervvf�e tn�ufe�ed lodi�tlwn 1q'devMe at deaoen�)bY the Baeowar.�nd <br /> (ii)The Praperty 4 not oowpied bY tho Pu�'ch�x ar�n1ee iw hln or 1�pincipwl teaideace.or tbe purclwer <br /> or �ranteo does to oecnpy the Pnopaty but hit or her cradil Iw �ot beea app�oved in aoorrd�noe <br /> w�1A d�e requi�a�r�enu of die Soc�y. t in fidl,but Laidx <br /> (cl 1W N� If clrcupnst�aoes accvr ch�t warW petmit l.ender w�equiro&nrr►edi�to P�Y� <br /> �� sucApay�ao�.(�pder daes�ot wYive ita�iQha witFi re:pect a subsequut[eventa. <br /> (d) d HtlD Sea�Ye1. Ie m�usy circuoost�e�es reguluia�u iwued by the Secret�7►wU1lLuit L.ender� <br /> �� �p��'pa�e�t defw�s. �o umnodita�ep�ysent in fUll�nd foroclae if not 7bi� <br /> Secutity Inruirn�at doa aot au�Lo�u�e�ovek on or faRecloswe�i��ot pern�itted by ro�ul�tlau of the�. <br /> - J (e)Marlp�e Nol l�nr�. Barower a,�rees duit at�ould Wis SecwNY�Snwpdit aid tho note cocu�ed IiRxeby�wt <br /> be eligibb for inwraace ander the NMior�wl Houain8 A�ct within fiom tha <br /> date i�ereof.l.emkr mwy.u itt option aM notwitl�staading anything in Paragnph 9,rcquine immedl�ta WY��� <br /> full of d!suma secwed by this Socuriry InstnmeM. A written statement of any uudw�ed�gent of the Socrcnry <br /> dated wbsequa�t to fran tho date hereof.doclinimg to inwne thi�Secwlty <br /> Inwnunent ond tho note securcd thereby, slwll be dcemed conclusive proof of aucb iaeUgibility.�ndlag <br /> the foregoLig,thlr optian may nat be ezercised by Lender when the unavulability of insur�nce is sokly due w <br /> L.aiderk failure to remit a mortgage insurance premium to tMe Secneuuy. <br /> 10. Reta�qhma�� Bomower hes a�ight to be roinetated if Lender has required immedlate payment in full bocause <br /> of Barrower�failwe to pay an amount due under the•Note or this Securiry Instrument. Thie right appl�es eveo afkr <br /> = foreclosw�e procxedings ero inetituted. 'Ib �oinstate �he Secu�ity Instrument, Bortower shall tender in a lump swn all <br />- -__- �ts mquirod w 6dng Bomower's account curnent the extent thoy ue obligatione of Bo�wer ander this <br />_ - = Security Instrumcnt,foreclosure costs and neasonable and cuatamary attomeys'ixs and eapenscs properiy�wiii� <br /> �� tl►e foreclosure procading. Upon reinstatement by Borrawer,thiR Security Insuument and the obligations tMw N socwes <br /> shall r�mein in effect as if I.cndcr had notrcq uired immediate payment in full. However.Lender is not rcquirod to permit <br />_ ��l rcinsatement if: (i)l.ender has accepted reinstetement efter�he commencement of fa�closure proceodings within two <br />_ ,:% yeara immecliately proceding the cammencement of a current forecbsure proceedfng, (ii) reinslatement will proclude <br /> � foreclosure�n diiferent grounds in the fuwre.or(iii)rcins�atemru+will adversely af�'ect tho priority of the lien created by - <br /> this Security Insaument. <br /> 11. �orrower Nat Releasedi �orbearance bv Lender Not p Wi�iver. Extenaion of the time of payment or <br /> modification of amonlzation of tha sums secu�ed by this Security Instrument granted by I.ende�to any successor in intercst <br /> of Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrowerk succesaor in interest. I.ender <br /> — shall not 6e requi�ed to commence proccedings egelnst any successnr in interest or oefuse�o ea�end time for payment or <br />�.�.- � otherwise modify amortization of the sums sccured by this Secu�ity Instrument by reason of uny demund made by the <br /> original Borrower or Bortower:s successorr In interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising eny right or iemedy shall <br /> not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> : $�s: 12. Succescore nnd Assigns Bound;Jdat and Several Liability:CaSignenR. The rovenanl.c and agreementx of <br /> :r;�•• r' � <br /> w�;, this Secudty Inswment 4ha11 bind and benefit the successors nnd nssigns of Lender and Bortowcr,subject to the pmvisions <br />�•;; .+�+. of Paragrs�ph 9.b. Borrower's covenants and agreemen«shall be joint und seveml. Any Borcawer who co-signs this <br /> � �`�1� Security tnstrument but daes not execute the Note: (u) is co-rigning this Securiry Instrument only to mongage.grnnt and <br /> '�i�';�i:� <br /> ' 4v�. -�;�5'r'' convey that Borrowert interest in the Property under the tenns af this Security Inxtnunenr,(b)is not personully obliguted to <br /> �i,, , k,.,.,. pay�he sums secured by this Security InKtrument:and(c1 aFrees that LenJer and nny olher Borrower may agrce to extend, <br /> �"�i�� =«" :��.��._ modify,forbear ar make any nccommodutions with regurd to�he lermti ui thia Secunty Instrument or the Note without that <br /> _ �` Borrower's eonsent. <br /> `"`� , • �1.�t' 13. Notices. Any notice to Borrawer provided for in this Securiry Instrument shull be given by delivering it or by <br /> ' ``y� mailing it by first clons mnil unless applicable law reyuires usc of anothcr method. The no�ire shall be directed ta thc <br /> ,. �,; <br /> ��:,;�.��.,f Property Addres�or�ny other address Borrower designutes by noticc to Lender. Any noticc to Lendcr shall be given by <br />���, , �`�:- first class m�il to Lender's uddrews xtuted herein or uny uddres� Lender devignu�es My notice to Bormwer. Any nodce <br /> -��j�a z n=3�� •- Provided for in this Securiry Instrument shull be deemed to huvc becn given to Borrower or Lender when given us provided <br /> - : in thls puragruph. <br /> . .�;;;',.-�; lA. Governing Lpw; Severabilitv T'hi,Securiry Imtrument shull t�govcrned by FrJerul law and the luw of the <br /> •�;�icr juri.rdiction in which the Propeny is located. In the event that :my provision or rluuse ut'this Securiry Instrument ar the <br /> � •°: Note conflicts with applicable IAw. such cnnflict shall nut utfcrt Mher prn�isiom uf ilii, Se�wi�y In,t�vment or the Notc <br /> '•�'���"•y' • which cnn be rven effect wilhout the conflictine proviwion. To thi.rnd the provisions of thi�Security Instrument und the <br /> c�.:.; ti,- - 6 <br /> , , ' <.;•c:t�:.•.;: Note are declared to be severnble. <br /> ..., _t`<...,., . , <br /> ��0.�� ;., 15. Borrower s Copy. Borrower shall lx F iven onr coN'ornted copy at'this Seruriry Instrument. <br /> �Y�r��^�� tb. Assigmment uf Rents. Bartower unco�diiinn:illy a�+igm and�r:mvfer�.to Lcndc�all the rcnls und revenue+uf the <br /> :=`�:' Propeny. Borrower authori�es Lender or Lendcr z agcnts to callrct thc rems and rcvenucs und he�c:by direct�ea:h tenam of <br /> 4 ;�,.,�' �;; the I'r�perty to pay the rents to Lender or l.endcrk ugenn. Huwcver,prior to Lender's notice to 8orrawer ��f Borrower's <br /> - �Y� breach oF any covenant or agreement in the Security In.r•trumen4 Borcower.hall rollect and receive ull ren�s and rcvenues of <br /> '' <br />