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.. �,,ii�.-.: -1 - <br /> . ..�.:._ •''- ':•„t•,��.:.�.. _..s:::. :='�:'.— .. ���%` ':; _:°- <br /> . , ��� t�3-�OGR�3 . <br /> � ������l� ���AaQ�����i� <br /> ir�M� ipoMlrJ►�N�I��M iwal�w�wr�ils iiw. . • �-- . : .. <br /> 1 Mq���('.'IM�w�1�w��a�1 Oi�e �a�oiwr�ifl i�cpi Y�r�y <br /> w�Mr.�i�Y tlr.pei�oipl�1 b�ns l�w 1�oM�a�'ri�M d�,.iw�k d rq►I�S� <br /> la)�0�����or�'� �V���r�op�eq�(1►)Iwi�ld rqir�r or poiwd w�e�a�M r�y.ird <br /> lxieY+�o�iiy i�iseu I�ar IN� (��,(a)ad <c)�alaN aq�l ar{w�MM d Mr wr�w�l w�o�rw, a�t�bl!► <br /> �wi�ed b�r lwed�. �w a�rnoyd.aMldan a a�ioaV+a�ddidond 6dro� d�ot rois tM� a��xd�ct IMe <br /> �wd uio�t. 7Tia A�II ww�l�o�nt ta a�cb iMan dpiU bs�Iwd 0�►l�t�r wNi6i�p�iod a�dM�aa� <br /> �rairl�ba�ae�e ileas woald beuoa��. t.�d�t�Mp MAd 1M wra�es ao�kd ia tran b p�p►iw�(�Q►)�1 <br /> (C)b�fam d�►beoo�ne delioqaa�¢. <br /> Lt�t aqy dpae tAe eaql af tbe p��a��el�oes ot�a�ilea�a,�c� by more oaad�t6e <br /> p�yacaa fa wch Itan�pay+ble to <br /> aqim4�od amaimt of p�yn�ena requirod top�y wch iknu whea dae.�ad lf m the Naro�re aurna►t,tbea Leoder <br /> daJl eid�r�AiM�be eaaas over oua•sixlh of tho atinwed p� a a t the exoas o�ver oee-si�th oF the a�bmled <br /> 0 <br /> p��ts a�u�9�MY��+by Harower.a�he opdo� Bnno�nr u a�wa�u�a���ar e�� <br /> i�e i�os(a�(b)�ar(o)i�iawf�icknt to pay tha itan wbea due�11kn Hoaower a1W1 pqr q l��ier+NaX�now�t aeoe�rY ou <br /> mioe�p d�e deflcia�ey an or 6efae tl�e date tho itam beoomes due. <br /> A�t wed i�d►is Securlt�r Iaswrna�,"Socrmu�►"mems tbe Secnetary oi 11o�sio�and U�n Dave1op�t ar hii an c�r <br /> �, ia�ny ya�t in wbich d�e L.ader�ooa�p�r�matga�e irauranoe pamius b Iho Secne�y.eaci�r�o�MYlyp�ym�t <br /> �WIT alsu iaNu4e eithet: (i)ao ioat�lm�t af tl�e�aawd mort�e ios�r�ooe pneeaiuou Io 6�p�id by A.eoder�a tho <br /> 5ec� madWy ch�r�o i�wesd of A a�ortga�e in�oa pra�t�nn if thia Socunty 1�pne�M u held by die <br /> Sec�ewy. li�h��Nl�ly iiaa�lhamt d�he�o�tg��oe D+�emium a6t11 be in�o ao�ouM s�fiicieat io�oc�mw4Re 1Le <br /> fuA�t�wl �asur�u�oe p�niun vn'th L�eader ooe mooth prior to d�e d�lo Wo faU unwi � . <br /> ����s�wy;a �na�s���n��a ey u�so�.�►.�d�y�e.�a�.0��.� <br /> .iaomt eqa�l w aoe-t«reutn ota�e•h.uperoeru m�o�a�g prmcipal e�aue a�tbe rt«e. <br /> tf.Barower�.acic�a w I.eoder the full paynnent of all swas secwod by t1uis Socudty lnstturt�ent,Br,,nower�accwnt <br /> �II Ibe t�adi�ed witb the balu�a renuining f�all installma�q for ircms(p�.(b) aad(c)nnd any u�iS�ge i� <br /> prdndu�+imsU�llmw�t d�at Lender has aot become obliga�tod to p�y to the Seciet�uy.and I.�ader sh�ll profi�pNy�efi�d m <br /> u + <br /> exass i�unds to Batower. Immediately pdor to a faeclos�ue aw'j;.o�the Praperty a its sitioia by Le.tder,Ba�oaer <br /> s io a <br /> �coount s;ha�l bo caed�ud with my balmce n�uining for�II i�GE�enb fos ilcdw(a).(b)�4.�. <br /> 3.A to�P�ymenb. AU payments under P�ragmphs a and 2 shall be appUed by L'ender�s lfdlows: <br /> to the�a�ortgage insutance premium to 6e paid by�.e�Jer to the Secretwy or to the moathly clwgo by tlia <br /> ��c�inaaa�i of Ihe taonthly mortgage inswance prcqu�am: <br /> to aay taxes.special sssessments.leacei�old payqarcAts a�r+ound n�.and fite.tlood end ad�h�aatd <br /> i�aunmce premiw�w.�s�oquired; <br /> �,ta i��e under tlte Nate; � <br /> • �,ro amortlutton of the principal af ttK Nde: <br /> �,w late chuges due under Ihe Note. <br /> 4.1�11re.Flood aad Qtha�Hw��d Insurance. Barowu sha11 insune all improvemc�ts on�he�Pirope�ty.whether now <br /> • it�oxistencx or subawuenQy aected.�gainst eny ha�.ards,cu�usillies,and contingencies,i�c]�ding fue, fa which 4etider <br /> requires insurance. 7'6is insurence ahdl bo mainteined in the nmounta And for the period.v that I.ender re�u3i+es. Batmow�er <br /> et�ll also insure all improvetnents on the Property.whether now in existrnce or subsequerWE�erected.aga�inst laes by,f�aods <br /> ; to the eatent�rquired by the 3ocnNary All insurana shall be caRied wi�h companies approved by Lend�r. The inaurance <br /> . poli�ies and any renewwlr slull be hcld by Lender and shall include loss payable clauses•in favut of,and in a form <br /> acapt�ble w.Lender. <br /> in the event of loss,Borrower shell give Lender immedlate naia by mail. Lende�may malce praof of loss if not <br /> mtde p�omptly by Borrower. Each insurnnce compeny co�cemed is hereby authorized a�d c�o�ted to rtWce paymmt for <br /> such loss di�ecdy to l.ender.iostead of to Borrower�td to Lender jointly, All or eny part of the inaurance pnocads mny be <br /> applied by its opt�on,either(a)to the reduction of the indebudness under the Note aad thia Securiry Insdument. <br /> fi�st w any de8nc�uent amounts applied in the order in Paregraph 3.�nd �Fien to poepayment of principal.or(b)to the <br />_ rcstoradon or repa�r of the dt+maged property. Any applicntion oi the praceeds tu the principal shnll not exknd or postpone <br /> the due dete of 1he monthly payments which are refemed to in Paragmph 2,or change ihe umount of such payments. My <br /> exass insurance pra�eeds over an umount required to pay all outswnding indebtedness under the Note and this Socudry <br /> Inswment shall be paid to the entity legnlly entitled thereto. <br /> I�the event of foreclosur+e of this Securiry Instn�ment or other�ransfer of�ide ro the Property�hat exanguishcs the <br />- indebtedness.all right,title und interesl of Borrower in wid to insuronce pol icies in for�ce shall pass to the purchaser. <br /> S. Oocupw�cy, P�e,servatlo�, Meiatenance and Protection af the Property; Borrower's I.orn Applkatlon; <br /> Lp�ebolda Borrower shall accup�,eswblish,und use the Property as BorrowerK principal residence within siatY days <br /> after the execudon of lhis Security nsuument ond shnll continue to occupy�he PropeAy us Borrowerc principnl residence <br /> for at least one year sRer the date of accupancy,unless ttie Secretnry deterrnines this rcyuirement will cause undue hardship <br /> for Borrower. or unless extenuuting circumstnnces exis� which iu�e beyond Borrower's cantrol. Bomower shall notify - <br />- Lendere of any extenuuting circumstnnces. Borrower xhull not commit wASie or destroy,damuge or substantially change - <br />= the Property or allow the Property to deteriornte,r+easonuble weur und tear excepted. Lendcr muy inspect tlie Property if the <br />- Property is vucant or ubwuloned or the loan is in default, Lender muy toke reusonablc actian tn protect and preserve surh <br />- vncu�t or abandoned PropeKy. Borrower shall also be in defuult if Borrower,during the loun applicetion process. gave <br />- ntiaterially Ealse or Inaccurate informasion nr ctrnem�nt� rn I.ender Inr faileJ to pmvide I.ender wiih suiy mnteriul _ <br /> information)in connection with the loan evidenced by�he Note,including,but not limitcd to,representcNions conceming = <br /> Bomnwer�s occupancy of the Propeny as n principul residenrc. If this Security lnstrumcnt is un a leasehold,Borrower shall - <br /> comply with the provisions of the lease, If Bonower ucyuire+fee titic to the Prapcny,the Icnsehold and (ee title shnll not - <br />_ be merged unles.v l.ender agrces to the merger in wdting. <br />- 6. Charges to Borrower and ProtecUon of I.ender's Rights in Ibe Propeny. Rorrower shull pay oll governnneixel - <br /> or municipal chuges,fines and impoailions that are not included in Pwagrnph 3. Banowe�shall puy these obligationx on <br /> time directly to the entity which 19 owed�he payment. If failure to pay would adverselv affect Lender's interes� in the <br />- Property.upon Lender's requcst Borrower sha61 promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing these paymencs. __ <br /> If Bomower 4'�ils to make these payments ar�he puyments requirecl by I'�ragraph 2,ar fails ro perform any uther - <br /> covenants and agreements contained in thiti Security Inswment.or therc is a legul proceeding that ma�si�nificundy affect = <br /> f ��.fr.V «..{.�..i.. A..R..w�.a..:��...M a. o n'.v�n�.iine in MoM4n�ntrv fN r�ds�nnori�w n�rn�nl'nrra u��r�r mo�ddinncl <br /> ....nn....n..y..,.u.«.......r.y .....�.._ ..r...���.....o�......_....�._�.._. _......�.._._.._..... ... _......__.....__. ._�_._.._.._,. -: <br /> then I.ender may do end pay whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Property end Lender i�ripins�n the Property, — <br /> including payment of taxes,hazard inaurence and other items mentioned in Paragmph 2. <br /> My amounts disbursed by Lender under this ParayQraph shall becort�e an additional debt of 9orro�ver tand be secured <br /> by thin S�:u�i�y Ir�strument. TI1C5C iU110U1119 SFIiIII Fk$i Intcrcst from the c3ate of disbursement,at the Note rete,nrid ut the <br />- opdon of L.ender,shall be immedfately due ur�d payable. _ <br />_ y. Condemm►tion. The proceedv of any awnrd or claim for damages,dircct or consequential,in comiection witN any <br /> condemnatlon or other taking of uny part of the Property,or for conveynnce in place of condemnutian,are hereby assigned _ <br />— and shall be paid to Lender to the extent of the full amount of the indebtedness thut remains unpuid undcr�he Note anJ ihis - <br /> Secwiry Inswment. Lender shall apply such proceeds to the�eduction of tNe indebtedness under the Note and this Security - <br /> Inetrumeet, first to any de]inquent am4unts applied in the order provided in Poragraph 3, and then to prepayment of ' <br /> principel. My application of the proceeds to the principal sh�ll nnt extend or postpone the due date of�he monthly <br /> (/wgt 2 nJ4 paResl <br />