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<br /> � . . - - . - - � . . . g1�--3:0���g �.
<br /> � • ._ ' oo�,ny�o�saie cccninea ia dii� '
<br /> . �I��r my,ir specifjr far te�)�s�k cf d�Ytopaty p� ,
<br /> - � Sac�nty Wauasen�ar(b)muY o�=JI�"'���°����°"�' 7tiosa condxio�s�t that 8orn�ror. (�) -
<br /> p�,�ts l+�ader all aums wrhich tben wauW 6e dae uada.,*]�is 5eauitg 1�uuo�at�od tbe rkte u it m�dd .
<br /> accatte�N)��Y�t af a►y amaroo+r�ts oraarema�otx(c)F�YS��P�nncutted iti eafo�iva t�it SeiwitY
<br /> - - �;a�ba!-s�at`limited to rat�o��tys�fees:and�fd)talcss sach aetion as t.endcr may.t�asadbi�y -- -- -
<br /> -__ --�ne qts�xe th�t tbt lien af tbis Sa.�iry Ins�urt�ant.l.earlet�;°��,n�t��Bacow�*•this S�vntY
<br /> -- — -�mas ss�m�b!► �S�c�i �-- -
<br /> �ma�t aod tse obti�ons savred ha�ryr s�ll tennin fulty effe�p!c s�if tw acceia'ati6dTiad occurrM-f�ever:Uus ---=
<br /> �t a teimtat�a�ll notspplY..�n the case��d�tatia�a�dRM�t7. widy this Soc�iry,
<br /> 1! Saie t Nai�.C�a�e d Iw�&nk+n:.� 't�e Na�e a s p�tis1�in t1�e Notc f�o8�
<br /> �otice to gatower.�A s�ta may ranh iQ a ctisoge�a tt(ie a�titY
<br /> - Iamtmae�)maY 6c sold oae a mo�+t times w'itDunt P�iar due�der tde Nate aM ttus Senu►fy►In�ua�e�- 1lietie aLsa �
<br /> - (�oMn as tbc'Lo�►Saricer")th�t coltocts mo�at�lY P;Y�
<br /> _-- m�y be aac or mare cban�of tlie Loaa Servives uarel�tcd to a saie of tde NotG If tf�is a clmge of thc Loae Serviat,
<br /> - go�vwer«nu ttit giQeo�r►aen notic�of tue c�oge in aoc«aanoe with n�rti��a aboY�ao�ap�bk ew. 'llie notioe
<br /> � w�l s�e the�aKne md sd�dress of the ncw Loa�Setvtoa and tbe add�ess to wdicU pzyments sNaWd be madc. 'lUe mtict w�1 - .
<br /> -- - ---���ti�rinf " � � �`------�._.__,____ . - � �aceteaseot - �-_.,-_- � .� _
<br /> -_ __ . ffi' Harae'doas Stib�s�oa. Barowa s1�ll mt c�use or peca�it the�+eseiioe.u�,d�sp�s�� �S �`_ � � _
<br /> -- Eyy�u�D�xs aa ot in t6e Pt+�eKy. Botmwa s6all ta�do.nac aTtaw?a►Ya�e dse to do.wythin8�a�in�d�
<br /> '�Y pmpe�ty d�atLa iaYialation of aay Envimmiaentat i.aw: Thc�g t�►o�sUsU not appl��to ao�mal --
<br />-_;.{:~ sbo�age m tbc Ptope�ty of siraU�qnaadaes ofHaza�idous St�tances tbat are ga�aUy��� --
<br />°�;:�'`� nsidmtial uses aad to�����Y• lawsuit or atber actioa tsy aay '.;--
<br /> = = Bdmwec s1wU p�omptlYrB�ve Le��der ar�itten notice of any utvestigatiaa.�claim•�$��ot Caivunnrtxatad ' , f•:-- -�t-
<br />_=.;�- ������y ag�,y a private p�ty invoivi�g the Ropeny Y ;�_�''�'°�' - --
<br /> �:�__--
<br />�:.-�`-r� j,aW Of tifiicit Bd[OWQ 1fiS actuallmoWkd$e- IF BOtNwE[lCUnS.or is ttOpf�d by aaY 8avette[iEtrtal ar ngaluaY :,f:;';t:`*¢:.:4---
<br />�,"•. ,z,,,od;,�n of,ay�Ta�rdous sab�,ffuth,g,n�Ptapacy is n�sr�ry'samwa ..�f�:_...-
<br /> ..,,,w.. `;�•;';,,.,..�,....� -
<br />���, a�oiih►.flntaay t�emavai a adier . ,.
<br /> �:n,_. �ial sicdats ia srcco�+asnce witb Favitonmeatal iaw. �. �`='=—^
<br /> ��y���.^�lazacdo�Sa6atances"an th�ad�stanccs defn�t as�a�dc oc�a�s s�bs�%�Y_ e"=-----
<br /> '; �•�:�used in this . �st _ y' -
<br /> Law u d t�llowing subsmr�as. gasoline.tervserr�,other flnnnmaflIe�ar waic peanleum pr+o�zs.toxic '�.;r�c-�
<br /> ��� asbestas or famat��t3!�and radioactive macarials. ,�v�c�.<•
<br /> ---_ ��des a�d bet6icides.YQI1IlIE SOlYCf1�Ss tO31EIl�s C011�11DS wfw�e.d�e is located r,. •�
<br /> « �CI9Z�3WS d(1d IAWS Of iflC f 1���5''t[OD �Y ,��_
<br /> ,', �- ILS�111 L�S�'d$Cd�l�i rSDYI[OI11110IIG�t•8W JIIC'dfl4 ,r . ` :`�'.-, F .f�Fi"
<br /> tb�ij tC�AiC t0�1�1.SY�l�I Of CIlYlIOl111iQ1�}�.1� �� `
<br /> /�j�I'S. $OfLO�IPt7',.3�LCIIdEf fUttACf COYlI18�t Blld�.'•r'�Y IO�I'dKS.�f' 't i, t r
<br /> , :'':��1jQA1.(JNIFORM COVEN td Borro�rlt �93'ip,a�ttlrstfait fdbwi�Borrneer's ,� '�
<br /> ', . ':':r,2�1. Accekntion:Qerecdies. L�der sUaill�$Wtio�tia Pr� i�.� t1w usder p�n�sPa l� �;f��`•`;<<
<br /> � �. q�►s;ea�ch o�wy cove,aet os�ree�oen:i�ti�Seca.rit���i�rument tbuc�ot prioi"r:' �ii-*�ekrs .�sr,:;-
<br />':,;;ff;r,L. . .�r' r ,�.-_-.
<br /> �/i�dii sPD�.��Provides otl�erRise).Tre.�oti��specif7- (s)tMe de���?�i tUe sctio�reiNired to cure tlK �,,_
<br /> � ��"� .oc tes.t6s.3e da�s tro�uie�ste'tUt natoe i��a�eo so�e+oRer,by w�i�ttm der9■n,ou�6� ,
<br /> ��'s(��'�'?�F• bi tiie�otice ws'srsalt i�aooderatlo�af i. ,� f�
<br /> ;� coced*s�d i�'�failuce to airc tre def�wlt o�ar,betore tbe datespecifled -„���_.
<br /> �`;`�:�,.; � tre snm aecoeed by tris SeeukY I�slrn�t�1 s�fe'-a�tLe Property. T�e�otita sbau tartLer idor�Borrow�er a� ` � ��,`_
<br /> � tlirr3�t to nisstate atta�aoeder+tio�aad tIM��p'�A ooart action to ax�er�'t�e no�ex�te�ce d a defsWt or . , �f�-_
<br /> a
<br /> � ��q�a�efine ot Barruwer ta secekrntioo and s�le:�ii!fbe defaalt is aot..n�!�a be�ore ttie d�tc spedtied in � , f3, . �,`..
<br /> . ;j We�tice,l,eader at its optioe niaY caluire i�amedi�te pxymeat in fuU otalt s�aans atrnred by t�Securitg Iastnrment � , `�-
<br /> . 8 p�
<br /> . ,Y:,� witiod tarttier Aemand and mst iavoke the poWer o�sale and anp otl�remcdies permitted by applica6l hi'� ..4: �•' K..::;.
<br /> '#.� I.e�der sAall be eatitkd to collect all expenses incurred 1a parsuie�t6e rcmedies providt�;3a tbi�p��aE�P �°1,': ;�,,,.
<br /> '' indodin�.b�t nollimited to.reasona6k attorneys'fees aad�osts oi titk evidenca ia��v�fiich�ts��st ot the ;,•�;��i;��`?;��.:�
<br /> �'., U tre po�rer ot sak Is Wvoked.7Fastee shall rceord a notice of defAUtt in escK couutY' ;�yr��t,.
<br /> `..: , . 'f , `;�+.t-,
<br /> . ;;�: ;.$�upKyr b locahd aad s6s11 nwil oopks of such notioe io tUe maaner prescribed bY�+PP�icAWe law to Borrvw�r aad to }'�.�`���f�=-
<br /> ' �k�; t�iie MMer Yee�ons Presc�f6cd by applicabk law A(tes the time re4uirM by applicAbk la�r.'ilrastee slwN�.�p�blic _-
<br />: � notloe d sak to t�e persons a�W io t6e m�nner prescclbed by applica6k IaM 7lrastee.vritbaut dem�M oe BorroWa', . ?
<br /> staq sdl t6e Property�t ppblic aaction to the hi�hest 6idder at the time and place and undtr!he tern�desi�naRed i�.,:'�.�.... �. ;,, ..::;-'`
<br /> �, ne s�1e a��Q ot su��..�_�:: :•;� .t...
<br /> ' ,�I�kke noNce d spk in one or n�e p�rcets aad in an ocder 7trasta determines. 1�usta may PaslPa =,,,,__: .'�
<br /> . , , � goiwrcel ot tl�e 1►roperty by pi�ic aanouncemenl at!he time and place otany previoasiy schcdakd sale. l�a�`i� . . .����:r,� •• .
<br /> � �,�ertyat9nysale. �.� :. '.� �:' }�. . ,�,yrrir:,:.�
<br /> ;;;t-�; .'�� des�ee msY Varc6ue t4e -
<br /> �- .,`,' Vpon r�eJp�o�pAymeet ot the prke bid.71eustee siu�ll deliver to t!k purchaser 71rustee's deeA ca�v�iiq��ii� ;�...�,<i. ,,". �,. -
<br /> �` '�;,f� ������• Pr '�'he rtcifsls ie the 7�ustee's dad sball be prima tack evidence of the truth ot the st�temeMs n�de tt�erci"a3.�"' .-,�. ,
<br /> ,•;!;'•�'t� �i � �� ut the rak in the fdbwing order. (s�l to aU costs and rxpenses of exercisie�the po�€!�...:: :::- - •
<br /> . ��,,:, 'Ilnntee s6a11 appty the praceeds . '•.
<br /> [rti> • � � � . . 'S_'. . .
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