ti:�� - . '- � ��.. _ - `_ - ,:iLut-��_�.vSY'_� __
<br /> .�- 1 r—
<br /> _ � -:;._� _ _ � t . _. iC 4`
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<br /> . .�:-__--_.�.. '_ _' '__ °_' ' _ _ — —"--._— ' _ ^
<br /> _ ..._._,_ � " '. . _ . _ _. .
<br /> _�t' �.i.."_ '.t__'_''r' " ' — _ _ " . _ ._. . ._ 1 .
<br /> r—_.:r__.—.._'rz, . _ _ '
<br /> __ *}--S:-- - -:L:� . .._ ` , -` � ��:�,�30��� � ���
<br /> .� - � - _ - . . �- . - . -�
<br /> - . condo,rus�tiaa�aattKr taicing o�.�y.poct of�hc l'�rperty.�fa ronvcyaace ia�ieu of ccx�drmnation.are dene6y�isecd ond
<br /> .shalt bc p�id tcs l.eader. ' ..
<br /> In the cyent ot��tot�l taking of ttae NbpehF.the proceeds shalt`�e apQtied ta 1Ae sutns sc�vnyt t�r this Securie�r
<br /> � tnsttumeN.wlKt6er ar not tlxn due with�ng�xeess�id to Bor►+ow�er. In tM e�cm of n pastiaf ukiag nf tAe Ytope�ty in
<br /> - w6ich ehe€air maiiceE t�atue of ttre ptupect�immed��tet�r befcxe tt�e[�icis�g iy equa!to ar gr�rter ch��1tie su�wnt n5 tt�e sums
<br /> - — -- -=�_- • - - natr�ss&xrower uisd tcsu�otlk�i:.�i.s�:sge,re izs+xsitissg. �_
<br /> �� �beti+ce titit t•r4�ug. .
<br /> — - _- - _:-=__--tlwruaac_se�va+�bv�h:�_e���.3cv��nt_shall�e m�_by�Lie a�c�un4 af the procerdc muttipliad b}tM fultawu�g ---
<br /> � fra�.-tion_ (al thqt�l�trtoqnt of tAe surt�s�secured imrt��dia[e�l�et�ore the taEutg.�vided 6y�bTtl�Cairtha�et va�af the-- - - -
<br /> � _ propert�r immediateiy Aeforc the takin� Any �►t:u�oe shat!6�paid to Batrb���r. in the event`of a pacti-.�1�l.ing af the
<br /> - ptr�pert}in wli�ch the fair m�rfcet value of tha Pmpt�ty immediately befo�e the wking is tcss than ttie:uni�unt a�f the xuats
<br /> - a�ecuced immediatety befcxe the wke1g,unlas Boriowe�and I.ender otl�erv►ise�grec in writing or unles�applicaQie lax
<br /> ahe�ise provides.tfie ptnceeds st�116e apPlied to the_sums seeured b�tAis Se«�rit�tncwment whether ar not the sum.c are
<br /> then du4. ,
<br /> _- It thr propaty is abandoned by Boqow•er,or iG a�fter no[ice by Lender to Borravrer th:►t t!►e condemnar uffen ta make
<br /> °•,= ao award or senk 3 claim for d�mages.Bamwer fails to n�pondto Lender withirt�day:+a1Zer thc�te die c�atice is gi+ren.
<br />-_�.�� .Lende�is autl�aized to colloct aad appt�the p�oceeds.sa its optwrr�eiiher c_o r+�tarrti�or reQair of the Piupeny os cu the
<br />��c•:rr;; • sums seCUtud by this Securiry InsmtmeN.whet[�er ot no[ihen due. , �: -
<br /> �-` ,•.•'�..tInless Lender and Bouow�er at5erwise aP�ee in writing.3ny apQliration ut prac�:tn principa!slrrU not extend cx
<br />:--= pos�nne the due date of the mont�i�pa�ments�efenad to in paragraplis T�rnt 2 orch�nge the a�now�t ot such�}�t�.
<br />- -J:� i�F.'Borrmree Not Re� FueDtaranoe B� 1.�e�Nat �{�Ysdvec. Exte►uicin of che time for gaYment uc
<br />?'�:.�.',� madificatiaa of amortiza�ioa of d�e sums se�cuml by this Securixy 4wtnunent grar►te�t By Le�xter to any succ��m interest =
<br /> of gcarower sball nat opemte to ceiease the Eiss6tliry of the aripmrl Burrower or Borrowers successors in intetrst.Lender _
<br /> °=:'s:.-. strall not 6e c�equired to comrtx�ce pmceed'mgs agair�i mcy�occ5sar in intere+i or tefuse ta eacend tlmc for payinenC or _--
<br /> equi _�
<br />::s'; �•.` . • ot[tecwise modifp amatti,��an af the sums secttted 6y t61s Serurity Tnsmtment bg re�+an of:uiy demand made by the arigina[ v„
<br /> - ' Bo�rvwer ar Samwer`s•�rcess«s in interest My foc5earrnce by[.c�er in exercisia�nc�y nght or r+emedy sh�ll noE 6e a �--�_
<br /> ' .� aaiver of ar pcecGrde the exesise of Ang.nght or remedY- � .,
<br /> 1Z.5�roi�ors apd Assi�RS Bo�€:.tant�ad'Serenl Lia6iKty;Co�ers The rnvecr�tts�l:�reements of thls �,�!
<br />� : !`�Security Insuument shall 6ind anci�s�.s,f'ti�.• ' and assi of Lender and BoRUwer.�ubjec�to the provisions of -
<br /> �c.'a��+a�s° � �
<br /> �.:�p�ragraPh 17. Sormwer's cnvenants.�ti�f;a�as1����+s31 6e juint artd sevecaF•J�ii..Eorcawer afio co-s-fgss this Security �"�ti`f'3��
<br /> �
<br /> , btet does�rot execute th���i:aE�.r.n� r� this Sax�ri tastctc�; �`i!�j�f>� e,�rant,and convey th�t _ 1�'����''
<br /> �. �ro , , ; ?y,.E.. S . tY� � r. .
<br /> , ` Bnrtoti�cr,�3;..interestinthePmp�.-�t�af��r`ilAe:��rn��+��uSecc�+5;`��uT�e�tYi��y's�+�.Y.�;�.�61i�atetltopaythe�tun.� .�, -^� �
<br /> ` x�.-a�`�S�:�is Securit3r Instsumeai.:��k-1� ,�;�,�.'s¢l�t 4nder�xi:m��othec Bqmrs3�'mdy�to extend madify.for6ear � v
<br /> s +�^�:�r.p-uccortu��;itir�s.�c3�s�,rsi�g'ct��;n�s of`tlti.-'3�arity [mt�ifirJ�t ar ihe Nate withaut that Bomower's- �� -
<br />� �-��-F4' .4 .�.(�l?�i� : :i'.:.. . : , .�.�...�'�. . � -. • '. .' , � - y -
<br /> ,,�� , ;'•��: If�i:�ir�qp CI�„�;:��;,��3x;ia.;:u�,,nFd�� ti"si���Security InS�trament i.c..u5jeci to a law which sets maximum Ioan .�. r �
<br />".'=;=•5`�,Fl� ,(• . .,,�`r;:��:;,,;;�s•�,+:;�c;��tat law'ir�f�p;�;y rc�t�;�fa��u th�t I.r�,,i�erest or other loan chargec:callected or ro be callerted in cannectian�s r��.�.:_-
<br /> f �' . a�,�,�r:i�exceed the permitted faya�:�i'�2n: (a)hny.such fazn charge�;hull bc reduced by the amaunt necessary to ceduE�`•,: '�`
<br /> � , l:. �-�;.�.'. . � �-
<br /> � ; � .:.r.�te rharge fo the petmitted limt�and(b'�any sums a,ready colleeted fmm Bomawer which exceeded permitted limiGc witt.i.ir-:'; ,� v
<br />�� ' ) �� � � ` �efunded to Hormwer. l.cader may chaase to make.l�t;v refunA by reducing the principal awed under the Nate or by making::r" '�'�- -
<br /> .fG. 'i`;:.':���.,'. .:.�.: ��.,. "n•C
<br />' %y rr:<_ �.�� •,• direct payment to Bmrower. If a refund mduces�iw-��al.the reduction w�iU be treated ati a partial prepayment without any :;.:���-�:�
<br /> ' re ment charge under the fYate. f�'"
<br /> ` " t'��, p �14. Notiees. Any natice ta Bnrrower provid"ec� fa�in thiti Security ln�lrument shall be given by defii•e�me i1.ur;��'. ,�•; �°��
<br /> �'i• mailing it by first clacs mail unless app{icable law requires u+e af anather methad.The noticr tihall be directed ta tde Ptrt;. ,. . - .
<br /> � ,_ �y,• .;f r
<br /> �I;,�; Y ti.�'� Address or any ather uddresc Barrnwer de.ignates by notice[o Lender. Any notice to l.ender+haQ be given by first c�s
<br /> .,.,t:� _ mail ta Lender's address statcd hcrein ar any other�ddress Lendcr drrignates by n�tice to Horrawer. Any natica ptavicted for � � ';'
<br /> "':';`• � '`` in this Security lnsuument �hall he deemed to have been gi�en ta Borroaec ar L.endcr wtxn given ati provided in this ���ar� •
<br /> ..1: ' .:. � �ti:,
<br />���,n i?',t . .
<br />-�t.�;.',,'� �15 Governiag l.Aw; Se�era6iUty. ?hi�Security Intitrument�i�all br.��t�.�tned by federal law and the law o[the ':" r. : .
<br />::?,;: ,;
<br />,},��•', � juri+dictian in which the PtnpeRy iti fncateai. in the eveet thac arry provision ar:��±i+e of this�Securiry Instrument ar the Noc� ,.�.
<br /> . .�• s ; confliets with applicabte law.such canftict shall�at utfect otfier pr�visionti uf tiJh�-$ecurity Instrument or t h e Nate w hic h c�.. .4.'
<br /> be given effeet without the con0icting pr�vi�iim_ <<�:d,�;s.end t6te pmvisiatt�;�31:.��j.iti Security Instrument and the Nate are' . , � �. , =�=.
<br /> • ,} declared to be xwerabte. � .' .�.. . �, ' �'�°�' , �•,
<br /> . ...�
<br /> - 16� Bor�bwer's(:opy. Barrawcr shall bo gi�i�r u�n:confannecl rapy oi'�t�4 N+rie and a1'thi�Security lnrtrumenG• '-:,:=; ,��;i}t:�, tt,._
<br /> . ; ':•�•:...�� 1 7. T r A a s f e r o f t h e P e a p e r f y or�BeneQcral tnterest i�it+un;vwer. (��:i'1��i'ia1y pan af 1he Property ar any inter�.*1;i� ' �}�,,_
<br />. � ``�` � ' it is sold ar transferrtd tar if u 6encGciaf intere�t in 8orra�ves t�':r;��!a�:r.��j<i'�a.ri�a:�d�:ai?twer ic rwt s►natural ' � ` �
<br /> �airra .� f�;-
<br /> . '�, , ' . without Lender's priar written consent.Lcnder muy,at it�nptrii�:;i?a,��etr"sr:f�tt?.��ya't�;-p�>'���%n full of a11 sums tiec�r�i'.Fg�;;' � 'c�-
<br /> ��•+�'�`` ' � '•'= � thisSecurity Instrumecri::-.However.thi�:uption�hall not he cxercited by L.crid;�';s:�:�:rcjse ic prahibited by federal lau�'?�:�:�'' F`
<br /> t:`�.�� .s , .i;'�.' the date of this Se 1'rrtrumcnt. � : ..,. �
<br /> ` � � If[.ender eacr��ihis optian.I.ender�ha(t give gnno�ti•cr noticc of ar��l:�:uisa�. Thc noticc�hall provide a peri�.c�f � �. , ,
<br /> :' ' �'f" rr-',,'.,.:, .. ' , not lesg than 3U day�from ihr date ihe natice is delivercd�n maitcd�vit6in wh(��?ti 1}c:rrQa:s�-r3,,;��,pay all tiums secared 6y��sr�?, . '
<br /> . - �-��'���� Security Instrument. lf Bnrra�vcr failv w pay the�e .rum�prior to thc cxplratinn ad�.4i>>;j�:ni�d.Gender m.ry im�aF;�:�y�• • ;'��.:
<br /> . ,,., ,;{, �' .`.l,'
<br /> �• ��,:'''� ''..:.' , r , remedies pem�itted by this 5ecutity Imtrument withnut furiher n�►tice ar demand ar�L3!. _iSY�i:,:..:', ';,:` ''•: ���,ti`•�`�;-;
<br /> , *-"'°`�-'=��; ,;� 1li. Borrower's Right to Relnstate. If Bom�acr mcct�ccrtain cc�adiu�x�✓�.r ticima�ujri•'�hill) IIO�'C�).�'[(tiL`�l�CST�a4k: .;f��;:,
<br /> =_3.;,r.e:•',- �, , f..;..
<br /> ,�;�,���� enfurcement uf thi�Security fmtrumcmt di�cuntinued at uny�ime priur a.the l:zs�iie�:��f��a1:+day.(ur�,uclt:uUtcK�erti�id,a5
<br /> i `.+<��'�' 1r��F��s� � , '� Si��teF',uniiy°Fanek�tae�lYeddk�lacCVlFffNtlt�5TR1;\J!"+�(C.`-,�'t,t!;nih��'aorn:mh 9�;ryi�trrJ r<>�ASii�•i. , � (!4
<br /> �tt,��`� ',� i's ..� "� i: ,lif'•.
<br /> �v � :.��.�, ;` .,: �<<_;; - i�� � �»r"
<br /> ' �i�:.r,:• 't UZ r . .t .,.,; :," , • . �' ., . .,i1,�'�::.
<br />' `i���:1:1h{''1f� i. ` ': ; '. '� . :-�.., 'r: . . �r, .� .1. . I,-.-.
<br /> . �J. •i..'J� �i Sr•. . . - �, ''�1 i���'r,� .�� .
<br /> � .1� � � . �� . ��t'���'1�'� � • '1 ,�,'��'. . .'.
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