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' _ s � •,.. � '!y' . `j.'v.�ti;.-fy�vF4'.WiCiJn,.�.C�HpN..•�,:ii+v....r,. . .r�t; a � t,t�7���nJ�� � •' -_� --_- - <br /> . . . t �r,:S 1t�1���N fJ: r _ <br /> .� ..� . � .. n � . , �,�, �� s t�A�` j -� . <br /> .. . � f� _ ..'�:' -- <br /> ,� :,,,�.4� ,�.,�,,y. , �; . <br /> . , i+�, ��, � �� <br /> ---� - �wIAiA�llws.�ud�r �ISleftlme�CIIIli1[0(0'Y��1�MI��!�`b��Oil1�t I�i�t ; 4 'r ` - <br /> _ .. j . s}�,.,.ay*.i�l,r�1o11 i�M����► H�Mwwr 1�iM�o wiMMi�'�i��.,��1/!��p�; ,. , • �``.,'x-�,- <br /> y���� p� ���� �� A�:'i�".��rir�•!1.,,i�%S,�}E �'7`,l . <br /> ' � A�l�rpR.��b�p��1�M�lt��I,1-' �11��1���Odi t MQIdM+f� 'lC��:��r�� ', �� ` ;�''' <br /> � d�u tbe w hoia tbs po8cia a�a raaw.l, t.raau nqu+n..eara�'.h�il rrom�drrw����r�t:i�4!i4� ; %� - <br /> 1 �.na�,�aew.l�poao��: Tn d�.wrnc of�oM.8ano+wr�+u ave,w�mpt"ot�e�1`,`4'l�;��r�aa�;�;..'� �''�f :� <br /> t'l`�li� � : . �.�1 1��,�.�.:, 1 I.r-.{! _ _ <br /> .o[P�idpnal�iYn� �,�,� �x'�;:,..,; ,;(r...- <br />`` .;, � ��,�der. 1,end�r na�►aMloe poo�otta�u iPnot m�ds ProtNpttr IrY . . .�.�,f,�,,,�,. !�, ..�,;, .,. ,., - <br /> ;� Uc�3ecc t�+�3or a�d Bonawer athcrtivies a�cee ia writirt�.i+n+unnrce�e�dd e ehdl be y�plied:#ii N�st �rx �o�';.. � . . <br /> ;:�;:, , �IM diqt�pqd� if tba ia�ti�ct't�ir''b enoaomial�Y f�e�ibld�d L.anderl��ec�lt�+:�+Y�at�# t ,,?` � <br /> � <br /> �•'�' rt���u�b aa a�nani fauible wr La�derb�ecta�y la�en a 1.t h e 1ne�t�Atc�:p��fi.�,',�`�':�" �": <br /> ,,,':�: to the uaa�ecmed Ily $AeudtS!�nRtrument�whedicr ar nat diat due,w[Ifi my e�:�`tn�'��k��'�,;�,i: <br /> ,:�.:.,; �pptied � •. . <br /> �..'�.��; . Bonowa abmdoro the ProQerty.or doo�tlut iq�w4r wlthin 31!d�ya ii•ootiob trom l.aWer diy,�,t�s�i�o.,,, `.,�ac,.::::: . <br /> ofYered w reale�claim.lha�I.endermay colleet the iasuru�ca p�oceed�. Leuder nuy uee 1ha prpt��eui�to'�tpair±qt��; , <br /> , the or w pRy aan�aeeurad by tbL Seeurlty In�unwu.wbediei'ar aot ti�en due. The 30�d�jr p��oc�wi3::�s� ����; , <br /> ; . .. ' .,� is�iven. ,.,. ., :: . .•,;.., <br /> Ualess/..rnder�ad Bamwer otherwi�e�roe in wridn��an �Ik�tian of w �' '` . <br /> Y P�'� P��:�1 por e?(ie�d�c !�5<�� <br /> �ortpane the due date of tha rtwnthlY PRY�+�fe�nd w in p�njr+ph�1 uid 2 ar clun�e the�a}o��of tha`.P� � � `�. <br /> . . un&r pua�ph 21 Ibe i�acquirod by Lender,Borrowerl�r�sht to�ny imurance poUcie:a�d p�n�t�`.::.'.:... �., . <br /> �'rom dAmage to the Pmpwty�or w the�cquWHoa�hall psu to I.ender So the axteat ot tha:umg recurW by��iii�c+�qtl�y:,�-,.:..�.'?,� �;_� <br /> . �t imntediately prior W Ihe Iulsillon. � � " � �'�;;,.:;.;: .� .:' '"' <br /> � � : �, pocup�c�y pr,aerv�qu,n���Mal�te�ace �nd Protectioa o� tbe Propertyi Barrvwer3�.�.oaa.f��O? .�. 3 :' . <br /> ' I,eMe6o4��. Aormwer�hall�bluh.�nd we the Prnpe�ty u$otrowery pdacip�l roaidena�s'wl�iae siz t�y�� t ,�;• ': <br /> �s�a�c;utIvu ai W�S�wtty Insaumcnt aad shali ranNnuc re+�upy chs Peoperty aa Bosrowtr'��s�cl�a�r�sk}r��t�x a� .. . . _ <br /> • ��oast ona yeai aft�t thc data of occupwncy. unle� I.e�Wer othenviee a�nees in writing. whicb.canscoi sheU'nof�b�. . <br /> 'unna�on�bly wi�hhcld,or unless eatenwting ci�cum�t�nces exi�t which ate beyond Bo�wert�cootrol.�.�wet e1q�1►:ppi��� <br /> desmoY.damage or iraPair the Propaty,allow the P�opertY to commit wasto on the Propbrty. Doiro�ve'r ebpU. . <br /> be in defwlt if pny forfeiwro actlo�or proceeding,wiietlier civil or crimind�i�bagun thet in Lenderti�o�d faitf�jndgmb�►t. .� . <br /> co�l rewlt In forfeituro af the Property or whe�lse muerWly impair the Ucn c�eated by thic Sxurity Insuumoat or . <br /> Lender's�ecurity inunest. Borrowar nuy cw�e auch a default and roin� provided in p�uagrnph 18,bY cauaing�Che.addon : � <br /> . ar procadtng to ba dicmi�aod with a mling that,in Lender��aod fiiith detarmination,precludrs forFekune of the Bar#ower's . , . <br /> lntereat in the plroperty or other matedul impairment of�he lien created by Ihio Secu�ity Inswmcnt or Lender�s secu�it�� � <br /> interest. Borrawer ahall also 6c !n default if Borrower, during the loan applicuion procesc, gave materially false or , • <br /> inaccurate informadon or statements to Lcnder(or failed W provlde Lcnder with any matedel lnfmmadon)in connecdon wlth . . .'. <br /> ' the loan evidenced by tha.Note, including. but not limited to. nepir.centsdons conceming Bon�nwer's occupaney of the , .; <br /> �+�erty AA�rrincipel residence. If thic Secwiry Iaswman is on x leasehold.gort+nwor eh�ll comply with a!I lhe P�avisiona �,t.� <br /> oRf the leaae. Tf Borrqwer acqulros fee dde w�he Prope�ty.the leasehold and tho fea dUe shW not mer�e unkss I.ender agnb9 ,, <br /> to the merger ln writing. � <br /> 7. Protecdon ot l.eader's RlQhts tn the Properly. If Horrower faile to perform tha covenants and agiecments <br /> contained in this Security Inswment,or there ia a legal pmceeding that may signiticantly af�act L.ender`e rights 1n tl�e <br /> Property(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,probate,for condemnatlon or fafcituro or w enforce lews or reguladons),then <br /> Lender may do nnd pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vulue of the Pc�nperty end Lender�s rights in the i�roperty. <br /> Lendarb aetlons may include paying any sums secured by a iien which has prioriry over this Securfty Instrument,appeanng <br /> in court,paying nasoneble attomeys'fees und entering on�he PropeRy w make rapairs.Although Lender may lolce action <br /> under thia paragreph 7,Lander dces not have to do so. : _ <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Leiider under lhis paragrnph 7 shall become addilional debt of BoROwer secured by Ihis - <br /> Security I�strument. Unless Borrowcr and Lender agree to other terms of puyment,thesc amounts shell bear interat from the ° <br /> dau of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable, with intcrest,upon�oticc from Lender�o Borrower reyuesting <br /> paymen� — <br /> 8. Mortgage Inaurance. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the lonn secwed by this ; <br /> Security Inauument, Borrower shall pay the premiums requircd to mainwin the mortgage ineurance in effect. If.for any _ <br /> ceason. the mortgage inaurnnce coverage required by I,ender lapses or censes to be in effect. Borrower ahaU pay the _ <br /> premiums roquired to obtain coverage substanlially equivalent to the mortgege insuronce previously in effect, at a caat <br /> substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of the mortsnge insurance prcviously in effect,from on alternate rnortga�e = <br /> insurer approved by l.ender. If substantielly equivalent mortgage insurunce coverage ia not avAilable,Boriower shall pay to <br /> Lender euch month a smn equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mortguge insurnnce premium being pnid by Borrower when the __ <br /> insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. I.ender wfll accept,use und relain these payments us a loss reRerve in lieu _ <br /> af mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required,at the option of lxnder,if mortgage insurance -_ <br /> coverage(in the amount end for the periad that Lender requires)provided by un insurcr upproved by Lender ugnin becomes ;_ <br /> available und is obtained.Horrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain mortgage insurunce in effect,or to provide u <br /> loss reserve,until the requirement for mortgage insurance ends in nccordance with ony written agreement between Borrower <br /> and Lender or applicable law. _ <br /> 9. Inspectlon. Lender or i�s ugent mny muke reasonable emries upon und inspectiom of the Pmpeny. Lender shaU = <br /> give Bonower notice at Ihe lime of or prior to on inspection specifying reusonnble caure for�he inxpecti�n. " <br /> 10. Condemn�Non. 'I�he proeeeds oi any aws�rd or cluim fur clumuges,direct or con+eyuemiai,in coimc�:�iun wili�+u�y - <br /> Singk F+mlly••Fonnk MadF�eddie Mac UNIFORM IN5'fItUMFNT••Unifnrm Covenom� 9!!IY Ip�X�•t��ln!'�+R��*► _ <br /> cRal Uk.xwre.ranr.�ne.■ .- <br /> , T�OidKpll:N0663�0.7Y0qYAlt6167Y61131 •- <br /> ..���ISt '7"^q�F�""^"'r` ,�`-�`r���`{�. .'n°1�LN 4_svw�-u.aowwnYilQ - }�� -.-,jr45 . —- <br /> �^.r"�.�}, a .'', . i . � , . �h +��,�+..•i.• , y �. . .r.. <br /> �.l��.y� � �i t ra1 , f i �1r A�ti�. �(-. ... �.. �.. 'L. w � ..::�� .�Y.4 -. .•...:�.~�: •'�ti1 i;.. ., .::. _� •i <br /> _,w��{�/pj�NtL' Y/' - ., . � � . . 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