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<br /> ,� • opplicablc low may spccify for rcins�ntemenq bePorc aule af�he Property pursuunt t�any(xiwer nf salc contAined in thia �., ___
<br /> ' Security In�trument;or(b)enuy of a Judgmenl enfarcing lhis Sccurity Inslrument. Thosc conditions ar+e IhA�Bonawer. la) �__
<br /> � �S :,,:�`� � pAya i.endcr all rums wMcM ihen would be due undcr this Security Inauumem and the Nnte oR il no accelen�tion hAd -
<br /> � "' �. ��.' �''h occurred;(b)cu►es any default oi'any other covenants or agreements:lc)payR all cxpenses incurred in enforcing thi�Secu�ity
<br /> nywt` �;.•.• Instrument, including, but nd limited to,r�asonable attorneys'fces; and(d1 wkes �uch action us l.cndcr may reoscmably ______
<br /> • ,;,:';;: �;�,'•; roquiro to assurc tha�the lien of thig Secudty Instrument.Le�iderk�ighte in the Property und Borrawerk obligatian to p�y the ---
<br /> - sums scca�! by lhis Securily Insuvmem 4haU cnntinue unchanged. Upan reinstntement by BnROwer, thie Securiry
<br /> • :,,, ���"�`� Inctmment and the obligatfo�s secu�d hemby shull remoin fully effective u�if nu uccalerc+lion hud�x:curmci. Hou�ever,this �� �A
<br /> "��`k'.•':- •� right ta reinstate stull not Apply in�he case af accelera�ion under parugraph 17. __°"'" ` - -
<br /> ''�:��� �� 19. 3rk ot Notei Ch�oQe of laAn Servicer. The Note ar u purtial interegl in thc Note Itogether w i�h this Security
<br /> o�.a�u.-.
<br /> _ , ;��" . Insuument) moy be sold one or more tlmes without priar notice�a Borrawer. A su le moy r e s u l t i n u c h a n g e i n I h e e n t i ry �;.T;L_.=�_:_---�-
<br /> -'�'�f ;..m�;�; , (I;nawn s�s the"Loan Servlcer")that collects monthly puymentx due under the Nate und�his Secnrity Insuument. There al�u► - --
<br /> �"=�'-----------
<br /> �'`�`�'�� � ���� • ,�, • muy bc one or mom chonges of the L.oan Servicer unreluted io a sale of the Note. If thcre is a chunge of Ihe Loan Servicer, .•j'��-
<br /> :g.-,;,• , ,,.��n•;.,.
<br /> ��•• ::.=a:, Bortower will be given w�tten naice af ihe chunge in uccordnnce wi�h purngrnph 14 ubove and applicuble law. The notice ,:,'�-.v�===-
<br /> � '� will swte Ihe name and uddressof the new Loan Servicer and the«Idress ta which payments should be made. 71�e notice will •'"_,=`-,�'-'=`- ------ --
<br /> •• ' � atso contain siny othet infamarion rcquired by applicaMe law. _:���-�.-. --.
<br /> n
<br /> ;���, ,. c 2p� 8a�zordous Su6s�ces. Borrower shall not cause or permit the presem.�e.use,disposal staroge,�releu�r of any
<br /> `. ;•. Hauudous Subst:urces on or in the Propett�. 9orrower shell nat do,n�x�Ilow�nyone else to du.:unyihing aff�cting the
<br /> • �'� Property thr�t is ia violapon of any Envimn�+rnentol I.uw. The preceding tMV sentences shall nat apply to�he presence, use,or _
<br />- .,�� . , stornge on the Praperty of sm�ll yuantities oi Ffaurrdous Subs�nnces thut sue generally recubmized to be npproprinte lo nortnul -�_ __
<br /> � " residential uses and to maintenance of the Propeny. �'
<br /> . ° . Borrower shull promp[ly give Lendcr writlen notice of nny investigation,claim,�cb:onwid,lawsuil or other uction by uny �, _�_�-
<br /> � '���`�'� avemmental or re ulAto a enc or rivnte urt involvin the Pro rt and un 9'Jaua�rdaus Sutntance or Environmemal =••=----•
<br /> � : , . g 8 iY 8 Y P P Y � P� Y > .✓•,°:•;_
<br /> ;r.r,�. ,•�. :�'� . Law af which Borcowcr hsis actual I:nuw��dge. If Bormwcr learns, or is notil'ied r�� an�• g-.��ymmental ar regulatury �:�;_�3�,i.—`
<br /> ^: � °�� Authority.thut nny removal or other remec�iaiion of nny Hazurdous Subtitunce uffecti�R tt�e Property is necegsary.Born►wer
<br /> ' xhall promptly tuke all necessary remedial artians in Accord�nce with Environmental Law. ` '�"���
<br /> :.'£�� . �`t�ti_
<br /> As used in this p�graph�0."Hazardous Substanre.+"urc those subslnnces dr5�n�d as toxic ar hazardous subslances by _„�,.:'r_
<br /> �''" ,; �.vironmentAl L.stw und thr foslowing substances: gasolme,kerosene, other flamrnahle or toxic petroleum prcxlw ts,toxic ,-�:
<br /> � ' .r " ��ticides and hetbicides,voladile +olveNs. materials containing asbestos or Farmaldehyde, und rudioactive mAterialc. As �•�� -- �,
<br /> u ..._ .. -='
<br />. • t ° , used in this paragraph 2Q"EnvironmeMul Ls►w"menns fedeml laws smd law•s of the jurisdiction where the Prapetly is located ��..�_,;,:y��=���~_
<br /> . ` � that relate to health,satety or en�•iraam�mal protection. �`-"�?� 'Y
<br /> ' 4, .� �' NON-UTVIFORM CO�'E�IAN�'S. 6orrowcr und I.ender funher covenant and ngree as follows:
<br /> ' ' ' 21. Acceleradoo; Rrrned9PS. Lender shnll give notice to Borrower priar to accelera/lon followinq Berrower's ."•'`'"�`�_�
<br />- �• bre�ch of any covennnt or agreemen/in thl.g Securit Inslrument Ibut aot rlor to acceleration under parugraph 17 {.�•- F�
<br />- - - �----� uniess Appiic�i�lc i�w��vhies ot�2t��sel. Tlsc noifrr slsa!!�peclfy: !s!!ht dtfsu!!:lh!thp pcNon required io cure the _.�,`��� ,-
<br /> : � •� � dePpult:(c)a ds�Qe.�at le�Ihan�0 days Prom the date the notice is given to Borrower.by which the defaup must be tb•arrA`�K��'_"
<br /> ���;'�"� cured;and id!lhal fa!ls+re to cure!he AePault on or M�iore Ih�date specifled in the notice may result in acceleralion of �'`•;tr%�^%-�`--=-
<br /> .�,-.,;•,:; . .�.?•�.: �.
<br /> � Ihe sums secured by tbis Security Instrument and sale af the Property. The nolice shull Purther iniorm Borrower oF `�';��-°�� ���
<br /> � r� �� • tha right to reinstate a�te�acceleration and the right to bring a court uctbn lo assert the non-exiRtence of a default or �?�;,. ,. F�:__ -
<br /> °.:-__•-
<br /> ` a►oy Whe�deFensse of Borroper lo acceleratbn and w+k. IP lhe deiault ix nnl cured on ur beFore the date spec�t�ed in ,,„+�„#;;�:,��°----
<br /> ' ' the notice.I.ender at i�c optbn may require immediate payment in tuM nf ull su ns secured by this Securily Instrument :s':�r:t���-•'�_�
<br /> �. a �;, . • wilhout Purther demand and may invoke the power oP sale and uey other remedieg permitted by applicable law � ,.
<br /> i, :.' Lender shall be entitled to c��llect ull expenyes incur�ed in pursuing tbe remedies provided in t{�Is paruRruph ZI. ;y ,;;•"�`w'�--
<br /> � including,but not limited to,reasonnble atlorneys'fees and cusls uP litle evidence. ���' • ��.�,,,_
<br /> ; �:'. ' If Ihe power of Rwle is invoked. 'I�ustee shall record a ootice of defeult in each county in which any port of the :�;�,
<br /> .w
<br /> ` '�' •� Properly is located and shaN maN copies uf such nutice in the manne�prescribed by applicable U�w ta Borrower and lo �- �' • *"�"��
<br /> .:::�.. .....-.d'
<br /> ' �� � . the other persons prescribed by wpplicubte law. After the time required by Applica6le law,'I�uAtee Rhall gtve public , -.•�..
<br /> " ' ' aotice of sale ro the rsons pnd in the manner rescribed by a lic�ble law. 7lrurtee,withnul demand on Borrower. �'��•�'':'
<br /> a� . ,. • • `" shAll sell lhe Propert�y at public auction tu the hiRhest bidder at the Hmc und place and unde�the terms desl�npled in ��.'°; _
<br /> ' � 1������ the natice oi'sale in one or more parcels und in any order 7lrustee determines. 7lrustee may paslpone wle of oll or any '. ___.,
<br /> � ' � • ' parcel of the Property by pablir unnouncement s�t the time�nd place of any previausly scheduled!wle. I.ender or ita � �'�:,,,,_�,,
<br /> , designee mAy purchase the Property at any�ale. _�;`''��_;;=:
<br /> � Upon recefpt oP payrnent��P tbe prire bid,71�uster sball deliver to the purchusrr T�ustee's deed ca��•eying the --L�.l' v»
<br /> ' ;: Property. The recitals ip the'1lruslee's deed xhall be prima farie e��idence of the truth of the statemen��mude tberein. ' �. ;.., ��,{jt,�;t
<br /> ,, " :ic�: 'I�ustee shAll upply the proceeds of the�ale in the Pollowing order: Ia1 to all a�wts and expenses of exerclvin�tbe pnw�er '- `.�' � �r�F.;`°:
<br /> � � {,�� �s�u�_„c,
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