i� � _ � � _. . . ; I.:u.=
<br /> '• f:1,�'1'�k��.�:,"'�.. � �"�;=�s-_
<br /> �( .. :+rilu�F '� � � _.. .r �...__._.,_ ---�� ..
<br /> _" _ .�_..s�l •it:• , l' __
<br /> i. _— _
<br /> '�.��`:; � 9],�.. 10�951 � ,�..�_
<br /> '�
<br /> , , � ;
<br /> .; � c�►ndcinnati�m ur�Uher tuwing nl'uny pan oC tlx i'nqxny.�w t�u cnuvc>w►rr in bcu of c�Nxlrmnuu�u�,urc I�rchy u�.iyikJ u�ul -�-
<br /> •hull he puid t��L�ndcr. �-��•-��.y. --
<br /> � In tlk cvent ��f u�otAl tnking of ihc Pro{xny,�h� Pr�K«�� •hull i+e u�ry+lied �u�ix ,um� .�rured hy �hin tiecurily ��_�,_
<br /> •., f ;�`.e;�` In,Irurncnl. w•hc�her��r M�I Ihen Jue,with uny cx�c,��uiJ�a Hurn�wer. In�Ix�wen�ut o paAiul �uk�ag��t�he Nnqxrty in ==�--__ _
<br /> ,.��:••„�
<br /> � � „ . ': ' which �ix Puir murkct vuluc uf thc Pr���ny immrdiatrl� Ful�um ihr iulmµ i,rquul m ur�tna�cr than ihr anwum�d'Ihc,um, �':a-
<br /> � r�' �c'�� . � ,,eruRd hy thiti Sccurl�y Inn�numm immrdiu�cly Ikli�rc thr�ul�ing,unlc.�N���ru��•cr und Lrndrr alhrr�ri.e +�gnc in wri�in�. �►=�4,f�`;�;:.�;,.y_-
<br /> :`�`���'�� •.°• �he�umc,rcun:d hy thi� S�wurily InMrumenl�hull M nduccd h)• Ihe;mt�x�nl ul�I�� ��x��til� m�dli�licJ by �hr Ii�Uuwip�! _ -__-
<br /> - - - • frucii�►n: lu►�Ik tut,�t umnum��f thc,um,,ruirr�t immr�li:nrk•F+el�Kr dx•trlina.JiviJed h��Ihl�hc li�u mark��vuluc ut'�hn �-
<br /> . .�•+�� pn�prrty immediu�ely Ix�tixe 1hc iuking. Any Mulu�xe .hull Ix puid �u NonaHrr. In�hr cvcnl ul u paruul �ahmg ot �hc �_
<br /> � � •.":�•���..1'` pronerty in which Ibe iai�m+�rkc�vuluc ut'thc I'ru�krty immcdiut�ly I+�liirr Ihr �ulu�g i. le" �hun ibr amoun�ol'�hc ,um+
<br /> 1»��'. 6 F PP t .,r-�`-i
<br /> ' :�wo�.� • . "•.� r�ecured immediutely Ixfurc �hc �uking. unl��+ Num�wcr�md Lrnder o�hcnvi*c u�rce m w�i�in� ur unlr., a IicuMr luw
<br />�,-::�::�.�;r:�:::`. `� o�herwf+� rovkle+�.thr pnxc��d�+h•rll Ix upplied in�M: �umr ucutrd hy Ihi*Sccuri�y� In,lrumcnt whcthtror nnt du.um.ut� �-�-�=- - `J
<br /> '.,�'_. ..�w . . �hen due. � �:�.ti..y,�u _
<br />�u „�.a �,� � It�he Pm�ny i�ubandoned by Bixruw�r.��r if,ufirr nu�ice hy l.rnder�u Flurruwrr�hu�ihe c�xulrmuur atl'rn lo ntuk� t�a-�5�:. '
<br /> fu 4�.<h LY �.�o:,.'.
<br />.�,r.q '.� -��,�.-.''. . ° an a�•anl or x�Uc u cluim fur damages. Bnm�wer fuil. to rt,��nd to Lender��ithin�11 day.+dicr thc Ju�e Ihc nu�ice i.�i�•en. � � -.� .�:-•
<br /> ' -. Leixler is uuthori�ed�u collec�una up�ly�hc pnx:eed+.ul it+option.�i�hcr���rr.t�KUlinn ur r�prir nf�hc f'm�kny or to�hc '•;Y.,`�;;�`:='�;�..°-
<br /> sum� �u�d b �his Securii In+uument,whcthrr ur n��i�hen Juc. _ - ' ""�"
<br />;;. -' •,,.� .'. . y Y ---..:_..::..,.,._......
<br />":,.��•' Unle+x Lender unJ Borrower.Nhrrwi.c►�gRr M wrning.uny upplicuti�m uf prix��dti iu prinripal+hull n��t extenJ ur _--_-----_
<br />�'?:� rl,dY�lr. . � t �thc Jue date of Ihe munthly paymrnl.relcmd u�in purugraph�1 und:ur ch:mgc Ihr u�iwunt ul+urh puymrm�. �.�,�,.."°_-
<br /> ,..� P°�P° ---
<br /> i.�.�.... .'�'.`�'[
<br /> �,;., 11, Bono�ver Not Released: M�besu'�nre Sy I.ender N��t a Wuivcr. �xten�i�m uf �hc �ime f�►r puymcm ur _ --_-
<br />•�;�•.'• ` » madificatioo of amonicwiun of tl�tium..�tiured by�hiti S�wu�i�y In,uumen�gramed by Leixkr w nny�ucce,+or in interest --
<br />�ii�;'-.-' '�� _ _ _. of BoROwer,hall M�t cq+erutK���mlca..c Ihr liahilily��f ih�originul Barruwrr or R��rrmvcr;.uc��.����n in imeR�t. (.cndcr �_�_----
<br /> ,��: '� � shull nd t+� required to cumoxnrr pr�xeeJin�.aguin.i uny �uccr+�ur in inurc�t ur mfu�r ta ext�n�!tia�l5►r�rymem or
<br /> ��•`: --:° .:,<��',. L�.. othenci>r mc�dify amuniz.�ti�m of the+umx�ecured hy thi.Srruritv In.inmhnt M rca,un a(am Jrmand niadr b.th�originul �,_�,,
<br /> � .. .,';;.,;..- Barrowtr or Borrow�r±xurre�,a�, in in�eretit. An�•f�xtxur.mce hy Lcn�icr in exrrci,inE uny righl ur nm�'d� ,hall n�N ik u ^:��T.
<br /> � '� � wAiverof o�preclude thr exercitir of uny rigM or reme�l). �-..•..•: _
<br /> - 5•.�,� ' �'' li. Successors und A�.gigns 8ound:JoiM a�d tieveru14i�bilily:Casi�ne�. Thc cuv�nunt.:�nJ agrerm�nt.u��h�, •���,. __
<br /> .. _ , ^ Securi�y ImtNment shnll bind and tienefit the wcr�s.on unJ uti.ignti oi'Lender und Burn�w�r.�uhj�ci t„dn provision,c�t' N},..:4 �
<br /> . ,. ° � p;uug�uph 17. RoRUwer's covenunt+anJ ugrcemcnt� tihull Ix joini und .�vrrul. Any Sum►wcr who r��•�icn.�hi. S�curiq ,. --
<br /> . .. 4 ' I In�irumcnt but dces nat�xecutc thc Nutr: tal i.ro-si�ning�his Scrurity In.trumrnt��nly u�mc�n�aEc.Er.�al and c�mvcy�hu� ..' -
<br /> Borrower's interc,�in�he Pmpeny under�he�ernix of�hi�Securiry In.trumcnr. �b)i.mx�xnonully obligu�rJ to puy�hr,um� � ��,,.-�
<br /> �;. ..,
<br /> : . ,,:. ' � . ' , secured by this Security Instrument:and Ic 1 agrer�Ihul Lend�r and:my��th�r BorroN•cr muy a�.rec u�rxie�;J.nuxlify.forhear • ,_�:.,;_
<br /> .'• ' r , or mukc uny�ccammaiutions wi�h rcgurd to thr tcrni+ of thi. Srrunly Imlrumenl or �hc Notc wi�hnul Ihat Biirrowcr; ` „�,,.. -
<br /> 't�u,•:,µ',c�► ' conxeM. vht'•—
<br /> .h+ ,t•..:.,�
<br /> ' !3. Loan I'h�rAe.c. It'thc loun +ccumJ M �hi, Srruriry In+trumcnt i+ .uhjrct tu u luw which.�t+ maximum I�um �r�y, .�—
<br /> � - , . r-.��� =--_----
<br /> t.::�,..;{;•' chur�e�,and that luw ix finully inlrrp�ted so th�t the intrrcst��r o1he�loun rhur��+ruUec�ed or io i�r aai«ir.i ia.��nneciion """°:`_Y�
<br /> _ . ��:,�,,,.�, with the loun exceed�he�xnnitted limi�s,then: lu)uny,urh laan churge.hull tx reJuced by the unx►um necc"uq•t�����oe�c� L��;:✓M i,
<br /> . . F * the c:harge�o ihc�xnniued limu:and�h►any sum.alrc;nly cuUe�teJ t'r��m Burru��•�r�shiclt rsr�edeJ�xm��o�•�i limih a ill �r •.
<br /> ' , �funJed to Born►wrr. l.endrr muy rhonsr to make ihi,n�fund by n�ducin�:the priiwipal ow•cd undcr the Notr or hy makin�:u •r,�. .
<br /> ., ' .. ' Jirect payment �o Burrowcr. If u rrfund redu.e, priqcipal,thc redur�iun will hr vca�cJ :�,a paAiul pnpa•�ment with��ul any '_Y��,�;.,..�':
<br /> ". ..,.���':.� prepuyment rhs�rg�under�hc N�ne. .;; .
<br /> ,,,,;1•`'•`:;���;:`� ,.::"�'
<br /> 14. Notices. Any nutirc lo Borti�a•er pn�viik�l li�r in ihi,Srcurit�• In,lrumeni.hull Ik gi�•en h� drli�cring it or hy '�'. . _.{.'•:
<br /> . . '�,:;,`;���' muiling it My C�nt rlu+�muil unle..applirahk law rcyuirc.uu��f anolhrr me�biKl.Thc nu�icr,h:Ol lx dirrried to�he Pru�xrtY '�;r,�:::{�:'.�,
<br /> .�.f- , .'��•..�,;� � y �. � y ,�,:,,:.. .
<br /> . '�t^�v,.. I Addrcss or uny othrr uddre�, Borri,wrr de,i natcti h notice�o Lrn Jrr. An n�N icr l u L r n J e r�h a l) lk +iven h tir+t cluti� t�.
<br /> ,. .�., , � "}i���;:._,.,
<br /> �,.,,;;, • i,� • , , mail�o LenJer:udJre�s xtuted�rorein or any�,thr�addre.,l.rndrr dr.i�nalrr hy nutice ta Barri,a er. :�n} notire pruviJ�d i�or �Y -•.._
<br /> "�,�r , in�hiy Security Instrument �hall M dcemeJ �o hav� Ixen given tu Borrower �K Len�cr �vhen gi�•cn a, pr��vidcJ in Ihi� -_�,,..�..:
<br /> 1 ��' �. .,�•�„ parugraph. ��.,., :
<br /> ,'',:'',• IS. <:overnin�I.aw: tieverabi111v. Thi, S�rurity In,Irumcm tihall he guerrixd b� fedrral l:n� :uid Ilir law ��(thc
<br /> . '�✓.r';;�:.', jurl�Jiclion in which Ihr Pro�xrly i+Incaied. In th�cvent�ha�am provi�ion or rluu+c��t'�hi.,Scruri�� )n.tnimrm ur the��•t� : _
<br /> , "�,,• cc�nFlici.wilh upplirahlr luw.ruch cuntlirt±hadl nrn uticrt uih¢r pro�•i,iun,uf�hi.ticr�u•ity hi,�nini�nt nr Ih�N�ne��•hirh.•an �' _.., .
<br /> he�iven ��I'ecl wilh��u1 �hr cuntlicling pm��i�ion. Tu this rnd Ihe provi.i��n, �►t ihi.Securit� Im�rument anJ fhc Note urr r�,-_,Y`.r:�
<br /> � , declumd to tk.cvcraMr. ' ;'•`",:,�---
<br /> .. ' T'.�^ � i�... ..
<br /> 16. 8urrower's C��py. Borruwrr�hull tx givcn unr runli�rmr�l r�►p�of thc M1atc.md uf thi.Sccurit} In,irument. r> • " _._^
<br /> • , .. 17. 'frAOSPe�of lhe Prope�tv or a Kene�ciul 1 nterezt in Nnrrow�er. 11':�II ur auy p:ui�•1�Ihc Pn�ny��r any intcrc,l in ' • �,,�:,�,i::_
<br /> f. ... � � il i.,old or IransfcrreJ lur il'u tkn�ticiul intrr��l in Bnrri���er i,,uld ur tran.lerrrd und Borru�ver i+nut a ncnurul �xnun► , . ,�,.:.,,�°1:
<br /> ° wilhout Lcndcr:ti pri�,r writtcn conunt.Lr�xlrr nmy. at it��►piion.rcyuim immcJiatc pirymenl in fult nf ull+um+.rrureJ hy �'• 1 f, ..
<br /> '' � ' thi�Securi�y Instrumrnl. However.�hi,opii��n�hall noi Ix rxerci,rd by L�nJcr if rxcrci.e i. pr��hibi�cJ By t'cJcral li�w ati af -;;t,�{�+,;;;,,�'.
<br /> ` the daie ot'ihi.Scruri�y In+trumcm. ' �'r���,��- .
<br /> � � If LenJer cxcrci,c�Ihi�opliun.Lcndcr,hall Eivc Hurruacr nu�icc ol':�crrlcr:uiun. Tlx �wticc�huN pmvidr u�xri�kl of �',,i,•,?.r:4y�,�5�-_
<br /> ,;� � nut less than 30 Juy,frum thr Jutc Ihc noticc i.drli�•�red ur mai1�J��i�hin��hirh liurro��cr mu•l pa�• all,um+,crur�d hy thi. .;.,,t;;�S��,:*��°
<br /> . ° Securiiy ln.lrum�nt. IT Burrowrr fuil,lu pu� th�,r �um• prior tu thc e�pirati��n „f �hi,peri�xl. I.cn�lcr mac imuke any ir�`!';ti(rre�r
<br /> 'c� �m�iucd b•ihi.Srcurit•In,trunknt��•iih��ut lurthrr notire ur drncmJ un Rnrrn��cr. �.• '''��: ,
<br /> rcmedi �x ) )
<br /> - " � • IS. Borrow•cr� Ripht lo Rcinstute. It 4inrc„��cr nuci,rrnain runditi�n►,. B�,rr�i�«r•hall ha�c �h� righl to havc • .
<br /> .' ,}• • enfoncmrm�►f ihi�S�rurit�• Invrumrm�ii.r�,n�inucai ai:�m timr��nar I��Ih��•arli�i nl: ��u g d:��. �„r .urh��U�rr�xri�xl a.
<br /> , . y. timFlc I�mnJ} - Funn{e\1ur'FYa�ddk�twc 1 VIFt IN�I 1��1 Nl �Ih.�1 1 mP�nn�.ncn.�m, 9 7q yme�•J�.�n pdir�� • �'�'
<br /> �. ,1•�'."
<br /> ;!i: �,� �., .
<br /> lt�(l�;.•'._'^�',�i�- - 4�� � .' � '`.:5
<br /> �' yt:i�:i '�}•• �'' .�t� .�:.,
<br /> . • :I,l�� . 't; ��. i:- ..�:'1i�•'�
<br /> ���%`dl. `+'11`�.dl., ��r�. ,�il���t:`?'.
<br /> '�`� . : . ' • ',�• '. . ,� �
<br /> '7;':S•i.���. . . . . 'i . :i�.i:i
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