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_ ___ �.�„m�..�.�. . �. . <br /> ___." ._. .. . . ..l ..� ' - .:. .,,Y.,A�Mr.�-_- _"""______.`_ <br /> .fi . . . _. .._..... � . �... �"'"'__"' ' - <br /> • �1 ' . ' .• �� �� • F��aq. � <br /> ' p�doi�M L.e�dn r�q�i��a. '7ti Mr��oe arri�r po�baM�tMi.wM...c.,r.0 a eMo�b�r�aso�wr�bj�ot 10 I.�rr <br /> , ip�wai wiiini�iil not 8�nrrrra�biy-�i�1�I�, It�4�rower fiii�io s�i�t� dMaib�d arw�.�.rlr wpi.IM <br /> � �1���1ie�.dit�ln ye'p�orat L�dar1 r�Mt M io�t!►Y aooei����r�p�i 7• - <br /> 1W iw�aoae pdicie��iid iwMwds,MU ba�oepqbie a �wd�i.cir8�r�w�dtooA�e aWwe. Lwrr <br /> �1w11 rw d�e ii�t b h0id da Qdicia a�d 1a0a�nJt. IE 1,adet fbqaira.BoeTawr�ll ploelptl�l Si�rO (b .ellde[d1 r00�}I� , . <br /> � �f INid p[�pp11u�Md 1tA0�Y�1 flDtiCE�. 1A{�0 EYaM 01'�Oq,�Of1�OM►�Rhdl�IYO p�01NQt�Of100 b t60 iollY�100 C�111K Ad , <br /> L�ier. Leoax a�ty m�iCe prootof laR fina pr�au�ptlr b�►8aro�a <br /> Onkse t.e�nda+wd Barow�a�ad�acwiae yeee in wrri��inwraooe poo�eedR�11 be appiied a r�o�o�or�d <br /> d�e ii�Le rata.aiioA or cepair i�ocaoomtally feasi� snd Leaasr� aocvarEry b not k�.�. N�Me <br /> n��a�aot eooaom,�a�h►fwibie or LaKlat�eavltY w�w1d be ieaa�ed. the ie�w�ooe po��eedt�all b� <br /> rppli�d t�tbe wms �eared by this Sec�r�ty te�ne�t.whedier a not thaei dae���n,y axoa+t P�id oo Baeo�er. It <br /> Barowar�b�ndoo�tbe Propdty.a das oot wsw�a witl�in 30 da�a notioo ttom l.�ndsr th�t dn insunnoe c�cier!w <br /> oRaod w�ettb s cL�n.t6ea Leadcr m�ay oollect the inwaooe p�ooeeds. l.a�der mq u�e t4e pnoeeds to��� <br /> the Ropeaty or ta p�y wa�axured by tl�s Sewrity Io�ocumeat�whctha�a not tliaa due. 7Le 30d�Y P�+� <br /> d�e aotioe is g�ivta <br /> Unkaa l.eodet aad Aa�rowo�a�haw�sa�oe in!' lic�ion of P�oceeds w priocipa!sh�!!aot eaerad a <br /> poetpane tbe due d�oe of the monthlY P�Y��'efaied oo in p�r�r�s 1 aod 2 or chanje da w�ouot of che pa��caa�es. U <br /> ua�der p�a,gra�ph 21 the ProQerty Ls aa,ryhod by Lender,Baruwer�to�ay insunr►oe poticia��nd pooeeds muttio6 <br /> from d�nrrtage W the Anpe�ly prior w tl�o�oquisb8ao d�aU pss w w d�e e�cteat d tbe amm�soourod by this Socmiyr <br /> inwwa�ot i:aa�odi��elypnor co the idoo. <br /> f� Ooa�� PrtrervaUoM��eat�aoe a�d Pnataaio� a�t4e Piropat�i Ba�n±inver'� L.aa� Ap�i{atio� <br /> I.euebolds. Barower st�all oca�py.establish.�ad uso the Arope�ty as Bamowerk priacipl residoace withia sintY days alla <br /> the oxaxition of�his Secu�i�y imt�na►t�cd�li ooni�mie to occupy tbe Propaty u BamMrul�piocipd tecidape!a�t <br /> Ec2st t►sts yr� slks thr. cl�c of oi,c�z�rsc:y. wlkss i.Ciides' otfie�vtisc � in Waiii,zg, wMtli Caa�at &h3tt nu� � -- <br /> wue�o�abty w[tl�held�or unlea�oxtenu�ttin�circwnst�exist wMch are 6eyoad 8o�mwu5t oontivl. Barovrer s6�p aot <br /> deqnay:'d�Se or impair the P�opaty.allaw the to deterionte.or c;ommlt waate an the Prope�ty. Bonuwer sl�ll <br /> 64 iq dafat�lt if any forFeiwro actfon ar praceedin�,�r civil or begun th�t in l.enderl�good fslth judgma�t <br /> coi�W raWt in farfeiun�e of the Pt�optrty a otherwise mueri�Uy impair the Ikn c�eated by thia Socuriry Inpnuna�t or <br /> . (,�nder'a aocuriry interesG Boirnwer awy cu�e sueh a Qef�ult u�d reinsu�te.�s provjded in p� cwsing tde actkn <br /> or prooeMing w be diamissad witb a n�n�d� l.onderh gaod fdth deoenninuion�Precludea foFfeltu�e of the Barowerl� <br /> interost in tbe P�rope�ty or other matalal imp�innent of the Uen cre�ted by this Seeurity Instrument or Lenderlc secutity <br /> interes� Borrower stull aiso be in default if Hanower.dudng the lan appUcuiao prucess. gave materially filse or <br /> inacew�ate infamudon or sqtemrnts to l.ender(or foiled w provide LaWer with eny mataia!IafaanWton)in connectian with <br /> the loan cvldenced by the Nate. including. but not limited [o, repiesentatiau ca�oeming'Bottower'� occup�ncy of thc <br /> property As�prtncipsll nsidena. If�his Securiry Insuument is on a la�sehold,HoROwas�hall comply wlth aU the p�o+►isjans <br /> at't!x le�e. If 9arrot�rer aequ'ssss ftt�tk to the Pro�+erty�thF k�h�+M a�d the fee tUk c1�aU not mecge unk�s L.ender afu+tes <br /> to the merger in writing. <br /> 7. prntKybn ot i,eader's pl�hte in 1he property. If Barrower fails to perfam thc covenants and nts <br /> contained in thls Security Inswmem. or there is a legal proceeding thot may significu�dy t►ffect I.endetk d ts in the <br /> pruperty{such As a proceediog in banlcruptcy.probate,far condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or reguladons).then <br /> La�der m�y do anJ pay for whatever is necxssxry to pmtect the value of tt�e Properry and Lender�righta in thC Pmpeny <br /> Lender�actions ms�y include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security instrument,Appearing <br />' in couR.paYing reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Prapony w make re�mirs.Allhough Lerider may�ake action <br /> under this paragmph 7.Lender does nat have to do so. <br /> Any amaums diabutsed by l.cnder under this paragraph 7 shall becomc additional debt of Barower secured by this <br /> Securiry instrumem. Unleas Botrower and Lendcr Agroe to aher terms of paymant.theae vnounta shall bear interat from tho <br /> date of dlsbursement at thc Note rnle an�shall be payable.with interest,upon noda from Lender to Awrower roquestiog <br /> payment. <br /> 8. Mortga�e Iasurance. If Lender required matgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by lhis <br /> Security Instrument. Borrower shall pay the premiums requir+ed to mainuun tfie mongage insurance in effect. !f.for�ny <br /> rcusan, the morigage insurunce coverage required by Lender lapses or ceuses to be in effect, Borrower shall pay the <br /> premiuma requircd to obtain coverage substentially equivalent to the mortgage Inwrance previously in effect, at a cost <br /> substontiolly equivnlent to the wst to Borrower of thc mongagc insurance previously in effect,from an altemate mortgage <br /> insurcr approved by Lender. If substentially equivalent mongage insurance coverage iti not availeble,Borrower shall pay to <br /> I.ender each mon�h a sum equal ta one-twelfth of�he yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the <br /> insurance covern�e lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept,use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu <br /> of mongage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no langer be the option of Lender,if motigage insurancc _ <br /> cove�age(in the amount And for the period that Lender requires)prov�ded by nn insurer upproved by Lender again becomes _ <br /> avuileble and is oblained.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintuin mortgage insurance in ef�'ect,or to provide a -- <br /> loss reserve,until U�e requircment for mortgage insurance e�s in accordance with any written agreement between Bomower <br /> and Lender or npplicable luw. <br /> 9. Inapectlon. Lender or its ngent may molce reusonable entries upon nnd inspections of the Property. Lender shall <br /> give Borrower notice nt the time of or prior to an inspection specifying res+sonable cnuse far the inspection. <br /> 10. Condemn�tlon. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages,direct or consequentiul,in connection with any <br /> Singb Family•-Fannk M�dFlreddk M�c UNIFURM INSI'RUMENT••UNfo�m CovenaMa 9/9D Ip�R�3��Ib/MR�s) _ <br /> Glat Wea Bulm�Fa�r.lae.■ - <br /> 1b O�yr Ibtle t�B00�6�'q0.'iYC�O iAX 61iTY1•118f <br /> - �.� .);[11� S �f�� <br /> -- --�,fr;{e�sh�li��;jFV'iF ,.�~1��_�f�?'�(!1, ,.. � t i�gl t���` <br /> ,�s �'.f• �. . . .. ' . , - F�t� '•,y�i���• �1. - �� �'': r ��-♦ �r. ����°�•`'If���o���5 r�'�iT!+-�j, 5�.�� �_� �+� <br /> �v`�h'`�.. '- _ . , ' ' _'ti �!:��.,iS���` • •� (�.7?��1{iX�+s�. ;'1.:.i::31+,: ���'.��{( � �r (�r'�I .rl�l�����! S i�'�}ks t�-��� c: <br /> �ati�.� i. 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