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.. _ _ .. <br /> -L . . �.."'� - _ . - --P-,cr�-�-�_,— <br /> �s _. .. i.,y�. .d. .. ", . . � . �. ..]`,A.��=--_ <br /> � -_:•- __.��� . . . - �1 �� . . � .�_ . <br /> • ' n <br /> 7�00�11�BR W11�H�11(hf��IOMY'a�101{�Of L'10CfOd Otl IWQ p('OQafy�MM�ill lMp111rlts. <br /> Iald flRlurot�N►w or h0l+edles R p�t o!dle p�op0'riy. IW t+eplaaalalta pld ad�tioel tNMll�ia be ca�wed 1y�� <br /> -- - L■pv�1e�N. AII af tho fc��i��ts bt t�3s�l�eeM tt el�e'Prope�lp." - .. - .. .; <br /> BORRAw�R mvBNANTS dMt 8oaower i�IawtWty.ef�ed at�ho euMO I�ereby oonvorad wr�d hn me.ri�At a�t <br /> .ee canvey tho��na dul d,e Propaty it une��unberod,eaccepc ta a�a�m6w��►ot rocord. eonow�er wae..a�a.a � <br /> vriU defad geoor�l y�ho titk to ihe Propaty yaitut MU cWrm aid denwnds.ruh}ect ta any encurnbanx�ot recainl. <br /> '11i18 8EC11RITY iNS7'RUMSM com6ina ua[fam cove�nti far n�t�oaal use �nd nun�unlfann cora�atr wbb <br /> .----- limilcd vednd�ne t►y judsdictan�a oomti�ute a unifarm aecwity ia�tnnneot cova�ing roal prapatY. <br /> UNIAORM C�OVBNAM'3. 8onuwer and l.aida covcdnt aad s�tee+a tdlowa: <br /> 1. P�y�t o�Pr6�dpd�ud iater+e�li��lAe�t w11..Ne CfwN�. Bomcwer sluill pro�mpl9 P�9 wdaa due We � <br /> �of aad into�est an tho debt ev idaiced by 1he Noua�nd NnI'Prop�Yment rnd lue chwrges due u�der the tVote. <br /> M�tar Y1�sei apd ia�svsnea. Subjxt toapp1ipible I�w a�w a wrftun wdver by I.rnder.Bomower�h�U p�y w <br /> �,e�der on the day monthlY p�yments�m duo wider the Nate.until the Notc h pid in full�a sum("Raid:")for.(�)Yearly <br /> taxes atd aaec�nenu which mty �am priaity over�hia S�curity Incuument�a a Uen an tfio Property:(b)yeu�Y kasehotd <br /> ar ground rw�co tb�Pttr�p2� any; (c) YeulY havard or propaty it�.wrance premiums: (d)Yearly IIood <br /> r <br /> a�qr: (e?�aulY�o�rt�ge insurance prcmiums�.i�anqr. and(�a►Y��WY+� by Bortowa b <br /> I.ender.fa accord�aaa•�rith the pno+ristons of p�ar�gaph 8� ia licM vf LLhe gapmeaet of mortg�ge insur�noo pemiums. '�'Aesa , <br /> items ire wlkd"F.scmw loeria." IIsnder may.w aay tlrne.eolf�cu ae�d boll�A'i�odx in an�eao�u�t not ta exaod�he m�c3btum. � <br /> �,mouot a la�der fa� feAeraUy�sl�sed mo�tp,ge loan m�roquoire for Bona�rer'k escro�w account under tha Emde�J�� <br /> F•state Senlemrnt Procedurcs Act d 1974 as a�aanded from time to Wne.12 U.S.C.¢�6i1�1 c�t seq.l"RESR4�`).,qnl�� <br /> law WW��tt pppliea co 1he Funds ceu u Icsser�moun� IF so.Lender ary timr,collect+rnd hotd R�uds im am�oYac not m <br /> exoeed the leaser simount. Lender may estim�e tfie amount of Ru�ds due on tAe D�sis of c�rrcat dNp���a�saiabla <br /> = - _=�- —� rs�xs af r-z�cxttlitur+c:of fistare E.�cmw!t!ma nr dM+�w1�u in accadance with appie�'a6ir tiw. _ <br /> 71�e Fi�nds a1Wl be held in an iratkution whose depocits are insured by a fecier�t agency. i�sauma��aii`r.ur�cat+cY <br /> (ineludi�g L.ender.if I.cnder is such an inst�tudon)ar in any Fedenl Hane L.00n Bank. Lender ahall�ppiy the F�ds aa�Y <br /> �- the Escrow items. Lender rnay nat charge Lbrrower for lalding and�pplying Ihe Funds,annu�lly arwlyzing the esciow <br /> ��i.} account,or verifying the Escrow (tems�uakss I.ender paya Borrower incerest on tlrc Fu�ds and applicable law pernaies . <br />_:,�,;.���t�,;, L,ender to m�lce such a chuge. Howeva. Lender may require Borrower to p�y A one•time charge for an independe�tt rql <br /> -.`°m4Y"° estate tax�eponing aervla used by l.ender in co�nection with this loan.unless applkabk law provldes athecwise. Urtiess an <br />'='� agreement is made m applicuble lax•requires interest to 6e p�id,Lender shall no�bc roguired to pay Bom�wc�a�Y i�e�st a <br /> camings on the Phnds. Bmrnwer�nd Lender may agrce!n wnting.however.Uiat inte�est shall be paid on the Funds. Lender <br /> -.. shall give to Borrower.without charge,an annual accounting of the Fbnds.siawiog credits and debits to the Pwnds and the <br /> purpoRe for which each debit to the FLnds was mede. '1'he Funda ero pled8ed+�s addidonal securiry for all sums secu�ed by <br /> ...,� thi�Security Instrutnent. <br /> _ !g�he F}.�n!iR tiekt by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law, Lender shall ace�wnt w <br /> Borrower for the excess Funds in accordence with the requmertEents of applicable law. if the amount of the Kun4�heid by <br />- L.cnder nt any time is not sutficie nt to pay the Escrow Items��fien due,L.ender may so notify Bomower In writing, <br /> such cuse Borrower shall pAy ta Lender the am�unt necessary to make up the deficiency. Bomower shall make up the <br /> �� deficiency in no marc ihan twelve mont6ly I.ender's sde discretion. <br /> -s.j Upon payment in fult of all snms secured by this Secu�ity Instrument,Leader shall pmmpUy refund to Borrowe�any <br />= Funds held by Lender. if,under puagraph 21,Lender shnll acquire or�eU the Property.Lender,prior to the acquisilion or <br /> sale af the Property,shall apply �ny F�nds held by Lender:►t the time of acquisitfon or�ale as a credit against tUe cums <br /> aecuied by this Security Irisavment. <br /> 3, Applkation ot Paymenis. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all paymenta received by Lender under <br /> paragraphs 1 end 2 shall be applied:firsl,to uny prepayment charges due under the Note; amounts payable under <br /> ,� parqgraph 2; interest due; fourth,to pdncipal due;and nny late charges due under the Note. <br />- 4. Charges; Liena Borrower shall pny aU Wxes, essessments,charges, fines and impasitions attributable to the <br /> property which may attain priority uver this Seeurity Insuument,and leusehdd payments or ground renis,if nny. Borrower <br /> '� sha10 puy these obligstions in the rn�nner provided in parngraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall pay them on <br /> time direcdy to the person owed payment. Borrower sh�►II promptly furnish to l.ender ull notices of amounts to be paid under <br />-:_, this paragraph. li Borrower makes Ihese p�ymen�s direclly,Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender receipt�evidencing <br />'_�:rr,. � the payments. <br /> ���#? `��;:;,;���,;' Botrpwer shall prompdy disci�arge any lien which hax priority ov�r this Security lns�rumem unless Burrawer:(A)agrees <br /> i:�,: ' . � ' in wr+ting to the payment of the��t+li;ation secured by the lien in a munner acceptable to Lender.(b)contests�n gaod fAi�h�he <br />_ • S"-•�-- + licn by,ur defends aguinst enfon enrent of the licn in,Iegal proceedings which in�he Lender�opinlon aperate ta preveni Ihe <br />;�� �; enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an ugreement sntisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien <br /> ^"�;.;,;, � to this Secur�ty Inswment. If Lender determines that smy parl of the ProPrrtp is�ubject to u lien which may attain priority <br /> •�- • over this Security Instrument,Lender may give Borrawer a notice identifymg the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take <br />_' ��� - �� � one or mone of the uctions set forth above within lU days of the giving of notice. <br />' �<*';� 5. Ha�ard ar Property Insurance. Borrower shulA I:eep the improvements now existing or hereafter erecred on the <br />_�i� :,�,;.,;L'r:,: °.,.. ' Property insured against loss by fire,hazards included wiihin the term "extended coverage"and any dher hazards,including _ <br /> : s` floods or tlaading.for which Lendet requires insurunce. Thls insurance shall be maintained in the amounls and for the <br /> ,:. :c��;. <br /> :��.�'•.:�:� �, �. = <br /> �":. �'F,i �,�-:�: !90 e2u t, u ral <br /> �,.:�'��,�;(t;�S�+"�:.��;�•� FwmJ428 9 �A+R � v x � <br /> i��' �t':',1'hll f$<� . <br /> L �,��;:yp; :!,%i: <br /> .,�'�l_'����r��'r<�: <br /> ,.`� .�.. _ <br /> t.i��'')" r <br />- 9•`���� Lr�t '� .. <br />- j,�'y�l � . f e'-�V'tl 1 N� . .�11�;� �. . "{�.ht�IT��¢�-WtSl4T.�Yi.. <br /> . 'TY 7'�'� -Tw^.---r.r�.-�-r--: <br /> : `ti".x"f'' .. , �t,;`t'. • ,J ' ��`4�'�•� :�1�'•��'�� `?���• ,=• N, r .� ,:,..,�lss�;4,;�`�;�;� �� . <br /> --- �i e�i�.-.,. . � . : j. L��:� ����1�,�� /}�11,1�" , . . a _ _''�;���;�d�..?�: ..�� ��r}'� ���` 1 �i, 7y4..�� ,• ... <br /> -�. � • - � ' .ti.� �. i �1 . •-:N%...�jy� ��!y��� 1�1 (`�5� yK ��RI > t}^�' <br />�— E.ti1:�.f1:�.'.�i:n_�..'.t.�. ��t�'s� t� , t�����. u}� 1-t{(1��'< -.L�C`��1�Y��:1�d���V�7�i�1ST-.!�rlfr`:]_�L'�C...1��f�'_���r�41.1���_r�75! •_1�.:-_ <br /> _- .-z. <br /> ` . 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