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-��-...u:. 'I, �1 ' .. . . . • �. ' - i1.,i---- <br /> _. . �.,. .a...-.....- <br /> ,�y� � �, - _..:i �'-�-----. _. . .- . --- <br /> r� �' r� '�- --- ---------�---- - ' - <br /> 5 _ _ • , ��f• _ � „ . . .. .. ,._-ti¢-._ "' <br /> ,. — .- �, <br /> f.:�_. � __��___1, � " � <br /> Ig�- �.o�'� . <br /> , ����. �.�.���.�.,�.�,�.������ti <br /> �v�i wirf�vit�n�oc t»u�aon�r v►id�W. V e���ver talls�md�t�e�vo�t��ib� 'x6v-v-r,.L�d�r m�►.� <br /> L.mde�Y aptfan,obulnouvw�p�o p�otrct L�ti tl�lw in dN �ap ia�000�d4�wl prr�t�pU <br /> ' All inwndre pol�nd ronervab�II be�ooq�u�ta 1.a�Aarnrind�h�ll Inalude a Mandatd mart��p cl�ur, l.�ndw <br /> ' �h�ll lu�ve tha d�ht W hold the poticios�nd�sw�. 1 La�der requlee�Bo�rowet�ll PromptlY dve to L�awbr�II rro�iptc <br /> of paid pmmiuma u�d nenew�l notkes. In the evau of loa�Bormwer dull�ive prompt notios w the inwnnoe c�rrbr md <br /> I.mde� i�de�m�y m�l�e p�oof of laa It not m�ds p�oeqM1Y by Barowet. <br /> unku eomower ahe�w[�e.groe ta wdrtoa.uwannoo pooeea.duu ba appliea w rawratloo«nep.ic ut <br /> ._.. ��� duruaed,if the ratawtiw or�epdr u eoorwmicaUy feaibb�nd L�endetA�ecurity b noe k�a�ed. U IM <br /> on or�epir is not ecoaomiaiUy fe�sibie or Laiderl��ecurlty would be leuened. the inwr�rioe piooeod�aWl sa <br /> appUod w rhe�nas aowrod by�his Sa�uity I�trwne�at.whdhta a aot dxn due,with�ny e�oess p3d�o Bmnnwer. 1f <br /> Bo�t�ower�b�ndoi�tho P� daa not wswer within 30 d�yrs�rwflco fFom L,ender d�t the i�tw�aaoe c�rria la� <br /> offerod w ieab a claim.theu t.eawkr m�y wlloct tba inwrance p�nceed�. L.a�dor may wo il�o pooeeds to�ep�or neaoo�a <br /> che Prape�ty«to pa�y swn..ecuroa F►y U�is sxwdty rnspurt�ent.wneu�er or not a�dYO. 'The 30�d�y paioa ww ae�ia when <br /> - � iho notioe is girren. <br /> ;'i�� Unlesa i,rnder And Bom►wer othervvi�o s�oe in writi�g,wny�pplicatio�of pmceecls to priaci�l:dall not exuad or <br /> �!'f``'�ry P�P�die due ciuce d�the monthlY PAY�enYS rcf�to in pwragrnphs 1 aad 2 or chango tha artiouQk�f the pa If <br /> a ou <br />- `•��_.i� tmdar paragraph ''i :t�e Pt+operty i��cquired b��r l�ender.Bormwarti dght w any insurance policks uiiil t�ewitia� . <br /> -•`s;�i;� fmm dwn�ge to tt�c Prupe�iy prlor tq the acqul;idoa Wu�ll p:uzt w Lend�x W the cxtent of th��ww secw+ed by dils Seouiity ' .. <br /> `�'�'�' Imcn++iwnt immedi�telypr[or to the iUa�. <br /> a, �Qccapancy� �servatton,�tat'lA�nue and Protectlon ot ti�e ProPa'�Y3 etarrovrer*s La�u Appiic�fion; • <br /> -_ _ �.easehoW�. �orr�ox•Gr dwll occupy.est�bli�h,apd use�he Prnperty as Baxower�princip�t rdtda�ce�v�tbin�ixty day�after <br />-_--__ >_- � the exPrutlor+"of this 8acur�iry Lutrurt�ent�edall continue to nccupy thc�rapeny ac Bamwerti�►sincipnl t+e�Clenc�n ij+r�t ' _ <br /> le�:eu on$.year after ihe da�e af occupancy. unless Lender otl4er�vlse u�es in writing. wh[cb coaeetit siu�U pot be <br /> - unr�e:uonably withheld�or un0ebs exte»wuing cLeumstar�ces�exisi which arc beyaM flarower�a contml. Bo�royv�r s�iq n�stt <br /> :�;�'...:.,. �estroy,damaga or i�rllmir�the Property.aUow�he Pirope�y�o detEdarate,or oommlt yvaste on tha Pr+operty. �qraawcr ad�U <br /> __'—'":"� ••be ir�defnuh ��y forfeitwC a�tian or proceeding.whether civll or ariminal,is begWii that in L�endor�g�o�fAi390 ju�lgment <br /> �Y could resuk ln 6arteitute of t�a Property ar otherwlse materially impai� the lien cneated by�this Secw'ity�Tn�qroment or <br /> `"�� � l,ender�s securlty intPres� Barrower may c�e such a default and provlded in A 8,by c�using.lha acdon <br /> ...��.,. <br /> �..��:_�rt�.r or praxeding tu be dismissod with a nalag�ha�.i�I.enderk good faith detennL�ation.ltirecDu t'ur�e9aW�e of,�0�e Barower�a <br /> -- �r• '. intereat fn the Property or othe�material i�npai�eat a�r the 1Irn c�eaoed by this Secwrity In�druineiu qr,�..ender� s4c�urlty <br /> y"�".'r�r:, <br />_'-:;��„�},�1: ,, �mcr�st, Borrowef shall a�so be 1� defstu�t �'�orrawer. �during the loan applicatian proccas,gave materi.a�iy 'f11se or <br /> —=`-}��°`�#�` inuccuratt infomnaaion or st�tements to I.e�ie�(or faile�f to provlde I.endec with any mate.riul ibfotaiatian)in so�ion abh • • <br /> ; <br /> -"' the laan evidenced b the Note� i�Cludi t+ut not limited to, npresentuuoas concernin Borrower�s occu <br /> , Y �B� 8 P�Y�of thc . <br /> �: ' Prat�erty as a princlp�l residence. If this Securlty Insnument is on a leaschuld.Bmrower shall comply with all the pravfsions � <br /> -�a�` �;��7=� 01 lbe icase. lt Borrower acquires fea dde to the Property,ti+e ieasehold and the fea dde shsii not merge uniess Lander ag�ees <br /> �� to the merger in wrlting. <br /> '� 7. Protectlon of I.eader's RigNte In the Property. If Borrower fails to perfarm the covenants and agreements <br /> ''��` contained in this Secu�ity Instrument. or there is a logal proccedfng thet muy signtflcantly affixt Lender� dghts in the <br /> , Property(sueh ss a proceoding in b�ptcy,pmbete.for condemnat[on or forfeiture or to enforce Isws or regulations),tlten <br /> - L.ender may do and pay for wha�ever is necessary ta protect the value of the Propeny and Lender's dghts in the Property. <br /> - L,endcr's uctionu mey include peying uny sums secuted by a lien which has priority over this Securky Instrument.appearing <br /> in court, paying reasonable uttomeys'fees nnd entering on the Property to mako�epaira.AUhough Lender m�y uke actlon <br /> : under this paragraph 7.l.ender dces not huve ta do so. <br /> Any anounts disbunsed by L.ender under this puragruph 7 shall hxomc ndditionul de6t of Bormwer secured by thla - <br /> �� Security Instrumem. Unlexs Bomower und Lender ugree to other term�oP pnyment,these umounts shell bear inte�est from the <br />-� G "`' , date of diRbunscmcm at the Note ratc and shall bc payablc. with iniercst.upan notice from Lender to Bonower roqucuin� <br /> • payment. <br /> ` 8. Morlgnge Insut�nce. If Lender rcquircd monguge insumnce as u condition of mwking the loan secured by this <br /> '` �;��•��•; •' Security Instrument,Borrower sholl pay the premiums rcqufred to maintuin the mortgage ineurence in effect. lf, for any <br /> ` •• ��;,;�;�,�,:�?',,.y- rcason, cFie mortgoge insumnce coveragc reyuired by Lender lapses or ceavcs to be in effect, Bomnwer ehall pAy the <br /> . ,�o ! ,: premiums required to oblain cove�age substanlially equivalem to the mortgage inxurance previously in e�' a cost <br /> '�`'��'�' "' ' subswminlly equivnlent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect. from an eltemate mortgage <br /> ,. ;�<,. � <br /> ` ��.� :.:•.�"• � insurer opproved by Lender. If substnntially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not available.Bomower shall pay to <br />- �- ' ` I.ender euch month a sum equul ta one-twelf�h of the yearly mohgage insurnnce premium being paid by Borrower when the <br /> >:, insurance coverage lapsed or�ensed to be in effect. Lender will accept.use and re�ain these puymems as a loss reserve in lieu <br /> �,�~ of mortgage insumnce. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required,at the oplion of Lender. if mortguge lnsurance <br />- k•.:�id'6�" e <br /> _ coverage(in the Amount and for the period that Lender requires)provided by un insurer approved by Lender again becomes <br /> ,-.� , �:��"�. .. . , available ond is obtoined.Borrowcr shall pay thc premiums required�o maintain mortgage insumnce in effect.or to provide a <br />;;� ±. �� ,,, loss reserve, until the requirement for mortgage insurance ends in accordunce with uny wriuen ngreement between Borrower <br /> �� � smd Lender ar npplicnble luw. <br /> ` � �� . 9. Inspeetion. Lender or its agent may malce reasonuble emries upon smd inspeclions of the Property. Lendcir shall <br /> = � ' ' give Borrower notice s+t the time of or prior to an inspection specifying rensonable cauxe for the inspection. <br /> °-_ `•�-:_ ; _ 10. CnMlrmnafinn. The pa►rPe�i�of nny nwnrd or rluim fi�r dumo�:es,dircct or consequentinl. in conneclion wilh any _ <br />.' ';�:� �`"" , Single Funily--Frnnk Mae/I�Yeddk Mnc UNIFORM IM1STRUMF.yT--Unifurtn Covenu��s 9l99 I�xr.�ojb paX��J <br /> � • 7� ., ' . c�e�Io1a euWew F'as�.lx.■ <br /> - . ., To pder fi!I�BOG1PY000 0 YMl1&7Y1•tl�l <br />_. - ,�._ ' <br /> . . " ' . . . . . . ... .'_'.':"r'_•-r�-' • '-.:rr�LC.rii�....�:a:srn•-•a,�+�..�___ F <br /> , . . .. "a �f�:�.�.;IP�r.aocw.--__ t <br /> • ,'�� . .. v .,�_/. , ' . . - _ . . . .���- ._'�� <br /> '�` . .... - . . . . , <br /> " ''y _ . _ . _ <br /> �m'; - " 'i1. 1 .'': ._._._ . . . -.. . . . - T c='',----�= � --,.�,--�--- -__ _�_—.._----. <br /> 1 t 1Y '� ' 1 r <br /> ?.. 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