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� ,' ..�,� ' r = <br /> ._' r ... � - ` . _ . .. .. _ . . -. <br /> — . t�" 1� �• - ��- <br /> —� .. <br /> ' �"' ��'_,"^'�. .. , . . -' '- , . �� � -4T�� <br /> _.._ _ __�.` .. ' . , , ^ .,-:.YY�'.. <br /> , �'� �0101�,�'��„ , � � �� .. <br /> , Toa�fl�A�wnH.0�.t�rOwn�ew.o�►ur�w..rks u�a aa ni..pape�r,•aa.0 e.�a�M..,�. . - <br /> -- -T �._ - �.3tltiUiratROweietYcrwSiork c+f� ` 'i . ` •_"""i�L�tttsd��t�sc�w�-;c..+v;-c:�a��_:�_-.�- - ' <br /> ,6�n�N. AOAttAO �y . i'��7'q�y�� , <br /> �Y���f�� ������~ ,. . . <br /> AORROWBR C�OVBNANTS eh�t Barnwer i�lawblly�iced d db e�ta ha+eUy oonvayed�nd hs�die�isht to�at . <br /> �- �nd c�nvey thop�y md tluu�ha Prcpaty U w�nr�ba+ed�w�oept tor axumMnoes ot recanl. Bo�rower w�rhnn�d <br /> wlll defrend�aie�Nl(y ttie dtb�o t6e Pfroperty yaiiat�q ci�u�ad de�r�cb.wbjxt to rpy�d noard . <br /> T�p4 SBCURR'Y AIS7RUM�M' caa6ina� adfam coven�nti ta n�tiand we aid na�-ud0arm ouvau�nls wL6 <br /> litnited v�u�tioao by jwiwUctlan wcoowtlw�e a udform�ecurity i�utrument wv�vting tral Wopelty. ' <br /> UNIPORM C�UVSNANT3. 8ortnw�er md t.a�d�a c�ovau�nt an�!�q0�u f <br /> i. r���d t�et�ctpu.w t�:PreanM.�+���e cbw�.s.���hAli promptlY P�Y wba►aw�s <br /> piriac�l of and intaeat aa the debt evWa�oed by�he[Vooe md mY Pra�qmau imd Wc ch�rga�dod undar the Nolu. <br /> �ad��a''tl�ua�d Imiaraac�. Subject to+�Pp1 laM or to�written wdver by l.eader.Bamowec eh�U py tu <br /> I.endar oe rbe d�Y��Y WY�ta uo due uader We IV�wuil tho Nae i�p�id in f�ull��sum("R�nd�")for:(�)YariY <br /> wcei�ad+usesWnenta which m�y�tt�in priaity over Ud4 Secudty Iruaiur�a�t�s�lien on tUe � <br /> �Y (b)Y Y.. <br /> � � ground�rnt� on the Pmpaty, if�ny; (a) Ye�rlY h�r�M or propmty inwranco �xemiumst (d)Ye�ly M�ad <br /> p�emiume� if anyr: (e) Yw*1Y mort�s8a insnrnnce pnmiums.if Any: �nd (�anY �� MY�ble by Honaw�er to <br /> Lrnder,in ucoM�u�ce wlth the pmvisions of p�u�gn�ph 8�:n lieu of thep�yment of mortg�ge insurru�oe prr,miwas. 71re�e <br /> items aro c�Ued"Fsrnow Items." I.cnder any tima.colkct and hold Ha�de in an amount not w excea!GIe miucimum <br /> unount a lenda for A falerally nlpted martgago loan may requiro for Barowerla ascrow�count undar the fcdcr�t [te�l <br /> Isstuo Settlomen[�Proce�a�es Mt of 1974 as Ama�de�from tlme to dme,12 U.S.C.;2601 e�seq.("RESPA").unless�rwt�r • <br /> I�w tMt�ppliea to the E�nda mets a ksser amoun� If sa Lendar may,at any tlme,collect And hold Fun�W�aa�mount not to . � <br /> caceod the les�er amoum. .La�der iav esturute dx maoupt of Ponds due on the beale of a�urent d�tct �pd rouon�bls .: =�:'_ <br />---- - SaWqaUps of expendidt�Cs of tutw+e Esc�arw Items ar o9me�wise in accardance with applicable law. �� . : ,, ;� <br /> The Funds �1�(1 be�kl in an inuituNon�aflrcesc�deposits uc insw�ed by a fcdar�l agenaY, insb'ua�at►taliEy.or eatltY'�.:;';, ,:',:.',:; <br /> �;: �(inciuding Lemder,if I.�endev ic sush an iastituuon)¢a�iA a�y F+ederal Home Loan�ank. Lender aheal appl�y•thc Punds w pay � ��.. <br /> ' - �e�scrow Items. l.�ntler may not churge Bomowc�fot boldin�tmd applying Ihe�nds s�nually'a0alyxing Iha escrow , � �� <br /> ::{� �. uccoun� or verifying tfie�.�crow It�ms, unlesa Lrn�cr pay¢ B�rn3wer lntexest on the Hmds and epplictbte IaW pamuta . �.� <br /> H <br /> .;;;, �.mKler.te►matce suc11 a charga However,R.ender may rcquue�arsower to pay a one-t�me charge far an Indepa�dent�eal'. , <br /> :`:;r � ' estate t�ac�cporun��ervi�e used bty L�ncler�n conneccion with thia doan,unless applicable law pravides otherwlse. Unleas a�t . <br />-''r: '-_ , ay►roe�ixru is made a s�pplicabk law'�lquirea interest to be paid.Lender shall not be rcquired to p�y Horrower eay interest ot , . <br />��"'�'" carqings on�the F1mda. 8orrower and l:ender may ngree in writing,howeveq that inte�est shall beps�id on tha Flinds. Lender '. _ <br /> � . shall giv�id Horrower.without chArge,an annual accountln�of the Funda,ahowing cralits and debits to the FLhde wnd tha <br />-:'� ,,,; ' , PutpWe�ior whi�h each debit to the Flmds wxs qwula. The FIuMs are pledged ae addidonal socudry for all aums secuerA by <br /> ` �i:t; ' : 11»t StCiu�ty]olstfUmCllt. � <br />-'-���` — ::_h,� it iiie Fwnt� he�d by Lender excccd �he amaunls permitted lo be i�id by appik:a6la iew� I.cnder ehall acCOUnt to <br />�`;�• Bolrawer for �ha excess FLnds in accordunce with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the FLi�ds befd by • <br />-•?�.'?� �;;.: L.ender�t any rime is not sufficient to pay the Escr�w Items when due,L.ender may so notify Borrower in writing.�nd.b <br /> 14""� such cese Bortower shall pay to Lender tha amount neccssary to meke up the deficfency. Bormwer shdl make up the <br />___ de8ciency!n no ma�e than twelvc monthly L.enderg sole discretfon. <br />..��* Upon payment in full of all sums securcd by this Secu�ity[nsdument.l.ender ghell prompdy nefund to Bomower any <br />'' Funds heid by l.cnder. If,undcr p�ragrnph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Property.I.ender,prior to the Acquisition or <br /> sale of the P�nperty,shall apply uny Funds held by I.ender at thc time of ocquioitbn or sale w n credit�inst the wms <br /> secured by�his Security Instrument. <br /> " 3. A�plk�tlon o�Paymenls. Uniess applic�ble law provides otherwise, all payments received by Leader under <br />�; psuagrnphs 1 and 2 shall be applied: f i�xl,to any prepuyment chorges due under the Nac;second,to emounts payable under <br /> r paragraph 2;thW,to interest due:faurth,to principal duc;ond last.lo any late ch+uges due under the Nae. <br /> �-'` 4. Cba�ess; Liena Borrower shall pny all taxcs,acsessments, chnrges, �nes und impox�tions atMbuwble to the <br /> � Property which may uttain priority aver U►is Security Instrument,and IeaFehold pnymenls or ground rents,if any. Bomower <br />'�'� � • shall pay these obligations in the manncr provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that munncr,Borrower shall pay�hem on <br />_ ,. ' . ,�•.;". <br /> . .,�;;��,�,., �� - time directly to the person owed paymem. Borrawer shall prompdy furnish to Lender ull notices of amounts to be paid under <br /> ,;�...-., •_ �.�',;! this paragraph. If Bornower makes therc paymenls direcUy,Bomower shall promptly furnish to i.endcr neccipts evidcncing <br /> � ;,u�`, �he men�s. <br /> .:'. ,. r.., ." • `y. PaY <br /> �• ���'`•�,•. , �;��'•'�� Borrower shall rom tl dischar e an lien which hos norit over this Securit Instrument unless Bomower:(a)a rees <br /> �: ..��� ,. 3 P P Y S Y � p � Y Y 8 <br /> "�;��. �"';�;k�',: `'(y, in writing to the payment of the obligalion secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender,lbl contests in good feith the - <br /> - `��'�� ` � y uguinsl enforcement of�he lien in,legul proceeding�which in Ih�l.ender's upinion operate to prevent the <br />,;��_. :,,,y:: ;.. . ' �•,5 lien b ,or defends <br />,; ; ;��, �,.�;��'S enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures from�he holder af the lien an agreemem sa�isfuctory to l.ender subordineting the lien <br /> E`,-•. <br /> �� '`r.•� �►j,;,, to this Security Insaumem. If Lender determines thot uny pnrt of the Property i,subject to u lien which may nttain prioriry <br />.`:���.. ':',K' • '��'�<�"• over this Securiry Instrument,Lcnder m;�y give Borrower v notice identifying thc lien. Borrower shall satisfy thc lien or toke <br />"'��•• � •. >`;;��;; one or more of the actions set forth at�o�•e within 10 duys of the giving of notice. <br /> . •",��..: �. S. Hwrd or Pro p Pr B <br /> `h. �� Pro n insumd a umst lo�ss�b fire, haznrd Bn luded w thin the termm x endedn�overa e%and un rother hnznrds,�includ ne <br /> ` � '}','r: fload or flmding for which Lende�require, insurance. This insurance shall be malntained inythe umounts su►d for 1he <br /> �... ' _, a'�::.. <br /> ,�};�,T <br /> , �_.., _ . ...•���� <br /> , � Fbrm 30l8 9/9Y �/wRr:oJ6�wRrsl <br /> ' .. <br /> �4 ° � w <br /> ' ���'•� . . -.�..� __"_ - �' .'"_.__ . " _ _ '___' -_ �. <br />. . .. . . _ . .l. 4"f-n.�+1 ..•-- -� _ ' _ . . . . .. `l��1.7� <br />� t . 1 ' � � .l. � • - ���, �•�i. . <br /> - - . - � . � . . - ..� • .•�.�. . : . - . •��.. .��. .. . <br /> . . <br />� ._ . . _�. . , <br /> '-i� s:�.'��_•��_is.�.it ,. , . .,: ' "' � . _ � _i _ <br />.__ � R . , --- - -: �_ - -- - - . . . ..- .. -.. ._.-.—.=`.T. _--_.... .---= 1�. - _ - - <br /> . ,� . . ; i},, , ;r; �t 4 � , ,; � . , I; � , . <br /> `I��� i �� J � (L . i �� , 1 . � �t.' �'. <br /> ' C ��i !t.�a i ' �' �ti�. , . � � � . �::i .t�,. . 7 � i <br /> :n�.1,J5r t�.�}�if - 1,�,N•(�i1 ;.�� V ':i'1 • �1� i .�.. .'��, � . "(i � � - �1.�1 . <br />. t -�� i i 1�,�iU... .1.i i( i.��� 1. ,�� . . ; - <br /> ,����'��.14���� .�ay1f+, _. �-. � rl� � r� ,.��•,�� i � i�� . - 1 !� <br /> rl '•' ��f}f�ilt'i4� � .•L�•��. 1j�/! \-�i r�i - ,.- �- ; .. `� � . 'f. . .y, 1 .�; � ` �j�.�'. ,� F .3- . - ;�7y1 V 1 <br /> � i��-t •S i �y , ��. 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