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,� _. �_ -- __ -_ �:.� <br /> . a i k r . '.---�-:�....,-..,x,---rr--r--� '"'��.._. - �,� <br /> .n . _ ._ �' — . . - , ., � .� . - _.. _'__. . <br /> . .. . . . . � -;•�i=-.... <br /> 1 � ., ' , , ,� � i -'�.t�i .. <br /> . P�le�!!�e!L�et s�a,�xa. '!'�e f�pea�oe c�ericr pe+o�riQhtg�e��Sd}bs rba�b�,r�mva�c tn�o�ts��---- -. <br /> . _ , �� �..w+�i n��i�ii wot b��w1s��.�rMUMMd. �l�oxvw�f�is w t�1�i�i�ao��o�bwt�r.taillilr�:� � . �.;. <br /> - t.a�dk�aploa.abt�h oo�etyr b p�oMct Lw�i�r1�r1�Mrc b dw�roper�L woad��w�6�wp�pY 7. ' <br /> � �bal�ht�e���e ���11 b��oo�,�Io Ld/�isr isd�MII Molyde�Nwd�ud 41Mr�.'L,ui11r <br /> policia N+d�enewab. It I.a�roqui�a;�Banower.6dt panpt��iv�a at1�oaMe� <br /> of P�id p�G:�u�mA�enew�l no�toe�. In uba�v�ont at loN.Bamowar�II Sive pa�pt qafia 10 ti�hw�e�o�te�rd <br /> �«idar: La�dOr d�9 m�be pw�taf{oa Uuot aMtk P'��Y bY��'��• , . . <br /> unleas l�n�r ana$o�awa o�a���oc ta arlm�,,i�p�o�alsau 6a.p�1:�t�n�rati�a��of <br /> ���he it the ra�ta�r�tlon or ipp�ir i� eooaoa�iraqy�ed �ad La�dert�enaity i�not k�d.' N i�s ' <br /> ar� i�not aoonoadcaUy twtWe ar�.ender��ecwity would 6e b��ened.tLe I�ananoe pnardt �h�ll be � . <br /> �pplied to�he sums�ecu�ed by dds Security Imdwnant.wudhar ac aot t6d�due.wUh�ny ezoea�pdd 1�o HanoMa: U <br /> Bonower ab�ndo�u tha Propeity,or doa aot tnsaer witbin 30 d�ys� aolloe from i�ndcr dut d�e i�e��rier h� <br /> otYerod w ReWe+�cWm�tf�n i.ader may copect the.inw�x pmcaed�.�der m�y ute the pn�oeed�tot�pnir or resWne <br /> the Ptope�ty or W pay surat recutad by thi�Security laapumau,wf�or aot tden due. 1be 30�y periad wW 6e�iu wbaa <br /> the�ot[ca ia givcn. . <br /> Unlass I�cndar md Bonnwcr aherwi�e�roo in writia�.my c�don af p�ocaed�to principl�lult not o�ueed ur , <br /> w�d�*W�B��Z��f��y�qu�by Ireo3sr�Bawu�erk ri�rt p,�ny�po�licla aM�p�oceed�raul� <br /> fmm d�m�gC t0 dle Ph0�lCity QI110r RO ihe aD1]11�OO ih�ll pm b 1.Md!!b t�11D 01ttRat O�d10 iWpi iECYibd byt(ll�t SECIM�/ <br /> �IIStfl1111E11t IIIWIIOd1�D�9►�[Iq�EO1h0acqw B�t10f1. <br /> �. �ni��,�'vWio�+ MaNtew�ve �d Pirotectioo d fhe P�paty; Borrower'� I.o�n AppiiaMia�p <br /> �AdY Bor►o�a'�hW1 oocuPiv,est�b�id�.aa�us$thn Pbopaty as BornowaY principwl naWawe withie�ixty d�y�afkr • <br /> -_--_ — dte c.,� htts�''arw1 vf iiwa�rx�;yiFty�ume+a wal si��lirtua Qu u�:upy U�s�u�zriy�$vuaowi:i�prlutipel��inr n�t <br /> � '. kw�t,a� ytrirr aR�� 'dhe data of occup�ncy. �Ie�Ses�t,Lender othetw�se ��eea in writing. whkh oonsent �il not be • <br /> �. u�son�My witdhahl.ot unless extenuadng c�tdwm�►anas exist whichue ti�;�rnd Borrower�candol. Bonower sh�il not <br /> - , ..�dcstrty,�amaBe or impair the Property�allow td��Praperty to detedorate.orc�nmit waste on the Property Bo�wer slWl � . <br /> •�� ba ii�.dcPauh if any fafeltune action or procooding.whed�er civfl m crimin�l�is'begu�Ihat�itrl.enderl�good f+Jth judtana�t <br /> .._;:� ' could,r�esult in forfeitwe of the Pfoperty or othetwfse m�terlaUy impdr tha Qen crea�cd by thi� Sccudty Insttum�t a <br /> - "`==' l.endcr's sem�rlty Wtenes� Barowar ma}r cure such a defAUlt and� pr�ovided in pur.�8rpph 18,bY causin�tbe�c,tiaa <br />-- --_r�� or proceer�ing to be d�smiasod wlth a�uling that,in Lenderh good f�ith detennin�tion�Pncludea fafeipue of t6e BonoviV�r'� . <br /> - intercst in the Prope�iy or aher matedat impaim'�ent of the lirn created by this Security Inswment or Lender� aecur�ty' <br />— ---- interest. �omnwer sh�fl aiso be in default if��rrower. during the ban application pcooess. gnve mated�Uy filse or •• <br /> inaccurace informa�itm ar statemen�s to Lender(or PaUed to provIde Lender with Any materirl infom�atlon)in comection yvizh • ' <br /> _--- the loaa evidencod b �the Note,including. but not limited to, repnesentWlons conxrning Borrower� axt�pancy of�he . .. <br /> Propeny as a�iQa�resldence.•lf�this Securitv in+trument is on a leasehold,Aomowu,ahall cem�+ly wlth�!1 thR gr�vislans <br /> _ . of the lease. If Bort+owcr aoquires fea tiQc ro the Property,the lew�ehold md the fec lide sbell nat mcrge unkis Lender a�grees ''' <br /> = to�he merger in writing. � <br /> ' 7. Proteclbn ot Lender's Ri�hts•in t4e Q'roperty. If Bomoaer fails to perform d�e covenants and agreements <br /> ; contetned in this Security Insm�me,rel,or thore is o lagal proceeding that may significendy affxt l,ender'�rights in the <br /> _ Property(such as a proceaiing in ba�Vcruptcy,probate,far condemnation or forfeitut+e or w enforce laws or�egulat�ons),then <br /> �h I.ender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vsilue of the Property and Lender�s dghts in the Hr+nperty. <br /> __ I,enderc actions may Include paying any sums Recured by a lien which 6as priodty over thie Secudty(n�Uu�ne�►�appearing - <br /> � in coun.paying reasonabk anomey5'fees and rntering on�he Rvpe�ty to make rcpairs.Although l.ender may talc�e acHHon <br /> c <br /> �� under this paragraph 7,Lender das not have to do so. <br /> _- Any amounta diebursM by I.ender under this paragraph 7 shall 6ecome additional debt of Bornower securcd by this <br />__ �I.:, Security lnswment. Unless Bomower and Lender agree to aher terms of payment,these amounts shall bear inter�est from the <br />-- dnte of diebursement at tha Note rate and ahall be pnyable,with inter+est, upon nodce from I.ender to Bomower rcquesting <br /> • payment. <br /> 8. Mortgpge Insuranee. If Lender r�equired mortgage insurance as a conditton of ineking the loan secuied by thie <br /> • t �°'�. Security [nstrument.Borrowcr shd! pay the premiums requimd to maintain thc mortgage insurnnce in effect. If, for any <br /> rcason, the mortgege insurAnce covernge required by Lender lepses or ceases to be in effect, Bamwer shall pay the <br /> �:��. premiums requined to obWn coverz�ge substantially equivalent to the nongage insurance previously !n effect. at a cost <br /> � . {S�'' substantiully equivalent to the cos�t�o 8orrower of the mongage insurance prevbusly in effect,from an alternote mottgage <br /> � 7�;,w� .. <br /> +:^-n�•• °Y insurer approved by Lender. If substnntially equivalent mortgage insurance cuvernge is nw nvafluble.Borrower shall pay to <br /> � • "� Lender cuch month a sum equa)to one-twelfth of the yeurly mortgage insurnnce premium being paid by Borrower when the <br />_ � ` lnsurance covera e la sed or ceased eo 6e in effect. l.ender will acce t use und retain these payments tis a loss reserve in lieu <br />,� � L� <br /> �°.��,� 8 P• p. <br /> :r;•�i:� ' of morigage insurance. Losa reserve payments may no longer be rec�uircd,at the option of Lender, If mortgnge insurance <br /> __ coverage(in the amount and for the period�hat Lender requirexl pr�v�ded by an insurer oppraved by Lender agein becomes - <br /> . }►�;;`.;.;; available and is obwined.Borrower s h.�ll pay the premiums required�o m�intafn mortguge insurance in effec�,or to provide u - <br /> � ��-� r=• �^ loss reserve,until the re uirement for mort n e ingurance end�in accordrice with nn wrinen o reement 6etween Borrower <br />_�.. . k�r;,,.e,. 9 b S Y 8 �:� <br /> '"' � ond Lender or applicable luw. - <br /> ' � 9, lnspectfon. Lender or i�s agent may muke rensonuble entries upon und inspections of the E'ropeny. Lender shall - <br /> ' ° ive Borrowar notice at the time of or nor to nn ins <br /> � S p' pection�pecifying rewonable cause for the inspection. <br /> " �.:c�."- !fl. Condemns�tion. Thc ra�ed,uf un uw ur • - <br /> �-� p y s�ni �luim far damages,direct or consequent�nl,in connecnon wuh Any <br /> . r� ��?•�s•� ' Sln k Famll � <br /> . � � g y••Fbnnk Mad�reddfe Moc UNIFORM IHS'1'RU1�1F.M'-•Unifarm Covmam� 9l90 I/wR�3�l hl�R�s1 <br /> .�.,.., ,,.: <br /> �`� ' � i�aa 41�'cm:u�eoos,�°'+a�e�ovn vez ei�a��ai Y <br /> , . _ <br /> ��-. <br /> '•l:., - �i`?`��ftt ,y(q�'y � <br />.._i �" �CS„1y'. , : ... , r'�"��:!i.,t''•:/;11��._ ,�:' n�sJa�� . .� • ' Ir`� <br /> .� � ' � flV�, P:l�..' .. . � -i l'� r �;li��.. , � rt����t 1. —f f e .' �Q�;:t� .. <br /> � :'.. • <br /> �•.;. . . ' .. ,.` ' � � .. . . � �, �� y.,`:. {.� . _ <br /> . <br />--�. a�'i%►�i�..a'..:.. ,. ._ _.�.._ _�._ ,� .; • iS� i,�����: . i•,,. 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