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' ^ -, , �` ., '!� •.�..,' ,.'i •� o ��� __ <br /> ..�31.. � <br /> �p��y p��y�����..��1W-�wOM1 r�.���_�� �`s�_�� -��,' �II.e:_ <br /> _.. 1 . ���11��f i�'R�� �•���I / � � � TY .4'.iuM'NYhx�*�'.;,...r.n.�-i__ <br /> . . � �������� ����� l : . ... . . -_ <br /> �olt�tyN►�QOV81�lANfB i�t�ai�o�wr ir L�r1rM4r�bY�d K 1�w�r r'Mf►�o0��►'4 wql�M IM d�1�!M� � <br /> Md oo�wy dM r �nd�t IMe Prepwty is rarowbMrd.�cap 1Wt�a�Enrow cI�to�o�d. �1o�IRiMt we��,a� ' " � <br /> N��d {h0 t�b 11�'�10�f'{1►M�t�RI�IM M�dOM���a�0 M�►�'�I�OM� n �r.: , <br /> 11�'j� �q^--.- <br /> 'MIS 98C1)RiIY If�IS'�'RUM�Tt'oo�4biw� YdRo�� ootia�s Ibr r�tioMl 1w r pol�oqM�r4��'',, �, ' <br /> . limiMd v�rittiaw bY jur�ian to c�Si�ie a uuftarm ccc�ui2y ht��t co�K*�P'�'P�'►'�y - ., - _. . <br /> UNti+QRA!QOVBNAN�'9. Hu�row+�'�ad 1,euAer c4wee�t rM ap�M�db� . .`�; <br /> L l4q�wt�f lrMlclp�N�1��h� a�i�.a1t CMps. &�t�we��d!A�P�S►pq whea drs IM . � <br /> p�paipI�I af�nd inta�t an tUe debt evldawed by tbe l��ad�y PeP��and Iqa dne wadar da hlae, <br /> 1 F�Ibr 7i�xa Md I�a�. 3ob��t to�ppli�6la I�nr Or!o a�uritlou w�t�i.aidar,Bamwwr tlMl)py tu <br /> i.aider on tho d�Y�Y W��re due wda d�e NaAe,u�i.l tho Note ia p�id�n tbU��tuqt("[iu�")tac(U Y�Y <br /> huca and�ae�anaiu which m�y aaain piait�►ova�thia Seeurih �a��Ibn oe the Propany;tb)Y�Y� <br /> p�y ar�ouaa n�u a� Ihe Pmpetcy.if�r►y; tc) r�r�� R�Y inwn"'ces promi'un°�<d)y°�ri� A°°d <br /> inwa�i►oe pemiwat.if aopr;ie)YeutY�i+�ta� P� any:�d 44±�►y suaa ply�ble b!►9o�rowar b <br /> Laidet,in�coordance nr�Ibo provlsiaw oi p�n�ph 8,in lien ot Ihep�y�'aM of ao�tp�a�uot P+��R. 7Ue1e . <br /> itans�ne cdlod"Becto�r llaeoa." l.e�wk��ay�at�ny tbaa.collect ad hol�R�ds ia�n�ount not to excee��l�ei a�uci��M . <br /> �mouiN� knder far�fadaall�r re{red aaorlp�e low�oay roqui�e far Bono�werti e�v�w�ocoumt u4dat tlie[ederd Rd ' <br /> Ea�te Settlauent Procadu[ee Aict o`19?4�c�ooe�de��roav time q ome,12 U.S C.#�6111 er sep.("it�.SM).wM,w�oMKr <br /> I+nw tiuit apQlka�o die Pliod�stta a les�er�oaoum. If ao.l.erKi�r�y.�t�o�y tinr..cWlec!aad boid ii�ia�a�o�t�ot q <br /> e�oeed d�e ksxr aroount. Leeder m�l►aelieWe th4�t af Rod�dra a�IhQ b�w af t�t�e�M dM�Md �nl�l�blt-----_._. <br /> _ _ _ qtia►sta af expendiuqes of flnune Exrow l�cros a utha�wlse ia accardraioc�itb�ppt' I��r. � <br /> 'Rie Wnds slWl be reld in an instiwtfon w6o:e depo�ita iu�e insinod bY a f�ede�i�ency.�y.a wMy;,:;t; ... <br /> (including l.a�der.if Le��der is auch�n insdtution)ar ia any F�cderal H0000 Lo�a B�nlc. L.ea�der ahW�►thc timdo�o p�:�:;;;;- :, , <br /> the Escrow itema. Lcnder may na ch�rge Bortawer far holding md�plyiqg�6e Amda.anaually an�lyzinj t6e wcto�;,;;;:�:�,�„ <br /> acxowit�ar vaifying the Escrow Itcme, unkss I.a�dar p�ys Bormwer mtaest oa!he �nds �ud �pplicaWe law pamits .;;•. <br /> L�ender w malcc such a c}�at��e. Howevcr.Lendcr mAy�oquire Bonower to pay#oxu-time chuge for�n independent ra! <br /> eaqte tu npo�ting servia used by[.ender in cainoction wNh thia lo�a,unless spplicnble law provides otherwl�e. UaleRS an <br /> agroement is m�de ar Applicable law requires interest to bo pAid.l.c�rle�ahall aot iie roquirod to p�y Bomower any iiuerost ar <br /> eamings on the Hinda. Borrower and I.ender may agnx i�wridng.hawaver,tlu�t intenst shaU be puid on the 1�Lnda. i.e�der <br /> slull gfve W Barower.without cNarge,�tn aonwl�ccoundng of the FUnds,ahowing crodita and debita w the A�tWs md the <br /> .putpose fa which wch debit to the Wu�ds was m�de. The Fhndt are pledged as addjtforol�cudty fw�II�uu��ocund by <br /> '�'� �• �hi�Security Insdvment. . <br /> �' If tho Funds i�eki by i.c��nx�i ihe w�io�nA� pesmittcd sc be!xN! by eppltcnble lew. L�ender�p•n�� w <br /> -° � ' :•Horrower for the excess Wnds in accotdaqce wi�h the requinhnents of applicabk taw. If the amount oi tbo�held by . <br /> -= Lender u�ny time is not:uf�"kient to pay 1he Escrow Items when due.Lender may so notifY Bo��ower in writing, ; <br /> .ouch case Bortower sha0 pay to Lender the amount ne�xsaary eo maice up thp deticiency. Hamwer sd�ll malce up tho • <br /> ' ckfictency in no mone than twelve monthly Lender�s sole discrction. <br />_- , Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Securiry Instntment.Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any <br /> -'°-_° ' FLncls held by Lender. If,under puagmph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell 1he Property.Lender,prlor w the�c9uisidon or <br /> ___�._-= � aale of the F'roperiy,shall apply any Ftmds held by l.ender at 1he 6me of acyuisition ar sale�s a credit against the wms - <br /> e.. <br /> -----°,�;� secwed by thls Socurity Instrument. <br /> `"' 3. ApplicaUon ot Pnyments. Unkss applicablc law provides otherwise, all payments roceived by I.end�r under <br /> - - puagraphs I and 2 sMall be applied:frst.tu any prepayment chazges due u�der the Nae;secortd,to amounts payable under <br /> -= — parngraph 2;third,to jnterest due;fourth,to principal due;und any late charges due under the Note. <br /> '"�' 4. C6arges;Liena 8orrower shall pay all taxes. assessments,chuges, finas and impositions auributabla w the <br /> - Property which may attain priority over this Secudty Instniment,and leasehold payments or ground�nts,if any. Bortower <br /> -=_=.��.� shall pay these obligations in the manncr provided in parugrnph 2.or if not peid in that manner.Borrower shall pay lhem on <br />-'"�'�'�`'�`�'� time direcUy to the person owed payment. Borrower sliall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under <br /> �'���y���� this paragwph. If Bomnwer makes these pAyments di�ectly,Bomower shatl promptly fumish to Lender rece[pts evidencing <br />==;�°:Fa;;i�;' the payments. <br /> -- - Borrower shstll promptly dlschurge any lien which has prior.ry over Ihis Security Inswment unless Bomower:(a)ag�as <br /> y- -_ - �;. �' in writing to the pAyment of the obligalion secured by Ihe lien in a manner acceptable to Lender,(b)contes�s in good feilh the <br /> ..,�....� <br />,_z;rrct�i.',�',':�;� lien by,or defends ugainst enforcement oi the lien in,IegAI proceedings which in the Lender's opinlon operate to prevent the <br /> ,,;,,;�_.;;i�'f '. enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien An agreement satisfactory�o L.ender subordinating the lien <br /> ° °-�,�:_ ta lhis Security Inswmem. If Lender determines that any part of the Ruperty is subject to a lien w6ich may attain pdority <br />--"`"='�'��'�'`'�s� over this Securiry Inswment,Lender may give Borrower a notice identtfying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or taka <br />