�q� - - - _;�.;; �., .. _______ .�� .�.
<br /> ;; ..:�,;.�,�;,,�,:�..., � � - -�-__-_
<br /> �,� ..��,w�;,� �� ... _ � — _ _� - - -_
<br /> 1 -6----� -
<br /> � ' � - 91--�102911
<br /> _
<br /> . �
<br /> p�riods tln�t Lender«yuirn. The insuroncc carricr providing�ho insumncc shull be chcr�n by B��ROwer subject to Lcnder'� -----
<br /> , � approval which rh+ll not be un�casonubly withhcld. If Bnrnawc�(ailz�o maintuin coveragc dc�cribed above,Lendor ttwy,at
<br /> K� Le�xler's option,oMain cavcmgc lo�otect Lender:right�io the Pmperty in acc�xduncc wilh parugraph 7• --.—
<br /> All insurunce pnlicics and renewulx xlwll he uccepmble to l.cnder wxi xhull include U r�tundant mortRugc cl�+ua:e. Lendcr
<br /> shall have Ihe right Ia hold�he policie+and renewalx. IF l.cnder n�uircs.Borrower tihall pmmptly give t��Lender ull receipta ��;.
<br /> ,, ,
<br /> ' �' of Qaid pamiums und renewnl notice�. In the event of IaYS,Horrower�hull grve pmmp�nalice�o the inbumncB cairier und
<br /> .
<br /> _,_ , -
<br /> l.ende�. Lender muy muke prawl uf lu�s if uul u�ade promj�tly y mmtvcr. �-_. -_-
<br /> " Unless Lender and Borrower nthenvi►e ugn�r in writing,msuruncc prac:eeds�hall be opplied�o ne,�orntion ur repair oi
<br /> � � w • �he property damuged, if�he �ectamtian ar irpuir is ecanamicully feusible and Lende���ecurity i+� nnt lexrened. If'the
<br /> �.. restomtic►n or repair is not economically feasible or l.ender� xecurily wc►uld be lexzened,th�intiumnce pmceeds zhall be __
<br /> � ` -����:+R"'`�`ra: opplied to 1he sum4 secured by thi� Securily In�tniment, wbelher or nat Ihen due,with any exce.s puid lo Borrowar. If
<br /> '�'����� Bartower abpndans �he Pmperty. or dnex nol Answer within 3(�duys a notice fmm l.ender �hot �he inxurar�ce c�rrier hac
<br /> .;,��,;y.,;� >
<br /> �' • offered to retlle u cloim.then Lende�may enlleet�he in�urunec pnxeed�. l,rnder may use thc prviceecfs to�pa�.r a rc+tare �,,,�_„__
<br />.-._ �--.._�-....'—'�.°""'l�Y ...t:.:..' ���
<br /> the Property ar to poy suma.ccureJ by thi�:Security Instrument.�vhether or not them du�:. '�1�e�0-daY P�enai wd0 4tie1ein when _
<br /> —.i'li�.�'� ;.._..,f:,. �Le,a--
<br /> , J...�---��
<br /> .�.W.. .-- Ihc noticeis given. �°'�-�
<br /> licalion of �°ec1..to rinci 'I.hall n�t extend cw �
<br /> �_�;, �. . Unless Lender und Norrower otherwi�,e ugrcr in wri�ing,uny upp P�' P � ,t ;,�;. _._
<br /> _ 1..�.. postpc►ne ihe due date of�he monthly puymem.refemed w in paragay�h� 1�ux1?or c�hs�n::e the umount uf thr p:�y�nt�. If �+ z,_
<br /> .o_��.A�'lt,•eq - �.'w:Ji�.11'.,��.�..
<br /> � �� 21 Ihe P r ope ny i s u cq u i r e d b y Lender. Bom�Wer:right to any intiasx�ace policies anJ proceedx retiulting ---
<br /> -"^-�"'�="��-'' t' ��the Pro A p�ior to Ihe ucyui�nion+hall�a�.tu Lender to the extent rf the sua�s:�ured by thia Securiry ��:—
<br /> - -. from dama�e Pe Y �"Qini�°`°":
<br /> _` �'% ''Y�' Instntment im�e�ediacely prior to Ihe ucquisition.
<br /> �r--=--°
<br /> '� v, p�eservotion. Mainlenance and Protection of the Propertv; 8arn+�yrr'S I.�n ��icAtion: �;�:-
<br /> , ��6.. 6. Oocwpaoc.
<br /> ;"�•""- ,�' . Leaseholds, Bwrawer.hall�xcupy.c+�obliah.:u�d u�e tt�Nropeny ux Som►wer: pr�n�ipal rcsiA�nre�vilhiR:+cx!}tiays uUer �-- _. _
<br /> __,��:
<br /> _���.� the rxecution oi this Securi�y In�trument und shoU cwuinue����xcupy the Propen� a� �Rt,m�wer r prinripal nr�:�l.mce for ut �::_��,�z;:t.
<br />""-`•".•:e �t.�yr�' �` '� lens� ��ne Near After �he dute of c�ccupuncy, unless Lrnder othenvi+e ugree+ in ��•riting. whi�h ronsent �btull not 1►e �.Y,
<br /> ' ` , "«r:y,�' unrea.�anabYy withfield,or unl��.+extrnuminF circumsiunce�exist which ur�txyund Born�wer+comml. BorrowPr�hall not �'.`�
<br />:';�'j75: ���'.,,:��;""`o'��",• destruy.dumarc or impair thr Pr��rty,ullow thr Pmpeny to de�eriorate.��r ramrni��va+tc on�he Propeny. Borrowcr,hall �_
<br /> be in defnult if any forfeimr+a uc�ion or Qrcx:eeding.whelher civil�r criminul, is ha ga�a thal in l.ender ti good fuith judgment �E`�
<br /> �4`.` '!1� ,., _ , -
<br /> ;-. I 4;;�t��,��..�: �" could result in forfeitum of the Propeny or otherwi,e ma�criully impuir �hr li�ie.•:<<ated hy thi+ Securiry Imirumem or �. __ _
<br /> •.';,V�t"�i.'h,;.� Lender+security interes�. Bortower may cure,uch u default und reinti�+ite,us pmv i�:7�n puru�eruph IR,by cuu+ing�he action {-f�',�`!�.j
<br /> :�- '� or proceeding to be di�misscd with u mling Ihat,in Lrndcr�g�x►d iuith detemiinutiun,precludes furtciwrc of tlx�Born►wcr;
<br /> `•`";` � ��'rRz��'�
<br /> . �r'�� � interest in the Piroperty or other maleriul imp:�irmcm of ihc lien creu�eJ hy �hiti Securi�y In,irumeot or Lcndcr's sccuriry �_�___
<br /> M :$� .,
<br />_�"„ ';� '•y:X interest. Borrciwer�hnll ul.n l,e in defuult if Born�wer. durin� �hc loan applicoticin pnxe,,. guvc materiully ful+c ��r �_
<br /> ,� '.� �� � ��L ,,, iaucrurule informa�ion ar statemenls to Lender lor failed lo providc Lcndcr with am muterial infarmutionl in cannation with _
<br /> ��i:h
<br /> � ,., _ ,� �-,= i�, �aan zyidc�ced b3 !he N�N. �neludinu. twt not limiled to. rcpresemulic�n� corxeming Bormwer: �xcu�+nncy of�be `, '�+
<br /> � ., �� �:' ` �. pmperly a+a prine+pal revidc:nee. If thi.Securi�y In.trumenl i.�m u Iea,eM�IJ.B��rrow�r shuii cnmply wi�h uii il�r pror•i5ion;
<br /> � �,�. ::.,•!'i,,?; of the lensr. ll porrowcr acyuire,fec ti�lc to the Pn�peny.ihc Ira.chc�l�1:►nd the fer lide shall nrn mcrgc unlc�+Lendcr u}!recx �s,a -
<br /> ,: ,� y, .. .; i,. . to thc mcrgrr in wriling. ��' -
<br />_:`;r ' � ,�i "'�1;; . � �� 7. Protection oP l.ender's RiRhts in the Property. If Borrn«•er i'�ils ta perfarm the covcnuntx und ugr��cmcnts Rr:,..�;_
<br /> ' �• y -��?' ";r��;� ` contained in this Security lmtrumcnt, or th�rc i+ u Irg�l pr�xeeJing thut rnay .ignif�cantly uffect LcnJer: righu in the ���;;.i�°
<br /> •�. y� s..;,�.>. . , b �'€'�`� =f;.-
<br /> .• .;! i;,.�{��,� pmp�ny lsueh ae a p��x'eed inF in bankniptcy.pmbute,for cundemnation��r tc�rfeitum�u to rnforre luws or re�ulaliontil.thrn �, , ,y�; _=_
<br /> '�' �. Lender may d.�und pay(or whutcver i.nccestiary t��pr��tert the vuluc of�hc Property unJ Lender: righls in the Pro�rly ,...,�,,ct���..
<br />;i ti�•,1;�«� ��_• -- .--
<br /> J Lenderl uction.muy include paying any wm,r�ruRJ by u licn whirh hu�priority over thi�5ecurity InytrumenL ap�xunn� " �'"',``: `
<br /> ''•'.�' .' in coun,paying�cuxonnl�e auorney.'Irex unJ rnterin�on ih�Property w makc repuin.Although L�nder muy wke•rc�iun _,�
<br /> �' r� ��� under this parrgrnph 7.Lendcr d�x+no�huvc u�do.o• �=`�'r
<br /> .•� ��� �.._. '__�.,
<br /> � Any amountz di.buncd by Lrixlcr undcr Ihi� paragrrph 7 tihall Ixcomc udditiunul debt ot'Bom�wcr uucurcd by thi+ �' : .
<br /> " +. -. " : Security Inxtrumen�. Unlc+ti Born►wrr and Lcndrr ogrcc t�,othrr temi.ol�puymenl.thcu umnuntti.hull Ixar intcrc�t Gom�hc ��;. ,
<br /> �;�,. .� � � dule of dixburtiemrnt ut�he Nrnc rule•rnJ yhull Ixx puyahle. wiih mt�rc�t.upi�n naticc fri�m Lcnder ti►Borrower reyucxting � „ � ��i,__
<br /> y.�, . • .���,:j{ ���...��
<br /> �, ,; , t,(�'i•' payment. .
<br /> ltlli;1l, r4 i,.rf; ..,U-.• ...!;it S. Mortguge lnsuraacc. N'Lcndcr rcyuimJ m�,r1g;►gc insur�mcc a, a n�nJiti�m uf making�h�loan uecured by thi+ Q'Jk"sn J_
<br /> Securiry Instrumcm. Bort��wcr ,hull p•ry ihr {,rcmium. rcyuircd to maint•rin Ih�mortg•rgc in,urancc in rt'fcct. li'.tor uny ��r� -.: ,,:-:.-
<br /> : ��' .t}.14.�a�r'`r-:ti.. .. .
<br /> , 's=ii.li;''�� '.. reuson.�hc m.xlFug� in�uranre coverage reyuired hy I.ender lapx�s or c�as�.to tx in el'i'rci. BuROwrr rhall pay t e .,;,+�t.;.�__.,
<br /> .', � • , <<:�.,:..ty - prcmiumti myuired to �htain cover•rge .uh,�anticdly c��uivalenl to the murtga�e imurrncr previou.ly in rlf'ec�. ut a co�i :1-� ,� ti•-,.
<br /> •%,i t�,',c;i,�;:•• • "
<br /> -- ,.:.�.<•, zub+rrntiully eyuivalent io thc ro.1 to Burn�wcr uf�hc mortgugr in�urcmce prcviuu�h•in ct'tccL 1'rom un:!Itcmatc murlga�e �'h� ✓-i�'Y
<br /> ` � `� � , " � insurerapprovcd hy LenJer. II'.uh.lanliall�•cyuivulcnt mortEuge inzuranrc cnv�ra�er i�nol av�ilablr.Bormwcr�hull p•ry �o ,�`S.:ry°-;,.�:
<br /> _ . _ „ o Lender euch mumh a.um cyuul tn onr-twclt'th uf the yearly mnnFuge imur.ukr prcmium Ixin�paid hy Borrower whcn the —� .. ._� .
<br /> '.Y ,' 'ti.. . ., insur�ixc covcrugc lapxd urcru,�d to Fx in rft�cl. Lrndcr will uccrpl.u,c u��l rri:un thc+c puy�ment�a�a lu..rrkrvr in liru ����_.
<br /> _�`;.,,......
<br /> j '•£�tit�Y;�;:�,:f''"�- nf mongugc in+uruncr. l.u�,re.rrvc paymm�t.muy nu lon�rr I x rcyuirc d,a i t hr u��t i�x�a f L r n d c r, it'mon ga�e in,uroncc . . .-_
<br /> ,1:::::-��: .
<br /> ,:.}r,,,+ ,; • ;.'y�}�,;t,� coveruge lin tt�e umuunt wid tix ihc�xri��l lha�Lcnder�eyuire+i pm�•i�IcJ hy.u�in,urer approv�J B�• l.�nJrr again tkromr� I
<br /> t�, .,..., ,.�,�. , , • ;�,- uvuilabk und ix ohlaincJ.Bixmwcr+hall p:�y Ihe prrmium.�LyuircJ�o maiintam mixt�a�c imuruorc in c(frrl.ort��pn�vidr u y
<br /> ��..;,.; ;; `:,�, , ,;•i�•:5� la.�rtxcrvc,until�hc rcyuircmcm li�r rnnrt�agc in•u�ancr crni,in arcorJuncr���ith any wri�trn a�rcrmrnt ixtwecn Born►wcr
<br /> . . ;�..::�, � .
<br /> .�.��,,��,;:�� ,,,�f�?f���J��i.�,:r�' ��,�};�'r.;�ti; onJ Lgncl lnapecf on hlxndNr�x it�ugcn�may mai.�rca,unabi. cntric�u�x�n and m.�xY�iun,at'ihc Pro�xrl�-. Lrndcr.hi�ll •,
<br /> l,•;,;;,�, . �•�'. � ,
<br />. �•:;,,t.;;,� . , give Borrower no�icc ai�hr um.��T ar pri�,r to:m�n.prrtion�,�xrif}•ing tea,��nab��rau,r lar�hr in.�xctiun. �.,
<br /> ,(�j';�,;,f � • le. Condemni�lian. The prixerd.of an�•:ia;ud ur rla�m fur d�nn:ig.�.di rca ,,r cun.ryucnuul.m runnrcliun a ilh any ,.
<br /> ..,,; ,i•.�•��;:. . , +�� �, I',',
<br /> .i y..`� ! j � � Smglc h�mih-•FrnMc\1w�Freddir\Irr f\oF/iR��IV�'PNI�1F:\'f . 1'iul��nu('n�¢nant. 41911 ip��er. f �ti���•u �
<br /> ;�t.�.�?���) �.rr,u Ir►n Iw.mro t��a� bx �
<br /> �'1 � , G.�+nv�all 1•WMI'�M►9:14:1'-M\x hU�if1611t1
<br /> ,�,.":1.��:���\ �'�'f • , .
<br /> �Ir��!,(.'• }tr " �
<br /> '�'''�?�r'� !'�.�i��`t� ' . ' -' .-., � .
<br /> .�f��i`���# `� ' ,y ------�- ' - . , .. _� , }.X�
<br /> . i . . �' ,
<br /> �
<br /> . " � � -
<br />