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<br /> 1 .s:. • _ --
<br /> ; 1' .—_
<br /> � � !� 9�r��1G��.�
<br /> 4 �� all the im vementx now or hereyf�cr crectcd un thc propeny.wicl WII c��cmcm�.appurtenpnccs.
<br /> -;�`�' � ���W� � All re IacemcMa wul wlditions shall alra be covcral by this Security
<br /> and fixturc�oow or hercaf�tr a part af the property. P
<br /> „ Irwrument. All of the forcgaing ia rcfemed tu in thia Sccu�ity Insuument us IAe"Ropeny."
<br /> � ' BURROWER COVENAMS tlwt Bart��wcr ix luwtully�eised of lhe estate hereby conveyed aixl has the�ighl la granl
<br /> and convey 1hc Propaty und ttiat Ihe ProPenY �s unencumbered.ezccpl far encumbruncc�of recard. Bcxmwcr warrw�w++nd
<br /> ;,_�o� _ �.�, wil!defend g��l1y ihe title�o thc Prapeny agninsl all cl�ims and demands.�ubject to any encumbrunces�►S rea►rd.
<br /> Pr
<br /> �' x: - ._ . _
<br /> T , �=�,��,..� THIS SECURITY (NSTRUMENT combine�uniform cavcnams fix nutiunal us�s wxl uun-wqfam► rm'c�t�' "'��
<br /> , limjled vuriations by juflsdiction w constiiute a unifoRn cecurity instrument cove�ing�eal propeny
<br /> ,�' �` � � " '� UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bortowcr und l.endcr cavenant und Agree a�follawx:
<br /> ..,�,;;��,,• when due�he --
<br /> --�. � ' 1. Paymeat d Priacipol and Interestt Prep�yment and 4wte ChArgw. B�m►wer shall promptlY paY
<br /> °-���"�'�' ment sutd la�a ch es due under�he Note.
<br /> "��;';?;;;,.•;;;. p�nci I of and interest an 1 he d e bt ev i den c e d by t h e N o t e u n d s�n y pr�e p a Y �6
<br /> ,�_•��. ' � F�nde for7hxe9 and Insurance. Subject to npplicable low or ta u wri�ten wuiver by�ender.B�xrower shall pay to
<br /> - �- =-�-�':r��:-_'�'1��; Lender on ihe day monthly puyments are due under che Note.undl the Nate is puid in full, u xum l"Fund�'1 far.lal yearly _
<br /> � •"'�y."`' twces and assessmenu� which may attain pdoriry oves tius Sec�Y Insuument us a lien on the PropenY:lb)yearly le�ehald
<br /> - . ���� tiazard or n insuraix:c premiums: (d► ycarly flood _.
<br /> -s=- =•"""":'� ,;��si2�• . payments ar ground rents on thc Propeny. if su�y: <c)YearLY �'°� y y� �,yable by Borrower a ---
<br /> ums. tf an. an�ctt�tl un}�
<br /> —.�'�.�.�:.",." insutance premiume, if any: lel yearly mo�gage u►suranc�e p�emi Y'a e i►uccrroc�c premiums. '11�ese
<br /> ._.. ��•����?!�'.� �� Lender,in accordance with ihe pcovisions of pw�$�'aph S. in lieu of tt�e paymen¢vft nmrt8a�z
<br /> .:�", i�ems a�e called"Exrow Item.c.' Lender may.at any time.coltec�:u�d hotd FUnds in art amount nw tQ exceed the muaimum ��
<br /> -- ��r,��� •+'>`(�IAI,��;,�,� amount a lende�fcx a federally retated mort$age IoAn may reywre for Bortower�escrow ucautt�cnder the fedaml Reul --
<br /> �iL�,IJ^.ilY
<br /> ___ ,�� ��,la(�;• Estete Settlemenl Procedures Act oi'1974 as a�nen�ded from ame to 1ime.12 U.S.C.§26p1 ec sey.(..RESP�"),unless onother
<br /> _ �:�'-:�r';j•�J�'' : law thut applies to Ne f'vnds sets a lesser am�wa�. If so.Lendcr may.At any time.colkrt anci hold Funds in un amount not to n,._-.
<br /> �M �'��',1R,��';° exceed the lesser amaum. l.ender may estimaue�he amount of Funds due on the bwis ai cwnn� data and reosonoble
<br /> ^----�,'^'.5�f� ,KS��,�
<br /> - —�A�'°'' ': •;�;r��� � esam�tes,of expenditures of future Escrow ltems or otherwise ice accordunce w�th pPP�icaMe law. __
<br /> W::�tF{ ,..•;.:•.,• ,��;�5, . �_-
<br /> _, , , � ��g�• The Funds stull be held in an instiwtian whose depoanus w'e insured by a fedeml a�ency, instrumentality.or ent ly
<br /> �r:,-
<br /> °�,_` � '�'-'�(Gi;}'I`�'!�
<br /> `, �, �- �fEeld �- (including l.cnder.ii Lender is such an inslitutionl w in av�v Fe�icral Home l.oan Bnnk. Lcnder shall apply the Funds to puy --
<br /> °� r��.t`;" a,' „,,:. �he Bscrow 1[ems. L.ender may not charge Boiroarr toa�hnldinF and upplying the Funds,unnually w�alyzing 1he escrow
<br /> •-._.�'�:._- 1 •�.
<br /> �;.� ,.,�,,, ;, .'�: accaunt, or veriiyiag the Escrow Items,unles� Len�ler pay� Borrower interest on�he Funds and applicublc luw permils
<br /> �;� f;.�••,::�.::•.� . Lender to make such a char e However.Lemks muy requi�+e Born�wer to�ay a une-time charge far un independent rcal �•. �
<br /> -; :�`�� , . " g '
<br /> �;��i'• _;'��G�if;• ' estate lax repoAinB ser„ice used by l.ender in connecnan wi�h this loun,unle�x u licuble law�vvides otherwise. Unless an
<br /> T�� ` • �� ,' ���'��'�, ugreement is made ar a licablc law ui�cs interest to be puid,Lender shnll not�reyaired to pay Borrowcr nny interest or
<br /> - -_��:� >.�•, •. ;..;,..
<br /> �ti <.-;:i
<br /> ,�_,; ;,'r;l�+*�1;� ��" eaminss on the Funds.Borrower�t�d�L.endcr may agree in writing,howevcr,that interes�sR�all bc paid on the Funds. Lender —
<br /> =- �� ?'.�����i��.� '. shall give to Borrower.without charge,un unnuul accounting of the Funds,showing credit�and debits to tne Funds und �he
<br /> "'� ___ �I,+�� •: S,urpose for which each debit to the Funds was mude. The Funds are pledged ua additional security for all sums secured by _
<br /> .�- .; '��i�+��:,�;_; thisSecurirylnstrument. ^T
<br /> :..�. ��-
<br />-'��•;,;.:'- _.:.o "•.,��;.;;t j I f t h e F u n d s h e l d b y L e n d e r e x cecd the amnunt� p ermitted to be held by applicable law. Lender shall accaunt �o
<br /> :� �;j:��:} • Borrower for the e�ceaa Funds in uccordnnce �v�1�the requirements of upplica b l e law. I ti I he amou n t o f t h e F u n d s h e l d b y
<br /> �-�.
<br /> � � } :;a Lender at uny lime is na sufficient to poy the�scrrw Items when due, l.ender may so natify Bortower in writing,und,m �,,,
<br />;-''�' ,' & �,..•• . ' such case Borrower ahall pay to Lender the umnunt nece+snry to muke up the deficiency. Bortower shell make up thc ��
<br /> =� ��- � � defciency in no morr thun twelve monthly puym�ms,ut Lencler's solc discretion. _
<br /> %`���� " ��.;�v•�-.��� � ' Upon pnymeM in full of ull sums secured by this Securiry Instrument, ticncicr shull�+rompdy r�fund to Borrower uny ,,:__
<br /> ���-'`` Funds held by Lender. If, under pamgrnph 21,Lendcr shnll ucyuire or seU the Property.Lender, prior to the acquisition or __—
<br /> � �•�nti'�-� sale of the Property. tihall upply uny Fundt held by Lender s�t the time of ucquisition or sule us u credit aguins�the tiums _
<br /> • = ""'-' secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> :�:. �� ,,��,i�K � . ; 3. �pp���n �ppymen�s. Unless upplicuble law providex otherwise. oll pnyments received by Lender under --___
<br /> , � :��;;;!�� puragraphs I and 2 shall be upplied:�rst.to any prcpayment charges Juc uncier�he Nate:secand.to nmounts payable under �;�-._
<br /> . ,;%' ,
<br /> • ";''tii� .. � ,,•; ',. `' paragraph 2;third,�o interest due;founh,to principal due;und last,ta uny lute churgec due under the Note. �;;;
<br /> . ` ,5�' +'. ?.'•b,�. �'�
<br /> , j•�,::,`},,, 4. Charges; Lieas. Borrower shall pay ull wxes,us�essments, chargca, fines and irnpositions attributablc to the
<br /> " ' � %.' �`�;.:�-�.�c'� propetty which may attnin priority over this Security In�crumen�,and Ieusehold payments or ground rents,if•rny. Borrower ;4•.;
<br /> °' ` `�?'1���`"`�„ shall puy these obligatians in the manner provided in paragmph 2,or if not puid in that mar�ncr,Horrower shall pay them on
<br /> , • ' � ' � [ime directly to�hc person owed puyment. Borrawer shall promptly furnish to l.endcr nU noticex of umounts to be puid under
<br /> ��..' ' � �.a� this paragruph. if Borrower makes these pa�ments direcUY• Borrower shall prompdy fumiah�o Lencler receipts evidencing
<br /> ,:<x... -t,:� :. ' ... .�.
<br /> _ ,,,..,..,�: ��payments. .;.
<br /> ' ' '`"� `i��;� Dorrowcrshall promptly dischurge any lien which hsu priority over this Securiry Instrumem unlrss Borrower:(u1 ugrees ,
<br /> `�•r ,: �;;,. }`'"��'<< in writing to the payment of thr obligalion securcd by Ihc lien in u munner ucccptuble to Lender,l b)rontests in good fsuth Ihe rr.-
<br /> - `'`'` _''1`t>, lien b or deknds n uinst enforcemem oP the lien in,legul proceedin�s which in the I..ender;opinion upers�te to prevent�he �?;`�
<br /> .. ' �'1v;.�,;1.,3,�' e3 Y. 8 �
<br /> �.yt�.�..,� .. enforcemenc of the lien:or Ic)securcs from the holder of�he lien an usreemeni sutisfactory to Lender subordinu�ing ihe lien �_.`
<br /> �` : ��t� �;`y�"+,;�?, •�- r, ' to tt�is Security Inwument. If Lender determines thut any part of the ProPerty is subject to u licn which mny uunin prioriry
<br /> �� •.. .,, ��'.��•' �, ,.��� ; over this Security Instrument,Lender mny give Borrowe�a noticc identifymg the lien. Borrower shull�wtisfy the licn or�oke �';.
<br />;`,';;.�: . " �r;,�1•��r.,.,., ,� one or more ottheactions set forth above within 10 duys of the giving of notice.
<br /> , .�,:1'� .
<br /> ''V� ,'4�4;tj"��'�,p . 5. Harardor Property Insurance. Borrower+haU kecp�hc improvemcnts now existing on c�rcafter erected on the
<br /> ' ���'•;'{1;`,; Property insured aguinst loss by lire,harards includeJ withire�he tcrm"ealendcd cuveraFe"anJ uny olher hazurds,including �
<br /> �1"� �' �`: � ' • � floods or tloodin6, for which Lender require� insarance. 'p'hi� in.urance shall lx:mrintained in the�mounts and for�he
<br /> '•�1 , ,'•1����':ltl,t�� ..,` FormJ02M 9i90 �/wRr�nrroawqrs� '
<br /> . . �, '��:i,
<br /> '.,�; ` ; �1 t.c't:�,,:;��
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