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�i -�.---- .: <br /> __ , . _,�_ :�. -�. �- � , - � :-�,_. <br /> , I''4 . .,�, _. _ - - .-�_ '_r_. <br /> ;::4� ,:�.:' 91--1o290v � <br /> .` applicablo Isw nuy specify fot r�einstatementl befote sAle af the Property pwswu�t ta any power of sWe contained ia this <br /> , Security Inadument; a(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Inswment. Thase cand�tions au+e ttwt Sorrnwer. (A1 <br /> ' '�,: p�ys I.ender�II sums which then would be due under this Socuriry Insuument and �ho Nata as if no acceleruion had <br /> �•...; s all ex nses incwred in enforcin this Socurity <br /> ' ;��,.:,. •..• occumed:(b)cuees any defoult of any aher covenanta or agroements;(c)pay pe 8 <br /> Instrument. including,but nat limited ta.reasanable s�itom�sys'fees;and(d)Wcea such aciion as l.ender mwy reasonab�y <br /> - . :.i�..1Ji.�.'1L•,�� . �4�a�sw�e tA�t Uie lien o8this Secu�ity Instrument.Lender��igMs in�he Propeny and 8amwer's obllgatian to pay the <br /> - — e�s �;<<red »y u�i��ccuri�y tast�wnent shall contlnue unchan�ed. U�n reinstatement by Barmwer. �his Secu�ity �_�__�_- <br /> ' �"`•��` ip�Ut��ent and rbe c�bligaxiurrs aecu�d hereb shwll remain full effective as it na accelerwtic�ftwl accurred. Hawover�Ibir � <br /> ,.�.a.:��:s�� Y y _ <br /> 2fS•� r <br /> ; -,f ��',.;:;�;, f;y.� right ta ccinsuue�.l.tnot ap�1y in the case of ucceleratian under paragraPh 17. -- <br /> .,�,, ,_ ; _;� *�,: 19. Snle ot Nvoe; 6�an�e oi Loan Servicer. Thc Note or a putial interest in the Note Itagethcr with ihir Secu�ily <br /> T -a.-�.. Insuument) may be sald one or more tfines wi�haut Qriar nc►tice ta 8arrawer. A s�le may resuU in u changc in the entily ____ <br /> _�;:, <br /> ���_•.._�jy, (known as the"L�n Servlc�r")tha�collects manthly payments due under t h e Nate an d t h is 5ecuri iy In�lrumen t. Ther�alaa <br /> ''`� � ' ,,� may ba one or more changes of tha Loan Scrvicer unrulated lo u sale af the Noto. If�herc is u change nf ihc l.iwn Scrvice�, --- <br /> ��._: �.��., <br /> �` - y zmw Barrower will be glven wdlten natice of the change in accardance wiih pamgrt+ph 14 above nnd applicaMle I�w. '1'hi ni�lice � __-_____ <br /> �'l�sd.,l:,yt'.�;� <br /> _e,,,..,,L�;:. will state�he nurne auid uddress of the ncw Loan Serviccr und thc uddrerc�o which Fayment��hould be mwle. 9'hr n�Nicr will <br /> - �='-_.;;�,��;�y alco contain any cdherinfarmntion required by uppliewble law. �___ _.� <br /> �'�__� 20. HwznrdaasSub�lancea. Bnrmwer Khall nut cuurK:or permil the prexence,uM,dir.poxul,tip�rugc,nr rcicu�e ul uny <br /> --::�'�';' • . Hozardaua Subaunces on ar in thc Pmperly. B�wcr xhall nM du.nur ullow unyunc cl�t�►do. unything uff.ti�ing U� <br /> --=�����'��-"'�="' Propcny ihat iR in vid�tion af�y Environmemol Luw. Thc�►rcceding two�cntenccs xhull n�N Lpply lo Ihc proK nce,u„e,��r <br /> °�s°'n�:i•�. etorAga on the P�ropeny uf smoll yuamiUes uf Nivardous SubYtwnos+�ha�urc�enerally�;u�nir.�d w Mc wpPn►prime to norm�l <br /> �i--.�� 'Q rosidential uxes and to maintetwnce nf the Pmpeny. �.:._. <br /> - ,���•a;''. Borrowcr slull promptly give Lcnder wrilten nntirc of any invefitigution,cluirn,dcmand,IuwnuN ur�diter uction by uny �,°:,.-_,.-:_ -- <br /> - . ._:,�.. ,_ --=�- <br /> -- ��-�-•��`�'•� gavernmental or regulatory ugency or prlvatc puriy invnlving�he Propetty nnd any Hu�urdaur� Subxlanrc ur @nvironmenlal <br /> -- ;";"`r •. Lnw of which Bornower has uctual knowiedge. If Bamawer leams, or ia notifled by uny governmenlal ur rcgulatary ��- <br />-..;,;-, ;..,.,.. <br /> �� , , , <br /> "� ,;° '; � uutharity,that uny eemovul or other remediatian of any Harnrdc►uF Subswnce uffeclfng Ihe Pmpeny is necea�ry.Borrower �{:. � <br /> �. � �� �+ sh�ll promptly tAke all necessary remedial actions in accordunce with Envimnmental Luw. �,�. —_ <br /> - ;; ,� •�;,�,�;�.��?��• As used in tMs paragruph 20."Hazardous 5ubstances"ure those substances defined us toxic or hazardaus substances by <br />:;:r�t,` ,, ` :ti' ::� EnvirunmenuU�nd the foltowing subs�nnces: gusoline,kemsene,other flemmable or taxic petroleum products, toxic -----------� <br />-}r:',: �. �° ^ pesticides and herbicides,voi�ile solvents, mAterial� cantnining vsbestog or Formeldehyde, and rudiouctive materfals. As "��""^"'' <br /> --,��.�..�,._ - <br />=`'�'�. �.�.� °��.'::"'" used in this paragaph 20.'Environmental Law"means Federal laws nnd lewa of the juriscliction where the Property Is locuted -_- - <br /> �,���#. � � .A. that relate to health. s�fety ar enviQ�nmental protection. � - ? <br /> �' �•- � NON-UNiFORM COVENlati fS. Borrower und Lender funher covenant and aFttee as fa l lows: �rc : <br /> '�'�l��A; ,�. �•°;' 2 1. A c c e l e r a R➢o�; R t m e d�e�. I.ender shall give nWice to Ba�ower p r ior ta arreleration tdbwiag Borrower's ��� <br /> �: --- #1�is�:r�:,:,. a �; <br /> �: _ t�p�,�h of nnv owea�i ar s�reemeat in Ihls Security InslrumeM Ibat ooml prior to pcceleration aader puagrApb l 7 Fr � _ <br /> �`�.�, .�.:�:..,.:.. <br /> ,,., unless applkable]aW prav7�9es otherwise). The notice chall speciiy: la!the drtault:IDl lhe action requirM to cure 1he �a�r,.� <br /> {�rK� �:`' �` � default;(c)A d�te.aot less thua�30 days from the date the notice is Ri�•en to 9or�oR•er,by which the deipaN must be ��� a''" <br /> :,�����; .:�;1;•;��1`�:`. <br /> .: �, �" ' ,. cured;and Id) tha!tailere tv cure ihe deiaulf on nr before Ihe date cpecified in the notice may result in acceleratian of . , <br /> r..-:��,,,u;r7�;�"`�.�.:. , <br /> ,�,. ' � thR sums secered by this Secaritv Instrument and�le oi the Property. The nMice shAll further InPorm Borrower of ;�':r:;;.�`,. <br />' ," '; ' t".,'�s.� �;.e,o.;: '% <br /> � ,�:'�-• ;�,.. ; Ihe right ta reiaslwte aRer accefaration And the right to bring a court action to�ert the non-exi.clence of a default or � ��t,r:;�,�;, <br /> ' ��,"' ` any Mher defense dDattower to accele�ation and!�ale. If the default i.s nM cured on or bePare the date specif7ed in �\'�+�°- <br /> 1��!1Y�at�SS-- <br /> ' �'�' �' ��'�� '� �� the notice,l.ender pt its option may require immediate ps�yment in iull ot all sums secured by this Secu�ily Instrument �,:;7;;�+''. <br /> '.3%;:.�,�`;��i';t?�• wilhout fuMher demand and ma invoke the wer of sale and an ulher remedies rmitted b a licable IAw ,�,�+•�•�t��-^' <br /> . . .,� ,1,4,r.�r,'��. Y W Y Pe Y PP ,•v:��,.:..;�:,;, <br /> ,�•..�;;�,�t ;,. Lender shaH be enNUed to cof�ect All expenses incurred io pu�suing tUe remed�es provided in this paragrapb 21. ;�i:,,t:�r°;x'.;.:•, <br /> �^��°`�1.� 1'�"••�° ° ineiudinq.bul tat limited ta.rensonable atturneys'fees and c+�s�v of title evidence. :�+�x �_ <br /> ' �` "`• ' If the po�+er of xak is invoked,7lrustee shall record a nuNce oP defaup ia each eounty in which any port uf the �� <br /> }J �'jf� <br /> h �� r.. <br /> ,,4�Y :�,,._ _ " � Property ia located and sha�l mail copies of such notice in the manner presc�ibed by applicable law to Borrower and to '�i}�S{�t�';;��' <br /> •� . Ihe other persons prescribed by applicable I�w. A�ter the time required bv upplicable law.Trustee shall give public _'t�:>>=��= <br /> �`'°� � notice of sale to the persona And in the manner prescrii►ed by applica6le law. 71�ustee.withuut demond on Borrower. b�lK` �',��-. <br /> '' �• shall sell the Property at public auctbn to the highest bidder at the time and plare and under the terms desi nated in �. �<:=;, <br /> � �" - ` r rcels and in anv order'IFustee determines. 'frustee may postpone Snle oP wll or any � 'f� 5 <br /> � I h e n o t k e o t s a k i n o n e o m a r e a •n � � „ ' <br /> ' arcel of the Pro eAy by ublic announcement�t the lime and IACe of An reviously scheduled ssde. Lender or its =.. "''-`"�''`�' <br /> . .... P P D P Y p �:;;�._�._._ <br /> .- � � .. o,+ designee may purc4ase the 1'roperty at any w�le. �'':.�::�f�='''. <br /> ,•. , .. U p o n r e c e i p t o f p�+y m e n t o f t h e p r i c e b i d.'I�u s t�e s h a l l d e l i��p r l o I h e p u r c h�.c e r 7 Y u�t e e'q d e e d c u n v e y i n R t h e a t°r^�,�•�: <br /> ' •• •• Properly. The recials In the 7lrustee's deed shall be prfma fACie evidence of the truth uf the statements m�de Iherein. ,^:"`..�',r_..= <br /> u�°';� ` " pe �I � 'j`:;��:�:�•". <br /> . � -.y�,_�,t,x,�. . 'I Y�usstee s t�a l l app lv t he proce e d ls o f l he�a le fo t h e fo l b w i n�o r d e r. l a l t o a l l c u s l s u n d e x n s e s u P e x e r c i s i n t h e w e r � �� _ <br /> � �•�:<i: 1�, aj,l�''.�:.c�r. <br /> , ' • �i41c�id�. r ,::.'�__._ <br />� •.i�;'. ;t�}�i�'y.:�i- , . {��, —. <br /> ��.�� f�;,'`;ti',;�- <br /> ,t;�;, '� �:�': �,� �•r_" <br /> ,"h� ..4!�r.�. n° y �'l1i�iC.s�=. <br /> . :��,.�, yi,.; y(, �`;: .°;r��.:,�;;.. <br /> .,�";• �d°�1.'�'(: �`7j1 ' • _ - <br /> +`I -5 �!'1�•'r .��:Yi... <br />. . ',��' �Y`�I: '�;"n,�l�,ti~� -1;�. L <br />- . n.�� ..�i�r�.jr:'��.:r '�.'. ���,`:i.;if,:�.'�•f, � <br />. .I�1,•. ti�'�IjI'�II{�Y,. , f-(•r�. ' . <br /> �� - �.��.:�'��`/� . � l:l:.�,` . <br /> . ;,y+ '}" � '' . ��r� <br /> .;�1}`�''�� �' • . <br /> �i�. . <br /> •'f�.��� . Fi�rmW28 4�YU ya�xrf�dnpuerv ' <br /> � °a,. <br /> __' �•' <br /> �z ., <br /> � (� <br /> , .,�,,- :------•.,�-_ - , • ,,. r ,,, . �,- .. <br /> . . .,� . <br />- -- _. � —, , � ._. _ . _ <br /> � ' . <br /> r <br /> ;;',��:� � ' t� . . <br /> �•' `�`.<%�;r��,'.,: , ,•�,' ; . , � ! . . . . „ <br /> , ,, �.;�; 'ylf���:< < `•,t . , •, : . ,..,. •�. , <br /> �� , , • ', <br /> '�; , ,� <br /> � ��'"��'� � • . .. . , <br /> .,;,:�. <br /> , � .. <br /> ,' ' ,� , <br /> � ! f <br /> . � � � _ � _ __ <br />