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. Ri _ :TS� �� : .-�;_____ __ <br /> � . . _ _ <br /> �: . . <br /> - , __ ____ ._ <br /> - ;�,, - � <br /> �� 91-- 10�900 <br /> ..� �', conckmnulion or nthcr�akin�of uny part of lhr Properly.or tix canveyuncc in licu of cundemowi�►n,are hcr�by uK%i�ned and <br /> ' xlwll bc puid lo L,cndc�. <br /> In thc evem��t� u tatul tuking of�h�Propeny, �he pracecd� xhnll ix; applicd to tha tium+: secured by Ihih 3ecurity <br /> .. . Inx�rument,whe�he�i�r not�hen due, with any excetis�wid ta Bom�we�. In the evant of u puniul tuking of the Piroperty in <br /> � � <br /> ` which Ihr fuir murket vulue af�hc Propeny immediatcly befbrc the�uking ix cquul io or great�r�han thc umuunt nf the sumx <br /> ._ . secured by this Security Inxin�mcnt irnmediwtely bciore ihc taking,unlc+s sormwor and Lcndcr cuherwise ug�ee in writing, <br /> � L the vum� �rcured My Ihis Securily In�lrument shul!be reduc�l hy the umount of Ihe pnxceds mullirlicd bY the following <br /> .<. frac�ion: lu►the�otal amow�t of tbe sums xecureJ immediutrty tkfinc the tai:ing. di��idcd by I.A1 thc nr'aai�et rslue vf tk�r --- <br /> . Pttirpeny immediately befwe Rhe takiag. M.y bulunce vhull lx� paid w &►rmwec In th�:everec uf a p;�.u�t ak+t�S c�f lRe ��. <br /> . ���''_` <br /> ...�,;«✓..' R�o�e�ty in:which Uti2 fuer.ttwiaker vaCue c►�f t{k:Prup�tny imrtx�iao:ly befv� the c:�b;ii�z i.[e.s th;uz tliN::unouant�uf s�a sumx . .�r;uc�r,-; <br /> �'�., ` a .-.�r, ,,. tsc�u� im�reediure[y kx�fae�l�e wJcicig.tenle+�Bcxrowee;Nnd k.ender oct�rwi.e a�z►�r in.vuriti+:y� ��r unlesx upplicuble li�w — <br /> .�~;::. •,�t�:1 <br /> . ���, otFr.•rwisr:�m►vidirs.d�e pra�eect..,l�ff DN��Yic�f aa ttie�:uns5 sec;uR�l bp thu S«uriry ln,truux�r�t whethcr o�nnt the sumx s�rc <br /> �i:ti .. .r t:•`� <br /> :�� y���}� then due. - <br /> __--�"•{_��,, 1��ti• IP thc PropeAy ix ulwndoneJ by Barrower,or if.•rl3er noticr by L�nder[o Barn�wer thut ihe condemnar oi'fen io muke v_ <br /> �,�,. <br /> �.;` 4?...: an uw�ud ar�etde u cluim fur damugrx,Bormwer i'ail+to retipond to Lender wiihin 30 duys uf�cr thc da�c ihe notice Iti grven, <br /> -- Lend�r is authorizcd to coU��ct und upply thr pmcceds, ut it+uption,eithcr ai rc��aru�ii�n�x repuir ot'�he Pm�hy or to the <br /> _.�._:��f sumx secured by�hi�Secu�iry Instrumem,whether ur nu��hcn dua. — <br /> % ^.^-�,l"u,a Unles�Lender und Burruwer o�hervvi�e ugRe in wriling. uny applicutiun��I'��KCeJ, to principul�hull n�d cxlcnd or <br /> �Y'f+Y'. � <br /> ,; �: � pux�pune thc Juc dute ol'�hu m�►nthly paymen�Y RfcrtrJ�u in pnrugn�ph� I nnd:��r chun�c�hc umuunt uf�ucb puym�ntw. <br /> "'=°��, •: 11. Bnrrower NiN Releu�edt Furbevrum�r Ny I.endcr Not u Nuker. F.xicn�iun ui' tlk �imc li�r paymem ur <br /> ,_�,,.�.a.a <br /> - r ��:r.,.� m�xlifKUtion of um�miiuliun��t'Ih��um. +�tiured hy�hi�ti4curity In,trument�rumcd hy l.rn�kr�o uny+urrc+tiur in imcrc+� <br /> �'...,��•`..,� <br /> �- ;;��T_• . of Bom►wcr,hull �IuI�►�xrulr to Rlcuu ttx liuhility u1'Ihc ariginul Honnwrr or tiurruwcr:•uccc.w�n in intrrc+t.l_cndcr _ _ <br /> =:�-''.._, rhall nul Ix nyuircd �u cumnnncc��r�xrrdin}�u�niu,� uny�urr...ur in iu�rrr.�ur rrtii,r tu rx�end �imr li►r paymem or <br /> --- "�`�"'' ;-�:�:�:; oih�•nvi,c m��lit'y u�uuniiuiMm uf Ihc,um�,rcurrd I►y�hi+.ti�YUnly la.lrumem by re+i,an ol uny drmiutd muik by�h���rigin:�l <br />�-�'.•��E . , Norrow•rr ur Nurruwrr;,ucrr„ im�rc��. Any tori+caranr�hy L.nd.r m c�crc���og�my nKht or rrmrd��,hull n��t Ik u ___ <br /> --_ ±,�,.•:�r•,.,, wuivcr ol�or pmcludc�he�xcrci,c ul'uny right ur rrmcdy. � "=°. <br />�r , � 12. tiu�rc�.w��wnd AxslKn,c H�wndt JoIM and�everul I.fablUlvt l'u•.rl{{n�rw. '1'hc ruvenuni�und u�rcemtn��uf thiA <br />�°-'•_;,.�� . , lrcuriry In.irument r.hall hind aod hciklit ihr,uccr„o�,amd u„iEn,ul I.rnder und Nurruw•cr.+ubjrc�tu�he pruvi�f��m uf v- - <br /> � � .,: �' `�; ---- <br /> `�','��.w.. ' , purugruph 17. Harrowcr'.+ciwenunlx unJ ugrrcmcm� ,hull h� inini und .rvcr�d. Any HoROwcr whu ci�•.ign, ihi. Sccurity <br /> _ �.�...,,�, Inx�rumrnt bu�d��+�x,t exuutc�hc Nutc: lu l i�co•,i�tning�hi�Sccurily Imtrununt�mly u►mnngagc.grunl und ainvcy ihul `,;!`�;;; <br />-_•Unt ••.�E B��rn►wrr ti intcrr�t in�he Prop�ny under the tcrmx of�hi�S4curity In,irument: Ib 1 i+no��xr.unully ot►IiguteJ�o�y�hc+um� ;:::.7u. <br />_��� . •� ;� . ,erurcd by thi�.Sccuriry lnstrumen�:und(cl ugrcr�thut l.cndcr und uny ulhcr Horrower muy ugrce lo rxlcnd,m�xlify,farlx�ar _�:=_: <br />:`.=,�i;•. �"�, or makc any arcommrxlutionti with rcgurd to Ihe term� iii�hi. Security In.�rumem or the Note without �hu�Bixrowrr+ ___ <br /> T;4 r� �, cnn+ent. <br /> ��'' �""''- - li. I.opn ChArges. 1� �he ioan xecured by �hi+ Srcuri�y iu�irwncot i..uhj.�i te a IaM� u•hich �:etr: mazin�um Inun <br />'"`"� -'�'� charges,and thA�luw i+linally imerprcted so thut the interc,t ar other loun rharges coUccted�x to 6e cullecled in connecti��n a.. <br /> ' L.w,; <br /> , �r;�;�►�„.., � � with�he loun ex�red the�xrmitted limits,then: lu 1 uny+uch loan rhar��.hull i�r rcJuceJ by�hr amount ncce,�ary to reducr _ <br /> .`;-, •`•' 'r°, the charge ta the pennitted limit;unci(M1 apy +umti alreudy rallec�ed trom Hum�wcr w•hich rrcecded p�:rmiltcd limi�ti►�ill lx � <br /> refundeJ tu Botrower. I.eiulcr m•ry ch�xi,e in make ihiti rcfund by rcJuring the principal uwed under�hr Note ur Uy mal�in�n <br /> � �`'I �,l�i; direct payment�o Borrowcr. If a rcfund �educe+principal,the mdurtian��•ill he trcated ux u puni�d pnpayment wi�Mwt uny <br /> ��:._- <br /> -• • �, , �f'�; prepayment churge under�tK;Note. <br /> � r �'��`�' l4. Notices. Any noticc�o Bam►wcr pnrvidcJ lor in�hi+5rcurity I�titrumcm .hull iic given by dclivcrin�±i� or by ��.=— <br /> .: .`�+� .;�;i,r`,% '�:f,:�,;���;�4'' mailin g it b y tir�t das.mail unlc>,applirublc law rcyuire,u.c uf unuther mr�h�xi.Thr ni�icr,hall tn direclyd�o ihc prciperty --- <br /> ,R " �' ;(.:,':�?,'t;''';'. or uny other uddresx Bi�nawer de�ign•rle�by notice tu l.rrnlcr. Any ncnice ti�l,cn�kr s ha l l h e�iven hy tin t c lu,s � � <br /> -'�u;���,+��,. <br />°° 4` :N;�:,":.;rt'.i;:::;;i�'',•:}i mail to Lender�udJre.,�tuted hercin ar uny utlwr addrr.,Lcndrr dr.i�nale.hy no�irr a►Rorrawcr. Any noticr prcivided ti�r -- <br />�-�• + � f ' 1�'r�•rJ.�`��i��;A in this Security Intitrument zhull i� dcemed �o havn c�en givcn tn Bi�tri�u•er or l.endcr when givcn u+ providcd in this � <br /> � , t . . ..,;ft';t rar�- <br /> ;..•,,, p•rrugruph. �` • <br /> � . . ' .��J ''�:% :�'�'�k IS. Governing; Severabllily. This S�c�n•iiy Imtrumcnl ,hull Ix�cu�crncd hy teder.d It�w �md Ihc I:�w of the �,';�;�,;; <br />:9c � ,iAi;:�� . <br />_= r,t'��, ju�ixdiction ir which thr Pri�pehy i�lixoted. In Ih.rv�nt lhal un�pruvi.ian ur c lau,r��f thi�Securily Im�rumem or�he N�Hc <br />- � .� ?'�;;;.,� contlicts wi�h upplicubl�law.such cimflict,hall no�ali'cri�Hhcr pru��i.ium uf thi.Scruriry I nslrumcn�or�hc Notc which can <br /> �` � � :;�;, be given effect withix�t the con0ictinE provi�ion. Tii this cnd thr provi.iun+ot'thi. Securi�y Instrument and thr Ne,ie arc __ <br />',i . � ;'•'?, i.:;:::,:i-� declared l01�xcvcruble. r:_ <br /> '.. 16. Borruwer�R�:I1�lY. Aarrawrr.hall Ix�:iven unr c�mliirmed ropy ol'�hr Nute und��t'�hi.Securi�y In.�rumem. �,:,.�,•,-: <br /> _ ; �;i�'g;.�" � 17. 7Ynnsfer�►f the Pro rtv or a BeneQcinl lntere�t In Burru��•cr. If aU ur+my pan �d thc Pru�xrty or miy imrre.t in <br /> s'.,;�'. r Pe _ <br /> :�;�,;;`;': ;'• it is xold or tranxfcrrcd (or if a lkncticial intcrc.t in Eiorroxcr i.tiulJ ur iran.fcrrrd und Bum�wcr i,nut u nuiu�al Exn�m► <br /> ;, �__,;''�::." <br />' �r��;;i.:.• ,�r.;�,�(�.��, without Lender's prior wriacn comcnt.L.rnJcr it.��ptiun.rcyuirc imnreilial�payment in i'ull ul'�ecund by �:,_,,-- <br /> - • .•',?,t�';�,r.:,.:.�,, this Security In+trumen�. Howcvcr.�his optiun,hull not I+c exrrci.rJ by Lender if rrrrci.r�ihihi��d by Icderrl luv��as��f -- _-_- <br /> •• ' 'i::�� <br /> - ' thc dutc of thix 5ecurity In�ltumrnt. <br /> ' ��'�`�' �i,���1���� �� I(Lender exercises thi.uptian.Lender ,hall givr Burrnwrr no�icr uf acccl�r�iian. 'I'he nnlice.hall provid�a�rial�►I' w.��.'.� <br /> y�.�: •�..•:�•�� <br /> '�•.���:,+ `r � not lexs thun 30 Ju ti trom lhe Julc the nolk�i,Jrlivcrcd i�r m:�ilcJ��ithin��hich liorru��cr mu+t p�q•�ill rum�.�currJ b�•thi. r , . <br /> . i,:; , �:,,,'<. � , Y•� �., <br /> :t•.t;`.�;�;�,r•;:.':r';���i.�,,. Sccurity In+trument. If Borrowcr luil� w pa�• Ihctic sum,p�iur to Ihr c�pirntian of Ihi, �xriod. Lrrnkr nu�y im•ukc any . <br /> } `�.�5%,�:��;`:,.,�!,;�°'��``,:i' remeJie+perniiued hy thiti Sccurity Iminonrnt Hithout IunlKr nolicc ur JcmanJ on I�orra��rr. � <br /> ,'';.;'` -� IB. Borrower s RiRht to Reinsl�te. It fiurruwer nxr�. rcrt��in ranJitiun,. Fiorro�crr �hall huvr ihc riEhl to hin•c <br /> �•��:.'.,"1•'."'�::��� enYorcemen�of�his Se�urit�� In,lnmxm di.cominued :tl anq�ime prinr lu Ihr cai licr af: lu I S da}�.�or wch o�her�x riai a. <br /> . ::;:. .,. <br /> . ., <br /> ,,. , <br /> y 1in�1¢hamd�••F'�nnie\Iue�FYetldk�luc1�1F11R�11\ti'1'NI'�11{til'.. IbU�n�x�'.arnrnh 4i40 ����erJ,�►��p�¢r�� ,,,. � <br /> i� . <br /> � .. ,�,5 • . :���.. .. - - . � *r. :, .. •.i-:�� <br /> ___„-' _ ��FST_'< �.'_ _',-. <br /> - � ---- -- -� —°--. _ .� . . <br /> . r''J.. . .. <br /> � <br /> •1:�: �' . �,,�i � 4.. `I � .1, . , •.,�' . . <br /> ( I�� f� � ' lt � ' . ' � ' i' • , ' ' • - �lli <br /> . �. � j-���;i l�l�'y����il/ � I,��� ' ,. . . � - �, • � �- , . . ' „�- � <br />. '�" ; °��; � .1��•� � � .. , - . - . • . . . . . J. <br /> �ii � � .��:� . i_� . . . . <br /> ,P . . . . . . . . <br /> � '} �� . _ � � - � - . . <br /> �l. _ _. . _ ..__ � . <br />