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<br /> �pplicable�w m�y�pecify for rcinwtemeM)hefnro�wlo of tho PrapertY Wrr�u�nt Io�uty powa ot wlo contdood in thi�
<br /> � � Socurity Insuument;ar Ib)��f�jud�meni cnfix�cin�tlds Securiry I�atnunen�. 7tNUe condhims�re thu Aomowor. l�1
<br /> -___- p�ys �.ender�U�uma which 1 would he Aue under thi� Saudry Inspument iutd the Notc au if no�ccele�atfon h�d
<br /> -- - - occurt�d:lbleurc�any doPault of any aher caven�n�s at�y�rcemeete;fcl paYr�11 axpen�es incurnd in enf�reing Ihis Securfty
<br /> ` InWrumrnt.Inctudin�. but nw limited to. re�an�bto ntorneyr'feer; and ld) t�kes such�ctlon �s l.ender may rcacanably
<br /> - roquiie ip asw��ha�the Nee at thix Secudry insaumem.�.rnderh�iphts In dio Praperry unnd&►rrower�oblig��ion to p�y�he
<br /> = - au�ib r,e�:urcJ by this liecuriry lnstrumcnt shell rnnliaue uncha��gal. U�w�n rein�tAtement by Borrower. �his 5ecurily �
<br /> - - Inu�ument�nd Iha ohli��tiaw sxurod heRby dwll remdn fully eRectivo ar if na uccelentlan hrd occumal. Howeve�.�hir
<br /> ..•� daht�o rolnsute sh�tl�a�pply in tlk case oi acceleauion under paraQr�ph 17.
<br /> '�: 19. S�le d Note;Chaa�e d LaaN Servlce' 'ilie NWe or ap�t iRl int�resl in the Nate pogeiher wlth�hi�Secudty
<br /> + �nauumer�t1 msy be soid one or manc times wf�hout pr1or natice to�otmwer. A �nle may resup in a ciwnge in Iho entity
<br /> ---_-,�;''� (known�s IAe "Liwt Se�vlcer")Ihat callecta monthlY paYmenis due under tia Nota and thic Securily Instnwnem. 71�ere alw
<br /> --= m�y be ono or more changea of tha t.oan Service�unrcla�ed ta w sule of�he Nae. If tl►ere ia a cliange of tde I.aAn Servlcer,
<br /> �-`_`-__�",,-_� 6omower wlll be given writtcn natfco ai�he change in accordence with�wraBraph 14 ubove end applicAble Iww. The natice _
<br /> ��L,:1;� will state the name and add►esa of the new Loan Scrvicer und the�ddress to which paymenta shouW be mRde. 'lUe naicc wifl
<br /> A�w cantain�ny ather infornwtion rcquired DX applicable law.
<br /> ----._-�,:«y...� Z0. H�zardous Su6�ces. Bonvwer shatt aot cause or pern�it the prescncc.u�e.dispoc�l,staage�or release of ar.y a.
<br /> _ - Hozanlous Subswrces an ar in the P�opeAY. Banower sdall not do.nor allaw�npone efse to do,anylhfng aFFceting�he _
<br /> "= pmporty Uut is in violaion oi�u�y Environn�ental Law. 'B'he prccedfng two semences s11r11 na apPly�o the pre��te to uiwmial �
<br /> --`� storage on ihz H+opertY of smatl quu►ti�ies oi Flaz�rdou�s Subssaoces that are�es�e*attY raroC�ed b 6c oPPfOP� --
<br /> -_--•�---- -�•�� n�cideNia�uses aoM lo maintenance of 1he Property __
<br /> � = E3amwer spal�prnmpUy give l.ender wripen notK-e oi'vny inresciga�ion,ctaim.demuzd,lawsuit or aher xt�on bY anr =
<br /> ��:�`. _ g�,� «negu�atory agency or private pnrty invaY�ins the Pmperty and anX Nazardas Subswnce or FnvicocRa�erual �
<br /> '�{„ �-,.' I.aw of whiich Barower hus actual knowledge. If Botrower leams. or is naiiied by any govemmenuaC ar regu�tory _
<br /> -���(.:;,�;M;�.', . awho�ity.iAit any rcmovul or aher remedfatian of uny Hazardous Substs�nce vfTecu►tg tbe Ropeny ia nece�ry.Borrower i..
<br /> r� ���J� t�lce all necessary rcmedfa0 actians in accordan��e wi�h Envimnmental Law. �
<br /> u;•.:,:�_ sh�ll prampdg
<br /> ;;=�%�.,:..�;�::,;: As used iu�this paragraph Z0,"Hazardous Substances"are those substances defined as toxic or Nazardous subswnces by
<br /> � :,`� `"•.:`.�:.;
<br /> g ..,•„�,,,,. En,vino�unentaC l.Aw wd tt�e following subs�ances: gasoline.kerosene.o�het Qrunmuble ar toxic petroleum products.lox�c �
<br /> � ••�;; �a �+ pe�ticides rud herbicides, voladle solvents,meteriels contuining asbestos or farmnldehyde,and mdbuclive m�tedals. As
<br /> �G��;x�_-�+±: h 20, Environmentel Law"meuns federol aws w�d laws of�jurisdlction whero the Hvpaty ia locwed
<br /> -___� .. wed tn thisp�agra+p „
<br /> `�''`.-� -- ' tDat rclate oo t�lth.safety or environmental procection.
<br /> �~ :,;�.'�: NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und l.ender funher covenent annd ugree as iallows:
<br /> .� �'�"�*�°•� Zl. Accekradoni Remedies. I.ender shall give nodce to Borro�rer prlor to accderadoo Po��owing Borro�rc+r^s
<br /> ''ti;..�,��s,.�4s:... •
<br /> ---- °=--�=� �ceech of ony covenaat or agreemeat in lbtv Security Ipst�ummt Ibut nM prlor to acceler�tioa under puaQraph lT
<br /> - .�--=-�V•'.�� � pecUy: 1s11 the defauiti lb)ihe actiou n�nin�i iu��ut`e ihe
<br /> �;�,i:''�;lity'-'r Y� . unksv applk�Me low provldes olherwL�el. The notice sholl s
<br /> - `°�_ ``'�;�;,'�:°;�},��,�� cur ditAnd(dj tbat fp ur�e to cure e�defaur It onho rbefore Ihe dote sp�eclfied in Ihre notria m�y nsult In AceaefemN n of _
<br /> --"—''�F'�"•'�"'�'�'''' � the sums secured by this Securlty Inat�ument and snle of the Property. The notice xhall fWrther inform Borrower ut
<br /> --=_:,�n+�ti��:v:.r's:;F•;a`.�..�.
<br /> �--ry��:.,�,x�.,s.; 4 ,, the rtgdt W relnstpte aRer acceleraUon And the right to bring a court aclion to�ssert the aon-existepee ot A det�ult or -
<br /> any other defense of Bw�rower to acceleratlon and sale. Ii Ihe defaull Is not cured en or befa�e the ds�fe speciBed in
<br /> �"� �' tae notice,Lender at its option moy require immedlMe payment in full of pll sums secured by this Securlly lnst�ument
<br />_4,,�_ ''�����":�. • wlthout Inrther demond awd may Invoke the power of snle and any other remedies permitted by applicable Ipw
<br /> � 'ti�!�rr�.;.[... ' Lender shwll 6e entiUed to collect �II expenses Mcurred in pursuing the remedies provided In tbls paragraph 21.
<br />�r-ti����'�" •" including,but not limited to�reau►nable attorneys'fees and msls oP litle evideace.
<br /> :,T�� '�`+. �� t^• [f the powe�of sale is Envoked�7Yustee sholl record a notice oP default in each countv in whkh any part of the
<br /> -�:=� �}�-�,, . , �� property l�locuted and shall mafl copies oYsuch notice in the manner prescribed by applkable U�w toBorrower and to
<br /> '+�4�2�f�.� ''.�'• the other pereons prescribed by applicable law ARer the Ume required by applicAble law,7Yustee ahall give public
<br /> - -"`"''`�''`"' • outtce ot sale to the persons and in lhe monner prescrlbed by appNcabk law 7tustee.without dem�nd on Borrower,
<br />��:.�.��.`.,, �r.��:... .
<br /> ��, t',�;=•'`��� . � slwll sell lhe Property at public auclion to!he highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designa/ed in
<br />-�`�'�_- �.��� .... ..,,. _
<br /> �••� �'• t,�;';;, the eotke ot snle ia one or more parcele and in Any order 7lrustec determines. 7lrustee may postpone sale of all or any _
<br /> 1
<br />- � '� f `;< parcel ot the Property by public Annauncement at the Iime and place oi'any previausly schedukd �le. Lender or its
<br /> - "� ' "�"°�'�',� desl�nee may purchase the Property at aay sate.
<br /> � -:�••J'.�'���=-�'" " he rice bid.'Ihu�tee shull deliver b the purchaser 7Yastee's deed rnnveying the _
<br /> � ���r Upoa receipt of payment oP t �p
<br />- _ «3•: ..' -� Praperty.The recftals in the'IFustee s deed shall be primp fecie evldeace of the trulh of the statements made therein. :_
<br /> --- —'`�"'"`�= `.'M•° 'IY�ustee spo11 apply tbe proceeds of the sale in the ioll�wing order: lal to all cacls and expeases e�eaercieing the power -
<br /> . _ - .�e�,w-.• . J�--
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